Den lille DLT ASA tråden (🚀🚀🚀???)

DLTX 10.03.2021 kl 17:28 211548

Jeg tenker at Element ASA (Snart DLT ASA) fortjener en ny tråd.

Jeg venter spent på ekstraordinær generalforsamling 17.3.21. Her skal etter all sannsynlighet oppkjøpet av DLT bankes i sten. Deretter blir det navneendring og utskiftninger i ledelsen/styret. James Haft ( kommer blant annet inn som styreleder, mens nåværende styreleder Thomas Christensen tar over som adm. direktør. Det kan for øvrig være verdt å nevne at det har blitt gjort to innsidekjøp siden planen om oppkjøpet ble kjent (siste i går, tirsdag, 9.3.21). Lenker til info om disse finnes nedenfor. Investor Haakon Sæter har ellers lastet opp med en betydelig mengde aksjer siden nyheten ble kjent, noe som resulterte i flagging av eierandel på 5.3% den 24.02.21.

DLT har mining fasiliteter med gunstig strømavtale i Texas, og planer om videre utvidelse av kapasiteten. Denne virksomheten genererer allerede cash gjennom bitcoin mining og har svært lav break-even BTC pris (sjekk lenke til investorpresentasjon). DLT sitter ellers på en portefølje bestående av flere spennende prosjekter, deriblant Hedera Hashgraph som har økt veldig i verdi den siste tiden ( Polymath er et annet eksempel på en investering som har gitt solid avkastning den siste tiden ( Forretningsstrategien til DLT går kort sagt ut på å bruke cash flow fra mining virksomhet til investeringer i ytterligere mining kapasitet samt lovende blokkjedeteknologi-relaterte prosjekter som er tidlig i utviklingsfasen. Med solid kompetanse innad gruppen, og et bredt nettverk, virker det rimelig å tenke at det burde være muligheter for å gjøre flere gode investeringer. Positiv utvikling i bitcoin prisen vil naturligvis også være meget gunstig for selskapet.

DLT kan representere en solid mulighet for eksponering mot både kryptovaluta og blokkjedeteknologi for øvrig, og samtidig gi indirekte tilgang på investeringer som mannen i gaten ellers ikke har direkte tilgang på. Jeg håper på mange spennende nyheter og diskusjoner i tiden som kommer.

Her blir det spennende å følge med!

Nyttige lenker:
- Lenke til investorpresentasjon:
- Lenke til siste kvartalsrapport:
- Innkalling til ekstraordinær generalforsamling:
- Innsidekjøp av Thomas Christensen 09.03.21:
- Innsidekjøp av Viggo Leisner 18.02.21:


Selskaper det kan være interessant å sammenligne med (merk at disse har høyere mining kapasitet og større porteføljer enn DLT):
- Hut 8 Mining | | Market cap per 10.03.21: 7.9 milliarder NOK
- Hive Blockchain Technologies | | Market cap per 10.03.21: 12 milliarder NOK
- Riot Blockchain | | Market cap per 10.03.21: 32 milliarder NOK
Redigert 14.04.2021 kl 19:11 Du må logge inn for å svare
15.04.2021 kl 12:50 6672

Tilbake på 6, men med dobbelt så mye aksjer....

Begynner å lure på om vi lett kan se 3,5 her i løpet av forsommeren.

Jeg blir ikke overrasket om både en og to får seg en på trynet etter hvert som Q rapportene skal fortelle litt om inntekter.
15.04.2021 kl 12:47 6675

Har jo ikke skadet om dem har kommet med noen positive nyheter no ,, kursen har jo faen meg halvert seg på meget kort tid
15.04.2021 kl 12:43 6675

Her er resten av innlegget om NFT

Recur – $5 Million Seed Round
RECUR Announces $5M Seed Raise From Industry Innovators, The Largest In NFT History, To Build Branded NFT Fan Experiences
Press Release (3/25/21)

“RECUR…company that designs and develops on-chain branded experiences allowing fans to buy, collect, and re-sell digital products and collectibles (NFTs), announces its raise of $5M…It will build branded NFT Fan Experiences for global brands and the first is set to launch in Summer 2021.”

