Aker Carbone Capture - Trigger tråd
Aker Carbone Capture (ACC) AKH eier 49,28% av ACC - Target contracts to secure 10Mt CO2 p.a. by 2025
- Pågående bygging av Norcem (EPC contract and 5-year service agreement) - Size: 400,000 metric tons CO2 per annum. ACC-utstyr ikke vil monteres i fabrikken før i slutten av 2022 eller starten av 2023.
- 12.07.2021 Aker Carbon Capture launches Carbon Capture as a Service
- 17.08.2021 09:05:49: Aker Carbon Capture Supports Greensand CO2 Storage Project in Denmark - The project will form the basis for a decision to enable CO2 storage as early as 2025, positioning Greensand among the frontrunners of CO2 storage projects in Europe.Greensand-konsortiet vil ifølge Magseis Fairfield sende inn en EUDP-søknad innen september i år, og arbeidet i pilotprosjektet ventes å bli påbegynt innen nyttår. Første injiseringsarbeid offshore ventes å skje sent neste år. EDUP er en offentlig tilskuddsordning.
- Twence Just Catch™ Contract Within Waste-to-Energy Industry - Size: 100,000 metric tons CO2 per annum.
2.8.2021 EU approves funding for Twence's carbon capture project, Euro 14.3 million - https://newsweb.oslobors.no/message/538874
- ACC and Siemens Energy have signed a memorandum of understanding aimed at developing combined offerings for carbon capture solutions that can be applied to gas turbines and gas-fired power plants.
- ACC, Ørsted and Microsoft have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to explore ways to support the development of carbon capture and storage at biomass-fired heat and power plants in Denmark.
- ACC has signed an agreement with Elkem to conduct a feasibility study for the establishment of carbon capture at its Norwegian smelters, and to support the company’s long-term goal of achieving carbon-neutral metal production
- ACC has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Forus Energigjenvinning and Lyse to explore ways to support the development of a full-scale carbon capture and storage facility in the Stavanger/Sandnes region in southwestern Norway
- Aker Carbon Capture and Hitachi Zosen Inova (HZI) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) aimed at accelerating carbon capture solutions in the waste to energy industry in Europe.
- Avfallshåndteringsselskapet BIR har signert en kontrakt med Aker Carbon Capture for å utforske mulighetene for et karbonfangstanlegg. Mulighetsstudien vil være gjennomført i 2021/ 2022, og målet er å få økt innsikt i potensial, kostnad og industrielle forhold for et anlegg i Rådal», sier Borghild Lekve, adm. direktør i BIR, i meldingen
- ACC and Haldor Topsoe have signed a memorandum of understanding with the intention to offer a complete solution for low-carbon hydrogen production.
Link til prospektet når AKH flyttes til hovedindeksen 21.5.2021:
Nå kan ACC handles på USA børsen:
17.6.2021 Prospekt overflytting til hovedindeksen 18 juni:
- Pågående bygging av Norcem (EPC contract and 5-year service agreement) - Size: 400,000 metric tons CO2 per annum. ACC-utstyr ikke vil monteres i fabrikken før i slutten av 2022 eller starten av 2023.
- 12.07.2021 Aker Carbon Capture launches Carbon Capture as a Service
- 17.08.2021 09:05:49: Aker Carbon Capture Supports Greensand CO2 Storage Project in Denmark - The project will form the basis for a decision to enable CO2 storage as early as 2025, positioning Greensand among the frontrunners of CO2 storage projects in Europe.Greensand-konsortiet vil ifølge Magseis Fairfield sende inn en EUDP-søknad innen september i år, og arbeidet i pilotprosjektet ventes å bli påbegynt innen nyttår. Første injiseringsarbeid offshore ventes å skje sent neste år. EDUP er en offentlig tilskuddsordning.
- Twence Just Catch™ Contract Within Waste-to-Energy Industry - Size: 100,000 metric tons CO2 per annum.
2.8.2021 EU approves funding for Twence's carbon capture project, Euro 14.3 million - https://newsweb.oslobors.no/message/538874
- ACC and Siemens Energy have signed a memorandum of understanding aimed at developing combined offerings for carbon capture solutions that can be applied to gas turbines and gas-fired power plants.
- ACC, Ørsted and Microsoft have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to explore ways to support the development of carbon capture and storage at biomass-fired heat and power plants in Denmark.
- ACC has signed an agreement with Elkem to conduct a feasibility study for the establishment of carbon capture at its Norwegian smelters, and to support the company’s long-term goal of achieving carbon-neutral metal production
- ACC has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Forus Energigjenvinning and Lyse to explore ways to support the development of a full-scale carbon capture and storage facility in the Stavanger/Sandnes region in southwestern Norway
- Aker Carbon Capture and Hitachi Zosen Inova (HZI) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) aimed at accelerating carbon capture solutions in the waste to energy industry in Europe.
- Avfallshåndteringsselskapet BIR har signert en kontrakt med Aker Carbon Capture for å utforske mulighetene for et karbonfangstanlegg. Mulighetsstudien vil være gjennomført i 2021/ 2022, og målet er å få økt innsikt i potensial, kostnad og industrielle forhold for et anlegg i Rådal», sier Borghild Lekve, adm. direktør i BIR, i meldingen
- ACC and Haldor Topsoe have signed a memorandum of understanding with the intention to offer a complete solution for low-carbon hydrogen production.
