Nyttig info rundt Polight.

PLT 09.10.2021 kl 19:23 86358

Ny tråd som blir Oppdatert fortløpende.
Skal lage til en god og oversiktlig tråd med mye god info.

Det er viktig å ha i bakhodet at patenter ofte ikke resulterer i et produkt, mange patenter skrotes i forbindelse med at andre har gjort krav på løsningen fra før eller at man omprioriterer. Patenter gir en grei indikasjon på hva som er i vinden og hvem som er interessert i teknologien.

Sist oppdatert: Innlegg nr2. (01.06.2022)


XUN Smartwatch PRO


Xiaomi mitu binny 4pro







__KOMMENDE PRODUKTER MED Tlens(funnet på nett)__

1: Iris scanner(module for smartwatch og smartphone)
J2c har avtale med Polight.



2: Smartwatch:

- Lanseres Januar 2022 MED Tlens(et produkt som er fra Xun Smartwatch pro)

https://youtu.be/GJ2Nmvym6OQ. (Samplify)

3: Teledyne e2v
Multi-focus Optical Module




Mange av patentene listet under har ikke blitt godkjent enda så kan være greit å ta en titt på Legal Events for å se hvor de er i løypen. Mange av de har hatt masse aktivitet nylig.



Publisert 2018

Publisert 2017


Datert 2021

Datert 2019

Datert 2019

Datert 2018


Datert 2021

Datert 2020

Datert 2020

Datert 2019

Datert 2019


(Potensielt bakkamera)

Datert 2021

Samme patent fra ESP net(mer oversiktlig med gode bilder)

Oversatt forklaring:


Datert 2015

Datert 2018

Datert 2020

Datert 2021 (NY)

Datert 22.06.2021(NY)



Datert 2019


Datert 2021

Datert 2020

Datert 2021



Datert 2019

Datert 2017



Datert 2019

Datert 2015


(Mulighet for Tlens)

Datert 2021


Shenzhen Oneplus

Datert 2019



(Osram er med i bildet her)



Sunny Optical(Add-in)

Publisert 2021.

Largan Precision(Add-in)

Publisert februar 2021

TS Presicion

1. Ts-Presicion

Publisert 2021


Publisert 2019.
Q-Tech - PoLight Tlens
Sansynligvis ADD-In aktøren(tidslinjen passer bra):

Publisert 2021

Publisert 2020 (NY)





Active alignment (AA) method and equipment of camera module



Electronic device



Publisert 10.11.2020

Publisert Juni 2019

O-Film subsidie selskap

3. Publisert Mars 2021 (Add-In)





NRK Intervju med CEO som synliggjør hvor stort dette kan bli!


Prospekt for Polight(børsnotering 2018)
Nyttig dokument som synligjør markeds potensialet
Og konkurerende teknologier per 2018.

Side 49 viser BLA teknologiene med fordeler og ulemper.


Cost rapport Tlens(NY)


PIEZO forskning:


Fakta basert på Intervju med Polight:

Pris linse:
par-tre dollar stykket

Kapasiteten er ikke noe problem. Med forskning og utvikling her i Horten og produksjonen av polymervæske som gir oss en million enheter per liter polymer er det bare å rampe opp produksjonen vår i Italia og Taiwan hvis det er ønskelig. Vi kan raskt gå opp i en million TLens i måneden ved behov.

Podcast hvor vi forteller om Polight🙂
Det er mengder å lese av info så det er kanskje greit å høre omsakene i tilegg🙂


Redigert 01.06.2022 kl 08:07 Du må logge inn for å svare
08.05.2022 kl 09:12 8578

Liten markedsoversikt okt 2021🙂

Samsung finished the quarter in the top position with 69.0 million units shipped and 20.8% market share. This was a year-over-year decline of 14.2% largely due to supply constraints. Apple regained the second position with 50.4 million units shipped for 15.2% market share and an incredible 20.8% year-over-year growth. Xiaomi registered a 4.6% decline in 3Q21 after high double-digit growth over the previous four quarters as it also struggled with supply issues that it hadn't faced in earlier quarters. Xiaomi still captured the third position with 13.4% share and shipments of 44.3 million units. vivo and OPPO tied* for fourth place with shipments of 33.3 million and 33.2 million units and market shares of 10.1% and 10.0%. vivo saw year-over-year shipment growth of 5.8% while OPPO ended the quarter with 8.6% year-over-year growth.

03.06.2022 kl 14:08 8039

Nyeste patent med grant fra Ofilm/JianxiBackground technique














Published as


Camera module and electronic equipment Abstract The present application provides a camera module and an electronic device. The camera module provided by the present application includes a first circuit board, a mounting seat, a lens and an electrical connection, the mounting seat is provided on a part of the surface of the first circuit board, and the mounting seat is used for installing an image sensor or filter. at least one of the light sheets; the lens is arranged on the side of the mount close to the subject, the lens includes a lens barrel, a functional component and an electrical connector, and the electrical connector is arranged on the lens barrel; The lens barrel has an accommodating cavity, and the functional component is installed in the accommodating cavity; the functional component is electrically connected with the electrical connector, and the functional component is used to adjust the parameters of the camera module; the connection The electrical component is located on the side of the mounting seat facing the lens, and the electrical connection component is electrically connected to the electrical connector and the first circuit board respectively. The camera module of the present application is stable and fast in electrical connection, and at the same time satisfies the miniaturization of the module

The imaging lens in the current camera module sometimes needs to be provided with electrical devices to adjust the curvature of the lens inside the lens or change the aperture size of the lens. However, how to supply power to the electrical devices on the lens is a problem that needs to be solved urgently.

It should be noted that the lens 1 is an optical component in the camera module 100 for capturing images and generating images. Optionally, the lens 1 further includes an optical lens 14, and the optical lens 14 may be a resin lens or a glass lens. The functional component 12 is a component installed in the receiving cavity 10 of the lens 1 and can play a specific function to adjust the parameters of the camera module 100. For example, the functional component 12 is an adjustable lens, and the adjustable lens is energized, and the adjustable lens can be adjusted according to The voltage is deformed and the curvature of the lens surface is changed. The adjustable lens can change the focal length or the imaging field of view of the lens 1 alone or in conjunction with the optical lens 14, so as to achieve the effect of clear photography in both close-range and long-range views. The adjustable lens can also be adjusted by fine-tuning the lens. The surface curvature is used to focus the lens 1, so that the image is within the range of the depth of focus, so as to achieve the effect of clear imaging; for another example, the functional component 12 is an iris, and the iris is powered on, and the iris can shrink according to the voltage. Or enlarge the aperture size and change the luminous flux entering the lens 1 , so as to adapt to the luminous flux requirements under different light intensities and object distances, and improve the shooting quality of the lens 1 . The functional component 12 can also be other components that can be installed in the receiving cavity 10 of the lens 1 to generategenerate an adjustment function, so the parameters of the functional component 12 that can adjust the camera module 100 can be focal length, field of view, aperture value, modulation transfer function ( At least one of ModulationTransfer Function, MTF), field curvature, and the like.

