For seriøse Zenith Energy investorer.

ZENA 25.12.2020 kl 14:12 287810

Kære Zenith medskribenter & Zenith investorer.

Hermed som lovet, denne lukkede tråd, hvor alle kan læse med, og alle er velkommen til at søge om tilladelse til at give sin mening til kende, men hvis du som skribent kun har til formål at fortælle hvor store idioter alle andre er , så er dette ikke stedet for dig, vi behøver ikke være enige i alt, men tonen på denne tråd er og bliver respektfuld - personangreb af enhver slags vil blive belønnet med et "rødt kort" og derfra er det direkte ud.

Jeg har udvalgt seriøse skribenter som allerede er inviteret (se om du er en af dem i din indbakke) - de har alle udvist konstruktiv deltagelse i debatten igennem de sidste par år. og er både kritiske og er villige til at dele oplysninger som alle kan bruge.

Og nu til det, det handler om, nemlig vejen videre herfra.

Vi har noget udstyr ("ZEN-260" - 1200 hp) som skal til Congo.. Pointe-Noir - Vi ved at det er fragtet til en havneby (se RNS 2495G 24 November ) men vi ved ikke hvilken havneby, mine bud er umiddelbart : Basrah (Irak) - Adana (Tyrkiet) - Jeg tænker ikke at man vælger at tranportere så stor en last (22-30 lastbiler) igennem urolige områder, over land. Hvis alt går godt mener jeg, man kan forvente at transporttiden vil være op i mod 60 dage, når det bliver sejlet. Der er meget papir arbejde osv.

Efter ankomst til Pointe-Noir, regner jeg med yderlige 10-15 dage til site og herfra yderligere 30-40 dage til at få stillet udstyret op, derfor er jeg kommet frem til at 1 Maj - 2021, er der hvor AC kan trykke på den grønne knap og begynde sidetrack på Tilapia ll.

Med hensyn til firmaets A-100 375hp workover rig.

Så ser jeg kun for mig lige nu, at den bliver sendt til SLK feltet. her fra den seneste RNS nr. 6029J : The Company can now look forward with well-grounded confidence to the journey ahead in the Republic of the Congo and the possible achievement of other publicly announced objectives, including the potential acquisition of additional oil production assets. transport tiden regner jeg som meget af det samme, dog er der ikke samme mængde arbejde med opstilling osv. hvorfor jeg ser en dato der hedder 1 Marts - 2021, hvis de bliver enige om at det er sådan det skal være.

Med hensyn til yderligere andele af Tilapia ll feltet, så ser det ikke sådan ud, når man ser på den seneste RNS og dog, skulle jeg komme med et bud, vil det se således ud : 70/30 eller 75/25 til Zenith - i forhandling om de 12,5 millioner $ i skattefradrag af produktionen, og den kommende PSC (Production Sharing Contract for Tilapia II)

Aqualight 🇩🇰🇳🇴

Redigert 30.10.2023 kl 13:31 Du må logge inn for å svare
Nano Rekyl
12.08.2021 kl 15:04 12514

Må vel ligge snart 150 tusen fat olje som snart skal selges derifra når stemplet er stemplet💰💰💰!
12.08.2021 kl 16:01 12481

Ganske stabile fine tall det her . Måtte alle formaliteter komme i orden nå.
12.08.2021 kl 16:13 12544

Tallet pr. Dags dato for SLK & EZZA -

+63.144.448 mill Nkr - før udgifter (omregnet er det i omegnen af 110.000 fat olie til firmaet)
Tillæg så salg af olie = 40.147.666 mill Nkr - se RNS -

Aqualight 🇩🇰🇳🇴
Redigert 12.08.2021 kl 16:22 Du må logge inn for å svare
12.08.2021 kl 21:45 12418

Det er jo snart M-cap 🙈🙈

Vanvittigt at vi ligger hernede 💰💰
12.08.2021 kl 22:08 12429

Norskbull given a "Buy" signal today evening, & it's not a technical signal so get ready for news.......
Redigert 12.08.2021 kl 23:01 Du må logge inn for å svare
X-43 scramjet
16.08.2021 kl 11:54 11854