“The raise was led by the Defi Alliance and included investors and funds such as: Gary Vaynerchuk, Courtside VC, Founder of Ethereum, Joseph Lubin (Fund in stealth), Gemini (Tyler & Cameron Winklevoss), Scott Belsky (Founder of Behance), JST Capital, Delphi Digital, Volt Capital, Nascent, CMT Digital, Hashed and more.”

Recur raises $5 million for perpetual cross-platform NFT royalties
Cointelegraph, (3/27/21)

“Recur’s key innovation will be a ERC token standard that will allow royalties to function regardless of platform.”

“‘RECUR’s technical team is involved in the official process for Ethereum improvements (EIP), and our technology will be implemented at the blockchain layer,’ said Recur co-CEO Zach Bruch. ‘By doing this it will allow the NFTs minted on our platform to move freely around the ecosystem while still generating recurring royalties for the owners and IP holders. Ultimately, our goal is to make NFTs chain-agnostic and keep NFTs and royalties decentralized.'”

“Bruch did not reference a specific EIP his team is working on. Similar proposals, such as EIP-2981, which adds standard royalty functionality to the ERC-721 NFT standard, are also in the works.”

Esprezzo – $2 Million
Esprezzo Raises $2M to Bring No-Code Automation to Crypto Investors, NFT Creators, Collectors and DeFi Users
Esprezzo Blog (3/24/21)

“Esprezzo, a no-code blockchain automation and data platform, has announced an oversubscribed $2 million investment round with participation from Mark Cuban, Arrington Capital, Longley Capital, Rarestone Capital, CMS Holdings, LongHash, Youbi, TBD Angels, Zag Capital and other leading investors.”

“Esprezzo’s mission is to empower everyone to access and use blockchain data, whether to facilitate crypto trading, track NFTs, get DeFi intel or build next gen applications. Esprezzo’s no-code blockchain automation platform and data tools help crypto traders, NFT creators and collectors, DeFi enthusiasts and developers realize the benefits of blockchain technology without needing to know protocol-specific programming languages.”

Covalent – $2 Million
Covalent Closes $2 Million Strategic Funding Round to Launch its Decentralized Data Query Network
Covalent Blog (3/24/21)

“Covalent, a unified API for blockchain data, has closed a $2 million strategic funding round led by Hashed with participation from Binance Labs, Coinbase Ventures, Delphi Ventures, Hypersphere Ventures, and other ecosystem partners. The new funding will accelerate product timelines to launch a decentralized version of the market leading Covalent API.”

“In addition to the aforementioned investors, this round also saw participation from leading base layer chains, including Moonbeam, Avalanche, Near, and Elrond. The support from these projects signals their belief in the importance of the third breakout category in crypto: accessibility of rich, on-chain data.”

Decentralized Data Project Covalent Raises Another $2M
Nasdaq (3/24/21)

“The funds will also assist in the development of ‘new product offerings such as multi-chain capabilities and support for granular NFT data.'”

Nifty’s – Undisclosed Seed Round
Nifty’s Announces 1st NFT-Focused Social Media Platform For Creators, Collectors And Curators With Backing Of Major Investors
Press Release (3/23/21)

“Nifty’s, Inc. today announced the close of a pre-seed round supporting the rapid development of the first NFT-focused social media platform that brings together premium publishers, brands and creators with collectors, curators and fans.”

“Nifty’s has secured financial backing in a pre-seed round from high-profile technology and blockchain investors including Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban, Joseph Lubin, founder and CEO of ConsenSys and co-founder of Ethereum, and the secretive DeFi investor and NFT ‘whale’ known solely as 0xb1. Institutional investors participating in the round are Draper Dragon, Polychain, Tally Capital, Liberty City Ventures, and Future Positive which is led by Biz Stone, co-founder of Twitter and Medium, and Fred Blackford, co-founder of Swing Technologies.”

“The capital infusion has permitted the company to acquire the technology stack of DeFi and NFT viral hit MEME Protocol. MEME co-founders Jordan Lyall, Chris Your, and Eric Tesenair will join Nifty’s as co-founders.”

