HYARD - Gjennomført emisjon i HAV, hva nå?

HYARD 18.02.2021 kl 08:58 28667

Reference is made to the stock exchange notice from Havyard Group ASA (“Havyard”) published on 17 February regarding a contemplated private placement of shares (the “Private Placement”) in HAV Group ASA (the "Company" or "HAV").

The Company is pleased to announce that the Private Placement has been successfully placed through the allocation of 5,000,000 new shares in the Company (the “Offer Shares”) at a price of NOK 18 per share (the “Subscription Price”), raising gross proceeds of NOK 90 million, and a secondary sale of 6,666,500 existing shares in the Company at the Subscription Price by Havyard. The Private Placement attracted strong interest from Norwegian and international high-quality institutional investors.

“We are very pleased to have reached this milestone for both HAV and Havyard, in which HAV will be established as a refocused technology and solutions company with added working capital contributing to the green shift in the maritime industries, and Havyard now have addressed the debt facilities at a parent level enabling the company to focusing on its core activities” says CEO Gunnar Larsen.


Hva nå?
Redigert 18.02.2021 kl 10:24 Du må logge inn for å svare
05.05.2021 kl 07:46 1291

I årsrapporten skrev Hyard at de skal være en aktiv eier. Det tolker jeg som at Hyard skal beholde en majoritetsandel i Hav Group,

Det tror jeg i såfall vil innebære at de kun vil dele ut ca 16,66% aksjer i utbytte aksjer - dvs at man som aksjonær i Hyard får 1 aksje i Hav Group for hver 5 Hyard aksje man eier.
05.05.2021 kl 12:10 1200

Hva i h..... skjer?
06.05.2021 kl 11:13 1026

Så er hele HYARD nå priset nesten 100 Mill under aksjeposten de eier i HAV group.
Det må komme en justering dersom ikke da verftene er 100 Mill i underskudd. Dersom pluss verdier og kontanter snakker vi om mye mer.