CommonPass- Cantisense

LIFE 25.11.2020 kl 08:32 1222

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WISeKey’s Digital Health Passport to Include a Trusted Vaccination Digital Certificate

Geneva – November 9, 2020 – WISeKey International Holding (“WISeKey”, SIX: WIHN, NASDAQ: WKEY), a leading cybersecurity, AI and IoT company, today announced that in cooperation with partners has integrated a vaccination certificate on its WIShelter SafePass which ensures users’ privacy, security and safety whilst providing access to diagnostics, vaccine education and necessary medical services and data.

Gaining a vaccine to help contain the spread of novel coronavirus would provide a big boost to the global economy in 2021, but the initial geographic distribution of that benefit will likely depend on the deployment technologies used for this vaccine. The use of digital certification technologies such as the one provided by WISekey ensures that the right digital technologies are being harnessed to support the public-health response to COVID-19 worldwide, including population surveillance, case identification, contact tracing and evaluation of interventions on the basis of mobility data and communication with the public.

WISeID is a trusted identity service that enables access to the web and mobile applications with strong authentication techniques. WISeID supports online KYC onboarding, OTP and digital certificate login, and an innovative “hands-free” secure login based on QR-Codes which users can read using WIShelter SafePass mobile application without even having to type any password. Additional security services include digital signature services for documents. WISeID implements standards such as OpenID Connect and OAUTH2, that can be easily integrated by customers to enhance the security of their cloud applications. WISeID can also be combined with Microsoft Active Directory, facilitating integration with corporate applications.

The WIShelter Safepass suite was built by leaders in the clinical and technical field and allows for scalability and flexibility. It enables users to identify clinical COVID biomarkers, contact tracing, diagnostics, and triage for vaccine access, whilst keeping security at its core.

All health details are encrypted and linked to the user’s identity, represented by a Digital Certificate. Encrypting this data is important to protect users’ confidential information and ensuring that theyare staying up-to-date with their health credentials, and is in compliance with all privacy requirements, like the European General Data Protection Regulation (Directive 95/46/EC), known as GDPR, the primary law regulating how companies protect EU citizens’ personal data. WISeKey is a fully Qualified Trust Service Provider (TSP) under eIDAS, the updated EU regulations dealing with trusted eID and electronic transactions and Webtrust.ORG.

Using their digital identity secured by WISeKey, users will be able to geo-localize other certified users and stablish secure communications. If needed, the app allows users to prove to local authorities that they are respecting the stay at home recommendations. To ensure the data privacy, each user’s Personal Identifiable Information is kept encrypted and never disclosed without their consent.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 09:11 Du må logge inn for å svare
25.11.2020 kl 09:09 1045

Er vel fremdeles litt tid før denne begynner å bevege seg. Alle nyhetene skal komme på nyåret, så om ikke den stiger veldig på forventning blir det vel sidelengs frem mot jul...
25.11.2020 kl 09:02 1077

Du får finpusse bruken av "å" og "og", - bedre enn å produsere bullshit her .....
25.11.2020 kl 08:58 1109

Dessverre har Titanic kjørt på et isfjell å mannskapet måtte ro hjem, eieren av Titanic hadde ikke lyst til å installere motorer på livbåtene for de skulle jo bli reddet uansett.
Dessverre ble de liggende på det åpne hav å ingen land i sikte.