Års rapport 31.august på kalenderen. Nå laster jeg opp før det, har god tro på de lander Tilapia med andre lisenser. Er fin inngang nå på 0.12. Er nok siste sjans for å kjøpe denne så billig.
17.08.2021 kl 20:12 11564

Lidt nedslagspunkter fra den gældende lovgivning i Congo :

1A. The operating permit is awarded
by decree in the Council of Ministers, on the report of the
Minister in charge of hydrocarbons. The date of entry
in force of the operating license is the date of
publication of the said decree in the Official Journal.

2A. Mining royalty rates
proportional are fixed at fifteen percent (15%) in
with regard to liquid hydrocarbons and five
percent (5%) for natural gas and
solid hydrocarbons.
However, for oil operations conducted
in difficult areas such as the basin of the
Congolese basin, the ant-salt in deep water beyond five hundred (500) meters of water depth, a reduced royalty rate can be negotiated for
liquid hydrocarbons, without being inferior
at twelve percent (12%)

3A. State public participation in
upstream oil activities consist of the holding
through the national company of a participatory interest
in oil contracts and, if necessary, in
the direct holding of shares in the capital
social responsibility of oil companies. The company (s)
nationals, together where applicable, hold a
minimum mandatory and non-transferable participatory interest
fifteen percent (15%) in any petroleum contract.
Except in the case where the national company assumes the role
operator, the contribution obligations related to
the minimum mandatory participation above are
fully supported by the other members of the
contractor, in proportion to their participatory interest
respective, until the date of publication of the decree
attribution of the operating permit concerning the
affected area of ​​operation.
Contribution obligations linked to participation
minimum mandatory in any operating license
are worn by the other members of the contractor
on behalf of the national company (s), except
waiver of the latter.
Carrying-related cash advances are granted
to the national company (s) under the same conditions
bank loans incurred by others
contractor's members.
The repayment terms by the
national companies of advances linked to participation
minimum public are defined in the agreements
The contractor's members may agree that
the national company (s) will have together, if
if applicable, an additional participation, whether or not it is possible, in addition to the compulsory participation. the
level of total participation of the company (s)
national in the contractor can be a criterion of
selection in the context of a call for tenders with a view to
the constitution of the contractor.
Direct state participation in social capital
of oil companies is governed both by the law
of commercial companies and by regulation
national public portfolio.

I kan selv hygge jer igennem de resterende 28 sider, der står mange spændene oplysninger -

Aqualight 🇩🇰🇳🇴
Nano Rekyl
17.08.2021 kl 20:23 11545

Takk for denne AQ!

Vi ser snart målstreken her nå😊😊😊

Ha ellers en fortreffelig aften!
17.08.2021 kl 20:36 11630

Hei Aqualight.
Selgersiden ser ut som et tørt elveleie,hvis vi ser bort fra roboten(maskinen).
Det ser bra ut for respons for et stempel eller 2.
X-43 scramjet
17.08.2021 kl 20:56 11801

Jeg skal ta tak i denne slutten av måneden. Blir spennende å se hvordan kursen går denne julen. Hver måned skal jeg laste opp litt i Zena hvis den holder seg på 12-15 øre. Blir nok bra til slutt etter masse ventetid.
X-43 scramjet
19.08.2021 kl 13:15 11589

Ser ut som jeg må ta tak i den nå, opp 10% på knallrød børs og ny god melding. Nå starter endelig reprisingen i Zena.
19.08.2021 kl 19:43 11466

SLK & EZZA, har for periode - 9/8 - 15/8 - 2021

Samlet set leveret 3464 fat & 3336 fat = 6800 fat - 45% til firmaet = 3060 fat x 65$ = 198.900 $ (1.793.146 Nkr) før udgifter

Jeg tilskriver beløbet på arket og vi er nu samlet set på ca. 64.937.594 Nkr - (eller det der svare til 514.560.967 aktier til dagens lukkekurs)

God aften derude

Aqualight 🇩🇰🇳🇴
Slettet bruker
19.08.2021 kl 23:45 11341

Takk for oppdatering!

