BORR _ Borr Drilling Limited - Announcement
2.9.2021, 10:27 · Cision
Borr Drilling Limited - Announcement of Letter of Award for jack-up drilling rig
Borr Drilling Limited (NYSE and OSE: "BORR") is pleased to announce it has secured a Letter of Award ("LOA") for the premium jack-up drilling rig "Mist" from an undisclosed operator in Southeast Asia. The program is expected to commence in November 2021 with a duration of seven months plus options. The net start-up cash cost for the rig is expected to be $1.75 million. This LOA, which is expected to be converted into a contract shortly, will increase the company's contracted fleet to 15 rigs.
Hamilton, Bermuda
Borr Drilling Limited - Announcement of Letter of Award for jack-up drilling rig
Borr Drilling Limited (NYSE and OSE: "BORR") is pleased to announce it has secured a Letter of Award ("LOA") for the premium jack-up drilling rig "Mist" from an undisclosed operator in Southeast Asia. The program is expected to commence in November 2021 with a duration of seven months plus options. The net start-up cash cost for the rig is expected to be $1.75 million. This LOA, which is expected to be converted into a contract shortly, will increase the company's contracted fleet to 15 rigs.
Hamilton, Bermuda
02.09.2021 kl 11:34
De har allerede startet å levere etter lovnadene for 2 dager siden. Dette er bra!
02.09.2021 kl 11:53
Asien kan blive interessant i de kommende år. Vi så også MSEIS få arbejde her for nylig.
02.09.2021 kl 14:22
BORR DRILLING: SB1M oppgraderer aksjen fra nøytral til kjøp og øker kursmålet til NOK 10 (7) etter positive toner fra topplederen. «If you trust the management, you should buy the share» er tittelen på analysen.
02.09.2021 kl 14:23
Er jo ikke voldsomt mange kjøpsanbefalinger innen rigg for tiden, så dette er jo veldig positivt.