06.06.2022 kl 10:11 7956

Hvorfor jeg mener PoLight vil bli en viktig aktør:

som kjent er PoLight en komponent levrandør, de leverer en komponent som muliggjør autofokus i kameramoduler som går igjen i små produkter(Smartphone,AR/VR-briller,Klokker,Strek/QR-kodelesere,Endoskop/Borescope/Piller,Droner,Biler, egentlig muligheter hvor som helst der man har små kamera og drar nytte av at Autofokus er viktig.

Som komponent-levrandør er PoLight en del av en kameramodul hvor man har flere andre komponenter som også blir levert av forskjellige andre selskaper(Sensor,Plastlinse) eksempelvis kan man se for seg at en kameramodul-levrandør som ikke lager sine egne plastlinser bestiller Sensor fra Omnivision,Plastlinser fra Largan og AF actuator fra PoLight. På toppen av dette har man da en kameramodul-levrandør eks OFilm.

Det er på en måte Kameramodul-levrandørene som har en varekatalog som de på toppen bestiller fra, Det som er fint er at vi no har sett patenter fra de største aktørene her(Sunny,Ofilm,Largan,Truly,Qtech etc) som er spisset mot TLens tech og nevnt av VP i USA fra PoLight at de jobber ilag med Top 10("big top 10) Det er viktig å ha i bakhodet at disse 10 står for over 90% av markedet og som i ALLE år har jobbet med VCM tech i sine moduler. Det at alle disse no jobber på denne måten mot PoLight er et veldig bra tegn, et tegn på at de ser nytten og fordelene. I patentene er det spesifisert problemstillinger med gammel tech(typisk VCM men også annen tech) hvor man trekker frem fordeler ved Tlens som : mindre kostnader i produksjon,mindre kalibreringsbehov,lavere strømforbruk,ingen magnetisk forstyrrelse,ingen tyngdekraftpåvirkelse,mer robust,tåler flere(uendelig actueringer vs VCM som ligger på ca 200-500k før spolen er gåen)

Går man inn på en kameramodul-levrandørs nettside ser man at de har en varekatalog, Jeg gleder meg virkelig til vi kan Se add-in løsningen hos flere av de, dette fordi etter å ha sett den i virkeligheten, er det ingen tvil om at dette er dømt til å bli en fordelaktig løsning som selfiecam, ENORMT lite utgangshull!

Jeg mener at siden PoLight jobber med alle disse top-aktørene står i en god possisjon for å kunne penetrere mange nye markeder da det via disse modullevrandørene selges moduler til alt fra Smartphones til Biler, en annen ting er jo dette med at modul-levrandørene ser muligheter for PoLights tech i løsninger utover bare bildetakning som feks dybde sensorer,Skjermløsninger og laserstyring.

En annen ting er at OEMs(Samsung,Apple,Huawei etc bestiller fra flere kamera levrandører, som igjen betyr ta jo flere som tilbyr Add-in jo mer sjanse for at OEMs tar sjansen på å gå for akkurat denne løsningen(mindre risiko med dual/tripple source)

At PoLight er sparsommelige med opprampingen utover 1.5 mill er egentlig fordelaktig for oss aksjonærer, det er viktig å ikke ta unødvendig risiko for selskapet,Det koster å rampe så hva skjer om man ikke har innkomst? jo da må det kjøres emisjoner, noe ledelsen ikke ønsker å gjøre unødig. 1.5 mill pr mnd er jo et meget høyt antall før man kommer inn i Smartphone som vil komme til å aktivere videre oppramping(dobling/trippling på 6-9mnd ifølge selskapet) Fast followers ble jo nevnt i CMD(et eksempel hvor Apple ble nevnt) da kan ting se veldig bra ut innen noen mnd!

Det har vert flere utsettelser men det blir sikkert flere etterhvert, vi får bare krysse fingrene for at man kommer inn i den første smartphonen snart så man har en referanse i dette segmentet også!

Fikk sett wooptix løsningen på CMD og må si at det der var noe helt nytt som jeg er sikker på vil slå ann positivt, i disse tik tok tider må da det der være en optimal løsning!

Når det kommer til PoLight teamet er det ingen tvil om dedikasjon! Man ser fort at dette er bra mennesker som jobber hardt og er balansert, De er realistisk men optimistisk.

Jeg har troen på at selskapet vil gjøre det veldig bra fremmover men har innsett at man bør ha et langt perspektiv her, dette fordi det er så mange faktorer og ledd i prosessen med det å komme inn i de store markedene, men jeg utelukker heller ikke at ting kan gå raskt ved rett innpass(noe jeg håper skjer tinnen 6-8mnd)

Dette er et selskap jeg mener fortjener oppmerksomhet og analyser av den enkle grunn: Enormt markedspotensiale !

Gleder meg til fortsettelsen☺️👍

06.06.2022 kl 23:09 7851

Meget interessant lesning Kraamz, vi er heldige som har sånne som deg. Er titt og ofte inne og sjekker forumet, forstår ikke alt men skjønner dette kan bli enormt stort! Flere å flere vil få øynene opp for dette selskapet, utrolig spennende 😊
08.06.2022 kl 18:03 7704

Takk for fin tilbakemelding🙂🤝 Vi er heldige som har så mange som ønsker å bidra med info og god diskusjon☺️

Kjekt med enda en Scan Engine win i går, det at det er snakk om en scan engine kan i beste fall bety at man får mange forskjellige produkter med akkurat denne enheten, som med EX 30 modulen🤞☺️

En annen ting som Hawkey gjorde meg obs på, var dette med at dette er et kinesisk merke, noe som betyr at det skjer ting i kina ☺️👍

Etter win var det ikke lett å finne selve scan enginen men fikk et hint av vår gode PNT-1,;(Takk for deling🤝)

Den nye scan enginen:

09.06.2022 kl 16:42 7544

Denne posten sier litt om hvor stort AR kan bli🙂

La oss håpe PoLight tech finner veien inn i flest mulige briller☺️

18.06.2022 kl 11:47 7243

Nytt patent fra Sunny optical

OIS løsning🙂👍


28.06.2022 kl 21:22 6963

Spennende tid for selskapet🙂

Meldingen vi fikk heromdagen illustreres via Linkedin som et Pillecam!

