ENDUR med stadig nye kontrakter
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Redigert 27.12.2023 kl 11:01
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19.03.2023 kl 16:51
Her graver du dypt for å finne risiko/grunn til å selge.
Endur hentet noe penger for å refinansiere obligasjonsgjeld til bankgjeld i januar. Ikke mange selskaper som har kapasitet til å gjøre det i disse dager:) De har mye penger på bok og hadde FCF på over 300 mill i 2022. Dvs at de økte kontantbeholdningen med nesten 1 mill hver dag i 2022. I tillegg har de en trekkfasilitet i bank på 150 mill. Så risikoen for en emisjon for "å styrke selskapets balanse" her blir den dagen griser kan fly..
At Kistefos inntog i selskapet ses på som et risikoelement framfor noe positivt, fremstår bare som svært paranoid. Denne type systemer gjør ofte grundige og overveide beslutninger når de går inn i selskaper. Kan nærmest garantere at de har satt seg godt inn i alle Endurs underselskaper, samt møtt management mange ganger. Disse gutta gjetter ikke på om dette er bra..
Om du gjør en skikkelig jobb med caset Endur, vil du raskt forstå hvorfor flere av børsens beste investorer, inkl. Kistefos, synes dette er fortsatt uforskammet billig. Lykke til:)
Endur hentet noe penger for å refinansiere obligasjonsgjeld til bankgjeld i januar. Ikke mange selskaper som har kapasitet til å gjøre det i disse dager:) De har mye penger på bok og hadde FCF på over 300 mill i 2022. Dvs at de økte kontantbeholdningen med nesten 1 mill hver dag i 2022. I tillegg har de en trekkfasilitet i bank på 150 mill. Så risikoen for en emisjon for "å styrke selskapets balanse" her blir den dagen griser kan fly..
At Kistefos inntog i selskapet ses på som et risikoelement framfor noe positivt, fremstår bare som svært paranoid. Denne type systemer gjør ofte grundige og overveide beslutninger når de går inn i selskaper. Kan nærmest garantere at de har satt seg godt inn i alle Endurs underselskaper, samt møtt management mange ganger. Disse gutta gjetter ikke på om dette er bra..
Om du gjør en skikkelig jobb med caset Endur, vil du raskt forstå hvorfor flere av børsens beste investorer, inkl. Kistefos, synes dette er fortsatt uforskammet billig. Lykke til:)
Redigert 19.03.2023 kl 16:54
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19.03.2023 kl 17:22
De ser vel for seg kurser på 100-150.Det er blitt ganske knepent med ledige aksjer da Top 50 står for den største høstingen.
Pluss utbytter.
Pluss utbytter.
Redigert 19.03.2023 kl 17:24
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19.03.2023 kl 18:16
Kurs 150 tilsvarer en Mcap på snaut 5 mrd. Om man ser på potensialet i feks Artec Aqua, må man ikke være veldig kreativ for å ende der.
Artec Aqua har signert flere store prosjekter, samt diverse intensjonsavtaler. Totalt er de "in touch" med prosjekter med verdi rundt 50 mrd. Dette er prosjekter som går over noen år, men samtidig bare starten på hvor stort dette kan bli.. Min erfaring er at Artec A. er lengst fremme innen sitt fag. (Tror ikke Salmon Evolution er uenig). Med grunnrenteskatt etc. på trappene kan dette bli enormt.
Når det er sagt er også Endurs entreprenørbusiness, Marcon og BMO, svært imponerende. Samlet bør de være verd +- 2 mrd i dag. Men vokser de som de har gjort de siste årene, forvarer også de alene en aksjekurs på 150 få år frem i tid.
Endur kan potensielt bli veldig stort. Om ledelsen gjør jobben er det ikke noe i veien for at vi ser Mcap på 20-25 mrd om noen år.
Da må mye klaffe. Men ofte klaffer det for skikkelig flinke folk..
Artec Aqua har signert flere store prosjekter, samt diverse intensjonsavtaler. Totalt er de "in touch" med prosjekter med verdi rundt 50 mrd. Dette er prosjekter som går over noen år, men samtidig bare starten på hvor stort dette kan bli.. Min erfaring er at Artec A. er lengst fremme innen sitt fag. (Tror ikke Salmon Evolution er uenig). Med grunnrenteskatt etc. på trappene kan dette bli enormt.