Link til prospektet når AKH flyttes til hovedindeksen 21.5.2021:
Nå kan ACC handles på USA børsen:
17.6.2021 Prospekt overflytting til hovedindeksen 18 juni:
Redigert 17.08.2021 kl 15:39
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17.08.2021 kl 16:21
29 samarbeidspartnere i prosjektet ink ACC
18.08.2021 kl 14:39
Først i 2025...? Imens vi venter er der et bedre alternativ. Bergen Carbon Solutions (BCS) har opfundet en slags menneskeskabt fotosyntese hvor kulilte splittes til ilt og kulstof til form af Carbon Nono Fibers (CNF). Det sidste har en uhyggelig markedsværdi og BCS kan producere det med en fraktion af omkostningen traditionel teknologi laver CNF på. Det er vandvittig genialt at bruge CO2, som er affald til sygelige deponi omkostninger, som input til at skabe noget enormt værdifuldt materiale. Det er jo fra muld til guld. Potentialet her er helt overdrevet og jeg tror det bliver en af Norges største industri eventyr i nyere tid. Måske i har pumpet mye olie op og nu skal processen omvendes. Tillykke.
19.08.2021 kl 02:34
Hvorfor spammer du ned acc tråden her ?
Kan du ikke finne ett dansk forum eller holde deg på BCS trådene?
Kan du ikke finne ett dansk forum eller holde deg på BCS trådene?
25.08.2021 kl 16:41
25.08.2021 15:30:05: Aker Carbon Capture Capital Markets Day
Aker Carbon Capture invites investors, analysts and media to its first capital
markets day on September 9, 2021.
At the event, Aker Carbon Capture's management team, key industrial partners and third-party experts will share updates on the overall carbon capture market, our
technology trends and developments and our innovative offerings like Carbon Capture as a Service.
The event will take place as a video webcast from CET 15:00 on September 9.
Broadcast details will be available on
Aker Carbon Capture invites investors, analysts and media to its first capital
markets day on September 9, 2021.
At the event, Aker Carbon Capture's management team, key industrial partners and third-party experts will share updates on the overall carbon capture market, our
technology trends and developments and our innovative offerings like Carbon Capture as a Service.
The event will take place as a video webcast from CET 15:00 on September 9.
Broadcast details will be available on
Redigert 25.08.2021 kl 16:41
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02.09.2021 kl 09:50
Er det noen som vet kursmål de har nå?
Oslo (Infront TDN Direkt): Morgan Stanley gjenopptar dekning av Aker Carbon Capture med en anbefaling satt til "Equal weight".
Det melder Reuters torsdag.
Oslo (Infront TDN Direkt): Morgan Stanley gjenopptar dekning av Aker Carbon Capture med en anbefaling satt til "Equal weight".
Det melder Reuters torsdag.
03.09.2021 kl 10:53
Oslo (Infront TDN Direkt): Berenberg øker kursmålet på Aker Carbon Capture til 27 kroner aksjen, fra tidligere 23, og fastholder dermed kjøpsanbefalingen.
Det fremgår av analyse fra meglerhuset.
Berenberg skriver at de ser det som vanskelig å differensiere Aker Carbon Captures tilbud angående fangstrate og energieffektivitet. Meglerhuset etterspør også mer detaljer for hvorfor Aker Carbon Captures tilbud er sektorledende. Gjennomlesning av nylige annonserte kontrakter peker også mot høyere enhetskostnad enn de tidligere hadde estimert. Dette gir videre en økt LCOE, men øker også samtidig omsetningsmuligheten.
"Nettoeffekten er en 40 prosent økning i vårt 2030-estimat på omsetning til 2,4 milliarder euro (fra 1,7 milliarder)", understreker meglerhuset.
Ellers påpeker Berenberg at deres Utilities-team nylig har økt meglerhusets langsiktige (2030) EU karbonpris til 100 euro tonnet, fra tidligere 75 euro, hvilket Berenberg mener burde være støttende for karbonfangst og -lagring»
Oslo (Infront TDN Direkt): Berenberg øker kursmålet på Aker Carbon Capture til 27 kroner aksjen, fra tidligere 23, og fastholder dermed kjøpsanbefalingen.
Det fremgår av analyse fra meglerhuset.
Berenberg skriver at de ser det som vanskelig å differensiere Aker Carbon Captures tilbud angående fangstrate og energieffektivitet. Meglerhuset etterspør også mer detaljer for hvorfor Aker Carbon Captures tilbud er sektorledende. Gjennomlesning av nylige annonserte kontrakter peker også mot høyere enhetskostnad enn de tidligere hadde estimert. Dette gir videre en økt LCOE, men øker også samtidig omsetningsmuligheten.
"Nettoeffekten er en 40 prosent økning i vårt 2030-estimat på omsetning til 2,4 milliarder euro (fra 1,7 milliarder)", understreker meglerhuset.
Ellers påpeker Berenberg at deres Utilities-team nylig har økt meglerhusets langsiktige (2030) EU karbonpris til 100 euro tonnet, fra tidligere 75 euro, hvilket Berenberg mener burde være støttende for karbonfangst og -lagring»
Sunn Skepsis
03.09.2021 kl 13:26
5 dager med oppgang skrellet bort på et par timer. Kursmål er skumle greier.
03.09.2021 kl 13:50
Yupp ! Gjorde underverker den anbefalingen der..:p. Men er en meget volital aksje så kan fortsatt bli nøytral intradag...kan.
06.09.2021 kl 14:13
Sunn Skepsis skrev 5 dager med oppgang skrellet bort på et par timer. Kursmål er skumle greier.
Ser da ut som aksjen går fint opp? Ny ATH, ingen motstand oppover
Sunn Skepsis
06.09.2021 kl 14:16
Ja, i dag var det plutselig bare å lene seg tilbake i godstolen igjen.
08.09.2021 kl 08:10
08.09.2021 08:00:03: Carbonor and Aker Carbon Capture will Collaborate to Produce Low-Emission Char with Carbon Capture as a Service
Carbonor and Aker Carbon Capture have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)
to jointly develop Carbonor's planned low CO2 char production in Øygarden in
western Norway. The project will utilize Aker Carbon Capture's Just Catch 100
technology integrated with Carbonor's pyrolysis technology to produce low
-emission, high-carbon reductants for the alloy industry.