Når forventer du oppdatering fra enten SLK, Tilapia eller Nigeria?

21.08.2021 kl 07:37 11038

Jeg kan ikke se at noen har kommentert det Florida informerte om på LSE i går kveld, så jeg tar sjansen på å kopiere det inn her. Dette er gammelt nytt, men likevel aktuelt i dag.

«We should not forget the joint venture agreement signed on the 7th July 2020 with a local company in Congo. The asset advantageously positioned in Kouilou, near Pointe-Noire, very close to the newly proposed oil refinery and not too far from tilapia was producing 300 barrels in 2019 but was suspended due to the licence expiration. Zenith, it was agreed, should be joint operator and majority partner in this deal, of which is one of the four deals potentially on the table in addition to Tilapia if we get the licence. The plan was to workover this potential asset in order to increase production. The results of our two upcoming workovers will give us a clear indication of the potential advantages and gains from workover activity.»
23.08.2021 kl 14:15 10821

Litt mer spesifik om utnevnelsen av ny generaldirektør for hydrocarbons 19/8/21

Decree n ° 2021-408 of August 9, 2021.
Mr. ONANGA (Stev Simplice) is appointed director general hydrocarbons.
Mr. ONANGA (Stev Simplice) will receive the allowances provided for by the texts in force.
This decree takes effect from the date of Mr. ONANGA (Stev Simplice) takes office.
X-43 scramjet
23.08.2021 kl 15:50 10695

Fortsatt under radaren Zena. Kommer en sterk rekyl opp mot 20 øre her snart. Skal laste opp mer spesielt før kvartals rapporten slutten av måneden. Denne gangen sitter jeg til våren 2022. Kursmål 50 øre til den tid. Oppturen kommer nok over tid.
24.08.2021 kl 15:18 10479

On 16.07.2021 I posted details of an apparent doubling of oil production at the Ezzaouia Field, Tunisia, as indicated by the ETAP daily production figures during the week 05.07.21 – 11.07.21..

Since then the daily figures have fluctuated markedly, reverting at times to the upper limit of the previous range of 380-480 bopd, but periodically rising abruptly to the 600-800 range, culminating in the last four days, of 878 [20/8], 868 [20/8], 957 [21/8] and 922 [22/8] bopd. During the past eight weeks the fluctuations in daily production suggest that maybe at least three of the four producing wells have undergone an intervention of some kind so perhaps the latest daily totals, if maintained, will be indicative of future production approaching 1000 bopd of which 450 bopd will be net to ZEN.

These recent well interventions are presumably part of the “production optimization” program to which MARETAP, the joint operating company was committed prior to acquisition. The further program of field operations, including new wells as mentioned by AC on Aug 19th, and as defined within the “New Concession”, still awaits parliamentary approval.

Presumably an RNS confirming the enhanced production achieved by MARETAP will be released in due course.
25.08.2021 kl 09:55 10216

Hej AQ 😃😃

Hvordan går det med ugens tal 💰💰

Har du et overblik over hvad vi pt leverer pr dag ??

På forhånd tak 👍😃
Slettet bruker
25.08.2021 kl 21:26 10299


Hvor mange boe/d produserer ZENA nå fra felt som er 100% i deres hender?