Når det er sagt er også Endurs entreprenørbusiness, Marcon og BMO, svært imponerende. Samlet bør de være verd +- 2 mrd i dag. Men vokser de som de har gjort de siste årene, forvarer også de alene en aksjekurs på 150 få år frem i tid.
Endur kan potensielt bli veldig stort. Om ledelsen gjør jobben er det ikke noe i veien for at vi ser Mcap på 20-25 mrd om noen år.
Da må mye klaffe. Men ofte klaffer det for skikkelig flinke folk..
Redigert 19.03.2023 kl 18:55
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Mora di
19.03.2023 kl 20:26
Stort kvalitetsstempel at Kistefos har kommet inn. Fint med en rik onkel med sine solide meritter : ) De er neppe ute etter å bare doble investeringen sin. Med en selskapsverdi på usle 1,45 mrd så er det betydelig oppside NÅR (ikke hvis) 1-2 nye megakontrakter signeres.
20.03.2023 kl 08:01
Høres rart ut begge deler, en emisjon måtte eventuelt vært for et bra oppkjøp, så da ville det nok vært innvannende…men enig i at selskapet er solid 😀
20.03.2023 kl 09:47
22.03.2023 kl 12:56
Endúr ASA – Mandatory notification of trade
Einar Olsen, CFO and primary insider of Endúr ASA (the "Company"), has on March 22 2023 transferred his 25,158 shares in the Company to his 100% owned company, Red Devil Holding AS. In addition to the shares, Einar Olsen holds 32,006 options in the Company.
See the enclosed form for further details about the transaction.
This information is subject to the disclosure requirements in Regulation EU 596/2014 (MAR) article 19 number 3 and section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.
Einar Olsen, CFO and primary insider of Endúr ASA (the "Company"), has on March 22 2023 transferred his 25,158 shares in the Company to his 100% owned company, Red Devil Holding AS. In addition to the shares, Einar Olsen holds 32,006 options in the Company.
See the enclosed form for further details about the transaction.
This information is subject to the disclosure requirements in Regulation EU 596/2014 (MAR) article 19 number 3 and section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.
24.03.2023 kl 11:20
Ikke vanskelig å se salgs systemet her, artig å se roboten bli filleristet litt..
27.03.2023 kl 21:14
Hele første kvartal uten en eneste meldt kontrakt i noen av selskapene i Endur. Er ikke det ganske Spesielt? Hvis ikke hver enkelt kontrakt i BMO og Marcon er store nok å melde,burde ikke selskapet summert opp og gitt en samlet løypemelding uten om kvartalsrapporten. Foresten...... tror dere at noen i selskapet leser strengen .
29.03.2023 kl 16:44
Nå må annonsering av fase 2 fra salmon Evolution / Endur komme!
Nå må annonsering av fase 2 fra salmon Evolution / Endur komme!
30.03.2023 kl 09:39
100 lappen er mer korrekt pris en dagens, om du setter deg inn i caset hadde du og sett det.
30.03.2023 kl 09:57
Kursmål 60 og oppgradering til kjøp fra Arctic:
Momentum is about to improve for land-based fish farmers as we are currently seeing increasing risk appetite among both banks and investors
We expect this to result in several firm orders for Artec Aqua over the next 6-12mths, which will support renewed revenue growth for Endúr in 2024 and 2025
We also expect Marine Infrastructure (BMO Entrepenør and Marcon) to continue delivering solid results going fwd, supported by strong growth in both revenues and order intake during 2022
Endúr’s new NOK 700m bank finance facilities (committed in Jan/23) include an interest rate margin depending on the company’s leverage ratio.
In order to obtain the lowest possible interest rate margin, leverage ratio (NIBD/EBITDA) has to be below 2x. We expect Endúr to reach this target level by the end of 2023
Our analyst upgrade to BUY from HOLD, with a TP of NOK 60/sh, up from NOK 35/sh.
The significant increase in TP is driven by positive estimate revisions following the successful refinancing of the company’s balance sheet and improved outlook for land-based fish farming.
Based on latest close of NOK 42/sh we estimate highly compelling 24e/25e adj. P/E of 10x/7x.