Her har vi en nylig delt sak på NRK som inneholder akkurat dette(Pillecam):


poLight ASA signs a Proof-of-Concept agreement with a top tier medical customer
Horten, 27 June 2022 - poLight ASA (OSE: PLT) today announced that the company has signed an agreement to support a phased PoC (Proof of Concept) endoscopic camera system development with an unnamed top tier medical device customer. The total fee value of this POC agreement is approximately NOK 1.700.000 and is expected to be received across four phases between Q3 2022 and 1st half of 2023. The customer’s intention is to apply the resulting camera design into a mass production project.

“Medical endoscope market can potentially become an important growth segment for us, so we’re very excited about signing this agreement with such a top tier medical customer. We also expect to see another medical customer launch a medical endoscope with TLens® later this year. The key benefits of our TLens® such as compact size, fast focus and constant field of view are proving to meet the medical endoscope market needs very well. Signing of this agreement with such a top tier medical customer marks yet another important and exciting milestone for our company, although the mass production project realization depends on the success of this POC project – until then, some risk will always exist”, said Dr. Øyvind Isaksen, CEO of poLight ASA
03.07.2022 kl 19:16 6771

Oneplus med meget interessant Wide field of view bakkamera patent🙂👍

Published as

Lens module, protective shell and electronic equipment
The utility model discloses a lens module, a protective shell and electronic equipment. The lens module comprises a wide-angle camera, a cover plate and a variable lens, wherein the cover plate and the variable lens are sequentially arranged along the optical axis of the wide-angle camera. The cover plate is provided with a light-transmitting area which allows light to transmit and irradiate the variable lens; the variable lens is used for changing the diopter when powered on so that the light inlet angle of the light can be adjusted from a first angle to a second angle, the light inlet angle is the view field range of the light penetrating through the light-transmitting area, and the first angle is smaller than the second angle. The wide field angle can be obtained, the size of the light-transmitting area of the cover plate can be reduced, product appearance design is facilitated, the distance between the camera and the cover plate does not need to be reduced, the risk of collision between the camera and the cover plate can be reduced, and the structural reliability is improved.


1.A lens module includes a wide-angle camera, characterized in that the lens module further includes: a cover plate and a variable lens arranged in sequence along the optical axis of the wide-angle camera,

The cover plate is provided with a light-transmitting area, allowing light to pass through and illuminate the variable lens;

The variable lens is used to change the diopter when power is applied to adjust the light incident angle of the light from a first angle to a second angle, and the light incident angle is the field of view range of the light passing through the light-transmitting area , The first angle is smaller than the second angle.

2.The lens module according to claim 1, wherein the variable lens comprises a piezoelectric film, a light-transmitting film, and a deformable element arranged in sequence;

The piezoelectric film is used to deform after being subjected to an electric field and drive the light-transmitting film to deform, and the light-transmitting film is used to drive the deformable part to deform when it is deformed.

3.The lens module according to claim 2, wherein the variable lens further comprises a transparent substrate, the deformable element is provided on the transparent substrate, and the deformable first surface of the deformable element Undeformed, the first surface is a surface where the deformable element is attached to the light-transmitting substrate.

4.4. The lens module of claim 1, wherein the diopter of the variable lens is negative when it is energized.

5.The lens module of claim 1, wherein:

The lens module further includes a battery, the battery is disposed on a first side surface of the cover plate, the first side surface is a side surface facing the wide-angle camera, and the battery is electrically connected to the variable lens

Alternatively, the lens module further includes an electrically connected battery and a charging interface assembly, the battery is electrically connected to the variable lens, and the charging interface assembly is used to connect a power supply line to charge the battery;

Alternatively, the lens module further includes a charging interface assembly, and the charging interface assembly is electrically connected to the variable lens.

6.The lens module of claim 1, wherein:

The cover plate is a light-transmitting cover plate, and an area of the cover plate excluding the light-transmitting area is provided with a light-shielding layer for blocking light from passing through and illuminating the variable lens;

Alternatively, the cover plate is a light-shielding cover plate, the area of the cover plate excluding the light-transmitting area is used to block light from passing through and illuminating the variable lens, and the light-transmitting area is provided with a through hole and A light-transmitting plate, which covers the through hole.

7.A protective case, wherein the protective case comprises the lens module according to any one of claims 1 to 6.

8.The protective case according to claim 7, wherein the cover plate is a light-transmitting cover plate, and an area of the cover plate excluding the light-transmitting area is provided with a light-shielding layer for blocking light transmission and Illuminated to the variable lens, the light shielding layer includes a sticker, the sticker is formed with a through hole, and the through hole exposes the light-transmitting area.

9.8. The protective case according to claim 8, wherein the light-shielding layer includes multiple types of stickers, and the multiple types of stickers have different sizes of through holes.

10.An electronic device, characterized by comprising the lens module according to any one of claims 1 to 6, or the protective case according to any one of claims 7 to 9.

03.07.2022 kl 19:17 6809

Published as

Lens module, protective shell and electronic equipment
The utility model discloses a lens module, a protective shell and electronic equipment. The lens module comprises a wide-angle camera, a cover plate and a variable lens, wherein the cover plate and the variable lens are sequentially arranged along the optical axis of the wide-angle camera. The cover plate is provided with a light-transmitting area which allows light to transmit and irradiate the variable lens; the variable lens is used for changing the diopter when powered on so that the light inlet angle of the light can be adjusted from a first angle to a second angle, the light inlet angle is the view field range of the light penetrating through the light-transmitting area, and the first angle is smaller than the second angle. The wide field angle can be obtained, the size of the light-transmitting area of the cover plate can be reduced, product appearance design is facilitated, the distance between the camera and the cover plate does not need to be reduced, the risk of collision between the camera and the cover plate can be reduced, and the structural reliability is improved.