Palm, A New NFT Ecosystem and Studio for Creators, Announces Launch of First Project with Damien Hirst
Press Release (3/30/21)

“As well as the first project from Damien Hirst, today Palm is also announcing several launch partners from the crypto space who will be supporting The Currency Project and other future drops on Palm…$MEME, the popular experimental NFT project; Nifty’s, a new NFT-focused social media platform.”

Polkamon – $740,000
Announcing Polkamon’s Strategic Investors
Polkamon on Medium (3/23/21)

“Moonrock Capital and Morningstar Ventures have come together to assist in incubating and bringing the Polkamon project together…Other key strategic investors were Ascensive Assets, Divergence Ventures, Carnival Ventures, DFG.”

“Combined, these six strategic investors led by Moonrock Capital and Morningstar Ventures saw us close out a total raise of $740,000.”

NFT Investment Funds
aNFT.Fund – $10 Million
Borderless Capital Launches $10 Million aNFT.Fund
Press Release (3/30/21)

“The $10 million Fund is focused on the booming creator economy, which has been enabled by non-fungible tokens…Algorand is uniquely positioned as the foundation for an NFT ecosystem that is connected to DeFi and traditional models.”

“The aNFT.Fund will invest in businesses across the emerging Algorand NFT ecosystem, including marketplaces, tooling, NFTs finance applications, and community projects, among others.”

Strategy Session: Borderless Capital Targets Algorand, NFTs With New Fund
Crunchbase News (3/2/21)

“Our focus is to kick off the cycle and invest in infrastructure products to make it easier for artists to use Algorand. We can make existing NFTs, create value for them and make them compatible with Algorand. We are going to invest in the NFT itself, and we even have our own art collection and invest in business use cases that will leverage infrastructure, especially on the secondary market transactions, that are using assets to create tools like lending and borrowing.”

Open Letter from Justin Sun to the Community on Establishment of JUST NFT Fund
TRON Foundation on Medium (3/29/21)

“The highly sought-after NFT market calls for the birth of JUST NFT fund, which aims to be the ARK Funds in the NFT space to register world-class artworks as NFTs on blockchain. JUST NFT fund was born to build a bridge between top-notch artists and blockchain, and to support the growth of native crypto NFT artists.”

“JUST NFT only focuses on top-notch artists and artworks. In principle, the fund only accepts art pieces with a price tag of no less than $1 million and a median value of $10 million.”

Justin Sun Announces Establishment of the JUST NFT Fund – Building a Bridge Between Blockchain and the World’s Top Artists
Press Release (3/29/21)

“The main supporter of the JUST NFT fund is Justin Sun, with the fund’s principle team made up of art market experts from traditional institutions including Christie’s and Sotheby’s who are active in the world of NFT crypto art.”

“Even more indicative of Sun’s determination to enter the industry are his plans to NFTize a series of artworks recently auctioned, and map their ownership on the Tron public chain according to the TRC-721 standard. The works will be permanently preserved on the Tron blockchain and BTFS decentralized storage system.”

Dragonfly Fund II – $225 Million
(Dragonfly Capital)
Announcing Dragonfly Fund II
Dragonfly Research on Medium (3/26/21)

“We’re excited to announce the launch of Dragonfly Fund II, a $225M venture fund, to back the next generation of crypto entrepreneurs and projects.”

“In our Fund II, we are excited to have Sequoia China joining us as a strategic LP. We have also partnered with some of the premiere Asian platforms, including OKEx, Huobi, Bitmain, and Bybit. Together with many of the technology and cultural leaders from US technology firms and VCs, we’re in an incredible position to help unite and push the crypto movement forward.”

“Here’s a preview of some of the directions we’re excited about exploring in our Fund II: Decentralized Finance…NFTs and Monetization for Creators…Layer 2…Centralized Financial Infrastructure”

Metaverse Real Estate Fund News
Metaverse REIT
Metaverse Group Announces Plans for First Metaverse Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT)
Press Release (3/31/21)

“Metaverse REIT plans to own and operate a portfolio of high-quality development properties in Decentraland, Somnium Space, Crypto Voxels, Sandbox, Upland and other commercially viable Metaverses.”

