[EXTENDED, MODIFIED] Solar Safeguard Extension Review: Megatråd

RECSI 04.01.2022 kl 22:53 36636

QCELLS is currently planning to make massive additional US investments across the full solar supply chain, including modules, cells, wafers and polysilicon.

In fact just 2 months ago QCELLS invested over $160 million in REC Silicon. That investment will enable REC to restart its dormant US polysilicon production and will mark the auspicious rebirth of polysilicon production in the US.

QCELLS is also currently engaging in thorough business planning, including actively exploring sites for large scale cell and wafer manufacturing, aswell as expansion of our module manufacturing

Tænker det er på tide at få lavet en megatråd om denne tariff. Jeg har længe pønset på at lave en samlet tråd om alle de forskellige, men for god ordens skyld ( og min hjerne ) holder vi blot denne om Section 201 Solar Tariffen som blev indført i 2018. Præsident Biden står overfor et stort valg inden d. 6 Februar 2022 hvor tarifferne udløber. Skal tariffen blive, eller skal den fjernes. Dette ved ingen før Onkel Joe siger hvad der skal gøres.

Vi har i de seneste måneder hørt en del om dette emne, i dag var dog en mere spændende dag idet Hanwha QCELLS' investering i REC Silicon blev nævnt ordret i forbindelse med planlagte investeringer i hele værdikæden. Dette skete under det sidste møde inden bestemmelsen (så vidt >jeg< ved, opdater mig gerne på dette) så lad os få samlet så meget information som muligt.


Agendaen fra dagens møde:
JANUARY 4, 2021
1. Auxin
2. Suniva
3. Hanwha
The participants have a collective 60 minutes to provide testimony, which the participants may
divide among themselves, followed by a combined 30 minutes of questions from the panelists to
the participants
*5 Minute Break*

2. EDF Renewables
3. Borrego
4. SOLV Energy
5. Sunnova
6. American Clean Power Association
7. NextEra Energy

1:00 PM – 2:00 PM (60 MINUTES)
1. Maxeon
2. Canadian Solar
3. Heliene
4. Silfab
The participants have a collective 45 minutes to provide testimony, which the participants may
divide among themselves, followed by a combined 15 minutes of questions from the panelists to
the participants
*5 Minute Break*

1. Government of Canada
2. Government of Mexico
3. Government of Vietnam
Each participant has 10 minutes of allocated testimony, followed by a combined 15 minutes of
questions from the panelists to the participants


Livestream fra dagens møde:
Solar Safeguard Extension Review: Public Hearing (UNLISTED)
JANUARY 4, 2021
(Smid gerne timestamps ind, jeg arbejder også på dette. Det er et f****** langt møde haha - dette link begynder fra når Hanwha's QCELLS begynder at snakke )

Hanwha QCELLS' respons d. 23 december kan også varmt anbefales at skimme igennem. Her er en lille teaser :)

Response from Hanwha Q CELLS USA, Inc.
Posted by the Office of United States Trade Representative on Dec 23, 2021

Domestic production of solar panels and components at scale is critically important to the United States’ transition to 100% carbon free electricity by 2035. Indeed, the strategic value of clean energy supply chains, including solar, has never been higher, necessitating a whole of government response. SEMAA and the administration’s various initiatives recognize that the security of U.S. solar electricity requires incentives to build-up the entire supply chain, not just the modules, but also polysilicon, wafers, cells, solar glass, etc. These initiatives are not a substitute for policies that promote fair and non-injurious trade, but they work alongside the safeguard.

Resten af deltagernes responser kan findes i denne kommentar

Crystalline Silicon Photovoltaic Cells, Whether or Not Partially or Fully Assembled Into Other Products
DECEMBER 8, 2021
On the basis of the information in this investigation, the United States International Trade Commission (“Commission”) determines, pursuant to section 204(c) of the Trade Act of 1974 (“the Act”) (19 U.S.C. 2254(c)), that action under section 203 of the Act with respect to imports of crystalline silicon photovoltaic cells whether or not partially or fully assembled into other products (“CSPV products”), continues to be necessary to prevent or remedy serious injury and that there is evidence that the domestic industry is making a positive adjustment to import competition.

