Ingen annen president enn Trump ville sagt dette
26.06.2020 kl 11:03
Og overdrivelsen kan muligens få belyst problemet, men det lite sannsynlig.
Wisconsin. EPA
I et intervju med Fox News går USAs president Donald Trump hardt ut mot kriminaliteten i flere amerikanske storbyer. Spesielt nevner han Chicago, Baltimore, Detroit og Oakland, og han sier ifølge Fox byenes demokratiske borgermestere har deler av skylden for dette
– Chicago er et eksempel. Det er verre enn Afghanistan. Disse byene, det er som å leve i helvete, sier Trump blant annet.
Med 18 drap på 24 timer, opplevde Chicago i slutten av mai sitt verste drapsdøgn siden myndighetene begynte å føre statistikk i 1961
Tviler på at Chicago er verre enn Afghanistan, men de verste vold og krim-byene i USA er ikke bare demokratisk styrt i årtier, men mange av dem har svart ordfører og svart politi og påtale myndighet.
Ingen i msm vil ta dette opp, slik at diskusjonen om årsaker til problemene aldri blir belyst utenom « rasisme»som er knaggen de kan bruke for å dekke sin egen udugelighet og gjennomsyret korrupsjon.
Wisconsin. EPA
I et intervju med Fox News går USAs president Donald Trump hardt ut mot kriminaliteten i flere amerikanske storbyer. Spesielt nevner han Chicago, Baltimore, Detroit og Oakland, og han sier ifølge Fox byenes demokratiske borgermestere har deler av skylden for dette
– Chicago er et eksempel. Det er verre enn Afghanistan. Disse byene, det er som å leve i helvete, sier Trump blant annet.
Med 18 drap på 24 timer, opplevde Chicago i slutten av mai sitt verste drapsdøgn siden myndighetene begynte å føre statistikk i 1961
Tviler på at Chicago er verre enn Afghanistan, men de verste vold og krim-byene i USA er ikke bare demokratisk styrt i årtier, men mange av dem har svart ordfører og svart politi og påtale myndighet.
Ingen i msm vil ta dette opp, slik at diskusjonen om årsaker til problemene aldri blir belyst utenom « rasisme»som er knaggen de kan bruke for å dekke sin egen udugelighet og gjennomsyret korrupsjon.
Burde ikke USA sett på hva som gjøres i Europa?
26.06.2020 kl 11:35
Tror du at det er så enkelt, at det bare er å sette inn et republikansk styre med hvitt politi, ordfører og påtalemyndighet, så blir alt bra igjen ?
26.06.2020 kl 11:49
The president specifically called out Chicago, Baltimore, Detroit and Oakland as problematic. Trump blamed the mayors of those cities – all of them Democrats – along with former President Barack Obama and the party’s presumptive presidential nominee Joe Biden – for the high rates of homicide and other violent crimes.
“Chicago is an example, it is worse than Afghanistan,” Trump told “These cities, it’s like living in hell.”
Chicago in particular has become a target for Trump’s criticism, especially after the city reached a grim milestone late last month when it saw 18 murders in one day – making May 31 the city’s deadliest day in 60 years.
Borgermesterne og guvernørene har gitt etter for voldelige kriminelle, bør snarest trekke seg fra the establishment pay for play stillingene.
The president specifically called out Chicago, Baltimore, Detroit and Oakland as problematic. Trump blamed the mayors of those cities – all of them Democrats – along with former President Barack Obama and the party’s presumptive presidential nominee Joe Biden – for the high rates of homicide and other violent crimes.
“Chicago is an example, it is worse than Afghanistan,” Trump told “These cities, it’s like living in hell.”
Chicago in particular has become a target for Trump’s criticism, especially after the city reached a grim milestone late last month when it saw 18 murders in one day – making May 31 the city’s deadliest day in 60 years.
Borgermesterne og guvernørene har gitt etter for voldelige kriminelle, bør snarest trekke seg fra the establishment pay for play stillingene.
26.06.2020 kl 11:53
Politisjefen i NYC;
NYC Police Commissioner Dermot Shea: 'Our criminal justice system is imploding'
The city’s top cop said the criminal-justice system was “imploding,” as he highlighted a rise in shootings and killings on the city’s streets and slammed pols for refusing to support the Finest at an invite-only press conference at NYPD headquarters this week.
