IDEX Biometrics receives volume production order - IDEMIA

IDEX 16.11.2022 kl 07:50 16004

Oslo, Norway – 16 November 2022 – IDEX Biometrics ASA has received a volume production order from its partner IDEMIA, representing the largest order to date for IDEX TrustedBio sensors. The order represents more than USD 2 million in revenue for IDEX and will begin shipping in Q1 2023. IDEX and IDEMIA are seeing market acceleration for biometric payment cards, and in early November the two companies announced a full-scale biometric card program by a major bank in the UAE. IDEX Biometrics has also recently confirmed agreements with issuers in Turkey and in the UK for biometric card programs, anticipated to reach markets in the first half of 2023.
”This order from our partner IDEMIA reflects the increasing demand for biometric payment cards powered by IDEX Biometrics TrustedBio technology. IDEMIA has come to market with a superior solution which is gaining traction as banks begin to launch large-scale biometric card programs globally”, comments Vince Graziani, CEO of IDEX Biometrics.

22.11.2022 kl 12:06 5850

Kursen har i hvert I alle fall gått gjennom taket på den fallende trendkanalen. Høy omsetning på stigende kurs er ikke å forakte. Kan fort gå til 1,50 ved ytterligere gode nyheter..
22.11.2022 kl 14:16 5698

Jag tror 2 Kr innan Jul 🎄 bara behöver 2 lanseringar 😝 av nedan

So 2023 Q1 UK launch 2023 🚀 and Türkiye launch Q1 2023 🚀 and UAE launch 2022

launch 2022 planed

Banks in Iraq (IDEX)
Bank in UAE (IDEX)
Bank in UK (IDEX)
Bank in Jordan (IDEX)
Bank in India (IDEX)
Bank in Thailand (IDEX)
Bank in Germany (IDEX)
Bank in France (IDEX)

Launch planned with Tier 1 bank in Japan
Launch with Tier 1 bank in Mexico in progress
22.11.2022 kl 14:46 5629

Ser vi på den sterke utviklingen som har skjedd og på den store muligheten for titalls mill. brikker som vil bli etterspurt i Q1-23 , så er det stor fremgang for IDEX i vente for -23. Ser vi den endelige overgangen til den nye sikre bruken og tilliten til Biometriske bet.kort i -23? Her er det mulighet for å gjøre flere 100% på sin innvestering.
22.11.2022 kl 14:54 5605

Hvor mange millioner aksjer for ledelsen i emisjonen ? Lei av den stadige utvanningen av aksjonærene
22.11.2022 kl 15:02 5586

Du må ikke glemme å kjøpe på slike fantastiske lave kurser, ikke glem at aksjemarkedet for tiden er et plukke plukke plukke marked for fremtiden. Mange amatører som ikke kjøper i dagens marked og vil vri seg i anger om noen mnd og år.
22.11.2022 kl 16:09 5527

Ny melding i dag kl. 16.00
LES; LES og smil
22.11.2022 kl 16:13 5520

May be no pilot 👩‍✈️🚀

Oslo, Norway – 22 November 2022 – IDEX Biometrics ASA announces that Sella Group in Italy has launched biometric payment cards in collaboration with IDEMIA, powered by IDEX Biometrics sensor solution. This launch follows the IDEX Biometrics recent announcement of a major UAE bank launching a full-scale biometric payment card program in the Middle East, indicating a significant market acceleration.

Sella Group, founded in 1886, is Italy’s largest privately owned and independent banking group with presence in 5 countries. The biometric payment card will initially be offered to selected target segments. Recent launches by established banks point to biometric payment cards being highly value-adding for digital banks and fintechs as well as for more traditional full-service banks, such as Sella Group.

