Archer kan mangedobles!!
Vedlegget er fra januar men enda mer aktuell i dag. Archer er nå litt som den gang jeg var i gogl på 25-30. Mange var negativ, gogl ville bli tom for penger/gå konkurs...jeg satt, kjøpte mer og ble med opp til 75 i 2017. Archer er min nye gogl, mange som sier selg...helt ufornuftig når olja ligger rundt 80. Det skal bores og vedlikeholdes brønner i høyt tempo fremover.
Snart oppdager blårussen Archer og vipps er vi mellom 15-20kr.
Snart oppdager blårussen Archer og vipps er vi mellom 15-20kr.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 09:05
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22.09.2018 kl 17:01
altså indtil til videre -
Danser vi TANGO
et skridt frem og 1 skridt tilbage
Så step højre og så tilbage
2 skridt frem og cha cha cha....
jeg vi se det før jeg tror det
Tror kursen holdes lavt ------ hvorfor har jeg endnu ikke fundet udaf.
Danser vi TANGO
et skridt frem og 1 skridt tilbage
Så step højre og så tilbage
2 skridt frem og cha cha cha....
jeg vi se det før jeg tror det
Tror kursen holdes lavt ------ hvorfor har jeg endnu ikke fundet udaf.
22.09.2018 kl 17:54
Bare salg av 30% QES, og Archer er solid gjeldsregister og om ikke solid mye pwnger på bok. Archer er i 20kr i 2019 :)
Ja ser archer en plass mellom 20-30 i 2019 og + 25 før 31.12.18
22.09.2018 kl 18:30
P_Invest, det er redigeringsfunksjon på innleggene når du skriver feil, ikke nødvendig med egen post for det.
22.09.2018 kl 18:44
42 000 7,33 17:04:38
Noen som kan forklare denne transaksjonen på fredag? Kjøp etter stengetid?
Noen som kan forklare denne transaksjonen på fredag? Kjøp etter stengetid?
Ca 130 000 aksjer ble kjøpt på 7.33 på etterhandel fredag, utrolig spennende!! Klarer nesten ikke vente til mandag kl 09 ?
Takk for tipset mht redigering av tekst ?
Takk for tipset mht redigering av tekst ?
22.09.2018 kl 18:54
Hele dagens ledelse må sparkes for at Archer skal kunne gi aksjonærene fortjeneste. Selskapet har aldri tjent penger på driften, noe som tyder på slapp kostnadskontroll og udugelige selgere.
Tja. Ligger da an til å tjene ca 60 mill dollar i år.
23.09.2018 kl 03:56
Det er korrekt, det er længe siden Archer har tjent penge, på trods af store milliard ordre. Jeg har fulgt og været med Archer fra 30 og hele vejen ned, men mener nu der er sket en turnaround i virksomheden og jeg er sikker på at 2019 vil blive med pæne store plusser, og har også investeret derefter.
23.09.2018 kl 08:38
Det er for fremtidig inntjening en investerer,satser på fet reprising fremover,vanskelig å spå,men 100% passer til jul.
Redigert 23.09.2018 kl 09:59
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Mandag åpner archer på 7.5 og slutter på 8
23.09.2018 kl 18:54
Ikke overraskende og nå skal det bores og vedlikeholde brønner slik at Trump blir på toppen av oljeproduserende land i lang tid...det betyr makt for Trump og Trump liker makt :)....og det betyr penger i kassen til archer. Lurer på å ta 50k til i morgen, selv om jeg har 50% av porteføljen min i archer allerede
Archer i 70 om 3-4 år :)
Archer i 70 om 3-4 år :)
24.09.2018 kl 08:03
Archer taper penger på driften sent i en oppgangssyklus. Og det er en meget dårlig indikator på levedyktighet for et selskap.
Ikke helt enig der, les Q2. Olja forresten over 80 nå :)
Styrker styret, bra!
