Fro - Utbytte Q1 og Q2

FRO 30.04.2022 kl 00:32 2566

Etter en lengre tørkeperiode, regner vi vel med at utbytter starter opp fra og med q1. Tanker om nivå for q1 og q2?
Endre Mening
24.05.2022 kl 07:57 2048

Her er tankene (til Barstad):
Lars H. Barstad, Chief Executive Officer of Frontline Management AS commented:
“Volatility returned to the tanker market in the first quarter of 2022. Frontline’s effective business model has quickly been able to capture the value, as the markets turned constructive for the asset classes we trade. The conflict in Ukraine, and the subsequent sanctioning of Russia by certain western countries, has significantly disrupted existing trade flows, resulting in new, longer trade lanes for oil and refined products into Europe. The tanker market was already pointing towards a gradual recovery during 2022, with oil in transit back to pre-Covid levels and oil demand in OECD countries seeing healthy growth, but the short-term developments seem to have accelerated this path. Oil supply growth is still uncertain going forward, as oil prices are signaling strong demand and global inventories are at decade lows, echoing the overall tight availability of key commodities in nearly all markets. It is too early to call the cyclical turn expected in shipping generally, and in the tanker market, specifically, but the attractive fundamental picture remains as we face very limited new supply of oil carrying capacity in the years to come. With this backdrop we are very excited working on the proposed combination with Euronav, forming the largest listed tanker owner in the world, creating a strong amalgamation of two of the most well-respected tanker operators at an exciting point in the market. Economies of scale have always been in Frontline's DNA, and significant synergies are expected to be achieved if the companies come together.”
24.05.2022 kl 08:17 1927

Knalltall igjen, økte overskuddet med 60% mot Q4 fjor til 300 mill. q1 i år😀👍
Redigert 24.05.2022 kl 08:21 Du må logge inn for å svare
24.05.2022 kl 09:46 1702

En av de beste i tank verden etter fusjonen med Euronav blir dette enda bedre🍢😀og utbyttene kommer
Mr. U
24.05.2022 kl 10:48 1541

gå inn å sjekk tce 10 år bakover i tid fra dagens tall. så ser du hvor mye frontline underperforms vs peers!
24.05.2022 kl 11:32 1451

Samme det vel, bare kursen går opp.
Mr. U
24.05.2022 kl 16:12 1215

nei, det er ikke "samma det så lenge kursen går opp"

de må begynne å tjene like mye penger som konkurrentene sine.