Jeg kunne forestille mig at vi inden længe ser frisk pressede nyheder fra pv-magazine, pv-tech, og solarpowerworldonline bl.a.. Indtil da må vi nyde det vi har. Tidligere nyheder og kilder om dette vil blive postet i kommentaren under. God fornøjelse :)

Opdatering d. 4 Februar

A Proclamation to Continue Facilitating Positive Adjustment to Competition From Imports of Certain Crystalline Silicon Photovoltaic Cells (Whether or Not Partially or Fully Assembled Into Other Products)
FEBRUARY 4, 2022
Redigert 04.02.2022 kl 18:39 Du må logge inn for å svare
21.01.2022 kl 09:13 9782

Jeg ser den gerne fortsætte, ja :)

Der er nemlig ikke meget ved at bygge solparker for at undgå CO2 udslip, når panelerne kommer fra Kina :(

Behind the Rise of U.S. Solar Power, a Mountain of Chinese Coal
JULY 31, 2021
21.01.2022 kl 09:43 9690

DjTao skrev 7 februar
Sådan som jeg ser det, fik vi allerede bekræftelsen i form af at DOJ appellerer bifacial panel sagen (:
21.01.2022 kl 09:47 9710

Som vist i kommentarene til USTR,5
har investert betydelige ressurser i solenergiproduksjon i USA, inkludert i bifacial
moduler, som svar på seksjon 201 lettelse. Q CELLS har også investert i innenlandsk polysilisium
produksjon (REC) og vurderer ytterligere investeringer i solenergiforsyningskjeden. Samtidig er
samlet innenlandsk solenergi industri har opplevd eksplosiv vekst under beskyttelse og vilje
fortsette å vokse hvis lettelsen utvides, i motsetning til spådommene til motstandere av beskyttelsen
at lettelser i § 201 vil redusere etterspørselen.
21.01.2022 kl 18:19 9392

CPA Applauds Bipartisan Senate Letter Supporting Extension Section 201 Solar Safeguard Tariffs, Ending Bifacial Exclusion Loophole
JANUARY 20, 2022
25.01.2022 kl 19:49 8884

Rubio Joins Bipartisan Colleagues In Urging President Biden To Renew Safeguard Tariffs On Solar Panels Manufactured In China
JANUARY 25, 2022
Washington, D.C. — U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) joined Senators Rob Portman (R-OH), Sherrod Brown (D-OH), Bob Casey (D-PA), Mike Braun (R-IN), and Roger Marshall (R-KS) in sending a letter to President Joe Biden urging him to heed the unanimous recommendation of the International Trade Commission (ITC) and extend the Section 201 safeguard tariffs on Chinese-manufactured solar panels for another four years.

In May 2017, U.S. solar panel manufacturers filed a Section 201 safeguard petition with the ITC, seeking global tariffs in response to surges of solar panels, particularly from China. The ITC unanimously found that surging imports had injured U.S. solar panel producers. In January 2018, President Trump concurred with the ITC recommendation to impose a four year safeguard measure on foreign solar panels. With the safeguard set to expire, and the ITC recommending the renewal of safeguard tariffs, it is up to the Biden Administration to extend the tariffs for another four years to protect American solar panel manufacturers. In the letter, the senators noted that it is vital for the extended safeguard to apply to bifacial solar modules, which are currently not subject to the current tariff regime. The importation of Chinese-manufactured bifacial solar panels is also causing serious harm to domestic solar manufacturers.

“American solar manufacturing should be a key part of the clean energy economy, but despite the United States leading the world in solar research and development, China’s exploitative industrial and trade practices continue to hinder the growth of a strong U.S. solar supply chain,” the senators wrote. “We can only build that capacity if our trade laws are utilized and enforced to the fullest extent possible. Doing so will support American workers and businesses, promote fair trade, minimize the environmental impacts of solar manufacturing and reduce global supply chain reliance on forced labor.”
Slettet bruker
25.01.2022 kl 19:59 8871

Takk igjen manman. Slipper jo å jobbe selv. !
Her blir all info. automatisk servert. (Å gi er å få- som vi sier i AA :-) )
Nå bygger det seg virkelig opp- mer og mer. Skal vi si at innen 3 uker så vet vi mye mye mer.
25.01.2022 kl 21:22 8638

Hehe, det er en fornøjelse som altid - mange tak for at læse med! (:

Vi burde som det mindste vide hvad afgørelsen på Section 201 sol tarifferne bliver haha. Jeg vil da tro at Hanwha venter med et es i ærmet, nu når de har brugt så meget energi på dette (:
30.01.2022 kl 12:09 8244

Afgørelse på denne i den kommende uge. Jeg for en ser frem til det - det skal nok blive spændende!
(ref: https://www.usitc.gov/publications/other/pub5266.pdf side 13)

Jeg tillader mig at X-post den nyeste sidste jeg har kunne finde, som blev delt af Trollstuket på nyhedstråden :)

27.01.2022 kl 23:38
Dette lover godt.