1.A lens module includes a wide-angle camera, characterized in that the lens module further includes: a cover plate and a variable lens arranged in sequence along the optical axis of the wide-angle camera,

The cover plate is provided with a light-transmitting area, allowing light to pass through and illuminate the variable lens;

The variable lens is used to change the diopter when power is applied to adjust the light incident angle of the light from a first angle to a second angle, and the light incident angle is the field of view range of the light passing through the light-transmitting area , The first angle is smaller than the second angle.

2.The lens module according to claim 1, wherein the variable lens comprises a piezoelectric film, a light-transmitting film, and a deformable element arranged in sequence;

The piezoelectric film is used to deform after being subjected to an electric field and drive the light-transmitting film to deform, and the light-transmitting film is used to drive the deformable part to deform when it is deformed.

3.The lens module according to claim 2, wherein the variable lens further comprises a transparent substrate, the deformable element is provided on the transparent substrate, and the deformable first surface of the deformable element Undeformed, the first surface is a surface where the deformable element is attached to the light-transmitting substrate.

4.4. The lens module of claim 1, wherein the diopter of the variable lens is negative when it is energized.

5.The lens module of claim 1, wherein:

The lens module further includes a battery, the battery is disposed on a first side surface of the cover plate, the first side surface is a side surface facing the wide-angle camera, and the battery is electrically connected to the variable lens

Alternatively, the lens module further includes an electrically connected battery and a charging interface assembly, the battery is electrically connected to the variable lens, and the charging interface assembly is used to connect a power supply line to charge the battery;

Alternatively, the lens module further includes a charging interface assembly, and the charging interface assembly is electrically connected to the variable lens.

6.The lens module of claim 1, wherein:

The cover plate is a light-transmitting cover plate, and an area of the cover plate excluding the light-transmitting area is provided with a light-shielding layer for blocking light from passing through and illuminating the variable lens;

Alternatively, the cover plate is a light-shielding cover plate, the area of the cover plate excluding the light-transmitting area is used to block light from passing through and illuminating the variable lens, and the light-transmitting area is provided with a through hole and A light-transmitting plate, which covers the through hole.

7.A protective case, wherein the protective case comprises the lens module according to any one of claims 1 to 6.

8.The protective case according to claim 7, wherein the cover plate is a light-transmitting cover plate, and an area of the cover plate excluding the light-transmitting area is provided with a light-shielding layer for blocking light transmission and Illuminated to the variable lens, the light shielding layer includes a sticker, the sticker is formed with a through hole, and the through hole exposes the light-transmitting area.

9.8. The protective case according to claim 8, wherein the light-shielding layer includes multiple types of stickers, and the multiple types of stickers have different sizes of through holes.

10.An electronic device, characterized by comprising the lens module according to any one of claims 1 to 6, or the protective case according to any one of claims 7 to 9.

Redigert 03.07.2022 kl 19:18 Du må logge inn for å svare
07.07.2022 kl 18:03 6373

Flott oppdatert oversikt over top 25 CCM selskaper😃👍

Kjekt at PoLight jobber med TOP 10 og har add-in løsninger med top 3 (som vi vet) 🙂

09.07.2022 kl 09:51 6160

Patenten inneholder en stk Tlens fra polight?
Redigert 09.07.2022 kl 09:52 Du må logge inn for å svare
09.07.2022 kl 11:36 6134

Det stemmer, det er nylig publisert 3stk patenter som retter seg mot Tlens fra Sunny Optical(Nr 1 i verden)

Viktig å ha i mente at mange patenter aldri realiseres👍
09.07.2022 kl 11:40 6171

Spennende, men ja! Langt fra patent til ferdig produkt gitt, får håpe vi får noen andre positive nyheter etter hvert…
15.07.2022 kl 08:21 5736

Google var tidlig på banen innen AR, De vet nok hva som fungerer og hva som ikke fungerer🙂

Patentet som dukket opp i søk i dag var derfor av stor interesse med tanke på børsmeldingen vi fikk ang skjermløsningen😮👍







G02B27/01; H04N9/31;


G02B27/017 (EP); H04N9/3135 (EP); H04N9/3173 (EP); H04N9/3188 (EP); G02B2027/0147 (EP); G02B2027/0178 (EP);









Systems, devices, and techniques are provided for reducing graphical bandwidth in a projection display system by modifying a modulation frequency used to display one or more portions of content based on an identified content type of such portions. Content is received for display, and types of content associated with one or more portions of the received content are identified. For each respective portion of content, an effective resolution is selected for displaying the respective portion based on the identified content type for the respective portion, and one or more light beams directed to a respective display area of a projection surface are modulated at a respective emitter modulation frequency that corresponds to the selected effective resolution for the respective portion.

In general, the displacement of the lens 223 with respect to the scanning redirection system 215 may be changed dynamically during operation. In some examples, the lens 223 may comprise an electro-active polymer. As such, applying electric current to the lens 223 may physically deform the lens 223 and consequently the displacement of the lens 223 can be varied. In some examples, the lens 223 may be a piezo-actuated rigid or polymer lens, in which the lens is actuated with a driving signal to cause the lens to physically move to a different location. In some examples, the driving signal may be provided by a controller.

FIG. 3 depicts two alternative arrangements for displaying a simplified pixel matrix using a scanning projector in accordance with one or more embodiments. In these examples, an image may be projected by the projection system 201 by projecting each pixel of the entire image along a scan path comprising multiple locations that each ideally correspond to the location of a pixel in a typical pixel matrix comprising a fixed number of rows and columns. In various embodiments, the projection of each pixel is performed via one or more light emitters emitting one or more light beams that each have a respective intensity, such as may correspond to a color intensity value associated with a particular pixel in a Red-Green-Blue (RGB) display mode, with a scanning redirection system (e.g., one or more redirecting mirrors) rotating or otherwise redirecting the one or more light beams along a configured scan path. In the two examples of Figure 3, each row of a pixel matrix is successively scanned and displayed prior to vertically transitioning to scan and display a successive row. It will be appreciated that any manner of scan path may be utilized in accordance with embodiments described herein. For example, scan paths may be utilized in which each column of a pixel matrix is scanned and displayed prior to horizontally transitioning to scan and display a successive column; additional examples include concentric scan paths, unidirectional or bidirectional scan paths, etc. In certain embodiments, an interlaced projection may be implemented, for example, such that the image is projected from top to bottom and then from bottom to top (e.g., in an interlaced manner).


