Mass Deployment 2021 :-)
Nu mass deployment :-) 2021
EPS to pilot Zwipe Pay ONE Biometric Cards with key executives at multiple Financial Institutions in Levant
OSLO, NORWAY and AMMAN, JORDAN – 16 August 2021 – Middle East Payment Services (MEPS) and Zwipe are pleased to announce the launch of a pilot of Biometric Payment Cards based on the Zwipe Pay ONE platform to top-level executives and key decision makers at up to 20 banks and issuers in the Levant region. MEPS is a key regional player in card issuing, payment processing and merchant acquiring services in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). Zwipe is a biometric fintech pioneering next generation contactless payment globally.
2020 MENA
Press Release
Beirut, Lebanon: Biometric fintech company Zwipe and Inkript, a digital security provider in the Middle East and Africa (MEA) region and a subsidiary of Resource Group, announce that they have launched a joint project to deliver the next generation contactless payments experience, Zwipe Pay ONE, to banks across the Middle East.
“Since we announced our partnership with Zwipe, and as a result of the surge in contactless payments, our customers are increasingly demanding safer and more secure payment options; more so today with the impact of the global COVID-19 pandemic on people’s actions towards the nature of cash. It is undoubtedly that security, convenience and contactless are the future of payments, and banks are ready to dive into new technologies that support consumers’ changing behaviors towards money, hygiene, comfort, and overall wellbeing”, says Riad Itani, Managing Director at Inkript.
He added: “Biometric payment cards powered by the Zwipe Pay ONE platform are the most compelling way to address this demand, in terms of both performance and cost. We are enthusiastic to take this next step with Zwipe.”
Inkript has placed an order to Zwipe, commencing small scale manufacturing of biometric payment cards based on the Zwipe Pay ONE platform with the goal of launching pilots, followed by mass-volume deployments with multiple banks in 2021.
“Inkript is a distinguished provider of smartcards and value-added services to some of the largest banks in the MEA. We are excited and proud that Inkript has selected Zwipe Pay ONE as its preferred biometric payment card platform and are now taking action together with us to provide secure payments solutions in the Middle East region,” says André Løvestam, CEO of Zwipe.
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© Press Release 2020
Nu mass deployment :-) 2021
EPS to pilot Zwipe Pay ONE Biometric Cards with key executives at multiple Financial Institutions in Levant
OSLO, NORWAY and AMMAN, JORDAN – 16 August 2021 – Middle East Payment Services (MEPS) and Zwipe are pleased to announce the launch of a pilot of Biometric Payment Cards based on the Zwipe Pay ONE platform to top-level executives and key decision makers at up to 20 banks and issuers in the Levant region. MEPS is a key regional player in card issuing, payment processing and merchant acquiring services in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). Zwipe is a biometric fintech pioneering next generation contactless payment globally.
2020 MENA
Press Release
Beirut, Lebanon: Biometric fintech company Zwipe and Inkript, a digital security provider in the Middle East and Africa (MEA) region and a subsidiary of Resource Group, announce that they have launched a joint project to deliver the next generation contactless payments experience, Zwipe Pay ONE, to banks across the Middle East.
“Since we announced our partnership with Zwipe, and as a result of the surge in contactless payments, our customers are increasingly demanding safer and more secure payment options; more so today with the impact of the global COVID-19 pandemic on people’s actions towards the nature of cash. It is undoubtedly that security, convenience and contactless are the future of payments, and banks are ready to dive into new technologies that support consumers’ changing behaviors towards money, hygiene, comfort, and overall wellbeing”, says Riad Itani, Managing Director at Inkript.
He added: “Biometric payment cards powered by the Zwipe Pay ONE platform are the most compelling way to address this demand, in terms of both performance and cost. We are enthusiastic to take this next step with Zwipe.”
Inkript has placed an order to Zwipe, commencing small scale manufacturing of biometric payment cards based on the Zwipe Pay ONE platform with the goal of launching pilots, followed by mass-volume deployments with multiple banks in 2021.
“Inkript is a distinguished provider of smartcards and value-added services to some of the largest banks in the MEA. We are excited and proud that Inkript has selected Zwipe Pay ONE as its preferred biometric payment card platform and are now taking action together with us to provide secure payments solutions in the Middle East region,” says André Løvestam, CEO of Zwipe.