Les og NYT ;)

Redigert 30.01.2022 kl 12:21 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
31.01.2022 kl 09:18 7492

Noe jeg ikke får med meg her? Greier ikke helt å lese og nyte denne? Forstår jeg det riktig at dette må være politikk på sitt «beste» de forlenger tariffen, men utvider import mengden til langt over det usa «greier» å importere? Håper noen forteller meg at jeg har feil.
I tillegg ser det ut som om bifacial skal kunne importeres.
31.01.2022 kl 09:23 7463

5Gw er vel ca 25% av det Amerikanske markedet anno 2021 , om jeg ikke husker feil.

31.01.2022 kl 09:30 7401

Det vil ikke være bra slik jeg forstår det om bifacial panels ikke blir ilagt toll. Her kan dere lese Hanwa sin posisjon:

Solar accounts for over 30% of new power built in the United States over the last five years. The Section 201 safeguard has driven hundreds of million in investment and created thousands of jobs across the United States. Thus, the revitalization of the U.S solar module industry is a direct consequence of the Section 201 relief on imported solar modules. If the safeguard is not extended, Q CELLS USA and other CSPV plants may not be able to sustain production of solar modules, achieve long-term economic viability through increased production, and continue contributing to the growth of the U.S. solar industry. Similarly, an extension of Section 201 relief that allows bifacial modules to be excluded from relief would render the safeguard ineffective in achieving the original policy goals.
Extending Section 201 relief for four years with a minimal step down in rates and an increase in the TRQ would have positive effects on U.S. CSPV cell and module manufacturing - through increased production and sales, incentivizing investment in U.S. capacity, increased employment in manufacturing industry – and no negative impact on demand. On behalf of Q CELLS USA and the employees who rely on solar manufacturing jobs, we respectfully ask the President to impose these remedies.

31.01.2022 kl 09:47 7293

Jeg kan give et længere svar når jeg ikke er på job - men kan kort smide ind and DOJ har appeleret bifacial panel sagen, så de også gælder (såfremt det slår igennem)

US DOJ appeals Section 201 bifacial exemption repeal
JANUARY 16, 2022
Redigert 31.01.2022 kl 09:47 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
31.01.2022 kl 10:00 7167

Unntaket som de legger opp til i 201 tariffen for bi-facial panels, er nok for å dempe klagestormen fra installatør firmaene som ikke får tak i nok paneler.
I artikkelen under, så kan disse 5GW med import stemme godt for å dekke opp for mankoen de ser for seg i USA i 2022.

Innenlands produksjon i USA klarer ikke demme opp for etterspørselen, selv med ML og QCells som drar i gang maskineriet.
Her tror jeg myndighetene tilfredsstiller begge parter med noe import, og resten fra innenlands produksjon.


Solar. We expect U.S. utility-scale solar generating capacity to grow by 21.5 GW in 2022. This planned new capacity would surpass last year’s 15.5 GW of solar capacity additions, an estimate based on reported additions through October (8.7 GW) and additions scheduled for the last two months of 2021 (6.9 GW). Most planned solar additions in 2022 will be in Texas (6.1 GW, or 28% of the national total), followed by California (4.0 GW).

31.01.2022 kl 10:29 7028

Med stor satsing på solkraft i California bør vel Hanwha/Q-Cells satsa på produksjon ikkje berre i staten Georgia, men også på vestkysten? Med silisium frå ML...
Slettet bruker
31.01.2022 kl 10:35 6975

Enig, Stabukk, og det er vel her jokeren ligger med nabobygget som er i ferd med å bli solgt, samt myndighetene i Washington State som vil gi tilskudd for oppstart til solar plant i Grant County (ML området).

Solar tariffen blir en avveining for å kunne få nok GW installert, og hvor mye de kan få produsert av dette innenlands.
Her vil de gjøre det de kan for å opprette arbeidsplasser i USA, men samtidig gi konkurranse til de som skal produsere innenlands med noe import på solar.
31.01.2022 kl 10:53 6866

Takk for kortfatta og truverdig «voksenopplæring»!
Slettet bruker
31.01.2022 kl 12:07 6740

Er dette bad News for oss i REC?
31.01.2022 kl 12:13 6701

Les i det minste 4 innlegg oppover i tråden før du spør da!
Slettet bruker
31.01.2022 kl 12:25 6633

Har jo gjort det… leser det som bad News, men kunne gjerne håpet at noen så noe jeg ikke så.
Slettet bruker
31.01.2022 kl 12:38 6577

Sørlie, det er vel så enkelt at myndighetene vil sikre seg nok tilgang til solar GW for å oppnå sine grønne mål, men de ser at de må bite i det sure eplet og importere noe for å klare det.

Det som de da importerer, skal vøre av beste kvalitet, og det sikrer de seg med denne 5GW for to-sidige paneler.