15.07.2022 kl 08:23 5729

Patent nr2 fra Google (AR)

Systems, devices, and techniques are provided for displaying graphical content by modulating an intensity of one or more emitted light beams while redirecting those emitted light beams along a scan path that includes multiple locations of a projection surface. Timing information that specifies timing values associated with each of multiple locations on a projection surface of an optical element is received or generated. One or more light beams that each have a respective intensity are emitted, and redirected along a scan path that includes at least some of the multiple locations. During the redirection of the one or more emitted light beams, the respective intensity of each of the one or more emitted light beams is modulated in accordance with the timing information to display one or more pixels of an image at each of the at least some multiple locations.

22.07.2022 kl 07:37 5489

Det renner inn med Tlens patenter i Add-in 🙂

Her fra Ofilm(#2 i verden etter Sunny)

徐淦洲; 宋凯静; 张昊
H04N5/225; H04N5/232;
Published as

technical field

The invention relates to the technical field of cameras, in particular to an autofocus camera module and an assembly method of the autofocus camera module.

Background technique

At present, cameras have been widely used in mobile phones, tablets, notebooks, security, vehicle, medical, monitoring and other fields. In the application process of cameras in different fields, different requirements are put forward for various parameters of cameras, such as: application In the consumer field, mobile phone cameras are required to have a smaller structure size, and at the same time as the structure size of the camera becomes smaller, the quality requirements of the photos taken by the camera are constantly improving; in the front camera of the mobile phone, it is necessary to achieve a small head. , the small size also needs to achieve the focus function.

Therefore, an autofocus camera module with a smaller structure size and an assembly method of the autofocus camera module are required.


The invention provides an auto-focusing camera module, which can realize auto-focusing in a smaller structure size.

In order to solve the above-mentioned technical problems, the application provides the following technical solutions:

Autofocus camera module, including upper lens group, T-lens, lower lens group, base and circuit board;

T-lens is set between the upper lens group and the lower lens group;

The top and side walls of the lower lens group are provided with conductive lines; the side walls corresponding to the base and the lower lens group are also provided with conductive lines;

The conductive lines of the lower lens group are electrically connected to the guide lines of the base, and the conductive lines of the base are electrically connected to the circuit board.

In the prior art, the T-lens is usually placed directly on the top of the camera module, but this increases the height of the camera, and since the T-lens needs to be powered on, placing the line on the top will also increase the size of the camera in the X/Y direction, affecting the camera. Appearance, unable to achieve a small head camera. In this scheme, the T-lens is placed between the upper lens group and the lower lens group, and the optical path design is completed together with the entire lens. The conductive lines are directly arranged on the lower lens group and the outer wall of the base to reduce the volume occupation caused by the layout of the lines. It meets the power supply requirements of the T-lens and reduces the size of the camera. The curvature of the surface of the T-lens changes under the action of the energized voltage, enabling the lens to zoom. It can replace the AF motor function. T-lens also has the advantages of fast focusing and low power consumption, which improves the performance of the camera module.

To sum up, this solution can realize auto-focusing in a small structure size.

Redigert 22.07.2022 kl 07:40 Du må logge inn for å svare
26.07.2022 kl 11:48 5307

Man kan se at Add-in har åpnet mnage dører for PoLight!

Her har vi Ofilm med Add-in Pan-Tilt modul for OIS 🙂👍

李巍; 张升云
G02B7/02; G02B7/04; G03B13/34; G03B30/00; G03B5/00; H04N5/232;
Published as

A pan-tilt module and electronic equipment

Abstract The utility model relates to the technical field of lenses, and discloses a pan/tilt module and electronic equipment, comprising a camera module and an anti-shake motor. The camera module includes a photosensitive component, a lens component and an adjustable lens, and the lens component is provided with On the photosensitive assembly, the adjustable lens is arranged on the lens assembly, the adjustable lens is electrically connected to the photosensitive assembly, and the anti-shake motor is connected to the lens assembly for driving the camera Mod Motion for Mod Stabilization. Using the gimbal module of this embodiment, the anti-shake effect is better and the focusing accuracy is higher

technical field

The utility model relates to the technical field of lenses, in particular to a pan/tilt module and an electronic device.

Background technique

In the related art, the gimbal module is usually in a moving state during the shooting process, and the angle, distance, and the like of the shooting picture are changed through the motion. In order to reduce the shaking of the gimbal module during shooting, a voice coil motor is usually used to drive the camera module of the gimbal module to move, so as to prevent the module from shaking and improve the shooting quality.

However, the camera module of the related art uses another voice coil motor for focusing at the same time, and the magnetic fields of the two voice coil motors interfere with each other, which affects the control accuracy of the voice coil motor, resulting in poor anti-shake effect and focusing of the gimbal module. less accurate.

Utility model content

The embodiment of the utility model discloses a pan-tilt module and an electronic device. The pan-tilt module has better anti-shake effect and high focusing precision.

In the first aspect, the embodiment of the present utility model discloses a pan/tilt module, which includes a camera module and an anti-shake motor, the camera module includes a photosensitive component, a lens component and an adjustable lens, and the lens component is arranged on the On the photosensitive assembly, the adjustable lens is arranged on the lens assembly, the adjustable lens is electrically connected to the photosensitive assembly, and the anti-shake motor is connected to the lens assembly for driving the camera module Movement for modded stabilization.

The lens assembly is set through the photosensitive assembly, and the adjustable lens set on the lens assembly is deformed to adjust the focal length of the adjustable lens, thereby realizing the focus adjustment of the camera module, and at the same time, it is connected to the lens assembly through the anti-shake motor to drive the camera module The group movement is used for module anti-shake, which can avoid the risk of affecting the control accuracy of the voice coil motor due to the magnetic field interference of the two voice coil motors, and improve the anti-shake effect and focusing accuracy of the gimbal module.

As an optional implementation manner, in the embodiment of the present invention, the lens assembly includes a first lens group and a second lens group, the first lens group is disposed on the photosensitive assembly, and the The second mirror group is arranged at the object side end of the first mirror group, and the adjustable lens is arranged between the first mirror group and the second mirror group.

In this embodiment, the adjustable lens is arranged between the first mirror group and the second mirror group, so that the adjustable lens is placed in the middle of the camera module.