Send us your press releases to
© Press Release 2020
10.12.2021 kl 10:48
Norges Idex Biometrics har annonsert ytterligere to avtaler for sine nøkkelferdige biometriske kort. Den inngår en strategisk samarbeidsavtale med en global smartkortprodusent, som tilbyr reduserte kostnader og akselerert time-to-market med TrustedBio-referansedesignet.
"Denne avtalen representerer den første store designgevinsten for Idex TrustedBio nøkkelferdig løsning," kommenterer Vince Graziani, administrerende direktør i Idex Biometrics. "Denne avtalen bekrefter at Idex Biometrics muliggjør akselerasjon av markedsdistribusjon for biometriske smartkort. Sammen med partneren vår vil vi markedsføre en toppmoderne biometrisk smartkortløsning som leverer sikker og sømløs brukeropplevelse til millioner av forbrukere globalt.»
Firmaet har også signert et avtaleavtale med Tongxin Microelectronics, en kinesisk leverandør av sikre element mikroprosessorer, for å samarbeide om forretningsmuligheter der fingeravtrykkautentisering er aktuelt.
Partnerne vil først i fellesskap utvikle et nøkkelferdig referansedesign for et biometrisk sikret kort med lagret verdi for bruk i sentralbankens digitale valutainitiativer.
"Vårt partnerskap nå vil gå utover teknisk samarbeid til felles markedsføring i Kina. I første omgang fokuserer vi ressursene på et omfattende referansedesign for kinesiske kortprodusenter som ønsker å akselerere deres deltakelse i de raskt utviklende digitale valutainitiativene, sa Graziani.
«Vårt mål er å involvere tilknyttede selskaper innenfor Tsinghua Unigroup-organisasjonen i samarbeidet med Idex Biometrics. Linxens , den globale lederen innen smartkortinnlegg og relaterte sammenkoblingsløsninger, er et slikt samarbeidsselskap og forventes å delta i utviklingen av det digitale referansedesignet for valutakort.»
"Denne avtalen representerer den første store designgevinsten for Idex TrustedBio nøkkelferdig løsning," kommenterer Vince Graziani, administrerende direktør i Idex Biometrics. "Denne avtalen bekrefter at Idex Biometrics muliggjør akselerasjon av markedsdistribusjon for biometriske smartkort. Sammen med partneren vår vil vi markedsføre en toppmoderne biometrisk smartkortløsning som leverer sikker og sømløs brukeropplevelse til millioner av forbrukere globalt.»
Firmaet har også signert et avtaleavtale med Tongxin Microelectronics, en kinesisk leverandør av sikre element mikroprosessorer, for å samarbeide om forretningsmuligheter der fingeravtrykkautentisering er aktuelt.
Partnerne vil først i fellesskap utvikle et nøkkelferdig referansedesign for et biometrisk sikret kort med lagret verdi for bruk i sentralbankens digitale valutainitiativer.
"Vårt partnerskap nå vil gå utover teknisk samarbeid til felles markedsføring i Kina. I første omgang fokuserer vi ressursene på et omfattende referansedesign for kinesiske kortprodusenter som ønsker å akselerere deres deltakelse i de raskt utviklende digitale valutainitiativene, sa Graziani.
«Vårt mål er å involvere tilknyttede selskaper innenfor Tsinghua Unigroup-organisasjonen i samarbeidet med Idex Biometrics. Linxens , den globale lederen innen smartkortinnlegg og relaterte sammenkoblingsløsninger, er et slikt samarbeidsselskap og forventes å delta i utviklingen av det digitale referansedesignet for valutakort.»
10.12.2021 kl 10:50
Zwipe pares med GEPCOM for å ta biometriske kort til Saudi-Arabia
I ytterligere norske biometrinyheter har Zwipe annonsert nok et partnerskap for å ta biometriske betalingskort til et nytt territorium. Denne gangen sammenkobling med kortprodusenten GEPCOM, vil partnerne ta Zwipe Pay ONE til kongeriket Saudi-Arabia og andre markeder.
Partnerne samarbeider med utstedere i Saudi-Arabia for å lansere piloter i Q2 2022 som følges av kommersielle utrullinger.