“You have to step back and look at this. You have a criminal-justice system that is imploding,” Police Commissioner Dermot Shea bemoaned during a small meeting with reporters on Wednesday at One Police Plaza in Manhattan. “Imploding. That’s the kindest way to put it.”
All ære til sleepy de blasio/ sleepy Cuomo
NYC Police Commissioner Dermot Shea: 'Our criminal justice system is imploding'
The city’s top cop said the criminal-justice system was “imploding,” as he highlighted a rise in shootings and killings on the city’s streets and slammed pols for refusing to support the Finest at an invite-only press conference at NYPD headquarters this week.
“You have to step back and look at this. You have a criminal-justice system that is imploding,” Police Commissioner Dermot Shea bemoaned during a small meeting with reporters on Wednesday at One Police Plaza in Manhattan. “Imploding. That’s the kindest way to put it.”
All ære til sleepy de blasio/ sleepy Cuomo
26.06.2020 kl 12:04
Det som er sikkert er at de svarte står for mesteparten av kriminaliteten, slik er det
ikke bare i USA, men også resten av verden.
Styrt av mindreverdighets komplekser prøver den sorte mann å hevde seg gjennom
kriminalitet og rus. Fattigdommen bland sorte er stor og svært mange unge svarte
amerikanere vokser opp uten fedre, som kan holde guttene i øra.
ikke bare i USA, men også resten av verden.
Styrt av mindreverdighets komplekser prøver den sorte mann å hevde seg gjennom
kriminalitet og rus. Fattigdommen bland sorte er stor og svært mange unge svarte
amerikanere vokser opp uten fedre, som kan holde guttene i øra.
26.06.2020 kl 12:14
Nei, men du ser ikke skogen for bare trær. Så nær som samtlige problem-byer er styrt og har vært styrt av demokrater i årtier.
Det er åpenbart at her er det en fellesnevner i kriminalpolitikken som ikke fungerer, men her nytter det ikke å antyde noe som ikke samsvarer med « moderne»liberale reaksjonsmønster.
Du begynte innlegget med å forsvare noe som alle ser er helt ute av kontroll😖
Fornuften har ingen plass her. La de seile sin egen sjø. Hvem gidder å bruke energi på å bekjempe selvskading.
Det er åpenbart at her er det en fellesnevner i kriminalpolitikken som ikke fungerer, men her nytter det ikke å antyde noe som ikke samsvarer med « moderne»liberale reaksjonsmønster.
Du begynte innlegget med å forsvare noe som alle ser er helt ute av kontroll😖
Fornuften har ingen plass her. La de seile sin egen sjø. Hvem gidder å bruke energi på å bekjempe selvskading.
26.06.2020 kl 12:17
Det er vel neppe hudfargen som gjør folk kriminelle. Stor fattigdom og kriminalitet henger sammen. Og i det amerikanske systemet, hvor du er avhengig av ganske velstående foreldre for å få råd til en god utdannelse og jobb, så er det ikke rart at mange velger en kriminell løpebane. Og fattige og arbeidsløs vil normalt stemme mot venstresiden, fordi de har en bedre fordelingspolitikk. Og, ikke som Trump, meg selv først.
26.06.2020 kl 12:23
Mangelen på fedre som forbildet trekkes frem av mange som et stort problem i de svarte ghettoene.
Dette blir selvsagt imøtegått eller prøvd å ties ihjel, av alskens liberale « forskere», og skulle en i ren vanvare komme i skade for å mene at barn burde ha en mor og en far i stedet for to fedre eller to mødre, skal en ha flaks for ikke miste alle muligheter for noen gang bli tatt seriøst igjen her hjemme.
Dette blir selvsagt imøtegått eller prøvd å ties ihjel, av alskens liberale « forskere», og skulle en i ren vanvare komme i skade for å mene at barn burde ha en mor og en far i stedet for to fedre eller to mødre, skal en ha flaks for ikke miste alle muligheter for noen gang bli tatt seriøst igjen her hjemme.