Hvor mange boe/d om vi inkl. SLK, Tilapia evt. andre vi ventet på?
25.08.2021 kl 22:18 10288

Ezz 250 to 300 bopd , El bibano 80 to 100 + Gas & Robbano 25 bopd.
EZZ expected in start of 2022 - 450 bopd, EL bibano 600 bopd + gas in 1st Q 2022 & Robbano 250 bopd from October.
SLK 250bopd + tilapia I 17 bopd.
All production belongs to Zenith.
Income from Tunisia will be $37 Million from 2022, yearly income more than double company value.
Yearly income will cross kr1 billion in 2023 Tilapia in Production. All field got in throwaway price and breakeven cost is positive from 2022 for Tunisia (including workover and drilling) will generate positive cash flow.
Nigeria will give huge boost in income but it will increase initial cost too.
Enormous opportunity for upside after Tilapia and Nigeria deal.
Redigert 25.08.2021 kl 22:59 Du må logge inn for å svare
28.08.2021 kl 10:55 10019

SLK & EZZA, har for periode - 16/8 - 22/8 - 2021

Samlet set leveret 8485 fat - 45% til firmaet = 3818 fat x 65$ = 248.708 $ (2.191.775 Nkr = 313.110 Nkr. pr dag) før udgifter

Jeg tilskriver beløbet på arket og vi er nu samlet set på ca. 67.129.369 Nkr - (7,7 mill $)

Som det har været fremme, så er produktionen steget ret kraftigt i den sidste periode, hvilket er yderst positivt -

Aqualight 🇩🇰🇳🇴
28.08.2021 kl 15:09 9883

Meget hyggelige tall. Igjen takk Aqua
29.08.2021 kl 01:29 9701

Takker AQ 😃

Bliver nogle spændende dage når NEWS kommer, nok ligesom i december 🙏
Da troede man ikke sine øjne når man lokkede ind på Nordnet 💰💰😂😂😂

Håber og tror på boring af Tilapia i Q1 👍
31.08.2021 kl 10:58 9496

Hei. Jeg ser på en annen tråd at ADM energi eier lisensen OML 141 og at det selfølgelig kommer i konflikt med dagens melding fra Zenith.

Noen som har satt seg grundigere inn i DETTE? Bør dette forhold avklares med ledelsen? Eller er dette en misforståelse ?
31.08.2021 kl 11:08 9633

"ADM is acquiring a 51% stake in Karra Oil Noble Hill UK Limited (“KONH”), expected to complete in Q2 2021, and through that a controlling interest in a Risk Sharing Agreement (“RSA”) entered into for the development of the Barracuda Field and of which KONH holds a 70% interest. The RSA Consortium intends to provide or procure funding for all upcoming capital expenditure (“Capex”) subject to the joint operators’ approval to develop the Field, in return for 235% of approved capex to be recovered plus a 15% Net Profit Interest (“NPI”). Post return of invested capital to the RSA Consortium, the RSA Consortium remains entitled to the NPI throughout the life of the Field.The RSA also grants the holders an option to acquire a participating interest in the OML 141 Licence."

kan tyde på at noe er åpent her. Orginal RNS ADM:
31.08.2021 kl 14:14 9502


The ADM Energy involvement in the Barracuda Field is stated to be in the form of a “51% equity stake in Karra Oil Noble Hill UK Limited” which “holds a 70% interest in a Risk Sharing Agreement Consortium” the legal status and composition of which appears unspecified.

Karra Oil Noble Hill Ltd, company no 015555V, incorporated 11.12.2017 in the Isle of Man jurisdiction, is listed as Struck Off and dissolved on 03.08. 2021 [ref] ie less than three weeks ago.

If Karra Oil Noble Hill Ltd are one and the same company then ADM Energy appear to have lost their equity interest and their shareholders are overdue an RNS.

Noble Hill-Network Ltd [], the Lagos based company ZEN are dealing with, appears entirely unconnected to the company ADM Energy were involved with.

No doubt more to be revealed and a major development in store if a joint agreement can be achieved.
01.09.2021 kl 18:09 9366

SLK & EZZA, har for periode - 23/8 - 29/8 - 2021

Samlet set leveret 6786 fat - 45% til firmaet = 3054 fat x 65$ = 198.510 $ (1.723.970 Nkr = 246.277 Nkr. pr dag) før udgifter

Jeg tilskriver beløbet på arket og vi er nu samlet set på ca. 68.853.339 Nkr - (7,9 mill $)

Produktionen på EZZA har normaliseret sig efter sidste uges kortvarige stigning.