The project could become the first in which carbon capture and storage is sold
as a service, where the emitter pays a fee based on the volume of carbon
"We are excited to take another step towards our goal of producing low CO2 char
while creating sustainable jobs in the new CCS industry in Norway. Our goal is
to commission Carbonor's new char operations in time for the opening of the
Norwegian Longship CCS project with the Northern Lights terminal at Øygarden in
May 2024," says Helene Morne, CEO of Carbonor. "We look forward to benefiting
from ACC's HSE-friendly, compact carbon capture solutions and innovative
business models in this project."
As part of the project, Carbonor and Aker Carbon Capture will establish the full
CCS value chain from capture to storage, utilizing leading technology, as well
as innovative business models. The companies are already collaborating on CCS
solutions for char production. Aker Carbon Capture's mobile test unit is
currently at Carbonor's site in Poland, testing ACC's proprietary technology for
CO2 capture.
"Bringing our capture technology and business model innovation into the
partnership with Carbonor is a great opportunity to advance the application of
CCS into new market segments," said Valborg Lundegaard, Chief Executive Officer
of Aker Carbon Capture. The agreement with Carbonor follows Aker Carbon
Capture's recent launch of Carbon Capture as a Service, a truly flexible
business model where the full value chain can be delivered within the price of
the European CO2 quota system (ETS) or similar relevant reference point.
"Working with Carbonor will help us accelerate the CCS market," said Jon
Christopher Knudsen, Chief Commercial Officer of Aker Carbon Capture. "A
flexible as-a-service offering that unlocks mid-scale emitters across northern
Europe, is key to complement the large first of a kind projects that are now
underway," said Knudsen, referring to projects, such as the Brevik CCS project,
in which Aker Carbon Capture is delivering its large Big Catch technology
capturing 400,000 tonnes of CO2 per year at the Norcem Heidelberg Cement plant
in Norway.
"Sustainably produced, low CO2 char will be an important enabler of
decarbonization for the alloy industries and Carbonor will play a vital role in
the drive to reduce CO2 emissions in the Norwegian process industry," said Tor
Morne, Head of Investor Relations at Carbonor.
The Just Catch 100 is Aker Carbon Capture's modular and compact carbon capture
unit with annual capture capacity of 100,000 tonnes CO2. The Memorandum of
Understanding (MoU) covers the development of the Øygarden opportunity and has a
validity of four years.
Carbonor and Aker Carbon Capture have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)
to jointly develop Carbonor's planned low CO2 char production in Øygarden in
western Norway. The project will utilize Aker Carbon Capture's Just Catch 100
technology integrated with Carbonor's pyrolysis technology to produce low
-emission, high-carbon reductants for the alloy industry.
The project could become the first in which carbon capture and storage is sold
as a service, where the emitter pays a fee based on the volume of carbon
"We are excited to take another step towards our goal of producing low CO2 char
while creating sustainable jobs in the new CCS industry in Norway. Our goal is
to commission Carbonor's new char operations in time for the opening of the
Norwegian Longship CCS project with the Northern Lights terminal at Øygarden in
May 2024," says Helene Morne, CEO of Carbonor. "We look forward to benefiting
from ACC's HSE-friendly, compact carbon capture solutions and innovative
business models in this project."
As part of the project, Carbonor and Aker Carbon Capture will establish the full
CCS value chain from capture to storage, utilizing leading technology, as well
as innovative business models. The companies are already collaborating on CCS
solutions for char production. Aker Carbon Capture's mobile test unit is
currently at Carbonor's site in Poland, testing ACC's proprietary technology for
CO2 capture.
"Bringing our capture technology and business model innovation into the
partnership with Carbonor is a great opportunity to advance the application of
CCS into new market segments," said Valborg Lundegaard, Chief Executive Officer
of Aker Carbon Capture. The agreement with Carbonor follows Aker Carbon
Capture's recent launch of Carbon Capture as a Service, a truly flexible
business model where the full value chain can be delivered within the price of
the European CO2 quota system (ETS) or similar relevant reference point.
"Working with Carbonor will help us accelerate the CCS market," said Jon
Christopher Knudsen, Chief Commercial Officer of Aker Carbon Capture. "A
flexible as-a-service offering that unlocks mid-scale emitters across northern
Europe, is key to complement the large first of a kind projects that are now
underway," said Knudsen, referring to projects, such as the Brevik CCS project,
in which Aker Carbon Capture is delivering its large Big Catch technology
capturing 400,000 tonnes of CO2 per year at the Norcem Heidelberg Cement plant
in Norway.
"Sustainably produced, low CO2 char will be an important enabler of
decarbonization for the alloy industries and Carbonor will play a vital role in
the drive to reduce CO2 emissions in the Norwegian process industry," said Tor
Morne, Head of Investor Relations at Carbonor.
The Just Catch 100 is Aker Carbon Capture's modular and compact carbon capture
unit with annual capture capacity of 100,000 tonnes CO2. The Memorandum of
Understanding (MoU) covers the development of the Øygarden opportunity and has a
validity of four years.
Redigert 08.09.2021 kl 08:16
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08.09.2021 kl 08:45
08.09.2021 kl 09:38
Dette er nok en doblingskandidat, så de som vil være med på dette eventyret må gå på toget nå
08.09.2021 kl 13:09
08.09.2021 13:02:10: Aker Carbon Capture Gears Up to Realize CCS in the UK
The pure play carbon capture company Aker Carbon Capture is gearing up in the UK
to capture opportunities in the rapidly evolving Carbon Capture and Storage
The company recently established a UK entity and is working on several projects
to apply its proprietary carbon capture technology in the UK, which has been a
front-runner in developing CCS over the past decade.