Momentum is about to improve for land-based fish farmers as we are currently seeing increasing risk appetite among both banks and investors
We expect this to result in several firm orders for Artec Aqua over the next 6-12mths, which will support renewed revenue growth for Endúr in 2024 and 2025
We also expect Marine Infrastructure (BMO Entrepenør and Marcon) to continue delivering solid results going fwd, supported by strong growth in both revenues and order intake during 2022
Endúr’s new NOK 700m bank finance facilities (committed in Jan/23) include an interest rate margin depending on the company’s leverage ratio.
In order to obtain the lowest possible interest rate margin, leverage ratio (NIBD/EBITDA) has to be below 2x. We expect Endúr to reach this target level by the end of 2023
Our analyst upgrade to BUY from HOLD, with a TP of NOK 60/sh, up from NOK 35/sh.
The significant increase in TP is driven by positive estimate revisions following the successful refinancing of the company’s balance sheet and improved outlook for land-based fish farming.
Based on latest close of NOK 42/sh we estimate highly compelling 24e/25e adj. P/E of 10x/7x.
30.03.2023 kl 17:50
Endúr ASA: Issuance of shares in connection with employee share purchase program
Reference is made to Endúr ASA's (the "Company") extraordinary general meeting held on 2 Feb 2023, where the Company's board of directors was granted an authorisation to increase the Company's share capital by issuing new shares in connection with an employee share purchase program in the Company.
The Company has completed the employee share purchase program for 2023 ("ESPP 2023"), and is pleased to announce that it has received applications from the group's employees to purchase up to 51,047 new shares at a share price of NOK 34.1486 per share.
All permanent employees have, during a period from 22 March to and including 29 March 2023, been given the opportunity to subscribe shares in the Company at a discount in accordance with the resolution made by the general meeting, for the amount of either NOK 16,000, NOK 48,000 or NOK 160,000 in the Company (after discount). The subscription price per share of NOK 34.1486 is based on the volume weighted average closing price of the Company's share during the application period of the ESPP 2023 (22 March to 29 March 2023), reduced by a discount of 20%. The new shares are subject to 6 months lock-up.
Based on the applications received from the employees and pursuant to the authorisation granted by the Company's extraordinary general meeting on 2 February 2023, the board has today resolved to increase the Company’s share capital by up to NOK 25,523.50 by issuing up to 51,047 new shares, each at a nominal value of NOK 0.50, at a subscription price of NOK 34.1486 per share. Following registration of the new share capital, the Company will have a share capital of NOK 16,297,412.50, consisting of 32,594,825 shares, each with a nominal value of NOK 0.50.
This information is subject to the disclosure requirements of section 5-12 of the Securities Trading Act.
This stock exchange announcement was published by Einar Olsen, CFO of Endúr ASA, on 30 March 2023.
Reference is made to Endúr ASA's (the "Company") extraordinary general meeting held on 2 Feb 2023, where the Company's board of directors was granted an authorisation to increase the Company's share capital by issuing new shares in connection with an employee share purchase program in the Company.
The Company has completed the employee share purchase program for 2023 ("ESPP 2023"), and is pleased to announce that it has received applications from the group's employees to purchase up to 51,047 new shares at a share price of NOK 34.1486 per share.
All permanent employees have, during a period from 22 March to and including 29 March 2023, been given the opportunity to subscribe shares in the Company at a discount in accordance with the resolution made by the general meeting, for the amount of either NOK 16,000, NOK 48,000 or NOK 160,000 in the Company (after discount). The subscription price per share of NOK 34.1486 is based on the volume weighted average closing price of the Company's share during the application period of the ESPP 2023 (22 March to 29 March 2023), reduced by a discount of 20%. The new shares are subject to 6 months lock-up.
Based on the applications received from the employees and pursuant to the authorisation granted by the Company's extraordinary general meeting on 2 February 2023, the board has today resolved to increase the Company’s share capital by up to NOK 25,523.50 by issuing up to 51,047 new shares, each at a nominal value of NOK 0.50, at a subscription price of NOK 34.1486 per share. Following registration of the new share capital, the Company will have a share capital of NOK 16,297,412.50, consisting of 32,594,825 shares, each with a nominal value of NOK 0.50.
This information is subject to the disclosure requirements of section 5-12 of the Securities Trading Act.
This stock exchange announcement was published by Einar Olsen, CFO of Endúr ASA, on 30 March 2023.
30.03.2023 kl 17:51
Endúr ASA: Mandatory notifications of trade in connection with employee share purchase program
Reference is made to the stock exchange announcement made by Endúr ASA (the "Company") on 30 March 2023 regarding issuance of 51,047 new shares at a price of NOK 34.1486 per share (the "Offer Price") in connection with employee share purchase program (the "ESPP 2023").