“IDEX Biometrics innovative technology and sensor solutions are bringing seamless payment experiences to more consumers, as cardholders around the globe access limitless contactless payments, secured by the user’s unique fingerprint. IDEX Biometrics is proudly supporting our partner IDEMIA and Sella Group with smarter and more secure card payments that work flawlessly with any payment terminal”, said Catharina Eklof, Chief Commercial Officer of IDEX Biometrics.
X-43 scramjet
22.11.2022 kl 16:20 5494

Er underpriset nå IDEX. Klarer de noen solide storkontrakter, er det nytt kursmål på 8 kr. Dette blir vinner aksjen i 2023
22.11.2022 kl 18:20 5415

IDEX Biometrics ASA American Depositary Shares (IDBA)
Nasdaq Listed
$7.65 +0.83 (+12.17%)
Bid: $7.66 Ask: $7.94
22.11.2022 kl 19:23 5376

Hoho, her vil kursen presses frem ettersom kortlanseringene tikker inn fremover mot jul,hvis vi ser på historikken, så er det ingenting som burde stanse kursen fra å tikke lett opp mot 2-3kr, forrige emi var vel 2,69kr. Siden har selskapet gjort kvantesprang mot kortlanseringer i stor skala, så er det bare å holde på aksjene.
Dette kan faktisk ta helt av i 2023, hvis dette omsider går som guidet, og alle banker skal ha IDEX sensor, den berømte ketchup effekten.
X-43 scramjet
22.11.2022 kl 19:38 5320

Henriksen fra aksje sladder podcasten har nevnt IDEX flere ganger og nå kommer snart gjennombruddet. Det står ingenting om en mulig verdi til disse kontraktene per enkelt land, men her må vi holde godt på aksjene. En julegave til oss selv i år er flere IDEX aksjer, vente på bedre tider
22.11.2022 kl 20:42 5170

OSLO NORWAY – 22 NOVEMBER 2022 - The Board of Directors of Zwipe AS (the "Company" or "Zwipe") has today resolved to propose a preferential rights issue of 20,862,047 new shares (the "Offer Shares"), for a subscription price of NOK 4.80 per Offer Share, raising gross proceeds of approximately NOK 100 million with preferential rights for existing shareholders (the "Rights Issue"). The Rights Issue is fully guaranteed through a combination of subscription commitments and underwriting commitments. The Rights Issue requires the approval by the extraordinary general meeting of the Company expected to be held on 2 December 2022 (the "EGM") to be implemented. The notice of the extraordinary general meeting will be published in a separate press release.

Background and reason for the Rights Issue

Zwipe is a Norwegian biometric technology company established in 2009, focused on developing and commercializing secure, fast, and easy-to-use biometric authentication solutions with broad applications across key verticals such as payments and access control. Since 2019, card manufacturers have started the process of launching biometric payment card specific manufacturing lines, semiconductor providers have begun the development of dedicated offerings for this market, and the entire value chain supporting these processes has started moving more consistently. At the same time, Zwipe has made significant progress and added numerous smart card manufacturing customers across the world, significantly broadening their customer base. In addition, Zwipe has entered multiple important partnerships to enhance their go-to-market strategy and accelerate the adoption of biometric payment cards. Pilots have started and give the Company insights in its progress towards commercial adoption of its offerings.

In 2022, Zwipe has achieved a number of important milestones. The Company received its single largest commercial order for Zwipe Pay in a single quarter totalling $225,000. The Zwipe Pay Biometric Payment Card Platform received certification from both Visa and Mastercard, and the Fraport biometric access control project at Frankfurt Airport was successfully completed. Catering to the strong demand for access control solutions in the market, Zwipe is now engaging with a number of system integrators and distributors to accelerate the deployment of biometric access cards in key verticals and markets.

The Rights Issue is carried out in order to strengthen the Company’s financial position and enable the transition from start-up to scale-up.

Robert Puskaric, CEO of Zwipe comments:

“I am extremely pleased by the continued confidence demonstrated by our largest existing shareholders. Zwipe is experiencing significant positive commercial momentum and the proceeds from this fully secured rights issue will enable us to build upon our already strong position within biometric payments and biometric access control. The proceeds will be used to continue ramping up to meet growing global market demand for biometric security.”