As an optional implementation manner, in the embodiment of the present invention, the camera module further includes a bracket and an electrical connection member, the bracket is arranged on the object side end of the first mirror group, and the bracket A first light-passing hole is provided, and the first light-passing hole is used for light to enter the first mirror group. The adjustable lens is arranged on the bracket and is disposed corresponding to the first light-passing hole , the power connection part is partially embedded in the bracket, one end of the power connection part protrudes out of the bracket, and is electrically connected to the adjustable lens, and the other end of the power connection part protrudes out of the bracket It is outside the bracket and is electrically connected to the photosensitive component.

The embodiments of the present utility model provide a pan/tilt module and an electronic device. A lens assembly is arranged through a photosensitive component of a camera module, and an adjustable lens is arranged on the lens assembly, so that the adjustable lens is used to realize the focus adjustment of the camera module. At the same time, it is connected to the lens assembly through an anti-shake motor, and the camera module is driven to move by the anti-shake motor, so as to achieve module anti-shake. Using an adjustable lens to adjust the focus of the camera module, no matter whether the anti-shake motor adopts a voice coil motor with a magnet or not, it can avoid using one voice coil motor to adjust the focus of the camera module and using another voice coil motor to adjust the focus of the camera module. The problem of magnetic domain interference caused by module anti-shake, thus improving the anti-shake effect and focusing accuracy of the gimbal module.

26.07.2022 kl 23:07 5226

Dette er jo veldig spennende da, men det er vel kun spekulasjoner at den inneholder «vår» T-lens??
27.07.2022 kl 09:50 5178

Utifra bilder og den deformerbare linsens egenskaper, er jeg ikke i tvil om at dette er en Tlens add-in Hybridløsning, hvor man bruker Tlens som AF aktuator og annen magnetisk eller SMA løsning for OIS tilt funksjon, fordelen er at man får en mindre forstyrrelseskilde( om man bruker VCM i både af og OIS så nærme, skaper dette støy) Det er klart at jeg kan ta feil her, men er ganske bastant på at det er slik det er😅👍
28.07.2022 kl 10:22 5098

Ferskt patent fra oppo med Tlens(i front cam), Her er Tlens betegnet som Liquid-lens men blir avslørt via karaktrestikk og bilder😃👍

Dette er granted patent 😃👍

H04M1/02; H04N5/225;
Published as

The application provides a camera assembly and an electronic device. The camera assembly includes: a first lens module, a filter module and a photosensitive module; the first lens module is arranged on one side of the filter module, and the first lens module is The lens module is also provided with a zoom unit and a first electrical connector, and the filter module is provided with a second electrical connector; the first electrical connector is respectively electrically connected with the zoom unit and the second electrical connector; the photosensitive module is arranged on the The other opposite side of the filter module is electrically connected with the second electrical connector; wherein, the zoom unit is configured to realize focus adjustment of the camera assembly. Through the above method, the camera assembly can be improved

The zoom unit 3112 can be arranged in the installation slot 31101, and the zoom unit 3112 can be a liquid lens, which can be deformed to change the curvature after being powered on, so that the propagation path of the incident light can be changed, so as to realize the focusing function of the camera assembly 300 . As shown in FIGS. 5 and 7 to 8 , the zoom unit 3112 may be provided with a housing 31121 and an elastic transparent body 31122 . Wherein, the housing 31121 may be provided with a top plate A, a side plate B and a bottom plate C. The top plate A is connected to the side plate B, and the bottom plate C is arranged opposite to the top plate A and forms an accommodating space D. Optionally, the top plate A and the side plate B may be an integral structure of the same material, such as glass or silicon. The side plate B is used to connect with the first housing 3111, the top plate A can be covered with a layer of piezoelectric ceramics, and electrodes connected to the wires 3115 can also be provided on the piezoelectric ceramics, so that the piezoelectric ceramics can be driven by a voltage. deformation can occur. Therefore, the thickness of the top plate A is generally small. In this embodiment, the middle position of the top plate A (marked as E in the figure) may be a circular transparent lens, or a light-transmitting area without piezoelectric ceramics, as the light inlet hole of the zoom unit 3112 .

28.07.2022 kl 10:56 5097

Enda et patent fra Oppo som igjen beviser deres interesse av å få Tlens kvalifisert inn i sine produkter💪🙂

Sjekk bilder🙂

Published as

Electronic equipment and camera module
The utility model provides electronic equipment and a camera module. The camera module comprises a focusing unit and an image sensor, the image sensor is arranged opposite to the focusing unit and can collect light through the focusing unit; the focusing unit comprises a supporting piece, a variable-focus lens and a reinforcing piece; the supporting piece comprises a top plate and a side plate; the edge of the top plate is connected with the side plate; the variable-focus lens is connected with the top plate, and the focal length of the variable-focus lens can be changed to realize focusing; the reinforcing piece is arranged at the connecting position of the top plate and the side plate, and the reinforcing piece is connected with the top plate and the side plate. According to the focusing unit provided by the embodiment of the invention, the reinforcing piece is arranged at the connecting position of the top plate and the side plate of the supporting piece, so that the anti-falling capability of the supporting piece can be enhanced, and the structural reliability of the focusing unit is further improved.

29.07.2022 kl 07:43 5025

Kan virkelig anbefalle folk å se igjennom denne webcasten🙂👍
De går igjennom veldig mye bra her!

21.08.2022 kl 08:49 4359

Presisert av CEO ved Q2 rapporten: Det er en Cameramodule player som har en kvalifisert Add-in modul som er klar for masseproduksjon!

Det er nevnt i flere av Sunnys rapporter at de jobber med Tlens, dette underbygges ytterligere av Patentet(anmass)

Sunny er verdens største og raskest voksende spiller i Modulsystemet👍

Det ble også nevnt at Add-in i smartphone, er det samme som Add-in i AR🙂👍

Lovende utvikling!

So here on this slide we're going to see our optical electronic products and to see what are the BUs doing here. So first of all, let's take a look at smartphone related. And in terms of R&D, first of all, we have the "first in the industry" internal-focusing camera modules. So we use a single lens in terms of not a whole module, but we move a single lens and it's not taking a lot of space. It's been done within the lens itself. It's the first in the industry. We have successfully R&D-ed this one.

And after VR, we have AR, right? AR is what people are talking about, but in terms of commercialization, facing the market, it's still some time, I think, but we look forward for it. It's highly potential; and so we will be investing in this domain, keep investing in it. So this is the reason why we have relatively high R&D expenses, because that -- we think that the future emerging deployment requires our investments like this.