The following close associates of primary insiders have been allocated shares in the ESPP 2023 at the Offer Price:
* Jeppe Raaholt, the CEO of Endúr ASA, has been allocated 4,685 shares;
* Einar Olsen, the CFO of Endúr ASA, has been allocated 4,685 shares;
* Hanne Snipen, the CAO of Endúr ASA, has been allocated 1,405 shares; and
* Elisabet Mørk, VP Finance of Endúr ASA, has been allocated 1,405 shares
See the enclosed forms for further details about the transactions.
This information is subject to the disclosure requirements in Regulation EU 596/2014 (MAR) article 19 number 3 and section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.
Reference is made to the stock exchange announcement made by Endúr ASA (the "Company") on 30 March 2023 regarding issuance of 51,047 new shares at a price of NOK 34.1486 per share (the "Offer Price") in connection with employee share purchase program (the "ESPP 2023").
The following close associates of primary insiders have been allocated shares in the ESPP 2023 at the Offer Price:
* Jeppe Raaholt, the CEO of Endúr ASA, has been allocated 4,685 shares;
* Einar Olsen, the CFO of Endúr ASA, has been allocated 4,685 shares;
* Hanne Snipen, the CAO of Endúr ASA, has been allocated 1,405 shares; and
* Elisabet Mørk, VP Finance of Endúr ASA, has been allocated 1,405 shares
See the enclosed forms for further details about the transactions.
This information is subject to the disclosure requirements in Regulation EU 596/2014 (MAR) article 19 number 3 and section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.
Redigert 30.03.2023 kl 17:52
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05.04.2023 kl 08:31
Artec Aqua, Geo Salmo start ‘detail engineering’ for 24,000t land-based farm This represents the last phase of the design process before building the facility...
13.04.2023 kl 11:37
Fra Arctic i dag:
Endúr potensiell oppside: World Heritage Salmon
I en nedlagt gruve ved Sunnylvsfjorden (Geiranger) planlegger Hofseth Aqua å bygge et landbasert oppdrettsanlegg med en årlig produksjonskapasitet på 100 000 tonn (12x Salmon Evolution fase 1)
Prosjektet mangler fortsatt byggetillatelse, men har hentet NOK 95m til å finansiere utredning of søkeprosessen
Første byggetrinn skal etter planene stå ferdig i 2025 (første slakt i 2026), hvilket forutsetter byggestart i løpet av 2023
Antar vi capex/kg på NOK 200 vil total prosjektverdi utgjøre ~NOK 20mrd over en 10-årsperiode
Sikkert risk, men realiseres prosjektet har Endúr (Artec Aqua) allerede blitt valgt som totalentreprenør
Marin infrastruktur går så det spruter, spesielt innenfor vedlikehold av tuneller, broer og kaianlegg som er hovedfokuset til Endúr
Ordreboken per Q4/22 var opp 36% ift. Q4/21 hvilket gir selskapet mulighet til å være selektive og disiplinerte med nye anbud
Selskapskultur er hovedforklaringen på råsterk EBITDA-margin på 18.2% i 2020-2022, kun kapasitet vil begrense veksten fremover
Året 2023 blir et spennende mellomår innen akvakultur, der selskapet ferdigstiller sitt første matfiskanlegg (Salmon Evolution fase 1)
Forslaget til ny grunnrentebeskatning av fiskeoppdrett i sjø ligger an til å trekke et klart skille mot landbasert, noe som allerede har økt interessen nye anlegg for smolt- og post-smolt i tillegg til matfisk