“The REIT will receive further support as a part of the portfolio of DLT ASA, the publicly-listed digital asset and blockchain network, and its founders, David Johnston and James Haft.”

“We launch in Q3 2021 so stay tuned for updates!”
Metaverse Property on Twitter (4/2/21)

Republic Realm
Republic is Launching a Fund for Virtual Real Estate
Motley Fool (3/26/21)

“The fund is invite-only, open to only 99 investors, has a minimum investment of $25,000, and is limited to accredited investors.”

Plus News We Missed!
Sora Ventures and BitForex NFT Fund
Sora Ventures and BitForex launch a NFT fund
ChainNews (3/12/21)
15.04.2021 kl 12:38 6666

Den låg ju på 6 innan nyheten om börsövertagandet, innan hade man ju bara börsplatsen, det betyder inget värde alls i bolaget, om vi åter är på,6; låter väl märkligt när liknande bolag med samma upplägg typ Arcane värderas till över miljarden
15.04.2021 kl 12:23 6694

Det tipper jeg du får muligheten til.

Burde vel se 6 tallet allerede i dag.
15.04.2021 kl 11:57 6740

Litt om NFT

Dapper Labs Raises $305 Million!
An NFT Entrepreneur Newsletter by Clyde F. Smith
This is the third NFT Funding report from NFT Entrepreneur. The first focused on NFT Startup funding from January 1 to February 21. The second expanded the view to include Startups, Investment Funds and related news from February 18 to March 19.

This edition covers March 23 to April 19 and includes NFT Startups, NFT Investment Funds and Metaverse REITS. Though stocks and ICOs are funding methods, I am planning to combine those in a separate newsletter edition. As always, the focus is on NFTs as art/media formats.

NFT Stock coverage began with a report on March activity which got a bit wild and bubblicious. I am planning to continue periodic coverage of the stocks of companies doing significant work in NFT Land along with plans for IPOs. Initial Coin Offerings, Initial DEX Offerings and news about NFT-related cryptocurrencies will be included in those reports since they often seem to function like stocks.

On that note, do take a look at my recent quick take on such legal topics as the likelihood of NFT Fractions being labeled securities. And, if you’re unfamiliar with NFT Fractions and Index Funds, I recently wrote about them for The Defiant.

NFT Funding: NFT Startups, Investment Funds, Metaverse REITs
NFT Startup Funding
Kikitrade – $8M Pre-series A
Crypto Platform Kikitrade Completes US$8M Pre-series A Funding
Press Release (4/9/21)

“The Pre-A series funding was co-led by Dragonfly Capital, a blockchain venture fund affiliated with Sequoia Capital, Cherubic Ventures, a venture capital that has invested six unicorns globally, and Animoca Brands, a blockchain gaming giant founded by tech legend Yat Siu. Other investors include Ethereum Co-founder Joseph Lubin and his new fund in stealth, Singaporean venture capital Vulpes, Super Chain Capital, Australian venture capital Artesian, Head & Shoulders X in Hong Kong, Chinese blockchain fund SNZ and more.”

“The investment proceeds will accelerate the user acquisition in the fast growing APAC markets, including Taiwan, Southeast Asia and Australia. Kikitrade will also continue to optimize its existing trading system, enhance its educational content and create an easy-to-use Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT) and Decentralized Finance (DeFi) portal.”

Arkane Network – €1.55 Million Seed Round
Arkane Network raises €1.55M to continue its growth as a blockchain industry leader
Arkane Network Blog (4/8/21)

“Belgian blockchain technology provider, Arkane Network, closed a €1.55M seed round led by High-Tech Gründerfonds (HTGF). DM-BB David Majert, Palentine Ventures (Blockrocket) and imec.istart Fund joined the round…Arkane will grow its team and set up an independent branch in Berlin.”