"GEPCOM har produsert kortprodukter for alle sektorer i Midt-Østen og er anerkjent i markedet for sin uovertrufne service, åpenhet og kvalitet," sier Abdullah Ahmed Abed, assisterende daglig leder og regiondirektør i firmaet. "Med virkningen av pandemien fortsatt merkes over hele Saudi og verden, har forbrukernes fokus på sikkerhet og hygiene økt betydelig."
Nyheten følger nylige kunngjøringer fra Zwipe om at de lanserer sitt biometriske Zwipe Pay ONE-kort i Marokko og Nord-Afrika , Chile og Latin-Amerika , Libanon og Irak .
I ytterligere norske biometrinyheter har Zwipe annonsert nok et partnerskap for å ta biometriske betalingskort til et nytt territorium. Denne gangen sammenkobling med kortprodusenten GEPCOM, vil partnerne ta Zwipe Pay ONE til kongeriket Saudi-Arabia og andre markeder.
Partnerne samarbeider med utstedere i Saudi-Arabia for å lansere piloter i Q2 2022 som følges av kommersielle utrullinger.
"GEPCOM har produsert kortprodukter for alle sektorer i Midt-Østen og er anerkjent i markedet for sin uovertrufne service, åpenhet og kvalitet," sier Abdullah Ahmed Abed, assisterende daglig leder og regiondirektør i firmaet. "Med virkningen av pandemien fortsatt merkes over hele Saudi og verden, har forbrukernes fokus på sikkerhet og hygiene økt betydelig."
Nyheten følger nylige kunngjøringer fra Zwipe om at de lanserer sitt biometriske Zwipe Pay ONE-kort i Marokko og Nord-Afrika , Chile og Latin-Amerika , Libanon og Irak .
10.12.2021 kl 10:55
Idex Biometrics planlegger 25 millioner dollar i privat plassering ettersom godkjenninger fra kortpartnere hoper seg opp
9. november 2021| Frank Hersey
9. november 2021| Frank Hersey
10.12.2021 kl 10:57
Den er gjennomført. Men hva var grunnen, jo store avtaler kunne gjennomføres etter godkjenninger.
10.12.2021 kl 10:59
En planlagt rettet emisjon kan samle inn 25 millioner dollar for Idex Biometrics ettersom selskapet ser ut til å dekke kontantbehovsprognosen for å nå break-even-punktet i kontantstrøm. Kunngjøringen kommer som et pågående partnerskap mellom Idex og den kinesiske smartkortprodusenten Hengbao har tatt enda et skritt fremover. Et biometrisk betalingskort laget av samarbeidet er godkjent for bruk med UnionPay-nettverket.
Hengbao kan nå fortsette med produksjonen av kortene som inneholder Idex sine fingeravtrykksensorer for betalingsautentisering. Kortene beskrives som dobbeltbruk fordi de fungerer som betalingskort og også som adgangskort eller personlige identifikasjonskort.
Kinas testsenter for bankkort testet de biometriske kortene og programvaren og ga dem til bruk for UnionPay, verdens største betalingsnettverk med 9,4 milliarder kort i omløp. Idex har nå biometriske kort godkjent av Visa, MasterCard og UnionPay, som til sammen dekker 90 prosent av globale kortbetalinger.
Hengbao og Idex har samarbeidet i Asia i tre år . "Vi er stolte over tilliten Hengbao og dets bankpartnere har vist til Idex Biometrics ved å velge vår fingeravtrykkautentiseringsløsning for dette innovative nye produktet," sa Idex-sjef Vince Graziani.
"Gjennom tett integrasjon av vår proprietære matchingsalgoritme med THD89-sikkerhetselementet fra Tongxin Microelectronics, gir dette nye kortet bransjeledende autentiseringsytelse, og dekker behov for sikkerhet, hastighet og hygiene. Det forbedrede flerbrukskortet vil være et viktig skritt i den bredere bruken av biometrisk aktiverte smartkort i Kina."
Sertifiseringen følger i hælene på at Idex-partner Idemia har mottatt et godkjenningsbrev fra Mastercard , noe som gjør dets F.CODE biometriske betalingskort fullt sertifisert for både Mastercards og Visas nettverk.
Hengbao kan nå fortsette med produksjonen av kortene som inneholder Idex sine fingeravtrykksensorer for betalingsautentisering. Kortene beskrives som dobbeltbruk fordi de fungerer som betalingskort og også som adgangskort eller personlige identifikasjonskort.