Tror nok både Qcells og ML får nok å gjøre, selv med denne klausulen på 5GW i tariffen.
Slettet bruker
31.01.2022 kl 12:48 6520

Når det er sagt, er vel ikke noe i veien for at importen kan være fra Hanwha det også, dem har jo fasiliteter i andre verdensdeler hvor de kan lage paneler med poly fra ML.

Høres fornuftig ut med litt import da dem ikke har innenlands verdikjede som kan bidra nok, enda.
31.01.2022 kl 13:06 6380

For mig giver det god mening at bifacial i første omgang ikke bliver talt med i tariffen - det er jo en dommers afgørelse at bifacial paneler ikke længere gælder i dagens 201 tarif. Ergo kan bifacial paneler ikke fornyes, medmindre DOJ appeal sagen går igennem.

Vi har længe vidst at bifacial paneler ikke længere gælder i 201 sådan som det står nu.
Slettet bruker
31.01.2022 kl 13:15 6325

Er jo verdt å nevne at importforbudet for Xinjiang uansett gjelder. Importerte paneler må bevise at de ikke er produsert av, eller med bestanddeler fra, slavearbeid. Disse panelene er også en spesifikk undergruppe paneler som fortsatt ikke er så vanlig til bruk hos sluttkunder. Dette fordi panelene kan kreve endel faktorer for å kunne utnytte refleksjoner fra solen.* (Materier, farger, osv) Det er også selvsagt et spørsmål om pris.

* En lekmanns svært forenklede forståelse.
Redigert 31.01.2022 kl 13:16 Du må logge inn for å svare
31.01.2022 kl 13:33 6200

Ikke kun paneler (: alt fra råvare til slutprodukt - fra cotton og polysilicon til t-shirts og færdige paneler🤝

Har man et snært af Xinjiang forced labor polysilicon i sine paneler, uanset hvilket land de er fra, bliver de nappet i tolden

US solar energy boom ‘stuck’ as industry confronts obstacles
JANUARY 25, 2022

The US government last June ordered a halt to imports of polysilicon, a raw material for solar panels, from China-based Hoshine Silicon Industry to put pressure on Beijing over the alleged internment of more than 1m Uyghurs and Muslim minorities in Xinjiang province.

The order has ensnared far more shipments than expected. Some international suppliers outside of China have struggled to navigate the complicated new rules for proving their product is free of Xinjiang-linked polysilicon

Jeg burde nok lave en megatråd rundt Uyghur Forced Labour Prevention Act efterhånden (:
Redigert 31.01.2022 kl 13:35 Du må logge inn for å svare
31.01.2022 kl 17:10 6058

Tror du traff spikeren. Det finnes ingen amerikansk verdikjede enda, og da vil ikke tariffer ha noe effekt på annet enn å redusere hvor mye som installeres. Og det ønsker ikke myndighetene fordi de da ikke vil nå sine grønne energi mål. Tror vi må vente til verdikjeden er oppe før tariffer og toll økes. Gir ikke mening før det.
04.02.2022 kl 13:43 4681

SEIA Supports Biden Administration’s Effort to Find Balanced Solution on Section 201 Tariffs
FEBRUARY 4, 2022
Press Release
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today the Biden administration announced that it will extend the Section 201 tariffs on imported crystalline silicon solar panels and solar cells above an annual 5-gigawatt tariff rate quota. The decision upholds the exclusion for bifacial panels and doubles the tariff rate quota for cells.

Following is a statement by Abigail Ross Hopper, President and CEO of the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA):

“While we are disappointed with the decision to extend Section 201 tariffs on imported solar cells and panels, we are grateful to the Biden administration for clearly considering the range of issues affected by this decision.”

“Administration officials arrived at a balanced solution in upholding the exclusion for bifacial panels and increasing the tariff rate quota for cells.

“SEIA has been fighting for more than three years to preserve the exclusion for bifacial panels, a product not available in the United States at scale. Today’s decision recognizes the importance of this innovative technology in helping to improve power output and lower costs in the utility-scale segment. It is a massive step forward in producing clean energy in America and in tackling climate change.

“We also support the administration’s decision to increase the tariff rate quota for solar cell imports. This will benefit both domestic module manufacturers and their customers in the residential, and commercial and industrial segments.

“With this chapter behind us, now it’s time to roll-up our sleeves and help ensure the passage of long-term federal investments in domestic manufacturing and, in particular, the Solar Energy Manufacturing for America Act. This is how we will ensure the legacy of American solar manufacturing for many decades to come.”
04.02.2022 kl 13:57 4606

WOW! DA ER DET GJENNOM!? DETTE ER JO KNALLBRA! Kanskje vi får børsmelding av Hanwha fortløpende nå!?
Slettet bruker
04.02.2022 kl 14:02 9083

Q cells lager jo disse bifacial panels. Vil de nå få ett slags monopol på dette de neste årene? (De har vel hatt det nå også).

