Det vil være trygt å gå til valglokalet og stemme, sier Trump

24.06.2020 kl 21:59 559

Men noen vil vel at DEN tradisjonen skal brytes også.

Legg merke til hvordan Trump sa COVID19, forresten.. Med hensyn til toneleie og langsomhet.
24.06.2020 kl 22:24 553

USA er i ferd med å bryte sammen. Og som det står i artikkelen, velferdssamfunnet i USA er ikke-eksisterende, og dermed ikke dimensjonert for å handle slike pandemier. Norge derimot, ditt kjære kommunistland, er det!

Så kommie-Norge: 10 - Kapitalist-USA: 0 og game over!
Slettet bruker
24.06.2020 kl 22:44 542

Enig med Zorin gett. Mer eller mindre ikke-eksisterende velferdssamfunn i USA.
24.06.2020 kl 23:24 527

Kina kjøpte opp biden og sønnen hunter i 2015. Pay for play. Med post Stemmer vil det Bli det komplette valgfusk Kaos, og millioner Av Biden stemmerfra kina. Kina som eneste “vinner”
25.06.2020 kl 00:26 513

Hva i he.... er det du og Trump babbler om ? Kan kineserne stemme i USA ? Klarer de ikke engang gjennomføre et valg i USA, når de klarte å sende folk til månen for 50 år sia.
25.06.2020 kl 02:29 498

Biden kjøpt av kineserne? Slik jeg tolket boka til Bolton så har Trump rævsleika Xi så mye at han drypper Trump spytt ennå!
25.06.2020 kl 07:33 469

It's a "public health train wreck in slow motion," in the words of one health expert, and the best President Donald Trump cares to offer the thousands more Americans projected to shortly die of Covid-19 is the unsubstantiated prospect of a "beautiful surprise."
Den gale mannen bryr seg ikke.
Gratulerer USA til å ha valgt sin selvmord.
25.06.2020 kl 07:39 465

The coronavirus pandemic in the United States is like watching a "public health train wreck in slow motion," said Dr. David Blumenthal, president of The Commonwealth Fund, in an Alliance for Health Policy and Commonwealth Fund webinar on Wednesday.
In the White House, the full of Shite House the liar still denies...
......og dreper his eget folk
25.06.2020 kl 07:42 459

In a Wednesday news conference, Trump largely ignored the huge and worsening national crisis. But he delivered his latest evidence-free prediction of stunning medical advances on vaccines and therapeutics not yet supported by any evidence.
>>>"I think you're going to have a big surprise, a beautiful surprise, sooner than anybody would think."

....stor overraskelse :-))))))
25.06.2020 kl 10:04 429

Dagens visdomsord;

"You want to live in a country with looters and people who tear down statues, you ought to vote Democrat."

“I think every American should be deeply offended by Nancy Pelosi’s comment [implying] that Sen. [Tim] Scott [R-S.C.] and Republicans killed George Floyd," "I think she is losing her mind. How could any responsible person say something like that?”

"We're having the summer of violence,' you're seeing one-sided lawlessness
'It's just rage"

Hvor er Biden ? Hvor er dems guvernørene? Hvor er dems borgermesterne?
Redigert 25.06.2020 kl 10:16 Du må logge inn for å svare
25.06.2020 kl 10:23 416

DAGENS VISDOMSORD; “It's time to get behind the cops. It’s time for these pathetic Democrat mayors and governors to call in the National Guard,” “It’s time to take our streets back, and I’m talking for tens of millions of people, a rainbow coalition of Americans -- black, brown, white, yellow, red, whatever.

"This is a civil society," "It's a great country. You don't like it? Pick up your a-- and leave. We have people trying to get into this country by the millions, from every continent on the face of the earth. Every color, every background. Why? Because we're systemically racist? We're not systemically racist and the police force isn't systemically racist.

“Now, these are Bernie Sanders radicals,” . “These are Marxists. They go out and get hats, and they get shirts, and they burn things down and break things in Democrat cities because these pathetic left-wing Democrat mayors won’t stand up to them."
Hvor er Biden ? Hvor er dems guvernørene? Hvor er dems borgermesterne?