The UK government has pledged to establish carbon capture of up to 10 million
tonnes of CO2 per year from 2030, with the first industrial clusters in
operation by the mid-2020s.
"Aker Carbon Capture will work to realize the solutions and facilities required
for the UK to reach its ambitious climate goals and contribute to developing new
sustainable jobs in the country," said Valborg Lundegaard, Chief Executive
Officer of Aker Carbon Capture.
CCS could support thousands of jobs in the UK by 2030, according to the UK
government's plans for a £1 billion CCS infrastructure fund - part of its Ten
Point Plan for a Green Industrial Revolution from November 2020.
Aker Carbon Capture will work closely with a new consortium announced today by
Aker Solutions, Siemens Energy and Doosan Babcock to deliver CCS solutions for
gas fired power stations in the UK. Aker Carbon Capture will provide its capture
technology with low solvent degradation and low emissions and key equipment to
complement the consortium's broad capabilities to deliver major industrial
Aker Carbon Capture and Siemens Energy in March announced plans to develop
combined offerings for carbon capture solutions for gas turbines and gas-fired
power plants. Siemens Energy, a leading energy technology company focused on
driving decarbonization, offers an established UK track record in the delivery
of CCGT power plants and strong operations and maintenance capabilities.
Separately, Aker Carbon Capture is also actively engaged in projects in other
sectors, including the waste-to-energy industry. the company recently completed
a feasibility study for Viridor to explore implementation of carbon capture at
one or more of the recycling and waste management company's plants in the UK.
Aker Carbon Capture is also exploring the market for CCS for cement factories
building on the project experience from the Heidelberg cement factory in Brevik,
Offering Carbon Capture as a Service - carbon capture made easyT
One market innovation that could encourage early adoption of CCS in the UK is
carbon capture as a service. Aker Carbon Capture is offering an integrated
solution that covers everything a customer needs to reduce emissions by CCS. As
part of the service, Aker Carbon Capture will deliver and operate carbon capture
facilities, with transport and storage embedded in the service through strategic
"The market response to carbon capture as a service has been very encouraging.
Offering the full value chain under one pay-per-tonne model is a bold innovation
the market appears to appreciate," said Jon Christopher Knudsen, Chief
Commercial Officer at Aker Carbon Capture.
The pure play carbon capture company Aker Carbon Capture is gearing up in the UK
to capture opportunities in the rapidly evolving Carbon Capture and Storage
The company recently established a UK entity and is working on several projects
to apply its proprietary carbon capture technology in the UK, which has been a
front-runner in developing CCS over the past decade.
The UK government has pledged to establish carbon capture of up to 10 million
tonnes of CO2 per year from 2030, with the first industrial clusters in
operation by the mid-2020s.
"Aker Carbon Capture will work to realize the solutions and facilities required
for the UK to reach its ambitious climate goals and contribute to developing new
sustainable jobs in the country," said Valborg Lundegaard, Chief Executive
Officer of Aker Carbon Capture.
CCS could support thousands of jobs in the UK by 2030, according to the UK
government's plans for a £1 billion CCS infrastructure fund - part of its Ten
Point Plan for a Green Industrial Revolution from November 2020.
Aker Carbon Capture will work closely with a new consortium announced today by
Aker Solutions, Siemens Energy and Doosan Babcock to deliver CCS solutions for
gas fired power stations in the UK. Aker Carbon Capture will provide its capture
technology with low solvent degradation and low emissions and key equipment to
complement the consortium's broad capabilities to deliver major industrial
Aker Carbon Capture and Siemens Energy in March announced plans to develop
combined offerings for carbon capture solutions for gas turbines and gas-fired
power plants. Siemens Energy, a leading energy technology company focused on
driving decarbonization, offers an established UK track record in the delivery
of CCGT power plants and strong operations and maintenance capabilities.
Separately, Aker Carbon Capture is also actively engaged in projects in other
sectors, including the waste-to-energy industry. the company recently completed
a feasibility study for Viridor to explore implementation of carbon capture at
one or more of the recycling and waste management company's plants in the UK.
Aker Carbon Capture is also exploring the market for CCS for cement factories
building on the project experience from the Heidelberg cement factory in Brevik,
Offering Carbon Capture as a Service - carbon capture made easyT
One market innovation that could encourage early adoption of CCS in the UK is
carbon capture as a service. Aker Carbon Capture is offering an integrated
solution that covers everything a customer needs to reduce emissions by CCS. As
part of the service, Aker Carbon Capture will deliver and operate carbon capture
facilities, with transport and storage embedded in the service through strategic
"The market response to carbon capture as a service has been very encouraging.
Offering the full value chain under one pay-per-tonne model is a bold innovation
the market appears to appreciate," said Jon Christopher Knudsen, Chief
Commercial Officer at Aker Carbon Capture.
08.09.2021 kl 13:47
Sunn Skepsis skrev Ja, i dag var det plutselig bare å lene seg tilbake i godstolen igjen.
Det ser ikke ut til at markedet var fornøyd med dagens melding.
08.09.2021 kl 14:13
Snasisneller skrev Skjer med det plutselige fallet her da?
Sell on news. Har steget mye i forkant
08.09.2021 kl 15:39
09.09.2021 kl 09:39
09.09.2021 08:00:11: Aker Carbon Capture outlines growth plans at Capital Markets Day
Market fundamentals and business innovation support accelerated growth in the
carbon capture and storage market, said Aker Carbon Capture at its inaugural
capital markets day today.
Aker Carbon Capture reiterates its growth plans at today's capital markets day,
which can be followed live from CET 1500 on https://vier.live/act/aker-carbon.