04.02.2022 kl 14:08 9047

Dette er knall! « With this chapter behind us, now it’s time to roll-up our sleeves and help ensure the passage of long-term federal investments in domestic manufacturing and, in particular, the Solar Energy Manufacturing for America Act. This is how we will ensure the legacy of American solar manufacturing for many decades to come.”
Bob Macahan
04.02.2022 kl 18:01 8729

Bifacial används bara i stora system som monteras på markstativ. Qcells dominerar marknaden för små system. 25% marknadsandel på residential systems.
Beslut att förlänga tullar med undantag för bifacial gör att de kan fortsätta bygga stora parker i USA men marknaden flr små system blir attraktivt för inhemsk tillverkning.
Det finns utrymme både för Qcells och import på marknaden för bifacial. Qcells är vinnare på detta beslut 🚀🚀
04.02.2022 kl 18:29 8639

A Proclamation to Continue Facilitating Positive Adjustment to Competition From Imports of Certain Crystalline Silicon Photovoltaic Cells (Whether or Not Partially or Fully Assembled Into Other Products)
FEBRUARY 4, 2022
04.02.2022 kl 18:30 8643

1. On January 23, 2018, pursuant to section 203 of the Trade Act of 1974, as amended (the “Trade Act”) (19 U.S.C. 2253), the President issued Proclamation 9693, imposing a safeguard measure for a period of 4 years that included both a tariff-rate quota (TRQ) on imports of certain crystalline silicon photovoltaic (CSPV) cells, not partially or fully assembled into other products, provided for in subheading 8541.40.6025 of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTS), and an increase in duties (safeguard tariff) on imports of CSPV cells exceeding the TRQ and all imports of other CSPV products, including modules provided for in subheading 8541.40.6015 of the HTS. Proclamation 9693 exempted imports from certain designated beneficiary countries under the Generalized System of Preferences from the application of the safeguard measure.

2. Clause (4) and Annex I of Proclamation 9693 directed the United States Trade Representative (USTR) to establish procedures for interested persons to request the exclusion of particular products from the safeguard measure. These provisions also authorized the USTR, in consultation with the Secretary of Commerce and the Secretary of Energy, to determine whether a particular product should be excluded, and, upon publication of a determination in the Federal Register, to modify the HTS to implement such determination. Furthermore, they authorized the USTR to modify or to terminate such determinations. Effective June 13, 2019, the USTR excluded bifacial solar panels that absorb light and generate electricity on each side of the panel and that consist of only bifacial solar cells that absorb light and generate electricity on both sides of the cells (bifacial modules). Exclusion of Particular Products From the Solar Products Safeguard Measure, 84 FR 27684 (June 13, 2019).

3. On February 7, 2020, the United States International Trade Commission (USITC) issued its report, pursuant to section 204(a)(2) of the Trade Act (19 U.S.C. 2254(a)(2)), on the results of its monitoring of developments with respect to the domestic solar industry (USITC, Crystalline Silicon Photovoltaic Cells, Whether or Not Partially or Fully Assembled Into Other Products: Monitoring Developments in the Domestic Industry, No. TA-201-075 (Monitoring)). In its report, the USITC found that, following imposition of the safeguard measure, prices for CSPV cells and modules declined in a manner consistent with historical trends, but that prices were higher than they would have been without the safeguard measure.

4. On March 6, 2020, the USITC issued an additional report pursuant to a request from the USTR under section 204(a)(4) of the Trade Act (19 U.S.C. 2254(a)(4)), regarding the probable economic effect on the domestic CSPV cell and module manufacturing industry of modifying the safeguard measure to increase the level of the TRQ on CSPV cells from the current 2.5 gigawatts (GW) to 4.0, 5.0, or 6.0 GW (USITC, Crystalline Silicon Photovoltaic Cells, Whether or Not Partially or Fully Assembled Into Other Products: Advice on the Probable Economic Effect of Certain Modifications to the Safeguard Measure, No. TA-201-075 (Modification)). In its report, the USITC advised that increasing the TRQ would help to continue growth in solar module production, but that expanded access to imported cells not subject to safeguard duties would put downward pressure on prices for cells made in the United States.

