Hengbao Dual-Use Smart Card Approved for Certification by China
Oslo, Norway – 08 November 2021 - IDEX Biometrics ASA announced today that the latest biometric smart card from their solution partner Hengbao Corporation Ltd has been approved for certification by China UnionPay (CUP). The new card which incorporates IDEX Biometrics’ sensor and biometric software solution passed all required testing by China’s Bank Card Test Center (BCTC), confirming compliance with China UnionPay requirements and international interoperability standards. BCTC is the independent agency responsible for compliance testing on behalf of China UnionPay. The certification enables Hengbao to proceed with its manufacturing and distribution plans with major card issuers in China. This innovative card will enable multi-use applications, securing global payments and new functionalities such as access control and personal identification – all in one card.
China UnionPay is the largest payment network in the world, with 9.4 billion cards in circulation. IDEX Biometrics’ card solutions have been certified by the top three global payment networks, VISA, MasterCard, and China UnionPay. Combined, these three networks process 90% of all global card payments, according to RBR.
Commenting on the significance of this announcement, Vince Graziani, Chief Executive Officer of IDEX Biometrics, stated, “We take great pride in the confidence Hengbao and its banking partners have shown in IDEX Biometrics by selecting our fingerprint authentication solution for this innovative new product. Through tight integration of our proprietary matching algorithm with the THD89 secure element from Tongxin Microelectronics Co., Ltd., this new card provides industry-leading authentication performance, addressing needs for security, speed, and hygiene. The enhanced multi-use card will be an important step in the broader adoption of biometrically-enabled smart cards in China.
For further information contact:
Marianne Bøe, Investor Relations
China UnionPay is the largest payment network in the world, with 9.4 billion cards in circulation. IDEX Biometrics’ card solutions have been certified by the top three global payment networks, VISA, MasterCard, and China UnionPay. Combined, these three networks process 90% of all global card payments, according to RBR.
Commenting on the significance of this announcement, Vince Graziani, Chief Executive Officer of IDEX Biometrics, stated, “We take great pride in the confidence Hengbao and its banking partners have shown in IDEX Biometrics by selecting our fingerprint authentication solution for this innovative new product. Through tight integration of our proprietary matching algorithm with the THD89 secure element from Tongxin Microelectronics Co., Ltd., this new card provides industry-leading authentication performance, addressing needs for security, speed, and hygiene. The enhanced multi-use card will be an important step in the broader adoption of biometrically-enabled smart cards in China.
For further information contact:
Marianne Bøe, Investor Relations
Unionpay certifierimg gör av BCTC. Kortet har passerat samtliga tester. Måhända det som förvillar är att LOA saknas, bör komma närsom.
08.11.2021 kl 19:37
Begynner å bli litt latterlig dette, men teksten du limer inn er jo nøyaktig det jeg sier, de har bestått testene for sertifisering.
Men kortet er ikke sertifisert. Dette gjøres av Unionpay, ikke BCTC.
Ikke at det har noe som helst praktisk betydning, for det er kun betaling som gjenstår. Mulig vi får en ny melding om noen uker at kortet er sertifisert, og det er jo gøy.
Se gjerne denne flowcharten om hvordan sertifisering av kort fungerer:
Litt mer utfyllende info:
Bildet på Hengbao siden viser en "test report", ikke en "certificate". Hvis du ikke husker hvordan et Unionpay sertifikat ser ut, se gjerne Feitian sitt. ;)
Men kortet er ikke sertifisert. Dette gjøres av Unionpay, ikke BCTC.
Ikke at det har noe som helst praktisk betydning, for det er kun betaling som gjenstår. Mulig vi får en ny melding om noen uker at kortet er sertifisert, og det er jo gøy.