Endúr har signert intensjonsavtaler for Salmon Evolution fase 2 og GeoSalmon (på Island), begge med planlagt byggestart i H2/23
o Vi forventer positive nyhet her i løpet av de neste 6 månedene, i takt med oppdateringer fra Salmon Evolution fase 1
Selskapet har en ambisjon om topplinje på NOK 4mrd i 2024 (opp fra NOK 2,5mrd i 2022) - Gitt historisk EBITDA-margin på 10% og dagens kapitalstruktur burde selskapet da kunne tjene NOK 200m underliggende, tilsvarende P/E ~7x på dagens aksjekurs
Endúr potensiell oppside: World Heritage Salmon
I en nedlagt gruve ved Sunnylvsfjorden (Geiranger) planlegger Hofseth Aqua å bygge et landbasert oppdrettsanlegg med en årlig produksjonskapasitet på 100 000 tonn (12x Salmon Evolution fase 1)
Prosjektet mangler fortsatt byggetillatelse, men har hentet NOK 95m til å finansiere utredning of søkeprosessen
Første byggetrinn skal etter planene stå ferdig i 2025 (første slakt i 2026), hvilket forutsetter byggestart i løpet av 2023
Antar vi capex/kg på NOK 200 vil total prosjektverdi utgjøre ~NOK 20mrd over en 10-årsperiode
Sikkert risk, men realiseres prosjektet har Endúr (Artec Aqua) allerede blitt valgt som totalentreprenør
Marin infrastruktur går så det spruter, spesielt innenfor vedlikehold av tuneller, broer og kaianlegg som er hovedfokuset til Endúr
Ordreboken per Q4/22 var opp 36% ift. Q4/21 hvilket gir selskapet mulighet til å være selektive og disiplinerte med nye anbud
Selskapskultur er hovedforklaringen på råsterk EBITDA-margin på 18.2% i 2020-2022, kun kapasitet vil begrense veksten fremover
Året 2023 blir et spennende mellomår innen akvakultur, der selskapet ferdigstiller sitt første matfiskanlegg (Salmon Evolution fase 1)
Forslaget til ny grunnrentebeskatning av fiskeoppdrett i sjø ligger an til å trekke et klart skille mot landbasert, noe som allerede har økt interessen nye anlegg for smolt- og post-smolt i tillegg til matfisk
Endúr har signert intensjonsavtaler for Salmon Evolution fase 2 og GeoSalmon (på Island), begge med planlagt byggestart i H2/23
o Vi forventer positive nyhet her i løpet av de neste 6 månedene, i takt med oppdateringer fra Salmon Evolution fase 1
Selskapet har en ambisjon om topplinje på NOK 4mrd i 2024 (opp fra NOK 2,5mrd i 2022) - Gitt historisk EBITDA-margin på 10% og dagens kapitalstruktur burde selskapet da kunne tjene NOK 200m underliggende, tilsvarende P/E ~7x på dagens aksjekurs
13.04.2023 kl 14:17
Veldig spennede!! Satser på melding fra Salmon evolution veldig snart.
18.04.2023 kl 19:46
Da skulle vel alt være tilrettelagt for utbygging av fase 2. Vil være tidenes nedtur om Endur ikke får den.
18.04.2023 kl 19:48
Er nok ikke noen tvil . Salme får ikje finansiering til dette om de hadde valgt en annen løsning enn artec Aqua. Kommer nok melding fra artec Aqua/endur snart skal dere se!
19.04.2023 kl 08:52
Da har SALME foretatt en meget vellykket emisjon og sikret penger for videre utbygging. Det blir ikke lenge nå før vi får positive nyheter fra ENDUR.
19.04.2023 kl 09:10
Da er det snart klart for en børsmelding :) pengene er på plass. Kommer hoppet mot 70-80 nå?