Kinas testsenter for bankkort testet de biometriske kortene og programvaren og ga dem til bruk for UnionPay, verdens største betalingsnettverk med 9,4 milliarder kort i omløp. Idex har nå biometriske kort godkjent av Visa, MasterCard og UnionPay, som til sammen dekker 90 prosent av globale kortbetalinger.
Hengbao og Idex har samarbeidet i Asia i tre år . "Vi er stolte over tilliten Hengbao og dets bankpartnere har vist til Idex Biometrics ved å velge vår fingeravtrykkautentiseringsløsning for dette innovative nye produktet," sa Idex-sjef Vince Graziani.
"Gjennom tett integrasjon av vår proprietære matchingsalgoritme med THD89-sikkerhetselementet fra Tongxin Microelectronics, gir dette nye kortet bransjeledende autentiseringsytelse, og dekker behov for sikkerhet, hastighet og hygiene. Det forbedrede flerbrukskortet vil være et viktig skritt i den bredere bruken av biometrisk aktiverte smartkort i Kina."
Sertifiseringen følger i hælene på at Idex-partner Idemia har mottatt et godkjenningsbrev fra Mastercard , noe som gjør dets F.CODE biometriske betalingskort fullt sertifisert for både Mastercards og Visas nettverk.
10.12.2021 kl 12:44
Det virker veldig beskjedent hvis jeg sier at vi i midten av neste år skal snakke om kursen over 300 kr.Det var en Svensk bedrift som gikk over 400 kr,som likner på Idex
10.12.2021 kl 15:01
Here we Go hengbao bara med IDEX Biometric Wallet
Deeply cultivating the digital economy and helping the new Jiangsu "Strong, Prosperous, Beautiful and High"-remember that the chairman of Hengbao Co., Ltd. participated in the 14th Party Congress of Jiangsu Province
Editor: Administrator
Time: 2021/11/27
Click volume: 370
On the morning of November 24, 2021, the 14th Jiangsu Provincial Congress of the Communist Party of China was grandly opened in Nanjing. Mr. Qian Jing, chairman of Hengbao Co., Ltd., attended the conference as a representative of the provincial party.
The conference first reviewed the five-year glorious milestone of Jiangsu Province since the 13th Party Congress, and also looked forward to the development prospects of the next five years. The conference proposed that Jiangsu will carry out three glorious missions in the future and strive to achieve "Six Significant Improvements", striving to write a new chapter in the modernization of Jiangsu with "Strengthening, Prosperity, Beauty and High". The conference invited relevant representatives to conduct special interviews in the fields of "economically strong", "rich people", "environmental beauty, and "highly civilized society".
Provincial Party Representative and Chairman Qian Jing of Hengbao Co., Ltd. specially introduced in the field of "economic strength": Hengbao was one of the first financial technology companies to participate in the "Digital RMB Pilot" work of the People’s Bank of China’s Digital RMB Research Institute. Complete digital renminbi products and service system.
In the past five years, we have cooperated with the Central Bank and the Digital RMB Research Institute to complete the construction of the entire payment system in terms of digital RMB revenue and expenditure and QR code payment.
This year, Hengbao participated in the China International Trade in Services Fair Financial Services Special Exhibition, and cooperated with the Central Bank Digital Currency Research Institute, the six major banks, Ant, Tencent, JD, Huawei and other institutions to jointly create a "digital financial demonstration zone." As an enterprise with first-mover advantages, scale advantages and technological advantages in digital RMB business, Hengbao shares will strive to become a leading enterprise in the domestic digital RMB wallet, digital security, Internet of Things, and financial technology industries.
In the future, Hengbao will take the provincial party committee's grand blueprint goal for the next five years as our corporate development ideas and measures, and the provincial party committee's development requirements in the next five years as our corporate responsibility and style, and deepen the implementation of intelligence in the field of financial technology. The two-wheel drive strategy of hardware + platform software services is to use smart hardware manufacturing as a housekeeping skill, increase innovation and investment in digital RMB services, and take digital services as a key increase in the transformation and upgrading of our enterprise.
Chairman Qian Jing said that as a party representative, he deeply feels that he has a glorious mission and a great responsibility, and he will certainly live up to the ardent expectations of the broad masses of party members and the people across the province. Hengbao Co., Ltd. will unswervingly under the leadership of the party, strive to be an example, to be a demonstration, to be at the forefront, and to make new contributions to the new chapter of "Strong, Rich, Beautiful and High" in Jiangsu's new modernization!