Boreselskapet Archer der John Fredriksen er storeier, avholdt fredag sin generalforsamling på Bermuda - i likhet med en rekke andre Fredriksen-dominerte selskaper.
Av referatet fremgår det at Stavanger-mannen Kjell-Erik Østdahl har blitt utvnevnt som erstatning i styret for Alf Ragnar Løvdal som ikke stilte til gjenvalg.
Løvdal var konsernsjef i Seadrill-dattteren North Atlantic Drilling inntil restruktureringen som ble fullført i sommer.
Erstatteren Østdahl som også har blitt en del av Seadrill-styret, er seniorrådgiver i Blackstone, og tidligere administrerende direktør for Operations i Schlumberger.
Han har også hatt fremtredende stillinger i Statoil og HitecVision, og innhar også en rekke styreverv.
I tillegg til valget av Østdahl, klubbet Archers generalforsamling igjennom gjenvalg av Giovanni Dell'Orto, John Reynolds og Dag Skindlo.
Boreselskapet Archer der John Fredriksen er storeier, avholdt fredag sin generalforsamling på Bermuda - i likhet med en rekke andre Fredriksen-dominerte selskaper.
Av referatet fremgår det at Stavanger-mannen Kjell-Erik Østdahl har blitt utvnevnt som erstatning i styret for Alf Ragnar Løvdal som ikke stilte til gjenvalg.
Løvdal var konsernsjef i Seadrill-dattteren North Atlantic Drilling inntil restruktureringen som ble fullført i sommer.
Erstatteren Østdahl som også har blitt en del av Seadrill-styret, er seniorrådgiver i Blackstone, og tidligere administrerende direktør for Operations i Schlumberger.
Han har også hatt fremtredende stillinger i Statoil og HitecVision, og innhar også en rekke styreverv.
I tillegg til valget av Østdahl, klubbet Archers generalforsamling igjennom gjenvalg av Giovanni Dell'Orto, John Reynolds og Dag Skindlo.
Pre-trade 7.5 nå, looking good! Ha en fin børsdag!
Herlig!! Snuser nok på 8 tallet i dag.
Da har mangedoblingen startet :)
gogl mannen
24.09.2018 kl 10:16
Stepping up: President Mauricio Macri on a recent visit to a plant operated by Tecpetrol at the Vaca Muerta shale oil and gas drilling site in Patagonia © Reuters
Benedict Mander
9 hours ago
Javier Iguacel, Argentina’s energy secretary and the man with the job of reversing an energy deficit that has warped Argentina’s economy over the past decade, sits bolt upright, almost choking at the mention of YPF, the country’s leading energy company.“That is outrageous,” he says of the aim of YPF, a majority state-owned company, to increase production by 5 per cent a year. It could “double production in five years”, he says, and “has the capacity to go even faster than that”.The government is anxious for Argentina to become energy self-sufficient soon, not least because this would help reduce deficits that are a central focus of the country’s $50bn IMF programme. But the oil companies it depends on to make that happen have different imperatives. YPF and others, keeping a close eye on their bottom lines, plan to raise output more slowly than officials want.Mr Iguacel’s impatience highlights the drama underpinning Argentine energy today. Although a leading energy exporter in Latin America in the 1990s, a series of populist policies starved the industry of investment and made Argentina reliant on expensive imports.Not only did that drain Argentina’s foreign exchange reserves after a historic debt default in 2001 but wildly generous consumer energy subsidies were the single biggest drain on the budget. This has left a fiscal deficit the government of President Mauricio Macri is struggling to eliminate by 2019.The speed at which Argentina can regain energy self-sufficiency is therefore of huge importance. Net energy imports now cost Argentina more than $3bn a year, yet, as recently as 2005, it earned $6bn from net energy exports.A mismatch between what companies think and the government’s discourse would be a grave concernJorge Lapeña, a former energy secretaryMr Iguacel remains upbeat. In August he presented a plan to double energy output by 2023, with production of natural gas rising from 130m cubic metres a day to 260m cu m/d — of which about 100m cu m/d would be exported. He says oil production will also double from about 500,000 barrels a day to 1m b/d, with the extra output being exported. Together, this would wipe out Argentina’s energy deficit and provide $15bn from net exports over the period, official calculations say.The plan depends on the willingness of oil companies to invest in Argentina, with Mr Macri’s unfinished drive to liberalise energy prices going a long way to regaining their confidence by allowing them to sell energy at market prices — even if consumers have howled.Jorge Lapeña, a former energy secretary, and now president of the Argentine General Mosconi energy institute, a non-profit independent think-tank, worries that Mr Iguacel’s projections are too optimistic — especially the increase for natural gas production given the capacity to export it is severely limited by a lack of necessary infrastructure.