Oversikt for ENDUR (ENDÚR). Oppdatert VPS 19.04.2023
01 ARTEC HOLDING AS 26.42% 392.08m 8 598k
02 BEVER HOLDING AS 7.01% 104m 2 281k
03 TIGERSTADEN MARINE AS 6.15% 91.20m 2 000k
04 JÖRN RYBERG HOLDING AB 5.53% 82.07m 1 800k
06 FENDER EIENDOM AS 3.23% 47.89m 1 050k
07 BERGSKOGEN EIENDOM AS 2.96% 43.99m 964.80k
08 HEARTMAKERMUSIC AS 2.56% 37.99m 833k 700
09 PIROL AS 2.30% 34.20m 750k
10 CYGNUS OLOR AB 2.14% 31.69m 695k
11 ALDEN AS 1.98% 29.39m 644.50k
12 VALLELØKKEN AS 1.91% 28.28m 620.30k
13 GUTTIS AS 1.54% 22.80m 500k
14 TIGERSTADEN AS 1.52% 22.53m 494.10k
15 GIMLE INVEST AS 1.27% 18.91m 414.60k
16 SOLSIDAN AS 1.25% 18.48m 405.30k
17 TIGHT HOLDING AS 1.01% 14.98m 328.50k
18 BR INDUSTRIER AS 0.97% 14.43m 316.40k
19 EIKELAND HOLDING AS 0.80% 11.86m 260k
20 ENERGON HOLDING AS 0.78% 11.63m 255k
21 LANGÅKER STEINAR 0.66% 9 830.60k 215.60k
22 RÅBJØRN AS 0.62% 9 211.20k 202k
23 GM CAPITAL AS 0.58% 8 664k 190k
24 HORTULAN AS 0.58% 8 568.80k 187.90k
25 TRIONOR AS 0.54% 7 987.70k 175.20k
26 EIKESTAD AS 0.54% 7 980k 175k
27 TRAPESA AS 0.51% 7 499.10k 164.50k 3 456
28 HØSE AS 0.36% 5 275.90k 115.70k
29 ØYVIND GABRIELSEN HOLDING AS 0.34% 5 029.70k 110.30k
30 J.S SEDAL INVEST AS 0.31% 4 560k 100k
31 LEOVILLE AS 0.31% 4 560k 100k
32 NORDNET LIVSFORSIKRING AS 0.30% 4 452.60k 97 645 -3 300
33 MOE CHRISTIAN PRINTZ 0.29% 4 344.10k 95 265
34 SWEDBANK AB 0.29% 4 292.20k 94 127
35 STUBBERUD FRODE 0.26% 3 911.60k 85 780
36 POCA INVEST AS 0.25% 3 710.20k 81 363
37 ALERO AS 0.24% 3 547.20k 77 789
38 ELNES TOVE 0.21% 3 056.30k 67 025
39 LARSING AS 0.20% 2 974k 65 219
41 MATHIESEN MORTEN SOLUM 0.18% 2 653k 58 180
42 BA5 INVEST AS 0.18% 2 643.60k 57 973 -7 027
43 NYEGAARD REMI 0.18% 2 599.20k 57 000
44 STORDALEN ROY 0.17% 2 568.90k 56 335
45 KLEVEN TERJE 0.17% 2 555.10k 56 032
46 BECK KARL HALLVARD 0.17% 2 501k 54 846
47 ASBJØRNHUS BENT 0.17% 2 499.40k 54 811
48 JOHANSEN TROND ARNE 0.17% 2 499.40k 54 811
49 KLÆSTAD MORTEN 0.16% 2 371.20k 52 000
50 TIGERGUTT INVEST AS 0.15% 2 280k 50 000
51 Other investors 15.44% 229.13m 5 024.63k 6 190
Oversikt for ENDUR (ENDÚR). Oppdatert VPS 19.04.2023
01 ARTEC HOLDING AS 26.42% 392.08m 8 598k
02 BEVER HOLDING AS 7.01% 104m 2 281k
03 TIGERSTADEN MARINE AS 6.15% 91.20m 2 000k
04 JÖRN RYBERG HOLDING AB 5.53% 82.07m 1 800k
06 FENDER EIENDOM AS 3.23% 47.89m 1 050k
07 BERGSKOGEN EIENDOM AS 2.96% 43.99m 964.80k
08 HEARTMAKERMUSIC AS 2.56% 37.99m 833k 700
09 PIROL AS 2.30% 34.20m 750k
10 CYGNUS OLOR AB 2.14% 31.69m 695k
11 ALDEN AS 1.98% 29.39m 644.50k
12 VALLELØKKEN AS 1.91% 28.28m 620.30k
13 GUTTIS AS 1.54% 22.80m 500k
14 TIGERSTADEN AS 1.52% 22.53m 494.10k
15 GIMLE INVEST AS 1.27% 18.91m 414.60k
16 SOLSIDAN AS 1.25% 18.48m 405.30k
17 TIGHT HOLDING AS 1.01% 14.98m 328.50k
18 BR INDUSTRIER AS 0.97% 14.43m 316.40k
19 EIKELAND HOLDING AS 0.80% 11.86m 260k
20 ENERGON HOLDING AS 0.78% 11.63m 255k
21 LANGÅKER STEINAR 0.66% 9 830.60k 215.60k
22 RÅBJØRN AS 0.62% 9 211.20k 202k
23 GM CAPITAL AS 0.58% 8 664k 190k
24 HORTULAN AS 0.58% 8 568.80k 187.90k
25 TRIONOR AS 0.54% 7 987.70k 175.20k
26 EIKESTAD AS 0.54% 7 980k 175k
27 TRAPESA AS 0.51% 7 499.10k 164.50k 3 456
28 HØSE AS 0.36% 5 275.90k 115.70k
29 ØYVIND GABRIELSEN HOLDING AS 0.34% 5 029.70k 110.30k
30 J.S SEDAL INVEST AS 0.31% 4 560k 100k
31 LEOVILLE AS 0.31% 4 560k 100k
32 NORDNET LIVSFORSIKRING AS 0.30% 4 452.60k 97 645 -3 300
33 MOE CHRISTIAN PRINTZ 0.29% 4 344.10k 95 265