“Arkane was founded in 2018 by Tim Dierckxsens, Karel Striegel, Davy Van Roy and Gerbert Vandenberge to solve the complexity of blockchain technology and make it ready for mainstream adoption. With Arkanes solution every Rest-API Developer can develop blockchain based products. Arkane does this with its blockchain agnostic, digital wallet-, and NFT services for companies and popular blockchain games like CoinStats, NFTBank, Atari, Bondly Finance, The Sandbox and Aavegotchi.”

Mintable – Undisclosed Seed Round
Mark Cuban-backed Mintable bags funding from Sound Ventures
Tech In Asia (4/6/21)

“Non-fungible token (NFT) platform Mintable, backed by billionaire investor Mark Cuban, announced the close of its seed round from Sound Ventures, the venture fund founded by U2 manager Guy Oseary and American actor Ashton Kutcher.”

“The amount of the round was not disclosed.”

“Investors including Time Ventures and CRC Capital also participated in the financing round.”

SuperWorld – Undisclosed
Draper Goren Holm Backs SuperWorld
Press Release (4/6/21)

“Draper Goren Holm, in partnership with Tim Draper, Alon Goren, and Josef Holm, today announces its backing of Ethereum-based virtual real estate platform SuperWorld. ”

Refinable – $3 Million
Binance and Mr. Beast invest in Refinable — BSC’s first NFT marketplace
Cointelegraph (4/6/21)

“In total, Refinable raised $3 million to fund its growth and development…Binance has directly invested in Refinable…It has been confirmed that prominent content creator Mr. Beast has personally invested in Refinable.”

Efinity – $18.9 Million
Enjin Raises $18.9M to Launch the First Dedicated NFT Blockchain on Polkadot
Press Release (3/31/21)

“Enjin, the creators of the ERC-1155 non-fungible token (NFT) standard, have sold out their $18.9 million private sale for Efinity, a next-generation NFT blockchain made for games, apps, enterprises, and creators, built on Polkadot.”

“The funding round was led by Capital, DFG Group, and Hashed, with support from Hypersphere, BlockTower, Ventures, Fenbushi, Iconium, HashKey, Arrington XRP Capital, DeFi Alliance, and an extensive list of other leading firms, celebrities, and individuals.”

Zora – $8 Million
Zora Gets In on NFT Funding Craze With $8M Raise, SEC Documents Show
Nasdaq (3/31/21)

“Zora, a marketplace for non-fungible tokens (NFTs), has raised nearly $8 million in equity sales, according to regulatory documents seen by CoinDesk.”

“The documents show Zora Labs recently completed the funding round with five investors participating. Their identities were not immediately known and it was unclear at press time whether the raise includes October’s $2 million seed round.”

Dapper Labs – $305 Million
CryptoKitties and NBA Top Shot maker Dapper Labs raises $305 million
Venture Beat (3/30/21)

“Dapper Labs, the maker of blockchain-based digital collectibles CryptoKitties and NBA Top Shot, has raised $305 million in a new round of funding. Dapper Labs is also the creator of the Flow blockchain network.”

“The round, led by Coatue, brings in more than 30 NBA, NFL, and MLB athletes, entertainment leaders, and cultural influencers — and includes participation from The Chernin Group, Andreessen Horowitz, Venrock, USV, and Version One.”

“The Vancouver-based Dapper Labs said the investors include NBA legend Michael Jordan, current players and funds including Kevin Durant, Andre Iguodala, Kyle Lowry, Spencer Dinwiddie, Andre Drummond, Alex Caruso, Michael Carter-Williams, Josh Hart, Udonis Haslem, JaVale McGee, Khris Middleton, Domantas Sabonis, Klay Thompson, Nikola Vucevic, Thad Young, and Richard Seymour’s 93 Ventures. It also includes investors from entertainment and music such as Ashton Kutcher and Guy Oseary’s Sound Ventures, Will Smith and Keisuke Honda’s Dreamers VC, Shawn Mendes and Andrew Gertler’s AG Ventures, Shay Mitchell, and 2 Chainz.”