5. After taking into account the information provided in the USITC’s reports, and after receiving a petition from a majority of the representatives of the domestic industry with respect to each of the following modifications, and under section 204(b)(1)(B) of the Trade Act (19 U.S.C. 2254(b)(1)(B)), the President issued Proclamation 10101 on October 10, 2020, in which he determined that the domestic industry has begun to make a positive adjustment to import competition, as shown by the increases in domestic module production capacity, production, and market share. Proclamation 10101 also:
(a) revoked the exclusion of bifacial modules from application of the safeguard measure on the basis that it had impaired and was likely to continue to impair the effectiveness of the safeguard action; and
(b) adjusted the safeguard tariff for the fourth year of the safeguard measure from 15 percent to 18 percent on the basis that the exclusion of bifacial modules from application of the safeguard tariffs had impaired the remedial effectiveness of the 4-year action proclaimed in Proclamation 9693, and to achieve the full remedial effect envisaged in that action.

6. On November 16, 2021, the United States Court of International Trade held in Solar Energy Industries Association et al. v. United States (SEIA) that the President acted outside of his statutory authority in issuing Proclamation 10101, and enjoined the Government from enforcing that proclamation. This injunction had the effect of reinstating the exclusion of bifacial modules from the safeguard tariffs and lowering the fourth year safeguard tariff to 15 percent. On January 14, 2022, the Government filed a notice of appeal of SEIA to the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit.

7. On December 8, 2021, in response to petitions by representatives of the domestic industry, the USITC issued its determination and report pursuant to section 204(c) of the Trade Act (19 U.S.C. 2254(c)), finding that safeguard action continues to be necessary to prevent or remedy the serious injury to the domestic industry, and that there is evidence that the domestic industry is making a positive adjustment to import competition (USITC, Crystalline Silicon Photovoltaic Cells, Whether or Not Partially or Fully Assembled Into Other Products, Investigation No. TA-201-75 (Extension)).

8. Section 203(e)(1)(B) of the Trade Act (19 U.S.C. 2253(e)(1)(B)) authorizes the President, after receiving an affirmative determination from the USITC pursuant to section 204(c) of the Trade Act (19 U.S.C. 2254(c)), to extend the effective period of any action taken under section 203 of the Trade Act if the President determines that the action continues to be necessary to prevent or remedy the serious injury, and there is evidence that the domestic industry is making a positive adjustment to import competition.

9. After taking into account the information provided in the USITC’s report and the information received from the public through the process published in the Federal Register on September 30, 2021 (86 FR 54279), pursuant to section 203(e)(1)(B) of the Trade Act (19 U.S.C. 2253(e)(1)(B)), I have determined that the safeguard action on imports of CSPV cells, whether or not partially or fully assembled into other products, continues to be necessary to prevent or remedy the serious injury to the domestic industry, and that there is evidence that the domestic industry is making a positive adjustment to import competition. I have further determined to extend the safeguard measure proclaimed in Proclamation 9693, as modified by Proclamation 10101 (to the extent permitted by law), as follows:
(a) continuation of the TRQ on imports of solar cells not partially or fully assembled into other products described in paragraph 1 of this proclamation for an additional period of 4 years, with unchanging within-quota quantities of 5.0 GW for each year and annual reductions in the rates of duty applicable to goods entered in excess of those quantities of cells in the fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth years, as described in Annex I to this proclamation;
(b) continuation of the increase in duties on imports of modules described in paragraph 1 of this proclamation for an additional period of 4 years, with annual reductions in the fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth years, as described in Annex I to this proclamation; and
(c) exclusion of bifacial panels from the extension of duties proclaimed in this paragraph.

10. I have determined that an extension of this safeguard measure will provide greater economic and social benefits than costs.

11. As provided in Proclamation 9693, this safeguard measure shall continue to apply to imports from all countries, except as provided in clause (4) of this proclamation and paragraph 10 of Proclamation 9693.

12. Section 204(a)(2) of the Trade Act (19 U.S.C. 2254(a)(2)) requires the USITC to issue a report on its monitoring of developments with respect to the domestic industry, including the progress and specific efforts made by workers and firms in the domestic industry to make a positive adjustment to import competition, no later than the midpoint of the period of the extension. After I receive that report, I will evaluate whether to reduce, modify, or terminate the safeguard measure pursuant to section 204(b)(1) of the Trade Act (19 U.S.C. 2254(b)(1)).

13. As proclaimed in Proclamation 9693, the in-quota quantity in each year of the TRQ described in paragraph 9 of this proclamation shall be allocated among all countries except those countries the products of which are excluded from such TRQ pursuant to clause (4) of this proclamation or paragraph 10 of Proclamation 9693.

14. In order to address certain technical errors in the HTS, the HTS is modified as set forth in Annex II to this proclamation.
15. Section 604 of the Trade Act (19 U.S.C. 2483) authorizes the President to embody in the HTS the substance of the relevant provisions of that Act, and of other acts affecting import treatment, and actions thereunder, including the removal, modification, continuance, or imposition of any rate of duty or other import restriction.