Se gjerne denne flowcharten om hvordan sertifisering av kort fungerer:
Litt mer utfyllende info:
Bildet på Hengbao siden viser en "test report", ikke en "certificate". Hvis du ikke husker hvordan et Unionpay sertifikat ser ut, se gjerne Feitian sitt. ;)
Redigert 08.11.2021 kl 19:46
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08.11.2021 kl 19:23
over 15 billion consumers
Vince Graziani, Chief Executive Officer of IDEX Biometrics, commented, “This certification is a response to the proven demand for increased security in payments, delivered by our proprietary solution to card-based fingerprint authentication. We now have certified biometric solutions with the top three global payment networks, allowing for deployment of biometric cards, together with our integration and issuer partners, at a rapid pace to over 15 billion consumers. We are happy that our TrustedBio® solution is contributing to the ground-breaking performance and cost profile of our partner’s biometric payment card platform.”
Vince Graziani, Chief Executive Officer of IDEX Biometrics, commented, “This certification is a response to the proven demand for increased security in payments, delivered by our proprietary solution to card-based fingerprint authentication. We now have certified biometric solutions with the top three global payment networks, allowing for deployment of biometric cards, together with our integration and issuer partners, at a rapid pace to over 15 billion consumers. We are happy that our TrustedBio® solution is contributing to the ground-breaking performance and cost profile of our partner’s biometric payment card platform.”
Med google translate:
Nylig har det siste passive fingeravtrykksbiometriske produktet utviklet av Hengbao Co., Ltd. bestått UnionPay fingeravtrykkidentifikasjonskorttest utført av National Financial Technology Evaluation Center (Bank Card Inspection Center, "senteret").
Nylig har det siste passive fingeravtrykksbiometriske produktet utviklet av Hengbao Co., Ltd. bestått UnionPay fingeravtrykkidentifikasjonskorttest utført av National Financial Technology Evaluation Center (Bank Card Inspection Center, "senteret").
Redigert 08.11.2021 kl 19:02
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Kortet är certifierat.
Recently, the latest passive fingerprint biometric product developed by Hengbao Co., Ltd. has successfully passed the UnionPay fingerprint identification card detection of the National Financial Technology Evaluation Center (bank card testing center
08.11.2021 kl 15:37
08.11.2021 kl 15:33
Hengbao Co., Ltd : adopt “ Digital travel 、 Digital Tourism 、 Digital consumption 、 Digital Park ” Four application scenarios , It shows the diversified scenarios of digital RMB products landing and application . On the product scheme of digital RMB collection , Hengbao shares can provide, including Super long life dual offline collection and payment wallet 、 Smart visual wallet without charging etc. . In terms of product type , Hengbao has developed a series of Passive visual wallet 、 Convenient sticker wallet 、 Wearable wallet Products such as , To meet the differentiated needs of the public ; In terms of service capability and scenario Application Technology , Hengbao developed constant e Communication platform , by 2.5 Layer bank or scene end access 2 Layer banks provide technical access services , At the same time, it can also access intelligent terminal equipment , Meet the needs of a wide range of application scenarios , Such as airport 、 The hotel 、 Rail transit 、 Theme exhibitions and other convenient exchange of digital RMB 、 Requirements for multi scenario interoperability and intelligent service management .
08.11.2021 kl 15:32
Huada electronics : For the first time, it released a variety of different forms of digital RMB hardware wallet products and solutions based on security chips , Include Digital RMB card wallet 、 Digital RMB wallet module products 、 Digital RMB wearable wallet product 、 Digital RMB wallet 、 Digital RMB wallet terminal 、 Support digital RMB wallet ESAM、 Digital RMB wallet security chip etc. , It can meet the payment of gas stations 、 Charging pile charging 、 Transportation 、 A wide range of smart people's livelihood such as Internet of vehicles payment and the needs of small and high-frequency payment scenarios . On the security level , Huada electronic security chip products are made in China CPU nucleus , Meet available and controllable needs , Its security has reached international standards 、 Domestic leading level , Achieve the highest international security level SOGIS CC EAL 6+ authentication 、 Obtain domestic commercial password level II 、EAL4+ And other national authorities , It ensures the functionality and security of the digital RMB wallet .
Pål stvg
08.11.2021 kl 13:29
kaunis skrev Ja da er en godkjent, bare formaliteter.
vi får nok ordre snart på kort som skal til OL. begynner å bli knapt med tid. men etter som jeg leste q3 rapporten så har de bygget opp en lagerreserve og det kan jo være smart med tanke på halvleder bristen i bransjen. men er meget spent på hvor stor ordrene kan være.