“Additional investors in the round include: MLB players like Tim Beckham and Nolan Arenado; NFL players Ken Crawley, Thomas Davis, Stefon Diggs, Dee Ford, Malcom Jenkins, Rodney McLeod, Jordan Matthew, Devin McCourty, Jason McCourty, DK Metcalf, Tyrod Taylor, and Trent Williams; team ownership including Vivek Ranadive (Kings), and notable sports investors Bolt Ventures. This round of financing brings the total capital raised by the company to $357 million.”

Dapper Labs, company behind NBA Top Shot, raises $305 million while being valued at $2.6 billion
USA Today (3/30/21)

“The latest funding round upped Dapper Labs’ valuation to $2.6 billion, a person with knowledge of the situation told USA TODAY Sports. The person requested anonymity because the financial details are not public. ”

SuperRare – $9 Million Series A
SuperRare Raises $9M to Build the Future of Art Collecting
SuperRare on Medium (3/30/21)

“After three years of building and proving this new market, we are thrilled to announce our $9 million Series A financing round from top-tier investors. The round was led by Velvet Sea Ventures and 1confirmation with participation from Version1, Collaborative Fund, Shrug Capital, Third Kind, The LAO, SamsungNext, BlockTower, AndArt Agency, Ashton Kutcher and Guy Oseary’s Sound Ventures, Qinwen Wang, Andrew Stienwold, Scott Belsky, Mark Cuban, Marc Benioff, Naval Ravikant, and Chamath Palihapitiya.”

“The growth in the digital art market in the past three years has been electrifying. In the first year, artists on SuperRare averaged about $8,000 of sales per month. Fast forward to 2021, this figure has exploded by over 31,000% to $25M per month. To date, artists have earned over $30M on SuperRare from primary sales and from secondary market royalties–as artists earn a 10% cut of each subsequent sale of their artwork in the market, for perpetuity.”

Moonbeam – $6 Million
PureStake Closes $6M Strategic Round of Funding for the Moonbeam Network
PureStake News (3/30/21)

“PureStake, the company developing the Moonbeam smart contract platform, announced the completion of a $6 million strategic round led by CoinFund, a leading blockchain-focused investment firm. The round included participation from Binance Labs, ParaFi, Coinbase Ventures, Fenbushi Capital, IOSG Ventures, as well as previous seed investors. This round of funding will be used to hire development resources, build additional integrations and developer tools, perform third-party security audits, and establish a market presence in Asia. These activities will position the team for a successful launch of the Moonbeam network in 2021.”

“‘From the beginning, we have prioritized broad and strategic distribution when fundraising. The partnerships forged in this round…will provide us with the capital, guidance, and global traction we need to launch the Moonbeam network and establish it as a center of DeFi, NFT, and other activity on Polkadot,’ says Derek Yoo, CEO of PureStake and Founder of the Moonbeam project. ”

Recur – $5 Million Seed Round
RECUR Announces $5M Seed Raise From Industry Innovators, The Largest In NFT History, To Build Branded NFT Fan Experiences
Press Release (3/25/21)

“RECUR…company that designs and develops on-chain branded experiences allowing fans to buy, collect, and re-sell digital produc
15.04.2021 kl 07:07 6921

Jaja, får vente til emi, da er vel kurs lik.
15.04.2021 kl 01:32 7042

The U.S. Senate has passed a vote that will make Gary Gensler the next chair of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.

Kryptoekspert! Godt det er noe good news! Men dltx skal langt anyways...🤷🏻‍♂️😆😆
14.04.2021 kl 22:56 7146

Bloomberg i Japan har fått med seg endringene til satsing på blockchain istedenfor mineralsektoren.

Mer enn mange andre aksjesider.
14.04.2021 kl 22:48 7127

Jeg tegnet meg for hele dritten, så om dere andre ikke får så vet dere hvor dem ble av.
14.04.2021 kl 20:20 7295

Ønsket kan nok gå gjennom. Verre med tildeling.