34 SWEDBANK AB 0.29% 4 292.20k 94 127
35 STUBBERUD FRODE 0.26% 3 911.60k 85 780
36 POCA INVEST AS 0.25% 3 710.20k 81 363
37 ALERO AS 0.24% 3 547.20k 77 789
38 ELNES TOVE 0.21% 3 056.30k 67 025
39 LARSING AS 0.20% 2 974k 65 219
41 MATHIESEN MORTEN SOLUM 0.18% 2 653k 58 180
42 BA5 INVEST AS 0.18% 2 643.60k 57 973 -7 027
43 NYEGAARD REMI 0.18% 2 599.20k 57 000
44 STORDALEN ROY 0.17% 2 568.90k 56 335
45 KLEVEN TERJE 0.17% 2 555.10k 56 032
46 BECK KARL HALLVARD 0.17% 2 501k 54 846
47 ASBJØRNHUS BENT 0.17% 2 499.40k 54 811
48 JOHANSEN TROND ARNE 0.17% 2 499.40k 54 811
49 KLÆSTAD MORTEN 0.16% 2 371.20k 52 000
50 TIGERGUTT INVEST AS 0.15% 2 280k 50 000
51 Other investors 15.44% 229.13m 5 024.63k 6 190
Redigert 19.04.2023 kl 09:29
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20.04.2023 kl 11:10
Kan lite om teknisk analyse. Uansett viser aksjen en fin "cup and handel" formasjon med fallende "handel" og motstand på 48 kr.
Samarbeidspartner Salmon evolution har også fått finansiering for fase 2.
Samarbeidspartner Salmon evolution har også fått finansiering for fase 2.
20.04.2023 kl 13:31
Endúr ASA - Contract awards
20 April 2023 – BMO Entreprenør AS (“BMO”), Endúr Maritime AS (“Endúr Maritime”) and Endúr Sjøsterk (“Endúr Sjøsterk”), all wholly owned subsidiaries of Endúr ASA (“Endúr”), have been awarded material new contracts, worth a total of approximately NOK 210 million.
BMO has today been awarded a contract with Bane Nor (The Norwegian Railway Infrastructure Manager) worth an estimated NOK 70 million including options. Finalization and signing of contract documents is expected to take place within the next couple of weeks. The scope of the work to be carried out includes the replacement of 7 railway bridges in The Oslo Region. The project will commence in Q2 2023 with an estimated production period of 15-20 months. BMO have conducted several similar projects over the last years, with both the scope of work and the contract format being well known.
“We are very pleased to announce this award, as Bane Nor represents a strategically important customer, as well as the project scope being at the center of the rehabilitation niche in which BMO operates. It is also satisfying to see that we are competitive in a bid that equally weighs the contractor’s ability to combine quality with price”, says Aleksander Rød, CEO of BMO.
In addition, Endúr Maritime has today been notified that The Norwegian Defense / Forsvarets Logistikkorganisasjon (“FLO”) will exercise it’s option to prolong the ongoing framework contract involving maintenance, repairs and upgrades of the Norwegian Royal Navy’s ship fleet (Norwegian: “Avlastningsavtalen”). The option period starts on 9 October 2023 and lasts for a period of 12 months. The option has an estimated value of NOK 100 million.
“The exercise of the option provides additional stability for Endúr Maritime in a period where the company has seen major improvements in it’s operational and financial results, and furthermore serves as a testament to the quality of the operations carried out on a daily basis by our highly skilled and flexible workforce”, says Arvid Vestgård, CTO of Endúr Maritime.
Finally, it also deserves mentioning that Endúr Sjøsterk recently signed a new contract with Eidsfjord Sjøfarm AS for the production of a 17x34 m concrete feed barge, with a contract value of close to NOK 40 million.