The voucher is: Oslo2021.
The company launched its '10 in 25' target after it was launched one year ago,
articulating an ambition to secure contracts to capture 10 million tonnes CO2 a
year by 2025. Since then, market fundamentals supporting CCS have developed
favorably, with several countries launching ambitious CCS strategies and ETS
quota prices more than trebling to more than Euro 60 per tonne.
"For the world to reach net zero by 2050, emissions from hard-to-abate
industries need to come down significantly. CCS is increasingly recognized as
critical solution to reach the targets of the Paris agreement, which is
supported by a rising number of emitting companies exploring carbon capture,"
said Valborg Lundegaard, Chief Executive Officer of Aker Carbon Capture.
In addition to market fundamentals, Aker Carbon Capture has taken decisive
measures to accelerate the growth of the market ; forming key partnerships with
customers and industrial partners and developing innovative business models to
lower the barriers to entry for emitters.
"Working together with the right partners is key to achieve necessary progress
toward realizing CCS on a big scale," said Lundegaard.
Aker Carbon Capture has established partnerships with strategically important
players who either complement its offering to the market or share its ambitions
to accelerate the market. Some of them will be speaking at the Capital Markets
Day, including representatives from Microsoft and Siemens Energy.
Bold Innovation
A recent innovation by Aker Carbon Capture is Carbon Capture as a Service ;
Carbon capture made easyT, an integrated offering that covers everything a
customer needs to reduce emissions by CCS. As part of the service, Aker Carbon
Capture will deliver and operate the carbon capture facilities. Transport and
storage will be embedded in the service through strategic partnerships.
There has been a positive market response from a range of prospective clients,
including from Carbonor, who will be presenting at the Capital Markets Day. The
company recently signed an MoU with Aker Carbon Capture to jointly develop a low
-emission char facility for engineered carbon reductants for the alloy
On target
After just one year of operation as a separate company, Aker Carbon Capture is
established as a front-runner in the CCS industry.
"We are a purpose and values-driven company, combining decades of experience
from developing CCS technology with industrial know-how and a desire to do the
right thing," said Lundegaard.
"Based on the market development we see and the measures we have taken to
accelerate the market, I am confident that we are on our way to reaching our
ambitious target of 10 in 2025 and making a significant positive contribution
toward reducing emissions," she concludes.
Market fundamentals and business innovation support accelerated growth in the
carbon capture and storage market, said Aker Carbon Capture at its inaugural
capital markets day today.
Aker Carbon Capture reiterates its growth plans at today's capital markets day,
which can be followed live from CET 1500 on https://vier.live/act/aker-carbon.
The voucher is: Oslo2021.
The company launched its '10 in 25' target after it was launched one year ago,
articulating an ambition to secure contracts to capture 10 million tonnes CO2 a
year by 2025. Since then, market fundamentals supporting CCS have developed
favorably, with several countries launching ambitious CCS strategies and ETS
quota prices more than trebling to more than Euro 60 per tonne.
"For the world to reach net zero by 2050, emissions from hard-to-abate
industries need to come down significantly. CCS is increasingly recognized as
critical solution to reach the targets of the Paris agreement, which is
supported by a rising number of emitting companies exploring carbon capture,"
said Valborg Lundegaard, Chief Executive Officer of Aker Carbon Capture.
In addition to market fundamentals, Aker Carbon Capture has taken decisive
measures to accelerate the growth of the market ; forming key partnerships with
customers and industrial partners and developing innovative business models to
lower the barriers to entry for emitters.
"Working together with the right partners is key to achieve necessary progress
toward realizing CCS on a big scale," said Lundegaard.
Aker Carbon Capture has established partnerships with strategically important
players who either complement its offering to the market or share its ambitions
to accelerate the market. Some of them will be speaking at the Capital Markets
Day, including representatives from Microsoft and Siemens Energy.
Bold Innovation
A recent innovation by Aker Carbon Capture is Carbon Capture as a Service ;
Carbon capture made easyT, an integrated offering that covers everything a
customer needs to reduce emissions by CCS. As part of the service, Aker Carbon
Capture will deliver and operate the carbon capture facilities. Transport and
storage will be embedded in the service through strategic partnerships.
There has been a positive market response from a range of prospective clients,
including from Carbonor, who will be presenting at the Capital Markets Day. The
company recently signed an MoU with Aker Carbon Capture to jointly develop a low
-emission char facility for engineered carbon reductants for the alloy
On target
After just one year of operation as a separate company, Aker Carbon Capture is
established as a front-runner in the CCS industry.
"We are a purpose and values-driven company, combining decades of experience
from developing CCS technology with industrial know-how and a desire to do the
right thing," said Lundegaard.
"Based on the market development we see and the measures we have taken to
accelerate the market, I am confident that we are on our way to reaching our
ambitious target of 10 in 2025 and making a significant positive contribution
toward reducing emissions," she concludes.
09.09.2021 kl 10:05
Norges CO2 utslipp er på 49 tonn, ACC skal innen 2025 fange 10 tonn, det er jo revolusjonerende! Etter 2025 vil det jo balle på seg i enda større tempo. Innen 2030 vil det jo være enorme mengder fanget. Og ACC er jo ikke de eneste i dette markedet. Har vi jobber oss ut av hele CO2 problemet så enkelt?????
Med de rette incentiver slik at Kina må rense kullkraften sin, så har vi løsningen.
Mengden fremtidig forbrukt olje, gass og kull er lik det markedet er villig til å forbruke for en pris som kan rense den for CO2. Her må det internasjonale reguleringer til, for Kina også. Om de ikke godtar det legger vi på CO2 prisen når produktet ankommer landet. Skal vi redde verden kan vi ikke være veike mot Kinas CO2 forurensing, ei heller kaste bort for mye penger i Europa på ting som ikke monner, heller sette de penga (f.eks overskudd fra oljeintekter) av til å demme opp for kinesiske hevnaksjoner pga CO2 avgifter på deres produkter.