“If there is a mismatch between what the companies think and the government’s discourse, that would be a grave concern,” he warns.Argentina has the knowhow and resources. It was the realisation a decade ago that the Vaca Muerta shale field in Patagonia was economically viable that revolutionised energy prospects.Indeed, although output of Argentina’s more conventional energy resources has been falling over the past decade at a rate of more than 10 per cent a year, that decline can easily be offset by Vaca Muerta, which boasts the world’s second-largest shale gas reserves after China.Argentina, meanwhile, is raising output of renewable energy, aiming for it to power 20 per cent of electricity production by 2025, freeing more oil and gas for export.Early signs are good. In the year to July, shale oil output rose 39 per cent compared with a year earlier to almost 13 per cent of total oil production. But shale gas output leapt 193 per cent in the same period. Unconventional gas now accounts for more than a third of Argentina’s total gas production.“We already have a problem of an excess of gas,” Mr Iguacel says. “We have had to stop wells. There is more production than we have the capacity to remove, that’s why we are beginning to export to Chile this year for the first time in 11 years.” He says the energy deficit will be less than 0.4 per cent of gross domestic product next year.Yet even though Argentina, where domestic consumption relies mostly on natural gas, could afford to cancel the construction of a gas pipeline from Bolivia agreed by Argentina’s previous administration, it may still need its neighbour’s gas, as well as liquefied natural gas imports, to cover higher demand during its winter months.Until Argentina builds an LNG plant to enable it to export excess gas during the summer, it will continue to rely on imports. This month, Argentina’s biggest natural gas transporter, Transportadora de Gas del Sur, and Texas-based Excelerate Energy, signed a memorandum of understanding to evaluate building the country’s first LNG plant, but such facilities can take three to five years to build. And even with the necessary infrastructure, Argentine producers must be able to compete with US rivals, whose own shale boom in the past decade has turned the US into a big LNG exporter.“Can Argentina become a player in the global gas market?” asks Daniel Montamat, a former chairman of YPF and a consultant. “That is the big challenge that Argentina must devote all its efforts to,” he adds, estimating that by 2030 Argentina could start to compete effectively on global markets.We have had to stop wells. There is more production than we can removeJavier Iguacel, Argentina’s energy secretaryGiven that by 2040 there could be a disruption in energy markets as renewables become cheaper than fossil fuels, Mr Montamat says it makes sense for Argentina to develop natural gas resources before diversifying too heavily towards renewables.Mr Lapeña says in the shorter term, Argentina has better prospects for exporting oil, with little need for further infrastructure.Nevertheless, many more projects must start producing in Vaca Muerta, says Carlos Ormachea, chief executive of Tecpetrol, now one of the biggest players there. Although there are 25 pilot projects in Vaca Muerta in addition to the five blocs that are producing at commercial levels, the timing of their shift to full-scale production remains uncertain.“Is it possible [to double production in five years]? Yes. Is it going to happen? It depends on many things that go beyond the oil industry,” Mr Ormachea says. “It is not an unattainable fantasy, but we need many more companies to join in.”