21.08.2022 kl 10:00 4352


 Confirmed design-win award and first mass production purchase order worth
approximately NOK 0.6 million for a barcode scan engine reader product
 Signed an agreement to support a PoC (Proof of Concept) endoscopic camera system
development with a top-tier medical device customer worth approximately NOK 1.7 million
 Good progress on most PoCs
 Augmented realty (AR) cases progressing well, with more design-wins possible this year
 Increased activity in the industrial market, especially barcode related
 Despite some smartphone OEMs experiencing reduced sales, the company is engaged in
PoCs that are progressing well
 Share split 1:5 performed 30 May 2022 – one old share gave five new shares
 Capital market day held 1 June 2022 – presentation material available on the company's
website www.polight.com and www.newsweb.no
Øyvind Isaksen, CEO of poLight ASA:
“This was a quarter which gave us another design-win in the barcode area, bringing the total to four so far. We also
signed a development contract related to a top-tier medical device customer and generally made good progress in PoCs
in all market segments. Although the situation for many smartphone OEMs remains challenging, we are seeing good
interest in our solution and progress has been made. The augmented reality cases we are exploring remain promising,
and there are candidates for additional design-wins this year. From the operational and organisational perspective,
things continue to improve and our overall readiness is good, although areas for improvement are expected to emerge
as we start to increase production and customer deliveries over time.”

Customer-related activities continued at a good level in the second quarter. poLight is actively engaged in several
segments. This includes consumer market devices, such as smartphones, augmented reality and accessories, as well as
a broad range of professional applications, such as barcode readers, medical devices and augmented reality. Interest in
our solutions remains high and the company continues to make progress on several projects with potential customers
in these segments. TLens technology is increasingly being recognised by a wide range of potential customers. Over
time, this is expected to develop into a diversified revenue base for poLight.
Consumer market
The new camera module concept, based on add-in TLens design, is continuing to open new opportunities for different
applications. As mentioned above, several reference designs have been developed to position TLens for various use
cases. During the quarter, the focus was on smartphone and augmented reality applications. Other applications, such
as webcams, drones, etc., are also being explored. Even though some smartphone OEMs are experiencing reduced sales,
the company is engaged in PoCs that are progressing well.
By the close of the quarter, poLight had achieved three design-wins and was involved in 11 ongoing Proof-of-Concept
(PoC) projects relating to the consumer market. Four of the ongoing PoCs are consumer-oriented augmented reality

Augmented reality (AR) market
TLens is being considered by several important market players for use in next generation AR headsets, and
testing/prototype building is continuing. The TLens® technology’s low power consumption, no gravity sensitivity,
temperature stabilisation (often called athermalisation), high speed and compactness are highlighted as key technical
Currently, the company has one confirmed design-win and is engaged in five projects/design-ins (of which one is for a
consumer application) and five ongoing PoCs (four of which are for consumer applications). Good progress was achieved
in most cases during the quarter. The already announced design-win is also progressing well and it is expected that the
product will be released to market this year. Further design-wins could be achieved before the year is out.
To date, the use case for TLens® has mainly related to world-facing cameras. However, as mentioned above, the
company is also involved in various display applications.
The AR market is entering a very important phase, and poLight expects to see several companies releasing new AR
products in the coming years. Most of the first customer cases relate to the professional/enterprise market, so the initial
volumes will be relatively low. However, it is expected that over time AR devices will address the consumer market,
prompting a significant increase in demand. However, this is likely to be some years down the road. In the longer term,
the AR market is expected to be an important market for the company.
Industrial market
During the quarter, the company received its fourth design-win and first mass production purchase order, worth
approximately NOK 0.6 million, related to a barcode application. The opportunity pipeline for this market segment is
quite promising and has the potential to be a significant margin contributor. It will, however, take time to develop this
market and will require entry into some broader application areas. In addition to barcode applications, the company is
involved in various other industrial applications.
In addition to the four design-wins, the company is currently involved in one project (design-in) and nine ongoing PoCs
(five of which are for barcode applications).
During the quarter, the company signed a very important development contract, worth approximately NOK 1.7 million,
with a tier-one medical equipment supplier for potential use in an endoscopic camera system. The PoC is progressing
well and could open up many opportunities in the future.
As mentioned before, the Kavli design-win has generated a lot of activity, and the company is working on several similar
new cases in addition to expanding its cooperation with Kavli. This activity is mainly seen in terms of brand building and
support for important research.
The announced design-in related to the compact surgical device is progressing and has the potential to be released to
market this year.
The company is currently involved in one design-win (Kavli), one project (design-in) and 10 ongoing PoCs.
Redigert 21.08.2022 kl 10:01 Du må logge inn for å svare
22.08.2022 kl 14:31 4284

Ny hjemmeside😃

Utrolig gøy å se referansedesign med Add-in på siden! Anbefaller sterkt å ta en titt🙂

24.08.2022 kl 19:30 4182

Patent delt av Aandal Vanger🙂👍

Truly opto( stor spiller)

Anti reflective Coating, noe som brukes for enda mer lysgjennomstrømming ved bruk av Tlens🙂👍

30.08.2022 kl 20:06 4044

patent som jeg syntest er utrolig spennende er dette patentet fra Sunny🙂

Det er mange flotte uttrykk i dette patentet☺️

Published as

A lens assembly (10), an optical lens (100), a camera module and a continuous zooming method. The lens assembly (10) comprises a deformable light-transmitting body (11) and two light-transmitting deformation-limiting layers, wherein the two deformation-limiting layers are arranged on two opposite sides of the deformable light-transmitting body (11), and the deformable light-transmitting body (11) is deformed by pressing of the two deformation-limiting layers when edge portions of the two deformation-limiting layers are subjected to stress and then at least one of the two deformation-limiting layers is bent to allow the edge portions of the two deformation-limiting layers to approach each other, so as to change the radii of curvature on the two opposite sides of the deformable light-transmitting body (11).

technical field
The invention relates to the field of optical imaging, in particular to a lens assembly, an optical lens, a camera module and a continuous zoom method.

Background technique
Camera modules for capturing images (images, videos) have become an essential part of electronic terminal equipment such as smartphones. In recent years, with the continuous improvement of people's requirements for the imaging quality of electronic terminal equipment, camera modules with high pixels, large chips, small size, and large aperture have become a development trend in the industry.