Redigert 14.04.2021 kl 21:24 Du må logge inn for å svare
14.04.2021 kl 20:14 7247

Da må du lese litt nøyere. «Subscription without Subscription Rights will not be permitted«
14.04.2021 kl 20:10 7237

Null, som sagt nett lest meg opp.
14.04.2021 kl 19:50 7222

ja, ikke vet jeg. bestilte mer enn jeg har rett på. men enten går det eller så går det ikke....
14.04.2021 kl 19:46 7239

Nåt stämmer 8nte här, acrane på svenska blrsen ligger still på miljardvärdering, ungefär samma bolag, håller med norska börsen är för lättmanipulerad, emmisionen ärju liten har 6000 aktier fick 98 för 5 kr på de
14.04.2021 kl 19:41 7208

Din bestilling er registrert.

Selskap: DLT ASA
Type: Emisjon med fortrinnsrett og overtegning
Tegningsforhold: 1 tegningsrett gir rett til tildeling av 1 aksje.

Registreringstidspunkt: 14.04.2021 kl. 19:37

Antall aksjer: 17 000 aksjer á NOK 5,04

da er det bestilt....regner med mannskjitn raser langt under 5 kr samtidig som alt anna av krypto fyker til himmels! Velkommen til klovnebørsen OSE. ''

14.04.2021 kl 19:15 7251

Hvor mange aksjer har du fra før da?
14.04.2021 kl 19:03 7282

Får i tildeling.
Sjekk vps under emisjon.
Slettet bruker
14.04.2021 kl 18:37 7293

Et tall du ønsker, eller får du det i tildeling?
14.04.2021 kl 17:24 7366

Har troen på Dlt, Hr derfor etter opplesing signert blankett idag for kjøp av 15000 aksjer til a 5,04kr.
14.04.2021 kl 16:47 7409

Tror trådstarter får skifte tekst,og snu rakketten på denne tråden.
Redigert 14.04.2021 kl 16:57 Du må logge inn for å svare
14.04.2021 kl 16:31 7426

Nok en knallsterk dag for kryptoeventyret på OSE.
14.04.2021 kl 16:24 3608

Love it, 220.000 ligger på åpent salg. Er det «hjørnesteinskompiser»?
Redigert 14.04.2021 kl 16:25 Du må logge inn for å svare
14.04.2021 kl 16:23 3604

Nokk en dag hvor aksjen trykkes ned,har ledelsen sovna.Merkelig at dem ikke har mere klart,ingen markedsføring eller noe.Lett å trykke aksjen ned,tror det er mange som er skuffet nå ja.
14.04.2021 kl 15:36 3678

Kvartalsrapporten blir iallfall spennende
14.04.2021 kl 15:11 3706

Lurer på om årsrapporten kan være spennende?
14.04.2021 kl 15:01 3720

Det er du som bestemmer kursen på aksjen. Du som kjøperen. Kjøp så går prisen opp skal du se. Eller vær tålmodig :)
14.04.2021 kl 14:11 3810

Kjempe sukkse å skifte navn,skulle ikke denne til himmels da.Mange som sa vent til vi blir til DLTX,da ser vi minst 20.-Snart ned til 6 nå,inntressen er nesten fra værende.
14.04.2021 kl 14:03 3831

Mange emiaksjer også er vi jo notert på klovnebørsen ose. All krypto går til himmelen men her på ose raser den. Analytikerne er jo som vi vet komplett inkompetent når det gjelder krypto så der er det ikke noe hjelp å få:)

Hatt verbatim siden 05 på dette forumet.
14.04.2021 kl 13:42 3879

Hva er grunnen til det verbatim? Hentet navnet fra kopierbare CDer, dengang vi hadde det..?
Redigert 14.04.2021 kl 13:43 Du må logge inn for å svare
14.04.2021 kl 13:37 3894

Samme her! Men vi skal nok laaangt ned på 5-tallet først😎
14.04.2021 kl 12:42 3972

NoRiskNoReturn skrev Jeg også!
Stiller meg bak det 🙏🏼
14.04.2021 kl 12:29 4023

Ville vært forsiktig med å trekke paralleller der. Dogecoin har blitt et internett-fenomen og det har dannet seg et kult-miljø rundt dette prosjektet. Og Elon Musk, som de gjerne kaller Daddy Musk, er høvdingen. Dette prosjektet bør betraktes som et hype-fenomen. Det burde ikke brukes for å spekulere i hvordan andre fork-prosjekt vil prestere, spør du meg.
Redigert 14.04.2021 kl 12:29 Du må logge inn for å svare
14.04.2021 kl 12:17 4053

På Nordnet så står det at disse rettene kan kun handles med konto IKZ og IPA!!! Stemmer dette?? Jeg har ASK, og har brukt rettene mine på den, uten å få noen melding at det ikke er greit. Noen som kan oppklare?
14.04.2021 kl 12:01 4103

Holder med en det.