Key terms of the Rights Issue

Issue of 20,862,047 Offer Shares for a subscription price of NOK 4.80 per Offer Share to be paid in cash.
Through the Rights issue, Zwipe will raise gross proceeds of approximately NOK 100.1 million before issue costs, which are estimated to amount to NOK 13.5 million, of which approximately NOK 9.2 million is compensation for the guarantee.
One (1) existing share in Zwipe held on the record date of 1 March 2023, entitles the holder to one (1) subscription right. Nine (9) subscription rights entitle the holder to subscribe for five (5) Offer Shares.
The subscription period is expected to run during the period 6 – 20 March 2022.
Subscription rights that are not exercised during the subscription period become invalid and lose their value. Trading in subscription rights is planned to take place on the Euronext Growth Market and Nasdaq First North Growth Market during the period 6 – 15 March 2022.
The Rights issue means that the Company's share capital increases by NOK 2,086,204.70, implying a dilution of 35.7 percent.
Underwriting obligations and guarantee commitments

The Rights Issue is fully guaranteed through a combination of subscription- and underwriting commitments. The subscription commitments are entered into with the Company’s largest shareholders, including Chairman of the Board Jörgen Lantto, and amount to approximately NOK 34.5 million, corresponding to approximately 34.5 percent of the Rights Issue. The underwriting commitments amount to approximately NOK 65.6 million, corresponding to approximately 65.5 percent of the Rights Issue. The underwriting commitments are entered into with three of the Company’s largest owners, Vasastaden Holding AB, Erik Selin Fastigheter AB and Arcanum Eiendom AS (controlled by Lars Windfeldt) pursuant to underwriting agreements entered into with each of them on 22 November 2022. The commitments and underwriting commitments are not secured by bank guarantee, escrow funds, pledging or similar arrangements. Pursuant to, and subject to, the terms and conditions set out in the underwriting agreements and the subscription commitments, the underwriters and pre-committing subscribing shareholders have undertaken to vote their shares held at the time of the EGM in favour of the Rights Issue and all underwriters have undertaken to guarantee on a several basis (not jointly) to subscribe for the Offer Shares, for a total underwritten amount of NOK 100,137,825.6 million, less any subscriptions covered by the subscription commitments. The Offer Shares which are not subscribed upon expiration of the subscription period (if any), will thus be subscribed by and allocated to the underwriters.

Other information pertaining to the Rights Issue

In connection with the Right Issue, a prospectus will be prepared, which is subject to the approval by the Norwegian Financial Supervisory Authority and which will be passported to Sweden. The prospectus will be published prior to the commencement of the subscription period and will form the basis for subscriptions in the Right Issue. Provided that the prospectus is approved by the Norwegian Financial Supervisory Authority and passported to Sweden in time, the subscription period for the Rights Issue will commence on 6 March 2023 and expire 20 March 2023 at 16:30 hours (CET). In the event that the prospectus is not approved in time to uphold this subscription period, the subscription period will commence on the second trading day on the Oslo Stock Exchange following the approval of the prospectus and expire at 16:30 hours (CET) two weeks thereafter.
Slettet bruker
22.11.2022 kl 21:42 5026

” The biometric payment card will initially be offered to selected target segments”

Det citerade är en omskrivning för pilot. Sella säger själva att korten ska testas av en grupp av deras kunder.
Slettet bruker
22.11.2022 kl 23:57 4821

Jeg har plukket enda mer etter å ha hørt Vince o Q3 presentasjonen. Han kan industrien, han har kontrollen. Har aldri hatt så lav GAV som nå og storgleder meg. Er heller ikke ferdig med å kjøpe hvis vi ser flere dager under 1,-
23.11.2022 kl 08:40 4577