Aqualight 🇩🇰🇳🇴
03.09.2021 kl 16:31 9036

Lidt nyt fra Tunesien, med billeder :

Rigging-up underway at ROB-1 well in Tunisia

God weekend

Aqualight 🇩🇰🇳🇴
03.09.2021 kl 16:39 9047

Hva tenker du om mulighetene i Nigeria? Gaper vi over for mye? Spennende tider i møte for alle som er med her. Kan bli noe helt stort dette…
03.09.2021 kl 17:05 9097

Spænende AQ, glæder mig mere til det er 103 😃
Men fint der sker ting og aftaler bliver overholdt 👍

God weekend herfra 😃🌞
07.09.2021 kl 15:09 8712

Fra Geologen i UK (AGEOS)

The Exclusivity Agreement with Noble Hill-Network Ltd (NHNL) [ref RNS 31.08.2021] relating to the NW OML-141 licence area of Nigeria, whilst being only the initiation of an evaluation and due diligence process, nevertheless is the precursor to a potentially significant asset acquisition for ZEN. If successfully concluded it appears that ZEN participation will be in the form of the “purchase of an equity stake in NHNL” thus acquiring “participation in the Risk Service Contract (RSC), 100% held by NHNL, “for the development of the North-West Corner of OML-141 (NW OML 141).

The RSC is the legal instrument under which NHNL exercises sole rights to develop the North West part of OML-141 and should not be confused with the Risk Sharing Agreement (RSA) entered into by ADM Energy as outlined in my 06.09.2021 post, and which is a contractual agreement between as yet unspecified members of a consortium and relating to the Barracuda Field alone.

Since ZEN's objective is to “purchase an equity stake in NHNL” it is perhaps worth examining what this might entail, a subject so far not considered on this chat-site. Noble Hill-Network Ltd is a private company limited by shares, incorporated in Lagos on 16.10.2014, reg no RC 12118898, specifically for “developing NW OML 141”. The founder and MD from 2014 to present-day is Thomas Cavanagh, a Houston/Nigeria based , former Exxon geologist. There are 6 other board members all executives of regional O & G service companies. Shares in NHNL are held by two companies, Network Oil & Gas Ltd [Benin City] with two Board members, and Noble Hill Exploration & Production Ltd of which Cavanagh is President & MD and majority or sole shareholder. To comply with Nigerian law at least 51% of shares in NHNL must be held by Nigerian nationals so ZEN will presumably be limited to acquiring 49% maximum. An equity purchase agreement would presumably be allied to a capital injection either directly into NHNL and/or into the Barracuda Field RSA as a consortium member.

The share of assets which would accrue to ZEN are described in the 31.08.2021 RNS as including the Barracuda and Elepa South oilfields and the Curlew Channel gas and condensate prospect. It is important to bear in mind that although it is correct under current 'Petroleum Reserves and Resources Definitions' to describe the two oil prospects as Fields they have no historical or recent production and although intercepting 'oil-shows' none of the, at least eight wells, sunk in the NW have been designated 'commercially viable stand-alone wells'..The best was the April 2007 Barracuda well sunk by CNOOC which encountered “several payzones with high water saturation” according to petrophysical interpretation. The projected production rates and reserves cited for the NW by ZEN and ADM are therefore entirely 'probabilistic' and based on well-log data, seismics and comparison with nearby analogue Fields. That said, the prospects are encouraging and a successful 05 well at Barracuda would be a significant first step.

As ZEN have chosen this target from a stated 12 under consideration, there must be compelling reasons for doing so other than those immediately apparent. A target which does not include historical or current production involves a higher level of risk then I would have expected AC to accept at this stage in corporate development. I assume therefore that either the prospect at Barracuda is far more positive than available geophysical evidence currently indicates, or that this is another 'distressed corporate situation' in which AC sees an opportunity to acquire potentially significant assets at a bargain price. Developments at ADM Energy [ADME] during the next three months may be a useful guide especially in the latter regard.

