Russland betalte skuddpremie for å drepe amerikanske soldater
Målet var å underminere fredssamtaler i Afganistan.
United States intelligence agents believe that Russia offered Afghan militants bounties to kill U.S. soldiers and other coalition troops during peace talks between the U.S. and the Taliban, The New York Times reports. The talks were part of an effort to wind down U.S. military presence in the Middle Eastern nation, but the covert effort by Russia appears aimed at undermining them. U.S. intelligence officers reportedly reached the startling conclusion months ago and have been debating a response since. President Donald Trump has been briefed on the matter, as has the White House National Security Council, but neither has made a direct response. Islamist militants and their associates killed 20 U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan in 2019, and intelligence officers believe that the insurgents did collect bounties from Russia, but it’s unclear how many of those deaths are considered paid for by Russia.
Washington Post har også bekreftet denne nyheten som NYT først rapporterte.
United States intelligence agents believe that Russia offered Afghan militants bounties to kill U.S. soldiers and other coalition troops during peace talks between the U.S. and the Taliban, The New York Times reports. The talks were part of an effort to wind down U.S. military presence in the Middle Eastern nation, but the covert effort by Russia appears aimed at undermining them. U.S. intelligence officers reportedly reached the startling conclusion months ago and have been debating a response since. President Donald Trump has been briefed on the matter, as has the White House National Security Council, but neither has made a direct response. Islamist militants and their associates killed 20 U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan in 2019, and intelligence officers believe that the insurgents did collect bounties from Russia, but it’s unclear how many of those deaths are considered paid for by Russia.
Washington Post har også bekreftet denne nyheten som NYT først rapporterte.
27.06.2020 kl 20:08
Denne saken kan ha mer krutt i seg enn vi aner. Nå stilles det spørsmål til politiske ledere om hvordan USA skal svare på dette.
Neppe særlig populært blant amerikanske soldater at presidenten i 3 måneder har sittet med kunnskap om at Russland betaler skuddpremie på deres kamerater uten å ta noen synlige grep. Det er jo ikke spesielt vanskelig å skjønne at russerne har et motiv om å sabotere fredsforhandlingene slik at USA blir sittende fast i Afganistan hengemyra noen år til.
The New York Times kan man aldri stole på, de er 100 ganger verre en den du nekter å lese, Resett.
"The New York Times kan man aldri stole på"
Bortsett fra når de skriver ting du synes er ok, som når de avslørte og fulgte opp med 100 artikler om Hillarys epost server.
Har ikke akkurat inntrykk av at fakta er så viktig for deg.
Forøvrig så har WP, en annen dyktig nyhetsredaksjon, bekreftet saken.
Når har jeg nektet å lese resett?
Bortsett fra når de skriver ting du synes er ok, som når de avslørte og fulgte opp med 100 artikler om Hillarys epost server.
Har ikke akkurat inntrykk av at fakta er så viktig for deg.
Forøvrig så har WP, en annen dyktig nyhetsredaksjon, bekreftet saken.
Når har jeg nektet å lese resett?
28.06.2020 kl 00:20
Det er vel slettes ikke utenkelig at russerne støtter drap på amerikanske soldater i Afganistan, Tenk på all den amerikanske hjelpa, Taliban fikk mot russerne i Afganistan,
28.06.2020 kl 15:27
Korrekt, Sovjet hadde aldri tapt Afghanistan dersom de ikke hadde fått massiv hjelp fra USA.
Du også Jabbe SPAMMER! Hvor ofte må du minnes om at DailyBeast og NYT er FAKE NEWS? Jeg gjengir svaret mitt på annen tråd som avkrefter spammingen du farer med. At du gidder å bruke tiden på løgn når sannheten så lett kan spores?
- Havfruen - I dag kl 16:24 3
Heks skrev .....the president was briefed months ago on alleged Russian bounties placed on the lives of US sold..
Her, HEKS, har du førstehånds KILDER ti din sak - selveste POTUS og DNI - det beviser at dine "kilder" lyver!
(Rchard Grennell has served as acting Director of National Intelligence in the Trump Cabinet in 2020).
Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump · 1t
The Fake News @ nytimes must reveal its “anonymous” source.
Bet they can’t do it, this “person” probably does not even exist!
Siter tweeten
Richard Grenell @RichardGrenell · 14t
I never heard this. And it’s disgusting how you continue to politicize intelligence.
You clearly don’t understand how raw intel gets verified.
Leaks of partial information to reporters from anonymous sources is dangerous because people like you manipulate it for political gain.
Siter tweeten
Ted Lieu @tedlieu US House candidate, CA-33 · 15t
Dear @RichardGrenell: Did you really not tell @realDonaldTrump and @VP Pence that Russia was paying militants to kill US troops?
Or is @PressSec lying?…
Siter tweeten
Josh Lederman @JoshNBCNews · 17t
This raises the obvious and very serious question:
The US had intelligence that Russia was paying militants to kill US & allied troops,
and officials decided NOT to tell the president or VP about it?
Dere Libtards MÅ lære dere å nøste tilbake til kilden - en løgn i 2 ledd blir altså ingen sannhet - det fantes INGEN slik intelligence (opplysning) som du påstår og kaster bort folks tid med å diskutere - for ikke å si bruker til å kaste FALSK DRITT på Trump!!!
- Havfruen - I dag kl 16:24 3
Heks skrev .....the president was briefed months ago on alleged Russian bounties placed on the lives of US sold..
Her, HEKS, har du førstehånds KILDER ti din sak - selveste POTUS og DNI - det beviser at dine "kilder" lyver!
(Rchard Grennell has served as acting Director of National Intelligence in the Trump Cabinet in 2020).
Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump · 1t
The Fake News @ nytimes must reveal its “anonymous” source.
Bet they can’t do it, this “person” probably does not even exist!
Siter tweeten
Richard Grenell @RichardGrenell · 14t
I never heard this. And it’s disgusting how you continue to politicize intelligence.
You clearly don’t understand how raw intel gets verified.
Leaks of partial information to reporters from anonymous sources is dangerous because people like you manipulate it for political gain.
Siter tweeten
Ted Lieu @tedlieu US House candidate, CA-33 · 15t
Dear @RichardGrenell: Did you really not tell @realDonaldTrump and @VP Pence that Russia was paying militants to kill US troops?
Or is @PressSec lying?…
Siter tweeten
Josh Lederman @JoshNBCNews · 17t
This raises the obvious and very serious question:
The US had intelligence that Russia was paying militants to kill US & allied troops,
and officials decided NOT to tell the president or VP about it?
Dere Libtards MÅ lære dere å nøste tilbake til kilden - en løgn i 2 ledd blir altså ingen sannhet - det fantes INGEN slik intelligence (opplysning) som du påstår og kaster bort folks tid med å diskutere - for ikke å si bruker til å kaste FALSK DRITT på Trump!!!
Nå har det vist seg at NYT alltid har rett og at Donald Trump og hans lakeier lyver når de benekter en sak.