About Hengbao shares (stock code: 002104)
Hengbao Co., Ltd. was established in 1996 and was listed on the Shenzhen SME Board in 2007. As a comprehensive solution provider and advanced manufacturer of smart cards, digital services, digital security, Internet of Things, big data, and blockchain in China, Hengbao Co., Ltd. is committed to Provide comprehensive solutions in the fields of data security, digital services, identity authentication, and smart connections for banks, communications, transportation, and government public service departments.
As a listed company in China's smart card, digital and digital security, Internet of Things, big data, and blockchain, Hengbao shares are committed to providing data security and identity authentication complete solutions for banks, communications, defense, government public service departments, and transportation. And the Internet of Things in the relevant application fields of integrated solutions and other services.
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Deeply cultivating the digital economy and helping the new Jiangsu "Strong, Prosperous, Beautiful and High"-remember that the chairman of Hengbao Co., Ltd. participated in the 14th Party Congress of Jiangsu Province
Editor: Administrator
Time: 2021/11/27
Click volume: 370
On the morning of November 24, 2021, the 14th Jiangsu Provincial Congress of the Communist Party of China was grandly opened in Nanjing. Mr. Qian Jing, chairman of Hengbao Co., Ltd., attended the conference as a representative of the provincial party.
The conference first reviewed the five-year glorious milestone of Jiangsu Province since the 13th Party Congress, and also looked forward to the development prospects of the next five years. The conference proposed that Jiangsu will carry out three glorious missions in the future and strive to achieve "Six Significant Improvements", striving to write a new chapter in the modernization of Jiangsu with "Strengthening, Prosperity, Beauty and High". The conference invited relevant representatives to conduct special interviews in the fields of "economically strong", "rich people", "environmental beauty, and "highly civilized society".
Provincial Party Representative and Chairman Qian Jing of Hengbao Co., Ltd. specially introduced in the field of "economic strength": Hengbao was one of the first financial technology companies to participate in the "Digital RMB Pilot" work of the People’s Bank of China’s Digital RMB Research Institute. Complete digital renminbi products and service system.
In the past five years, we have cooperated with the Central Bank and the Digital RMB Research Institute to complete the construction of the entire payment system in terms of digital RMB revenue and expenditure and QR code payment.
This year, Hengbao participated in the China International Trade in Services Fair Financial Services Special Exhibition, and cooperated with the Central Bank Digital Currency Research Institute, the six major banks, Ant, Tencent, JD, Huawei and other institutions to jointly create a "digital financial demonstration zone." As an enterprise with first-mover advantages, scale advantages and technological advantages in digital RMB business, Hengbao shares will strive to become a leading enterprise in the domestic digital RMB wallet, digital security, Internet of Things, and financial technology industries.
In the future, Hengbao will take the provincial party committee's grand blueprint goal for the next five years as our corporate development ideas and measures, and the provincial party committee's development requirements in the next five years as our corporate responsibility and style, and deepen the implementation of intelligence in the field of financial technology. The two-wheel drive strategy of hardware + platform software services is to use smart hardware manufacturing as a housekeeping skill, increase innovation and investment in digital RMB services, and take digital services as a key increase in the transformation and upgrading of our enterprise.
Chairman Qian Jing said that as a party representative, he deeply feels that he has a glorious mission and a great responsibility, and he will certainly live up to the ardent expectations of the broad masses of party members and the people across the province. Hengbao Co., Ltd. will unswervingly under the leadership of the party, strive to be an example, to be a demonstration, to be at the forefront, and to make new contributions to the new chapter of "Strong, Rich, Beautiful and High" in Jiangsu's new modernization!
About Hengbao shares (stock code: 002104)
Hengbao Co., Ltd. was established in 1996 and was listed on the Shenzhen SME Board in 2007. As a comprehensive solution provider and advanced manufacturer of smart cards, digital services, digital security, Internet of Things, big data, and blockchain in China, Hengbao Co., Ltd. is committed to Provide comprehensive solutions in the fields of data security, digital services, identity authentication, and smart connections for banks, communications, transportation, and government public service departments.