26.06.2020 kl 13:06
The republican party was founded to combat Democrat slavery...
In Wisconsin on March 20, 1854, is generally remembered as the founding meeting of the Republican Party. The Republicans rapidly gained supporters in the North, and in 1856 their first presidential candidate, John C. Fremont, won 11 of the 16 Northern states. By 1860, the majority of the Southern slave states were publicly threatening secession if the Republicans won the presidency.
In November 1860, Republican Abraham Lincoln was elected president over a divided Democratic Party, and six weeks later South Carolina formally seceded from the Union. Within six more weeks, five other Southern states had followed South Carolina’s lead, and in April 1861 the Civil War began when Confederate shore batteries under General P.G.T. Beauregard opened fire on Fort Sumter in South Carolina’s Charleston Harbor.
DemocRATS startet 3xK, og en rekke sentrale DemocRATS driver små celler med 3xK den dag i dag. Valget er enkelt; Stem på den suverene republikanske presidenten over alle presidenter. Bli kvitt de voldelige anarkistene og rasistene i DEMS
The republican party was founded to combat Democrat slavery...
In Wisconsin on March 20, 1854, is generally remembered as the founding meeting of the Republican Party. The Republicans rapidly gained supporters in the North, and in 1856 their first presidential candidate, John C. Fremont, won 11 of the 16 Northern states. By 1860, the majority of the Southern slave states were publicly threatening secession if the Republicans won the presidency.
In November 1860, Republican Abraham Lincoln was elected president over a divided Democratic Party, and six weeks later South Carolina formally seceded from the Union. Within six more weeks, five other Southern states had followed South Carolina’s lead, and in April 1861 the Civil War began when Confederate shore batteries under General P.G.T. Beauregard opened fire on Fort Sumter in South Carolina’s Charleston Harbor.
DemocRATS startet 3xK, og en rekke sentrale DemocRATS driver små celler med 3xK den dag i dag. Valget er enkelt; Stem på den suverene republikanske presidenten over alle presidenter. Bli kvitt de voldelige anarkistene og rasistene i DEMS
26.06.2020 kl 13:16
Sagt om den korrupte anarkiststøtteren sleepy creepy Joe;
“If they can keep Biden in the basement long enough, he might become president,”" If voters don’t see him or think about his record, “he might just get there because people are tired. He is so passive right now, maybe that is what they want.”
Stem på den suverene folkevalgte presidenten over alle presidenter ! 4 MORE YEARS !
“If they can keep Biden in the basement long enough, he might become president,”" If voters don’t see him or think about his record, “he might just get there because people are tired. He is so passive right now, maybe that is what they want.”
Stem på den suverene folkevalgte presidenten over alle presidenter ! 4 MORE YEARS !
hva gjøres i Europa da?
Rehabiliterer kriminelle. I USA er de fucked når de først kommer inn i systemet.
Ikke alle kan rehabiliteres men mange kan. Som den norske sjefen i fengselsvesenet uttalte:
Om du behandler folk som dyr får du dyr.
Ikke alle kan rehabiliteres men mange kan. Som den norske sjefen i fengselsvesenet uttalte:
Om du behandler folk som dyr får du dyr.
Redigert 26.06.2020 kl 14:39
Du må logge inn for å svare
26.06.2020 kl 18:37
Mange av disse menneskene som du benevner som dyr ( skammelig påstand) er nylig løslatt fra fengsel pga en oppkonstruert dems fare for wuhan viruset inne i fengselet.... hva gjør de? deltar i voldelige anarkist-opptøyer.
26.06.2020 kl 18:38
The waiting game: Slow vote-counting in primaries could foreshadow November chaos
Election officials and experts warn that the recent primary reporting problems could be a taste of things to come in November’s general election.
Kina har kjøpt valget hvis de tillater post-stemmer
Election officials and experts warn that the recent primary reporting problems could be a taste of things to come in November’s general election.
Kina har kjøpt valget hvis de tillater post-stemmer
26.06.2020 kl 19:05
British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher had a great line : "First you win the argument. Then you win the vote."
The key argument in America today is between socialism and free enterprise, and we need a strategy to discredit and destroy socialism as an ideology.