Benedict Mander
9 hours ago
Javier Iguacel, Argentina’s energy secretary and the man with the job of reversing an energy deficit that has warped Argentina’s economy over the past decade, sits bolt upright, almost choking at the mention of YPF, the country’s leading energy company.“That is outrageous,” he says of the aim of YPF, a majority state-owned company, to increase production by 5 per cent a year. It could “double production in five years”, he says, and “has the capacity to go even faster than that”.The government is anxious for Argentina to become energy self-sufficient soon, not least because this would help reduce deficits that are a central focus of the country’s $50bn IMF programme. But the oil companies it depends on to make that happen have different imperatives. YPF and others, keeping a close eye on their bottom lines, plan to raise output more slowly than officials want.Mr Iguacel’s impatience highlights the drama underpinning Argentine energy today. Although a leading energy exporter in Latin America in the 1990s, a series of populist policies starved the industry of investment and made Argentina reliant on expensive imports.Not only did that drain Argentina’s foreign exchange reserves after a historic debt default in 2001 but wildly generous consumer energy subsidies were the single biggest drain on the budget. This has left a fiscal deficit the government of President Mauricio Macri is struggling to eliminate by 2019.The speed at which Argentina can regain energy self-sufficiency is therefore of huge importance. Net energy imports now cost Argentina more than $3bn a year, yet, as recently as 2005, it earned $6bn from net energy exports.A mismatch between what companies think and the government’s discourse would be a grave concernJorge Lapeña, a former energy secretaryMr Iguacel remains upbeat. In August he presented a plan to double energy output by 2023, with production of natural gas rising from 130m cubic metres a day to 260m cu m/d — of which about 100m cu m/d would be exported. He says oil production will also double from about 500,000 barrels a day to 1m b/d, with the extra output being exported. Together, this would wipe out Argentina’s energy deficit and provide $15bn from net exports over the period, official calculations say.The plan depends on the willingness of oil companies to invest in Argentina, with Mr Macri’s unfinished drive to liberalise energy prices going a long way to regaining their confidence by allowing them to sell energy at market prices — even if consumers have howled.Jorge Lapeña, a former energy secretary, and now president of the Argentine General Mosconi energy institute, a non-profit independent think-tank, worries that Mr Iguacel’s projections are too optimistic — especially the increase for natural gas production given the capacity to export it is severely limited by a lack of necessary infrastructure.“If there is a mismatch between what the companies think and the government’s discourse, that would be a grave concern,” he warns.Argentina has the knowhow and resources. It was the realisation a decade ago that the Vaca Muerta shale field in Patagonia was economically viable that revolutionised energy prospects.Indeed, although output of Argentina’s more conventional energy resources has been falling over the past decade at a rate of more than 10 per cent a year, that decline can easily be offset by Vaca Muerta, which boasts the world’s second-largest shale gas reserves after China.Argentina, meanwhile, is raising output of renewable energy, aiming for it to power 20 per cent of electricity production by 2025, freeing more oil and gas for export.Early signs are good. In the year to July, shale oil output rose 39 per cent compared with a year earlier to almost 13 per cent of total oil production. But shale gas output leapt 193 per cent in the same period. Unconventional gas now accounts for more than a third of Argentina’s total gas production.