As a listed company in China's smart card, digital and digital security, Internet of Things, big data, and blockchain, Hengbao shares are committed to providing data security and identity authentication complete solutions for banks, communications, defense, government public service departments, and transportation. And the Internet of Things in the relevant application fields of integrated solutions and other services.
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10.12.2021 kl 15:12
About Hengbao shares (stock code: 002104)
Hengbao Co., Ltd. was established in 1996 and was listed on the Shenzhen SME Board in 2007. As a comprehensive solution provider and advanced manufacturer of smart cards, digital services, digital security, Internet of Things, big data, and blockchain in China, Hengbao Co., Ltd. is committed to Provide comprehensive solutions in the fields of data security, digital services, identity authentication, and smart connections for banks, communications, transportation, and government public service departments.
As a listed company in China's smart card, digital and digital security, Internet of Things, big data, and blockchain, Hengbao shares are committed to providing data security and identity authentication complete solutions for banks, communications, defense, government public service departments, and transportation. And the Internet of Things in the relevant application fields of integrated solutions and other services.
Hengbao Co., Ltd. was established in 1996 and was listed on the Shenzhen SME Board in 2007. As a comprehensive solution provider and advanced manufacturer of smart cards, digital services, digital security, Internet of Things, big data, and blockchain in China, Hengbao Co., Ltd. is committed to Provide comprehensive solutions in the fields of data security, digital services, identity authentication, and smart connections for banks, communications, transportation, and government public service departments.
As a listed company in China's smart card, digital and digital security, Internet of Things, big data, and blockchain, Hengbao shares are committed to providing data security and identity authentication complete solutions for banks, communications, defense, government public service departments, and transportation. And the Internet of Things in the relevant application fields of integrated solutions and other services.
31.01.2022 kl 18:25
Danielle Glenn appointed new CFO and Head of IR
OSLO, NORWAY – 31 January 2021 – Zwipe AS, a biometric fintech pioneering the development of next generation biometric solutions in payments and access control, has appointed Danielle Glenn as its new CFO and Head of IR effective from 1 May 2022.
Ms. Glenn (44) will join Zwipe from her current position as CFO of Arctic Bioscience AS, a Norwegian biotech company. While at Arctic Bioscience, Ms. Glenn managed the company’s capital markets activities including its MNOK 300 IPO on Euronext Growth Market in Oslo in February 2021. In addition to her responsibilities as CFO, she was also responsible for Investor Relations and
OSLO, NORWAY – 31 January 2021 – Zwipe AS, a biometric fintech pioneering the development of next generation biometric solutions in payments and access control, has appointed Danielle Glenn as its new CFO and Head of IR effective from 1 May 2022.
Ms. Glenn (44) will join Zwipe from her current position as CFO of Arctic Bioscience AS, a Norwegian biotech company. While at Arctic Bioscience, Ms. Glenn managed the company’s capital markets activities including its MNOK 300 IPO on Euronext Growth Market in Oslo in February 2021. In addition to her responsibilities as CFO, she was also responsible for Investor Relations and
02.02.2022 kl 10:09
Skjer her a?
© Press Release 2020
spin, spin, spin
Neste "melding" fra Nigeria?
© Press Release 2020
spin, spin, spin
Neste "melding" fra Nigeria?
02.02.2022 kl 20:52
Ad "Mass deployment". Gjennombrudd er mulig for ny tech, og da kan det gå fort.
Men disse har åpenbart ikke vært lenge på børs. Likevel er det nesten en 4 gang igjen for å nå den tidlige toppen få måneder etter notering.. Det gjenstår selvsagt å se hvorvidt dette er et virkelig gjennombrudd og ikke bare et etterlengtet blaff. Uten sammenligning forøvrig så har også IDEX slike 4 gangere i sin betydelig lengre historikk. Den siste for 3,5 år siden. Det har vel dessverre vist seg at ingen av disse gjennombruddene var av varig inntektsgivende type?
Slik sett er vel IDEX blitt en slags "meta-aksje". Det er børsaktiviteten som er det sentrale/øknomisk interessante "produkt"?
Men disse har åpenbart ikke vært lenge på børs. Likevel er det nesten en 4 gang igjen for å nå den tidlige toppen få måneder etter notering.. Det gjenstår selvsagt å se hvorvidt dette er et virkelig gjennombrudd og ikke bare et etterlengtet blaff. Uten sammenligning forøvrig så har også IDEX slike 4 gangere i sin betydelig lengre historikk. Den siste for 3,5 år siden. Det har vel dessverre vist seg at ingen av disse gjennombruddene var av varig inntektsgivende type?