“All three of these contracts, as well as the remaining order intake in general over the last quarter, underline the attractive market outlook within our defined segments and we are confident that other exciting leads will materialize over the coming periods, both within Marine Infrastructure and Aquaculture Solutions”, adds Jeppe Raaholt, CEO of Endúr ASA.
Endúr ASA - Contract awards
20 April 2023 – BMO Entreprenør AS (“BMO”), Endúr Maritime AS (“Endúr Maritime”) and Endúr Sjøsterk (“Endúr Sjøsterk”), all wholly owned subsidiaries of Endúr ASA (“Endúr”), have been awarded material new contracts, worth a total of approximately NOK 210 million.
BMO has today been awarded a contract with Bane Nor (The Norwegian Railway Infrastructure Manager) worth an estimated NOK 70 million including options. Finalization and signing of contract documents is expected to take place within the next couple of weeks. The scope of the work to be carried out includes the replacement of 7 railway bridges in The Oslo Region. The project will commence in Q2 2023 with an estimated production period of 15-20 months. BMO have conducted several similar projects over the last years, with both the scope of work and the contract format being well known.
“We are very pleased to announce this award, as Bane Nor represents a strategically important customer, as well as the project scope being at the center of the rehabilitation niche in which BMO operates. It is also satisfying to see that we are competitive in a bid that equally weighs the contractor’s ability to combine quality with price”, says Aleksander Rød, CEO of BMO.
In addition, Endúr Maritime has today been notified that The Norwegian Defense / Forsvarets Logistikkorganisasjon (“FLO”) will exercise it’s option to prolong the ongoing framework contract involving maintenance, repairs and upgrades of the Norwegian Royal Navy’s ship fleet (Norwegian: “Avlastningsavtalen”). The option period starts on 9 October 2023 and lasts for a period of 12 months. The option has an estimated value of NOK 100 million.
“The exercise of the option provides additional stability for Endúr Maritime in a period where the company has seen major improvements in it’s operational and financial results, and furthermore serves as a testament to the quality of the operations carried out on a daily basis by our highly skilled and flexible workforce”, says Arvid Vestgård, CTO of Endúr Maritime.
Finally, it also deserves mentioning that Endúr Sjøsterk recently signed a new contract with Eidsfjord Sjøfarm AS for the production of a 17x34 m concrete feed barge, with a contract value of close to NOK 40 million.
“All three of these contracts, as well as the remaining order intake in general over the last quarter, underline the attractive market outlook within our defined segments and we are confident that other exciting leads will materialize over the coming periods, both within Marine Infrastructure and Aquaculture Solutions”, adds Jeppe Raaholt, CEO of Endúr ASA.
Redigert 20.04.2023 kl 13:32
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04.05.2023 kl 10:02
Endúr ASA: Invitation to presentation of Q1 2023 financial results
Endúr ASA invites investors, analysts, lenders and media to a live webcast presentation of the company’s first quarter 2023 financial results.
Date: Thursday 11 May 2023
Time: 08:00 CET
Presenters: Jeppe Raaholt, CEO, and Einar Olsen, CFO
The webcast presentation can be watched from the following URL: https://channel.royalcast.com/landingpage/hegnarmedia/20230511_2/
Questions can be submitted during the webcast.
The presentation material will be published the same day at 07:00 CET.
Endúr ASA invites investors, analysts, lenders and media to a live webcast presentation of the company’s first quarter 2023 financial results.
Date: Thursday 11 May 2023
Time: 08:00 CET
Presenters: Jeppe Raaholt, CEO, and Einar Olsen, CFO
The webcast presentation can be watched from the following URL: https://channel.royalcast.com/landingpage/hegnarmedia/20230511_2/
Questions can be submitted during the webcast.
The presentation material will be published the same day at 07:00 CET.
19.05.2023 kl 10:53
Er dette en del av den forrige kontrakten eller er det andre som er i gang?
"Andfjord Salmon har difor planar om å utvikle drifta, og har no byrja å bygge ut to nye basseng.
Og planen er å ha 50 basseng innan dei neste ti åra. Då vil dei kunne vere den fjerde største lakseprodusenten i Noreg."
"Andfjord Salmon har difor planar om å utvikle drifta, og har no byrja å bygge ut to nye basseng.
Og planen er å ha 50 basseng innan dei neste ti åra. Då vil dei kunne vere den fjerde største lakseprodusenten i Noreg."