“We already have a problem of an excess of gas,” Mr Iguacel says. “We have had to stop wells. There is more production than we have the capacity to remove, that’s why we are beginning to export to Chile this year for the first time in 11 years.” He says the energy deficit will be less than 0.4 per cent of gross domestic product next year.Yet even though Argentina, where domestic consumption relies mostly on natural gas, could afford to cancel the construction of a gas pipeline from Bolivia agreed by Argentina’s previous administration, it may still need its neighbour’s gas, as well as liquefied natural gas imports, to cover higher demand during its winter months.Until Argentina builds an LNG plant to enable it to export excess gas during the summer, it will continue to rely on imports. This month, Argentina’s biggest natural gas transporter, Transportadora de Gas del Sur, and Texas-based Excelerate Energy, signed a memorandum of understanding to evaluate building the country’s first LNG plant, but such facilities can take three to five years to build. And even with the necessary infrastructure, Argentine producers must be able to compete with US rivals, whose own shale boom in the past decade has turned the US into a big LNG exporter.“Can Argentina become a player in the global gas market?” asks Daniel Montamat, a former chairman of YPF and a consultant. “That is the big challenge that Argentina must devote all its efforts to,” he adds, estimating that by 2030 Argentina could start to compete effectively on global markets.We have had to stop wells. There is more production than we can removeJavier Iguacel, Argentina’s energy secretaryGiven that by 2040 there could be a disruption in energy markets as renewables become cheaper than fossil fuels, Mr Montamat says it makes sense for Argentina to develop natural gas resources before diversifying too heavily towards renewables.Mr Lapeña says in the shorter term, Argentina has better prospects for exporting oil, with little need for further infrastructure.Nevertheless, many more projects must start producing in Vaca Muerta, says Carlos Ormachea, chief executive of Tecpetrol, now one of the biggest players there. Although there are 25 pilot projects in Vaca Muerta in addition to the five blocs that are producing at commercial levels, the timing of their shift to full-scale production remains uncertain.“Is it possible [to double production in five years]? Yes. Is it going to happen? It depends on many things that go beyond the oil industry,” Mr Ormachea says. “It is not an unattainable fantasy, but we need many more companies to join in.”
Redigert 24.09.2018 kl 10:17
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Gull for archer! Bra artikkel !
gogl mannen
24.09.2018 kl 10:46
danm skrev Hvordan passer Archer ind her?
Archer har alerede presence i Argentina. Når mundighetene har sterke insentiver for å øke produksjon for å få løst problemene i økonomien, så passer det fint for Archer.
24.09.2018 kl 10:56
40 øre opp på en mandag,snart tomt for 7 er aksjer?Hvor skal dette ende?7,73
24.09.2018 kl 11:07
Jeg håber GSA CAPITAL PARTNERS LL shorter endnu mere, de kan ende i et stort smel
Køb, stærkt køb !!
Køb, stærkt køb !!
Dette gjør Archer til en sterk oppkjøpskandidat, noe jeg ikke ønsker, men archer er så sterke i Argentina at selskaper som vil inn i boomen som kommer kan raskt se på å kjøpe selskapet
Vi slutter over 8kr i dag, vent og se!
Huff, ligger på kjøp 7,60.Dupper vel ned litt på slutten? Ble en dupp ja,fikk napp.
Redigert 24.09.2018 kl 17:04
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Du må nok opp, sperren på 7,7 ryker snart:(
24.09.2018 kl 13:33
Tror den skal slite med å avslutte over 8 kroner i dag, for mange korte tradere i denne.
Har uansett brutt opp på høyt volum, men for deg som har solgt er det sikkert negativt det og.
Jeg laster uansett gjevnt og trutt. 120k til 7,37 i snitt og fornøyd foreløpig:)
Har uansett brutt opp på høyt volum, men for deg som har solgt er det sikkert negativt det og.
Jeg laster uansett gjevnt og trutt. 120k til 7,37 i snitt og fornøyd foreløpig:)
24.09.2018 kl 13:47
Sitter med min lille post, men husk at det også er en shortposisjon i aksjen som nok vil dempe oppgangen dersom vi ikke får en short skvis.
Er nok mer enn 1, noen som ligger (lå) under 0,5% men det må hentes inn nå pga volumet, man vil ikke klare å holde med å shorte mer når interessen blir større.
Signalene fra Argentina er ekstremt bull, mye mer enn hva som er kommet frem til nå.
Signalene fra Argentina er ekstremt bull, mye mer enn hva som er kommet frem til nå.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 02:35
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24.09.2018 kl 15:10
Noen som har tanker om hva Kjell-Erik Østdahl kan bidra med som ny-valgt styreleder i Archer ? Er det mulig at hans tidligere rolle / relasjoner i Schlumberger kan komme til nytte for selskapet ?
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 02:35
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