Slik sett er vel IDEX blitt en slags "meta-aksje". Det er børsaktiviteten som er det sentrale/øknomisk interessante "produkt"?
Kommer det en melding om en stor ordre så kommer denne til å smelle opp også.
02.02.2022 kl 22:04
Det kan nok diskuteres om Idex har manglet et produkt tidligere, med tanke på hvor mye tidligere sensorer har kostet og hvor lite banker er villig til å betale for kort.
Forhåpentligvis endres dette nå som kosten for et komplett kort har gått fra 50$ til nærmere 5$.
Forhåpentligvis endres dette nå som kosten for et komplett kort har gått fra 50$ til nærmere 5$.
03.02.2022 kl 08:20
Med andre ord, et kostnads kutt på 1000% da ser vi hvor stor utviklingen har vært, og i tillegg er de nye kortene av betydelig større sikkerhet.
05.02.2022 kl 17:52
05.02.2022 kl 17:56
Metal Cards
Redigert 05.02.2022 kl 17:56
Du må logge inn for å svare
06.02.2022 kl 16:03
07.02.2022 kl 09:37
Hva er det nå da? Snart ned på 2,20 igjen. Nasdaq opp. EU opp og OSE flat. Olja også.
08.02.2022 kl 21:06
Amkor sensor/ wafer production
Biometric sensor deployment intensified 😂😛
Biometric sensor deployment intensified 😂😛
Redigert 08.02.2022 kl 21:09
Du må logge inn for å svare
09.02.2022 kl 10:48
Men markedet virker ikke særlig overbevist nå poki?
Sklir på grønn Nasdaq. Her trengs nok mer enn fine glansbilder og videoer av et eller annet!
Sklir på grønn Nasdaq. Her trengs nok mer enn fine glansbilder og videoer av et eller annet!
09.02.2022 kl 10:59
Regn ikke med noen vurderinger ifra poki. Poster stort sett bare reklamelenker.
09.02.2022 kl 21:56
Ha lite tålamod allt handlar om Bank och det är hög säkerhet att ta en POC tar nästan 6 månader, innan det måste man beställa hårdvara det tar 3 månader, sensor leverans tar kanske 2 månader . Så när IDEX eller Zwipe eller idemia säger när ett bank har valt att köra POC det tar nästan 1 år att köra klart hela.
Så vänta med lite tålamod
Så vänta med lite tålamod
11.02.2022 kl 13:29
Får ha noen lodd i skuffen til pris under 2,20. Enda godt IDEX ikke har havnet i samme illikvide hull som ZWIPE! Det er mulig å presse noen kroner ut på trading. Den holdes åpenbart på plass rundt 2,20 og lar seg ikke presse ned mot 2 blank selv på dårlige dager. En slags styrke der..
Og dersom du synes IDEX er vel volatil, så er det bare fornavnet til ZWIPE! Sjekk kursen siste 3 år. Fullstendig jalla.
Det er jo link mellom disse derfor kan det være greit å ha et sideblikk på mulige "scenarier".
Og dersom du synes IDEX er vel volatil, så er det bare fornavnet til ZWIPE! Sjekk kursen siste 3 år. Fullstendig jalla.
Det er jo link mellom disse derfor kan det være greit å ha et sideblikk på mulige "scenarier".
Redigert 11.02.2022 kl 13:35
Du må logge inn for å svare
11.02.2022 kl 15:56
Idag bli det extra vin CEO Linxens och Zwipe vad säger detta 😂😛🙏
12.02.2022 kl 12:28
NymCard adds Philippines to its ‘Fast-Track Issuing’ list of countries in Southeast Asia
12 Feb, 2022
NymCard partners with Netbank to assist its fintech clients expansion plans across Southeast Asia and MENA regions
MENA’s leading Banking-as-a-service (BaaS) provider and modern card issuing platform NymCard signed a strategic partnership with Netbank, a fully regulated Bank, allowing fintechs to Fast-Track their launch and rapidly scale up in the Philippines.
NymCard’s partnership with Netbank, a principal member with Mastercard, aims to remove much of the friction from card issuing, opening more bridges for its fintech clients to passport their card programs to the Philippines.