Aksjen er opp 50,39% siste mnd,virker som det kun er starten👍
23.11.2022 kl 09:09 4473

V. Granziani er en kapasitet med en flott track record. 2023 er året da det løsner helt. Har kun sett konturene av noe stort nå!
Slettet bruker
23.11.2022 kl 09:11 4453

Ser ut som Sella kör en publik kommersiell trail :)
23.11.2022 kl 09:18 4415

Kan se ut som emisjonskursen klarer å etablere noe som ligner et gulv?
Det er isåfall ganske utrolig i denne robotmelkemaskinen!
23.11.2022 kl 21:53 4071

De säger inget om det i IDEX sida

.@BancaSella one of the largest independent bank groups in Italy, goes live with a #biometric #payment card from @IdemiaGroup, powered by @IDEXBiometrics sensor solution. The biometric smart card market is accelerating ✨
23.11.2022 kl 21:56 4056

IDEX Biometrics ASA American Depositary Shares (IDBA)
Nasdaq Listed
$9.3434 +1.6434 (+21.34%)
Bid: $8.32 Ask: $9.00
Volume: 5,221
NOV 23, 2022 3:56 PM ET

23.11.2022 kl 22:40 3945

IDBA volume: 445% VS AVG
24.11.2022 kl 09:12 3660

Var det litt IDBA bløff igår?
Glem ikke gevinstsikring på lure OSE!
Føre var
24.11.2022 kl 09:20 3620

"Among other things, the new EMV Contactless Kernel Specification is intended to accelerate the evolution of biometric authentication for contactless card payments, setting the stage for widespread adoption of the technology."

"Our research has found that 51% of consumers are willing to switch banks to receive a biometric payment card and 43% are willing to pay to receive one. This customer acquisition opportunity is one some fintechs have already identified and leveraged. By offering consumers a seamless and secure contactless user experience that isn’t currently widely available at traditional banks, fintechs will become an attractive prospect for consumers. We expect the fintech trend to continue growing and with it to announce further fintech partnerships in the coming year."

Hva kan man si, go with the flow. Disse tallene har økt å vil vel fortsette og øke jevnt og trutt. Om ikke bankene følger på, så vil de vel tape kunder til de bankene som leder ann, sakte men sikkert. Eller raskere enn man tror.
Redigert 24.11.2022 kl 09:41 Du må logge inn for å svare
24.11.2022 kl 09:42 3521

Du smigrer..
24.11.2022 kl 09:48 3493

Litt rart at ikke flere benytter anledningen til å laste opp billige aksjer?
Den gikk jo 20% i US igår og kun 5% på OSE!
Er det noen som *skjønner noe av det*?
🤣 🤣 🤣
007 James Bond
24.11.2022 kl 11:35 3313

Har alle festet setebeltene?
Det var jaggu på tide :-)
24.11.2022 kl 12:12 3235

Flyet er smekkfullt!
Hva venter vi på?

For tungt lastet sier du?

Redigert 24.11.2022 kl 12:19 Du må logge inn for å svare
24.11.2022 kl 22:33 2970

So 2023 Q1 UK launch 2023 🚀 and Türkiye launch Q1 2023 🚀 and UAE launch 2022

launch 2022 planed

Banks in Iraq (IDEX)
Bank in UAE (IDEX)
Bank in UK (IDEX)
Bank in Jordan (IDEX)
Bank in India (IDEX)
Bank in Thailand (IDEX)
Bank in Germany (IDEX)
Bank in France (IDEX)

SentryCard IDEX Q4 2022 targeted to reach the market in Q4 2022
Hash Wallet IDEX Q1 2023 TrustSEC targeted to reach the market in Q1 2023

Launch planned with Tier 1 bank in Japan
Launch with Tier 1 bank in Mexico in progress

Måste lägga

Idex Biometrics partners with Sentry
Idex Biometrics is contributing its Trustedbio Max fingerprint sensor solution to the SentryCard biometric access control platform from U.S.-based Sentry Enterprises.