Det var ikke ment slik, men ble dagens politiske innlegg.
Med de rette incentiver slik at Kina må rense kullkraften sin, så har vi løsningen.
Mengden fremtidig forbrukt olje, gass og kull er lik det markedet er villig til å forbruke for en pris som kan rense den for CO2. Her må det internasjonale reguleringer til, for Kina også. Om de ikke godtar det legger vi på CO2 prisen når produktet ankommer landet. Skal vi redde verden kan vi ikke være veike mot Kinas CO2 forurensing, ei heller kaste bort for mye penger i Europa på ting som ikke monner, heller sette de penga (f.eks overskudd fra oljeintekter) av til å demme opp for kinesiske hevnaksjoner pga CO2 avgifter på deres produkter.
Det var ikke ment slik, men ble dagens politiske innlegg.
Redigert 09.09.2021 kl 10:15
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Henry Hub
09.09.2021 kl 12:37
Artig å vite hvem som eier teknologien men tipper det enten er equinor, AKSO, eller begge.
Uansett CO2 rensing på mongstad ble stoppet av AP.
Uansett CO2 rensing på mongstad ble stoppet av AP.
10.09.2021 kl 11:01
Uansett hvordan jeg vurderer dette, er det uten tvil miljømessig betydelig bedre å bruke alle disse milliardene på en annen grønn satsning. _Mulig_ at vi får lastet ned noe CO2 etter hvert, men andre kunder en oss selv blir det neppe. Fra mitt ståsted er dette prestisje-nissepolitikk.
10.09.2021 kl 17:07
Betong er rundt 8% av verdens CO2 utslipp, og det er fortsatt ikke noen klare alternativer til karbonfangst. Så kanskje ikke bare nissepolitikk?
Vel- det er flere prosjekter på gang med å produsere sement uten brenning. Lagring av sin egen dritt er ingen løsning.
10.09.2021 kl 17:52
Dette skriver Mckinsey om saken. "While it’s unclear how the climate debate will unfold, reaching such goals by 2050 will be especially challenging for the cement industry, as most of its CO2 emissions result from the unavoidable chemical process known as calcination. Unlike other industries that may be further along, the development of new technologies to decarbonize cement might not be scalable for years."
13.09.2021 kl 16:19
Er Pareto bare amatører siden ingen hørte på kursmålet som de kom med før helgen på 33, men ”alle” hører tydeligvis på HSBC som mener aksjen er ”riktig” priset på 23 ? Man kan jo like gjerne spørre naboens postkasse om hvilken vei aksjer går, som å høre på de ”proffe”. Jada, jeg vet at når det kommer anbefalinger er toget allerede gått...men geeeez 😆
13.09.2021 kl 16:55
Har du noen gang stolt på en aksje ekspert?! Det må være verdens minst beskyttede tittel…
Når noe endrer seg så er det alltid en øredøvende stillhet… før de en etter en sakte men sikkert kommer opp med mer eller mindre plausible forklaringer på hvorfor noe gikk opp eller ned…
Med unntak av de som sitter med innside information eller i beste exit stil får tips i forkant av big boys movements så er de såkalte ekspertene en gjeng med idioter med et eller annet papir fra BI eller lignende. Se intervjuet med Spetalen i Nettavisen. Han har skjønt det! Det de lærer på skolen fungerer ikke, hadde det gjort det så hadde alle der vært superrike!
Når noe endrer seg så er det alltid en øredøvende stillhet… før de en etter en sakte men sikkert kommer opp med mer eller mindre plausible forklaringer på hvorfor noe gikk opp eller ned…
Med unntak av de som sitter med innside information eller i beste exit stil får tips i forkant av big boys movements så er de såkalte ekspertene en gjeng med idioter med et eller annet papir fra BI eller lignende. Se intervjuet med Spetalen i Nettavisen. Han har skjønt det! Det de lærer på skolen fungerer ikke, hadde det gjort det så hadde alle der vært superrike!
20.09.2021 kl 17:47
Her er link til siste presentasjon
30.09.2021 kl 22:07
Har læst den igennem. Jeg har en post i Bergen Carbon Solutions (BCS). De omdanner CO2 til carbon nano fiber (CNF) og ilt. Kæmpe kommercielt marked er i full swing og BCS kan producere til mye lavere cost end konkurrenterne. Opskalering og salgsarbejde igang.
Fra ACC præsentation fremgår det at hvad de driver med ikke er kommercielt uden støtte:
First commercial scale contracts (*) awarded by Norcem and Twence
(*) Subject to project funding from government and final contract |Source: Global CCS Institute
Ifht BCS virker ACC mye overpriset, men muligens at begge stadig er attraktivt priset.
Fra ACC præsentation fremgår det at hvad de driver med ikke er kommercielt uden støtte:
First commercial scale contracts (*) awarded by Norcem and Twence
(*) Subject to project funding from government and final contract |Source: Global CCS Institute
Ifht BCS virker ACC mye overpriset, men muligens at begge stadig er attraktivt priset.
30.09.2021 kl 22:07
Har læst den igennem. Jeg har en post i Bergen Carbon Solutions (BCS). De omdanner CO2 til carbon nano fiber (CNF) og ilt. Kæmpe kommercielt marked er i full swing og BCS kan producere til mye lavere cost end konkurrenterne. Opskalering og salgsarbejde igang.
Fra ACC præsentation fremgår det at hvad de driver med ikke er kommercielt uden støtte:
First commercial scale contracts (*) awarded by Norcem and Twence
(*) Subject to project funding from government and final contract |Source: Global CCS Institute
Ifht BCS virker ACC mye overpriset, men muligens at begge stadig er attraktivt priset.