In addition to accelerating innovation in the Philippines, Filipino fintechs will be able leverage NymCard’s BaaS platform to launch their card programs across 5 other markets in MENA and Southeast Asia allowing them to scale up their card programs at a much faster rate.
NymCard’s ‘Fast-Track Issuing’ list of countries is growing exponentially including leading fintech hubs like the UAE, Bahrain, Jordan, Iraq, Malaysia, and now the Philippines with more countries expected to join the list in 2022.
"To spur innovation, Netbank is partnering with global leaders like NymCard to provide their clients with the ability to fast-track their card issuance and scale up at speed. We look forward to working with NymCard to roll out a range of payment programs", said Gus Poston, Founder of Netbank. “This is merely a first step, Netbank will rapidly add partnerships to drive innovation and bring new payment flows to the Filipino market. We strongly believe that this will accelerate the BSP’s program to promote digital payments”.
“We are very happy to start off 2022 by adding the Philippines to our Fast-Track Issuing list of countries. This is part of our commitment to remove much of the friction and enable the fintech ecosystem across the MEA and SEA regions”. Said Omar Onsi, CEO and Founder of NymCard.
“With over 50% of the underbanked adult population, the Philippines is a ripe ground for alternative banking and fintech solutions. We previously enabled clients in Malaysia and now, through our exciting partnership with Netbank, we are growing our Fast-Track Issuing capability in the Philippines as well, allowing our worldwide clients to launch and scale their card programs in any market in our network”. Added Omar.
12 Feb, 2022
NymCard partners with Netbank to assist its fintech clients expansion plans across Southeast Asia and MENA regions
MENA’s leading Banking-as-a-service (BaaS) provider and modern card issuing platform NymCard signed a strategic partnership with Netbank, a fully regulated Bank, allowing fintechs to Fast-Track their launch and rapidly scale up in the Philippines.
NymCard’s partnership with Netbank, a principal member with Mastercard, aims to remove much of the friction from card issuing, opening more bridges for its fintech clients to passport their card programs to the Philippines.
In addition to accelerating innovation in the Philippines, Filipino fintechs will be able leverage NymCard’s BaaS platform to launch their card programs across 5 other markets in MENA and Southeast Asia allowing them to scale up their card programs at a much faster rate.
NymCard’s ‘Fast-Track Issuing’ list of countries is growing exponentially including leading fintech hubs like the UAE, Bahrain, Jordan, Iraq, Malaysia, and now the Philippines with more countries expected to join the list in 2022.
"To spur innovation, Netbank is partnering with global leaders like NymCard to provide their clients with the ability to fast-track their card issuance and scale up at speed. We look forward to working with NymCard to roll out a range of payment programs", said Gus Poston, Founder of Netbank. “This is merely a first step, Netbank will rapidly add partnerships to drive innovation and bring new payment flows to the Filipino market. We strongly believe that this will accelerate the BSP’s program to promote digital payments”.
“We are very happy to start off 2022 by adding the Philippines to our Fast-Track Issuing list of countries. This is part of our commitment to remove much of the friction and enable the fintech ecosystem across the MEA and SEA regions”. Said Omar Onsi, CEO and Founder of NymCard.
“With over 50% of the underbanked adult population, the Philippines is a ripe ground for alternative banking and fintech solutions. We previously enabled clients in Malaysia and now, through our exciting partnership with Netbank, we are growing our Fast-Track Issuing capability in the Philippines as well, allowing our worldwide clients to launch and scale their card programs in any market in our network”. Added Omar.
14.02.2022 kl 09:15
Huff! IDEX liker dårlig slike dager. Med Nasdaq ned går det ikke så bra. OSE ned 0,7%. IDEX ned 6,5%. Flere andre tech lider også da. Selv de som faktisk tjener penger. NOD fx ned 6%!!
14.02.2022 kl 09:46
Fy flate... Snart er vi under 2 kr
Veien tilbake til 3 er en tung reise😫
Veien tilbake til 3 er en tung reise😫
14.02.2022 kl 23:58
Den fingeren er det ikke mulig å få biometrisk avlest...
Ellers tror jeg kanskje IDEX *aksjen* er best å kjøpe når det hausses minst..
Ellers tror jeg kanskje IDEX *aksjen* er best å kjøpe når det hausses minst..