Sadly, both our pop culture and schools are dominated by the "woke" Left, and generations of young people are being brainwashed into believing capitalism and America are evil.
For example, two polls from 2019 show that 58% of young Americans prefer socialism over capitalism, and 1 in 5 believe the Communist Manifesto better guarantees freedom and equality compared to the Declaration of Independence.
If you want to know where this trend leads, take a look at downtown Seattle and Portland.
That's why I'm so glad we have Young Americans Against Socialism -- a new, energetic and rapidly growing organization
Studies show that the most effective way to change the hearts and minds of young Americans is through peer to peer education, so YAAS has undertaken a very creative and aggressive social media campaign focused on exactly that.
In addition to sharing first-hand accounts from foreign-born refugees of socialism and communism, YAAS is focused on showing young people how free-market capitalism is the real way to achieve true fairness and equality.
Through their videos, writing and other online content, YAAS is having a real impact.
People often worry, as do I, about the direction that young Americans have been heading. We've often thought to ourselves, "don't worry, they'll see the light once they enter the real world." But it's not happening, and the strategy of hoping for the best is doomed to fail.
If we care about the type of country that our children and grandchildren will grow up in, we must make sure that we're teaching the right things. We must fearlessly and consistently stand up for the truth and the timeless values and principles of America.
Young Americans Against Socialism is up against very strong forces in our society -- but their mission is vital.
The key argument in America today is between socialism and free enterprise, and we need a strategy to discredit and destroy socialism as an ideology.
Sadly, both our pop culture and schools are dominated by the "woke" Left, and generations of young people are being brainwashed into believing capitalism and America are evil.
For example, two polls from 2019 show that 58% of young Americans prefer socialism over capitalism, and 1 in 5 believe the Communist Manifesto better guarantees freedom and equality compared to the Declaration of Independence.
If you want to know where this trend leads, take a look at downtown Seattle and Portland.
That's why I'm so glad we have Young Americans Against Socialism -- a new, energetic and rapidly growing organization
Studies show that the most effective way to change the hearts and minds of young Americans is through peer to peer education, so YAAS has undertaken a very creative and aggressive social media campaign focused on exactly that.
In addition to sharing first-hand accounts from foreign-born refugees of socialism and communism, YAAS is focused on showing young people how free-market capitalism is the real way to achieve true fairness and equality.
Through their videos, writing and other online content, YAAS is having a real impact.
People often worry, as do I, about the direction that young Americans have been heading. We've often thought to ourselves, "don't worry, they'll see the light once they enter the real world." But it's not happening, and the strategy of hoping for the best is doomed to fail.
If we care about the type of country that our children and grandchildren will grow up in, we must make sure that we're teaching the right things. We must fearlessly and consistently stand up for the truth and the timeless values and principles of America.
Young Americans Against Socialism is up against very strong forces in our society -- but their mission is vital.
26.06.2020 kl 20:28
Ny “Analyse” fra Fredrik fake news (?)
America - Heroes are defending your national monuments and cities everyday.. Democrats (BIDEN,OBAMA,PELOSI, SCHUMER, and AOC) want to rip apart our society, the fabrics of democracy and freedom are at stake... Democrats are using their terrorist strong arms BLM and ANTIFA to jeopardize our AMERICAN WAY OF LIFE !!! Democrats have not spoken at all about the riots, violence or desecration of monuments because they want to destroy history with their own narrative... Stand up for yourselves and Defend your rights given to you by god and the constitution,,, Don't let democrats suck you into a communist cesspool.. Fight for your freedom and honor those that fight for it everyday as well!!!!!!
America - Heroes are defending your national monuments and cities everyday.. Democrats (BIDEN,OBAMA,PELOSI, SCHUMER, and AOC) want to rip apart our society, the fabrics of democracy and freedom are at stake... Democrats are using their terrorist strong arms BLM and ANTIFA to jeopardize our AMERICAN WAY OF LIFE !!! Democrats have not spoken at all about the riots, violence or desecration of monuments because they want to destroy history with their own narrative... Stand up for yourselves and Defend your rights given to you by god and the constitution,,, Don't let democrats suck you into a communist cesspool.. Fight for your freedom and honor those that fight for it everyday as well!!!!!!