Gjerne en uten flere opsjoner, og en som ikke bare lager en illusjon om inntekter men også setter denne pølseboden på kartet.

Så langt har dette eventyret vært mer som en trist limerick.
14.04.2021 kl 11:53 4128

Det leikes med kursen ser jeg,må nokk noen meldinger til nå.
14.04.2021 kl 10:17 4297

Føler meg klar for å teste 30 tallet....
14.04.2021 kl 10:09 4315

Ikke enda,men det kommer sikkert.
14.04.2021 kl 10:03 4332

... Og da er vi klare for 6 tallet...?
14.04.2021 kl 09:53 4365

Hvis Doge som er en håpløs fork av Litecoin kan nå top 10 (som den nå har gjort) hva kan ikke Bitcoin Cash (BCH) gjøre da. (Som er en strålende fork av BTC)
14.04.2021 kl 09:27 4421

Compass Mining solgte S19 minere for 7500$ før jul.

Hvis jeg hadde investert pengene i det i stedet for DLT, 20 stk minere, så gir de nå en avkastning på 1000 dollar pr miner. I måneden.
Dvs 20.000 dollar i måneden.
Noen har testet dette, med å kjøpe en miner og se hva den gir i måneden, jeg har kryss-sjekket tallene, de ser ut til å stemme med andre sin erfaring.
Noen som vet om dette kan stemme, for Antminer S19?

Så hva venter vi på, har de et prosjekt i startgropa i Rhodium-satsingen?

Jeg ser jo at de store aktørene som kjøper mange minere får de til halv pris.
Redigert 14.04.2021 kl 09:32 Du må logge inn for å svare
14.04.2021 kl 09:08 4469

Det var ikke ment som en kjøpsanbefaling... Bare fasinerende at den etter 2000% oppgang tar mot til seg og går 100% til.
14.04.2021 kl 08:56 4507

Dogecoin ville jeg ikke investert 5 flate øre i. Der trykkes det opp så mange nye mynter gjennom mining prosessen at det er helt latterlig. For at kursen skal øke, så må innflyten av penger være større enn innflyten av nye coins. Tror Dogecoin skal slite hardt med å holde oppe det kjøret den er på nå. Det finnes ikke noe capped supply av Dogecoin heller. Antall coins kommer bare til å øke og øke og øke! Dogecoin er en meme-coin, og den fyker til værs hver gang Elon Musk tweeter om den. Nei.. Denne skal man være forsiktig med, spør du meg! Ville heller gått for Bitcoin, Ethereum, Chainlink, Polkadot, og/eller Cardano! Ja, kanskje også Litecoin! XRP ville jeg ikke lengre vurdert etter siste tids kursutvikling med mindre man allerede sitter på coins der.
Redigert 14.04.2021 kl 09:04 Du må logge inn for å svare
14.04.2021 kl 08:53 4456

Det tror jeg også. Tror Bitcoin kan gå til 200 k før neste bear-cycle.
14.04.2021 kl 08:45 4463

De som er interessert i krypto har nok investert på kryptobørser, eneste grunn til at jeg er inne her er at kona synes jeg burde spre risikoen og ha 30% på børsen.
Krypto er i ferd med å ta av, det er vanskelig å forestille seg hva som kommer. Kan bare se tilbake på våren 2017 , men tror det blir mye større.
14.04.2021 kl 08:34 4467

Jasså, så de er i gang igjen etter siste tids korreksjon? Da går de nok fort til nye høyder igjen snart!

Men det spiller vel ingen rolle for kursen til DLT haha!