04.02.2022 kl 18:30 8636

NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOSEPH R. BIDEN JR., President of the United States of America, by the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, including sections 203, 204, and 604 of the Trade Act, do proclaim that:
(1) In order to extend the measure applicable to imports of CSPV cells, not partially or fully assembled into other products, described in paragraph 1 of this proclamation, subchapter III of chapter 99 of the HTS is modified as set forth in Annex I to this proclamation, subject to clauses (3) and (4) below. Any merchandise subject to the safeguard measure that is admitted into United States foreign trade zones on or after 12:01 a.m. eastern standard time on February 7, 2022, must be admitted as “privileged foreign status” as defined in 19 CFR 146.41, and will be subject upon entry for consumption to any tariffs or quantitative restrictions related to the classification under the applicable HTS subheading.
(2) Except as provided in clause (3) below, imports of CSPV products of World Trade Organization Member countries, as listed in subdivision (b) of Note 18 to subchapter III of chapter 99 of the HTS (Note 18), shall continue to be excluded from the safeguard measure extended by this proclamation, and such imports shall not be counted toward the TRQ limits that trigger the over-quota rates of duties.
(3) If, after the extension proclaimed herein is in effect, the USTR determines that:
(a) the share of total imports of a country listed in subdivision (b) of Note 18 exceeds 3 percent;
(b) imports of the product from all listed countries with less than 3 percent import share collectively account for more than 9 percent of total imports of the product; or
(c) a country listed in subdivision (b) of Note 18 is no longer a developing country for purposes of this proclamation;
the USTR is authorized, upon publication of a notice in the Federal Register, to revise subdivision (b) of Note 18 to remove the relevant country from the list or suspend operation of that subdivision, as appropriate.
(4) I instruct the USTR to enter into negotiations pursuant to section 203(f) of the Trade Act (19 U.S.C. 2253(f)) with Canada and Mexico. In the event that the USTR concludes an agreement that the USTR, in consultation with the Secretary of Commerce and the Secretary of Energy, determines will ensure that imports of Canada or Mexico do not undermine the effectiveness of the action extended through clause (1) of this proclamation, the USTR is authorized, upon publication of a notice in the Federal Register, to revise Note 18 to suspend application of that subdivision, in whole or in part, as appropriate, with respect to imports of Canada or Mexico. If the USTR subsequently determines, in consultation with the Secretary of Commerce and the Secretary of Energy, that such an agreement is not effective, the USTR is authorized, pursuant to section 203(f) of the Trade Act, by publication of a notice in the Federal Register, to revise Note 18 to terminate any previous suspension of the action with respect to imports of Canada or Mexico.
(5) One year after the termination of the safeguard measure established in this proclamation, the U.S. note and tariff provisions established in Annex I to this proclamation shall be deleted from the HTS.
(6) Any provision of previous proclamations and Executive Orders that is inconsistent with the actions taken in this proclamation is superseded to the extent of such inconsistency.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this
fourth day of February, in the year of our Lord two thousand twenty-two, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and forty-sixth.
04.02.2022 kl 18:42 8546

Biden extends Trump-era solar tariffs, with several modifications
FEBRUARY 4, 2022

Biden admin eases Trump-era solar tariffs but doesn't end them
FEBRUARY 4, 2022

Biden says four more years of imported solar panel tariffs, but bifacial get free pass
FEBRUARY 4, 2022

Biden Extends Trump’s Solar Tariffs With Key Exemption
FEBRUARY 4, 2022

President Biden extends solar tariffs, with major caveats.
FEBRUARY 4, 2022

Biden Extends Trump’s Solar Tariffs With Key Exemption
FEBRUARY 4, 2022

Biden Extends Trump’s Solar Tariffs, but Allows More Solar Cells to Enter Duty-Free
FEBRUARY 4, 2022

Biden renews Trump tariffs on imported solar panels for 4 years
FEBRUARY 4, 2022

Biden extends solar panel tariffs with modifications
FEBRUARY 4, 2022

Biden exempts bifacial modules while extending solar tariffs
FEBRUARY 4, 2022
Redigert 04.02.2022 kl 18:44 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
04.02.2022 kl 18:47 8528

Så, de forlenger tariff på importerte solcellepanel, utenom bifacial? Hvor er SEIA 'disappointed'? Vil de importere mer fra utlandet?
Slettet bruker
04.02.2022 kl 19:33 8336

SEIA representerer mange installatører, det er mange tusen arbeidere. Disse er avhengig av import for å fullføre prosjekter. Siden USA ikke har egen industri på området som dekker behovet. Mener det er derfor.
Slettet bruker
04.02.2022 kl 19:41 8317