Redigert 07.09.2021 kl 15:14 Du må logge inn for å svare
07.09.2021 kl 18:40 8525

ALLERFØRSTE TILLYKKE med de første over 70 mill Nkr -

SLK & EZZA, har for periode - 30/8 - 5/9 - 2021
(SLK = 3515 Boe - EZZA = 3459 Boe)

Samlet set leveret 6974 Boe - 45% til firmaet = 3138 fat x 65$ = 203.970 $ (1.770.221 Nkr = 252.889 Nkr. pr dag) før udgifter

Jeg tilskriver beløbet på arket og vi er nu samlet set på ca. 70.623.560 Nkr - (ca. 8,1 mill $)

Produktionen fra EZZA har haft en enkelt dag med produktion på 669 Boe

Aqualight 🇩🇰🇳🇴
Redigert 07.09.2021 kl 18:42 Du må logge inn for å svare
07.09.2021 kl 20:33 8397

Fantastisk AQ 👍👍😃😃

Vi må håbe de kommer, så vi kan købe lidt i Nigeria 💰💰
10.09.2021 kl 20:47 8014

Le Président de la République S.E.M Denis SASSOU-N’GUESSO et son épouse Antoinette ont regagné Brazzaville, ce Vendredi 10 Septembre 2021, après un séjour à l’extérieur du pays.

Republikkens præsident SEM Denis SASSOU-N'GUESSO og hans kone Antoinette vendte tilbage til Brazzaville fredag den 10. september 2021 efter et ophold uden for landet.

Aqualight 🇩🇰🇳🇴🇬🇧
Slettet bruker
10.09.2021 kl 21:39 7942

Nå må det skje noe🙏
11.09.2021 kl 11:36 7714

Det kan nok oppleves som at oljerelaterte aksjer ikke er de heteste i markedet. Dette kommer nok til å endres når man finner ut at gresset ikke er "grønnere" på den andre siden. Og man finner ut hvor de virkelige pengene er:
13.09.2021 kl 16:51 7498

Rart at se, Total har været til møde, måske er der andre der får samme mulighed.

Ce Lundi 13 Septembre 2021, à l'hotel de la Primature, le Premier Ministre, Chef du Gouvernement @MakossoAnatole s'est entretenu avec le Directeur Général de Total M. Nicolas Wawresky sur les opérations et les différents projets de la société au Congo.

mandag den 13. september 2021 på Hotel de la Primature, statsministeren, regeringschefen @MakossoAnatole talte med administrerende direktør for Total Mr. Nicolas Wawresky om driften og virksomhedens forskellige projekter i Congo.

Aqualight 🇩🇰🇳🇴🇬🇧
13.09.2021 kl 18:42 7399

Hva er Totals ambisjoner? Grønn teknologi og redusert aktivitet i oljen slik som andre større selskaper?
X-43 scramjet
13.09.2021 kl 18:44 7516

Er litt samme periode som desember nå i 2020, bare venter på at de plutselig slår igjennom med super gode avtaler/lisenser, vi venter i spenning.
14.09.2021 kl 13:33 7328

Further to my post of 07.09.2021 regarding NW OML 141 there are aspects other than the potential of the Barracuda Field which will doubtless be considered by ZEN in evaluating a possible equity stake in Noble Hill-Network Ltd [NHNL]. The 'Exclusivity Agreement' RNS specifically mentions the Elepa South oilfield and the Curlew Channel gas and condensate prospect but there are other potential targets in the 105 sq km NW area all of which are presumably included within the Risk Service Contract [RSC] 100% held by NHNL and in which ZEN would acquire an interest in proportion to whatever equity holding it acquires. A stake in these assets might in the longer term also open the door to involvement in development of known prospects in the offshore 1190 sq km area of OML 141, as will be outlined later.