Periscope camera modules are widely used in array camera modules due to their good optical zoom capability. The periscope camera module realizes long-range shooting by turning the optical path. Therefore, the periscope camera module often needs to be equipped with an optical lens with a larger focal length. The optical path needs to have a sufficient length. For example, a telephoto periscope camera module can have an effective focal length greater than or equal to 15mm, or can have a field of view angle less than or equal to 25 degrees, and a longer focal length will inevitably lead to periscope camera modules. The group has a long back focal length, which makes the size of the periscope camera module unable to be further reduced, and the ensuing problem is that the installation space of the electronic terminal equipment occupied by the periscope camera module cannot be further reduced. Small, which further limits the further application of the periscope camera module in electronic terminal equipment. In addition, in order to meet the needs of continuous zoom and clear imaging, an actuating system is set inside the existing periscope camera module to drive at least two lens groups to move along the optical axis direction. Among these lens groups, one The lens group is driven by the actuation system to move along the optical axis to achieve zooming, that is, to change the focal length, and the other lens group is driven by the actuation system to move along the optical axis to achieve focus and achieve clear imaging, that is, along the The lens group is moved in the direction of the optical axis to make the image clearer by adjusting the distance between the lens group and the photosensitive chip. It is understandable that these lens groups move in the same direction when they are driven, and they are all driven along the optical axis direction. As for the movement, this feature leads to an excessively long length of the periscope camera module, which in turn results in that the installation space of the electronic terminal equipment occupied by the periscope camera module cannot be further reduced.


An object of the present invention is to provide a lens assembly, an optical lens and a camera module and a continuous zooming method, wherein the curvature radius of the deformable light-transmitting body of the lens assembly can be adjusted in a continuously changing manner to realize the camera Continuous zoom of the module.

An object of the present invention is to provide a lens assembly, an optical lens and a camera module, and a continuous zoom method, wherein the light-transmitting film layer and the light-transmitting panel of the lens assembly are respectively disposed on two opposite sides of the deformable light-transmitting body. When the edge portion of the light-transmitting film layer is subjected to force to bend and deform the light-transmitting film layer and allow the edge portion of the light-transmitting film layer to move toward the light-transmitting panel, the light-transmitting film layer The deformable light-transmitting body is squeezed by the light-transmitting panel so that the curvature radius of the deformable light-transmitting body is adjusted, thus changing the light path passing through the optical lens.

An object of the present invention is to provide a lens assembly, an optical lens and a camera module, and a continuous zoom method, wherein the deformable light-transmitting body is made of a solid material, for example, the deformable light-transmitting body is a compressible organic polymer In this way, relative to the liquid lens, the center of gravity of the deformable light-transmitting body of the lens assembly of the present invention can be kept stable, thereby avoiding the shift of the optical focal length of the camera module due to the action of gravity. .

An object of the present invention is to provide a lens assembly, an optical lens and a camera module, and a continuous zoom method, wherein the radius size of the light-transmitting film layer is larger than the radius size of the deformable light-transmitting body, so that the two During the process that the light-transmitting film layer presses the deformable light-transmitting body on the opposite sides of the deformable light-transmitting body and causes it to deform, the deformable light-transmitting body can always be kept between the two said deformable light-transmitting bodies. Between the light-transmitting film layers, the reliability of the lens assembly and the stability of the camera module are thus ensured.

30.08.2022 kl 20:07 4077

Meget spennende patent fra Bosch☺️👍



An optical system for a virtual retinal scan display. The optical system includes an image source which supplies image data, an image processing device for the image data, a projector unit having a light source modulatable in time for generating a light beam, and an actuable refraction device for the light beam for the scanning projection of the image content, a deflection unit onto which the image content is able to be projected and which is designed to guide the projected image content onto an eye of a user, and an adaptive optical element for modifying a beam divergence, which is situated in the optical path between the light source and the deflection unit. The adaptive optical element is able to be actuated so that the beam divergence of the light beam is variable as a function of the angle of incidence of the light beam on the deflection

[0013] In particular, in accordance with an example embodiment of the present invention, the adaptive optical element is provided to dynamically vary the beam divergence of the at least one light beam as a function of the instantaneous angle of incidence of the light beam on the deflection unit in an operating state of the optical system, that is, during a scanning projection of the image content in the form of at least one light beam. Possible although not limited thereto would be that the adaptive optical element includes at least one varifocal lens. For instance, without being restricted to such an embodiment, the varifocal lens could be developed as a two-phase liquid lens, in particular having an electrically adjustable contact angle for the control of a liquid meniscus of the liquid lens. As an alternative or in addition, the varifocal lens could be developed as a diaphragm-based liquid lens in which in particular a diaphragm of the liquid lens is deformable by the pressure of a liquid. Alternatively or additionally, the varifocal lens may be developed as a deformable glass-polymer stack having a piezo actuator system.

01.09.2022 kl 17:43 3920

Sunny optical patenterer løsning med IR filter sammensatt med Tlens direkte, på denne måten reduserer man bygghøyde🙂👍

Ble synlig på ESP i dag👍

Imaging Lenses with Tlens Module Abstract The utility model provides an imaging lens with a Tlens module. An imaging lens with a Tlens module includes: a lens barrel; a Tlens module, the Tlens module is arranged in the lens barrel, and the Tlens module includes a polymer piece and a glass piece arranged in sequence along the optical axis, and the glass piece abuts against the lens barrel; silk screen layer, silk screen printing The layers include one or more layers, at least one surface of the glass piece is provided with a silk screen layer; an IR film layer, the IR film layer is arranged on the glass piece. The utility model solves the problem that the imaging lens with the Tlens module in the prior art is difficult to achieve both miniaturization and high imaging quality at the same time.

Redigert 01.09.2022 kl 17:45 Du må logge inn for å svare
03.09.2022 kl 19:13 3810

Versjon 2 av Teledyne mipi modul med Tlens kan se ut til å komme i oktober🙂

Det ble nevnt i Q2 at Teledyne jobbet med en ny versjon🙂

New 2M turnkey MIPI optical module, for instant integration into embedded vision systems

06.09.2022 kl 10:30 3678

Spennende produkt lansert😃

All Optimom 2M models are powered by Teledyne e2v’s proprietary 2-Megapixel, low-noise, global shutter image sensor which provides sharp images of fast-moving objects. The multi-focus version of Optimom 2M combines a broad working distance and wide aperture in one solution by utilizing an innovative focus adjustment technology.