Solar panel til da være for dyrt å importere slik at det tvinger seg frem en produksjon i US. Og disse som skal lage de kan i prinsippet kjøpe råvarer utenlands men jeg antar det vil være mest kosteffektivt med RECSI :)
Så spørsmålet mitt er til den som måtte ønske svare.
Hvordan skal man komme utenom RECSI i en slik verdikjede? Finnes alternativer?
04.02.2022 kl 21:46 8000

Jeg er glad for at dette ble vedtatt, men importbeskyttelsen er svekket. La oss bli ærlige. Tariffene er de samme, bifacial er unntatt fra tariffer slik som frem til nå, og Biden han doblet den tariff-frie importkvoten. Fra og med tirsdag kan importører doble mengden de importerer uten å betale noe toll. Beskyttelsen av amerikansk produserte moduler svekkes dessverre.
04.02.2022 kl 22:25 7818

Ble det ikke akkurat slik Hanwha ønsket det?

Section 201 Tariff Extension Petitions

In early August, Suniva and Auxin Solar, filed a petition asking the International Trade Commission (ITC) to investigate extending the Section 201 tariffs for another four years. Three days later a second petition was filed by Hanwha Q Cells, LG Electronics, and Mission Solar, which also included a request that the Tariff Rate Quota (TRQ) be increased to 5 GW (from the current 2.5 GW). The current Section 201 tariff is 18% and is slated to drop to 0% in February 2022. The ITC is currently collecting data to investigate the petition, and a hearing will be held this fall with a report and recommendation delivered to the president in December 2021.
04.02.2022 kl 22:41 7706

Vet ikke hvor du fant den, men det er jo faktisk mega bull for HS. De får section 201 akkurat slik de ønsker?
04.02.2022 kl 22:58 7669

Ja, det var det jeg tenkte også. Har sett det flere steder, men jeg fant det f.eks her: https://www.energystorageconsultants.com/solar-tariff-circumvention/
Og her
Redigert 04.02.2022 kl 23:02 Du må logge inn for å svare
04.02.2022 kl 23:06 7704

Takk for linken, bitene faller sakte men sikker på plass.
05.02.2022 kl 00:05 7511

Ikke helt som de ønsket, hvis jeg ikke har misforstått. De ønsket å inkludere bifacials.

21.01.2022 kl 02:03
Jeg kan anbefale at læse hvad en af vores største ejere har at sige om dette :)

Response from Hanwha Q CELLS USA, Inc.
Posted by the Office of United States Trade Representative on Dec 23, 2021
05.02.2022 kl 07:34 7097

Dette kan være et spill for galeriet, når de selv er importør av bifacials. Vis a vis, de vil ha behov for mer polysilicon som går i favør rec.

05.02.2022 kl 08:56 6866

Ser ut til at de var opptatt av å inkludere bifacials, ja. Får håpe at de får andre incentiver som kompenserer for dette.
Slettet bruker
05.02.2022 kl 09:11 6788

Joe Biden. Author: Gage Skidmore. License: Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic (CC BY-SA 2.0)
February 4 (Renewables Now) - The Biden Administration today extended the Section 201 tariffs on US imports of crystalline silicon photovoltaic (CSPV) modules for four more years but in a way that benefits project developers favouring bifacial modules.

The administration has decided to exempt two-sided solar panels from the extension of the duties and to also double the allowable import quota for cells to 5 GW.

“I have determined that the safeguard action on imports of CSPV cells, whether or not partially or fully assembled into other products, continues to be necessary to prevent or remedy the serious injury to the domestic industry, and that there is evidence that the domestic industry is making a positive adjustment to import competition,” the proclamation from President Joe Biden reads.

The tariffs were introduced by former President Donald Trump in 2018, starting at 30% and decreasing gradually each year until reaching 15% in the final year. They were scheduled to expire this month.

Abigail Ross Hopper, the president and CEO of the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA), expressed an opinion that the administration has come up with a balanced solution in upholding the exclusion for bifacial panels and increasing the tariff rate quota for cells.

“While we are disappointed with the decision to extend Section 201 tariffs on imported solar cells and panels, we are grateful to the Biden administration for clearly considering the range of issues affected by this decision,” she said.

In turn, the president and CEO of the American Council on Renewable Energy (ACORE), Gregory Wetstone, stated that he is encouraged by the newly-announced modifications.

“Excluding bifacial solar panels and raising the annual limit on duty-free solar cell imports to 5 GW are reasonable steps that will help our clean energy sector to continue growing at the rate we need to reach our climate goals. In the long-term, however, we must focus our efforts on growing the robust domestic supply chain needed to accelerate the energy transition, including enactment of the clean energy manufacturing incentives found in the Build Back Better Act,” Wetstone added.