With regard to the Barracuda Field the most convenient, but somewhat superficial, source of information is that of the ADM Energy website, via 'operations/barracuda' [ ] for which, note the following anomalies.
Firstly the details of equity owners of OML 141 listed beneath the asset map is misleading. Emerald Energy Resources Ltd lost its licence in OML 141 in April 2019, the AMNI International Petroleum Development Co is listed on the Nigerian Corporate Registry as “inactive” and Bluewater O & G appears to have transferred its 2% OML 141 interest to Supernova Energy B.V. in 2019. Secondly the ref to Karra Oil Noble Hill UK Ltd is now outdated [company dissolved 03.08.2021] and is superseded by the formation of K.O.N.H. (UK) Ltd [registered 19.02.2021] as explained in my 2 posts of 31.08.2021. The 'OML 141 geology' highlights are also regional generalities which do not necessarily apply to Barracuda.

For a comprehensive account of Barracuda we must await the CPR, which as ADM confirmed on 25.05.2021 has been commissioned from Xodus Group Ltd. Although anticipated within “4-6 weeks” I assume it has been delayed possibly due to difficulty in obtaining access to the 700 sq km of 3D seismic,1200 km 2D seismic and well-log petrophysics, originally and probably still held by Emerald Energy. That will include the data acquired by CNOOC Ltd in 2007 and by Oryx Petroleum which spent $14.6m on seismics in 2014. A positive conclusion to this CPR will be necessary before the RSA Consortium can confirm the operational agreements in place with Eunisell Ltd, OES Energy Services [rig provider] and 4Motion Drilling Services, to commence with the Barracuda 5 well. The CPR will also be a decisive element of ZEN's due diligence and in the consideration of any financing. As ADM is due to release 2020 results by end of this month, an update on the CPR and other RSA related developments should accompany this.

The Elepa South oilfield is possibly the prospect which was first identified by Oryx Petroleum as Clarendon South, a “three-way dip closure against a S-displaced fault”. A second prospect, Clarendon North straddles the western border of NW OML 141into OML 59 and is a”three way dip closure against a N-displaced fault”.. Both appear to be based on seismic interpretation alone, as is also the Curlew Channel gas and condensate prospect located in the southern region of the NW area.

The wider geographical implications of ZEN's initiative arise from the historic background to OML 141. This was license area OPL 229 in the 2000 competitive bidding round, and was awarded to Emerald Energy Resources Ltd a Nigerian independent which was in 2007 granted a 20 year lease [presumably inclusive of Risk Service Contract] for the whole area including the NW. Prior to April 2019, when the OML 141 lease was revoked, apparently due to non-payment of fees, Emerald was seeking farm-ins and participants in Risk Development Finance Contracts for various projects in the lease area. Apart from CNOOC [35% WI for which it paid $60m] from 2006-8 and Oryx [38.67% WI ] from 2011-17, which tried exploratory farm-ins, Noble Hill-Network Ltd appears to have been the only other participant, acquiring in Sept 2014 the 100% Risk Service Contract for the 105 sq km of the NW, including Barracuda and the other prospects detailed above. Presumably the lease and associated RSC for the marine portion of OML 141, 1190 sq km in area and >25m water depth has reverted to the Nigerian Dept of Petroleum Resources and remains so since none of the O & G prospects it contains would have qualified as Marginal Fields in the latest bidding round. Of the 10 prospects 2 have been drilled with encouraging results and most could be exploited from wellhead platforms organised around a Mobile Oil Processing Unit with access to the nearby Brass Marine Terminal for export.. This could therefore constitute long term potential if ZEN acquires an equity interest in NHNL.

Long-term investors will recall that AC walked away from an Exclusivity Agreement for the acquisition of a major Central Asian asset in 2018 as well as the Coro Italy acquisition and other gas assets in Norway and Poland during 2019/20, so is not easily satisfied with whatever is on offer. This Nigerian opportunity will demand very rigorous scrutiny so I will not be surprised if it meets a similar fate.