Fra ACC præsentation fremgår det at hvad de driver med ikke er kommercielt uden støtte:
First commercial scale contracts (*) awarded by Norcem and Twence
(*) Subject to project funding from government and final contract |Source: Global CCS Institute
Ifht BCS virker ACC mye overpriset, men muligens at begge stadig er attraktivt priset.
30.09.2021 kl 23:21
Fant du noe andre forskjeller på selskapene? Vet du om det er mange andre børs noterte konkurrenter nå?
Sunn Skepsis
01.10.2021 kl 14:17
Det går da brukbart med denne, selv om ingen snakker om den. Hva tenker folk om fremtiden?
02.10.2021 kl 09:52
Jeg tenker at verdien begynner å bli temmelig høy etter mitt hode nå...
På den annen side har jeg sagt før at dette er no brainer og en vekst maskin uten sidestykke.
Jeg er spent på hva de sier i Q3 om videre vekst og inntekter..
Hvor vi er om ett år tør jeg ikke å spå men mest sannsynlig langt over dagens nivå, er jo først nå det grønne skiftet starter,
På meg virker det nesten som at markedet begynner først nå og inse at olje og gass har flere 10 år igjen.
Her bare henger jeg på og nyter oppturen...
På den annen side har jeg sagt før at dette er no brainer og en vekst maskin uten sidestykke.
Jeg er spent på hva de sier i Q3 om videre vekst og inntekter..
Hvor vi er om ett år tør jeg ikke å spå men mest sannsynlig langt over dagens nivå, er jo først nå det grønne skiftet starter,
På meg virker det nesten som at markedet begynner først nå og inse at olje og gass har flere 10 år igjen.
Her bare henger jeg på og nyter oppturen...
Redigert 02.10.2021 kl 09:54
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04.10.2021 kl 15:55
+230 % siste året, men ingen snakker om den 😆. Hva tror vi her.. 30 + fornuftig å selle på, eller har den (mye) mere inne ?
04.10.2021 kl 16:41
Har vært med siden fisjon.
Tok idag en del gevinst, størstedelen fortsatt inne.
Sendte penga tvert inn i SOFF og Eiof som viste seg å være lurt!
Tok idag en del gevinst, størstedelen fortsatt inne.
Sendte penga tvert inn i SOFF og Eiof som viste seg å være lurt!
04.10.2021 kl 17:31
Har også vært med siden dag en. Doblet de første dagene da nervene var på høykant og folk solgte som gale. Har tatt litt gevinst i dag.
Det har vært et vilt ritt, men personlig tror jeg ACC er et av selskapene som lykkes. Foreløpig den eneste som tilbyr abonnement på CO2 fangst der kunden betaler per tonn som er fanget så langt jeg kjenner til.
Bør gi mer ro i sjelen for den delen av industrien som tvinges til grep for å redusere sine karbonavtrykk.
Det har vært et vilt ritt, men personlig tror jeg ACC er et av selskapene som lykkes. Foreløpig den eneste som tilbyr abonnement på CO2 fangst der kunden betaler per tonn som er fanget så langt jeg kjenner til.
Bør gi mer ro i sjelen for den delen av industrien som tvinges til grep for å redusere sine karbonavtrykk.
05.10.2021 kl 00:20
Tatt profit selv. Selv om selskapet mest sannsynlig lykkes i fremtiden, synes jeg selskapet nå har gått for mye på kort tid. Halvårs rapporten sier en omsetning på 132 mil mens selskapet prises utfra dagens kurs på ca 17mrd dvs at nesten alt av kontrakter de neste årene er i utgangspunktet priset inn allerede.
06.10.2021 kl 11:46
Oslo (Infront TDN Direkt): Baillie Gifford Overseas (BGO) har tirsdag kjøpt 1.756.867 aksjer i Aker Carbon Capture, under kapitalforvaltningsavtaler med kunder.
Det fremgår av en flaggemelding onsdag.
Etter transaksjonen har BGO 31.528.787 aksjer i Aker Carbon Capture, tilsvarende en eierandel på 5,23 prosent. BGO har beholdningen på vegne av kunder, og eier ikke aksjene selv.
Oslo (Infront TDN Direkt): Baillie Gifford Overseas (BGO) har tirsdag kjøpt 1.756.867 aksjer i Aker Carbon Capture, under kapitalforvaltningsavtaler med kunder.
Det fremgår av en flaggemelding onsdag.
Etter transaksjonen har BGO 31.528.787 aksjer i Aker Carbon Capture, tilsvarende en eierandel på 5,23 prosent. BGO har beholdningen på vegne av kunder, og eier ikke aksjene selv.
06.10.2021 kl 16:45
Nettopp! Om en aksje går fra 25kr til 30kr på 2 uker uten noen vesentlige news, må det korrigeres. Solgt mandag, ca 30%. Denne kommer tilbake, sitter siden fisjonen så er ikke veldig bekymret. Rimelig sikker og ACC overgår EBIT i dette Q, så er kortvarig dupp. Se an morgen dagen, kjøp nær bunn korreskjon for ny reise mot 30kr.
06.10.2021 kl 17:59
De må ha kjøpt seg raskt opp siden de ikke er inne på topp 20 på ACC oversikt. Det forklarer muligens racet de siste dagene.
Ble litt av en dag med negativt fortegn😎.
Ble litt av en dag med negativt fortegn😎.
11.10.2021 kl 09:44
Fortsatt ikke registrert inn blant topp 20 på ACC hjemmeside. Noen som har ei forklaring?
Deres klienter (klient) er nest største eier ifølge meldingen.