08.11.2021 kl 12:23
Må du slutte å tøve, det står at Hengbao har bestått alle testene og er godkjent for sertifisering.
08.11.2021 kl 11:22
Må du slutte å tøve, det står at Hengbao har bestått alle testene og er setifisert for bruk av IDEX i sine kort.
08.11.2021 kl 11:17
Det er nesten utrolig at den synker i kurs på denne så etterlengtede meldingen. IDEX er no godkjent for så godt som for hele verden som arena og marked, men bare pust dypt og ikke bry seg om elendigheten blant oss mennesker, la dem selge og bli ut er mitt håp.
Redigert 08.11.2021 kl 11:17
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08.11.2021 kl 10:58
Nja, Idex er allerede i UnionPay sertifiserte kort fra Feitian og en annen leverandør.
Men jeg tror nok kortet er sertifisert, men har ikke mottatt sertifikatet enda. For å få sertifikatet, må testene være godkjent og søknad sendes inn til UnionPay.
Derfor sier meldingen at Hengbao har nå lov til å søke om sertifisering.
Men jeg tror nok kortet er sertifisert, men har ikke mottatt sertifikatet enda. For å få sertifikatet, må testene være godkjent og søknad sendes inn til UnionPay.
Derfor sier meldingen at Hengbao har nå lov til å søke om sertifisering.
08.11.2021 kl 10:43
Må være short og emisjonsspøkelse som holder igjen nå. Hadde vi fått en melding om ordre fra Idema fjerne frisk kapital behov, hadde det nok satt riktig fart.
Uansett tror jeg vi ender dagen godt i pluss, hold på aksjene.
Uansett tror jeg vi ender dagen godt i pluss, hold på aksjene.
08.11.2021 kl 10:42
Slik eg tolkar meldinga er det allerede sertifisert.
"China UnionPay is the largest payment network in the world, with 9.4 billion
cards in circulation. IDEX Biometrics' card solutions have been certified by the
top three global payment networks, VISA, MasterCard, and China UnionPay.
Combined, these three networks process 90% of all global card payments,
according to RBR"
"China UnionPay is the largest payment network in the world, with 9.4 billion
cards in circulation. IDEX Biometrics' card solutions have been certified by the
top three global payment networks, VISA, MasterCard, and China UnionPay.
Combined, these three networks process 90% of all global card payments,
according to RBR"
08.11.2021 kl 10:29
Dagens melding indikerer at det klargjøres for OL i Kina. Blir meget bra dette.
investor tom
08.11.2021 kl 10:27
Kan det være shorteren som prøver å skape usikkerhet? Litt rart at etter alle gode nyheter så går aksjen markert ned ? Vi er tilbake til kursen rundt nyttår og da var jo alt mer usikkert. Har trua.............
08.11.2021 kl 10:15
snart Zwipe certifering :-) , Goldpack , Chtian Dragon , TX , ExelSecu :-)
Har ni tänkt på order bocken nu X000000000000000 :-)
Har ni tänkt på order bocken nu X000000000000000 :-)
08.11.2021 kl 10:10
Nå må dere slutte og være så negativ,Idex kommer bare ha litt TOLMODIGHET.
08.11.2021 kl 10:08
Kajtek skrev Det er bare å fylle på.
Er redd det tar mnd og år før det eventuelt blir økt aksjekurs av dette.
08.11.2021 kl 09:50
The new card which incorporates IDEX Biometrics’ sensor and biometric software solution passed all required testing by China’s Bank Card Test Center (BCTC),
08.11.2021 kl 09:29
Det står skrevet at Idex er godkjent av de tre beste globale betalingsnettverkene Visa,MasterCard og Kina UnionPay så detter er i orden🙂
08.11.2021 kl 09:03
Du sier noe der, "approved for certification" var en rar måte ting å melde, om vi skal lese den ordrett.
Godkjent for sertifisering eller Godkjent via sertifisering? 🤔
Godkjent for sertifisering eller Godkjent via sertifisering? 🤔