Baillie Gifford Overseas Limited (“BGO”) has on 5 October 2021 acquired 1,756,867 voting rights in Aker Carbon Capture ASA. The voting rights are held under discretionary investment management agreements with clients and were acquired as part of purchases of shares under said investment management agreements. After the transaction, BGO holds a total of 31,528,787 voting rights in Aker Carbon Capture, corresponding to 5.23% of the votes. All voting rights are held under discretionary investment management agreements with clients. BGO does not hold any shares or rights to the shares in Aker Carbon Capture.
Deres klienter (klient) er nest største eier ifølge meldingen.
Baillie Gifford Overseas Limited (“BGO”) has on 5 October 2021 acquired 1,756,867 voting rights in Aker Carbon Capture ASA. The voting rights are held under discretionary investment management agreements with clients and were acquired as part of purchases of shares under said investment management agreements. After the transaction, BGO holds a total of 31,528,787 voting rights in Aker Carbon Capture, corresponding to 5.23% of the votes. All voting rights are held under discretionary investment management agreements with clients. BGO does not hold any shares or rights to the shares in Aker Carbon Capture.
Redigert 11.10.2021 kl 09:45
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11.10.2021 kl 21:14
11.10.2021 20:00:00: Baillie Gifford Increases Ownership in Aker Carbon Capture Through a Transaction with Aker Horizons
UK fund manager Baillie Gifford Overseas Limited ("Baillie Gifford") has today
increased its shareholding in Aker Carbon Capture ASA from 6.64 percent to 12.59
percent following a transaction with Aker Horizons.
"Aker Carbon Capture is taking bold steps to accelerate the adoption of CCS, and
the company is fundamental to Aker Horizons' achieving its decarbonization
goals," said Kristian Røkke, Chief Executive Officer of Aker Horizons. "We have
come to know Baillie Gifford as a thoughtful investor with a long-term horizon
in support of companies vital to our future world. We are convinced that they
can contribute to Aker Carbon Capture's development as a front-runner in new
Through the transaction with Aker Horizons, Baillie Gifford Overseas Limited has
acquired 35,900,000 shares in Aker Carbon Capture ASA from Aker Horizons Holding
AS, each at a price of NOK 23.80 per share. Following the transaction, Baillie
Gifford will own a total of 76,051,555 shares in Aker Carbon Capture ASA,
corresponding to an ownership interest of 12.59 percent.
As part of the transaction with Baillie Gifford, Aker Horizons has also agreed
to sell 6,116,807 shares in Aker Carbon Capture ASA to two other institutional
investors at NOK 23.80 per share. As a result, Aker Horizons has sold a total of
42,016,807 shares in Aker Carbon Capture ASA for a total consideration of NOK 1
billion. Following the transactions, Aker Horizons will own 42.33 percent of the
shares and votes in Aker Carbon Capture ASA, through its wholly owned subsidiary
Aker Horizons Holding AS.
Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is recognized as a key solution for the world
to reach the emissions cuts demanded by the Paris Agreement's goals, and Aker
Carbon Capture is pioneering solutions that increase the accessibility of carbon
capture to a broader range of emitters, including in hard-to-abate sectors such
as cement and waste management.
Baillie Gifford is a private partnership founded in 1908 and based in Edinburgh
that manages £352bn of assets for their global client base across equity, fixed
income, and multi-asset portfolios, all with a long-term mindset. To find out
more, please visit www.bailliegifford.com.
Carnegie acted as financial adviser and Advokatfirmaet BAHR acted as legal
adviser for Aker Horizons in the transaction.
UK fund manager Baillie Gifford Overseas Limited ("Baillie Gifford") has today
increased its shareholding in Aker Carbon Capture ASA from 6.64 percent to 12.59
percent following a transaction with Aker Horizons.
"Aker Carbon Capture is taking bold steps to accelerate the adoption of CCS, and
the company is fundamental to Aker Horizons' achieving its decarbonization
goals," said Kristian Røkke, Chief Executive Officer of Aker Horizons. "We have
come to know Baillie Gifford as a thoughtful investor with a long-term horizon
in support of companies vital to our future world. We are convinced that they
can contribute to Aker Carbon Capture's development as a front-runner in new
Through the transaction with Aker Horizons, Baillie Gifford Overseas Limited has
acquired 35,900,000 shares in Aker Carbon Capture ASA from Aker Horizons Holding
AS, each at a price of NOK 23.80 per share. Following the transaction, Baillie
Gifford will own a total of 76,051,555 shares in Aker Carbon Capture ASA,
corresponding to an ownership interest of 12.59 percent.
As part of the transaction with Baillie Gifford, Aker Horizons has also agreed
to sell 6,116,807 shares in Aker Carbon Capture ASA to two other institutional
investors at NOK 23.80 per share. As a result, Aker Horizons has sold a total of
42,016,807 shares in Aker Carbon Capture ASA for a total consideration of NOK 1
billion. Following the transactions, Aker Horizons will own 42.33 percent of the
shares and votes in Aker Carbon Capture ASA, through its wholly owned subsidiary
Aker Horizons Holding AS.
Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is recognized as a key solution for the world
to reach the emissions cuts demanded by the Paris Agreement's goals, and Aker
Carbon Capture is pioneering solutions that increase the accessibility of carbon
capture to a broader range of emitters, including in hard-to-abate sectors such
as cement and waste management.
Baillie Gifford is a private partnership founded in 1908 and based in Edinburgh
that manages £352bn of assets for their global client base across equity, fixed
income, and multi-asset portfolios, all with a long-term mindset. To find out
more, please visit www.bailliegifford.com.
Carnegie acted as financial adviser and Advokatfirmaet BAHR acted as legal
adviser for Aker Horizons in the transaction.
Redigert 11.10.2021 kl 21:23
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