SentryCard is certified for multiple access control technologies, including FIDO2, and an order has been placed with Idex to support the solution’s initial production ahead of a planned market launch in the fourth quarter of 2022.

hashwallets, as well as managing physical and logical access for corporations, schools and governments, and is targeted to reach the market in Q1 2023.
Slettet bruker
25.11.2022 kl 00:53 3136

Poki, läs Idemias pressmeddelande så förstår du att det är en pilot. Notera dock att det är ett publikt test. Dvs kortet kommer användas av bankens kunder.

Här är demovideo från gårdagens lansering.
Redigert 25.11.2022 kl 00:53 Du må logge inn for å svare
25.11.2022 kl 01:07 3115

Det stod att de går live inte pilot/POC

IDEX Biometrics ASA announces that Sella Group in Italy has launched biometric payment cards in collaboration with IDEMIA, powered by IDEX Biometrics sensor solution.

offered to selected target segments.

Sella Group, founded in 1886, is Italy’s largest privately owned and independent banking group with presence in 5 countries. The biometric payment card will initially be offered to selected target segments. Recent launches by established banks point to biometric payment cards being highly value-adding for digital banks and fintechs as well as for more traditional full-service banks, such as Sella Group.
Slettet bruker
25.11.2022 kl 13:30 2816

Här är Idemias PR. Läs det några gånger.

"Deploying the new card, which provides biometric verification for both contact and contactless payments, is led by Sella Personal Credit, the Sella Group Company specializing in family credit, which has inaugurated a pilot project involving a selected target of customers in Italy."
26.11.2022 kl 21:02 2646

leverera EL-Metal Card till

Korten finns utan Biometric Sensor KLhightrch LinkedIn sida.

01.12.2022 kl 08:09 2365

Oslo, Norway – 01 December 2022 – IDEX Biometrics ASA and Accomplish Financial, a payment solution provider with a strong portfolio of fintechs and banks across the UK, Europe, and North America announce that Accomplish Financial will launch biometric payment cards enabled by the IDEX Biometrics TrustedBio Turnkey solution, powered by the SLC38 chip from Infineon Technologies. As announced previously, these cards are expected to reach consumers in Q1 2023.

80% of consumers globally demand biometric payment cards, and 62% are willing to switch banks to get one1. Enabling banks and fintechs to meet growing consumer demand is paramount. IDEX Biometrics and Accomplish have developed an innovative go-to-market solution that will accelerate biometric card launches for banks and fintechs.

Catharina Eklof, Chief Commercial Officer of IDEX Biometrics says “IDEX Biometrics is providing smoother customer payment experiences, and Accomplish Financial and IDEX Biometrics are sharing the same mission to make consumers’ financial lives easier. Accomplish is an agile partner, and we are delighted to jointly accelerate the biometric payment market in the UK and across Europe, providing banks and fintechs with robust and easy go-to-market solutions”.

“With rising contactless limits, consumers are asking for increased security while maintaining a seamless experience; payment cards need to evolve. The IDEX Biometrics solution provides these advancements whilst maintaining compatibility with payment terminals globally and making adoption straightforward. Accomplish Financial has identified that there is a big opportunity for biometric payment cards to be used to improve customer journeys. Combined with card issuing and in-house processing expertise from Accomplish, we continue our trend of offering the payment industry the most innovative products”, says Guy Raymond El Khoury, CEO of Accomplish Financial.

1 IDEX Arlington Research 2022

For further information please contact:
Marianne Bøe, Head of Investor Relations
01.12.2022 kl 08:13 2340

Snadder melding den der ,Poki :)
Ser for meg IDEX som den saftige Julepølsa 2023...
01.12.2022 kl 08:26 2283


Listan kommer växa 😝😂♥️

So 2023 Q1 UK launch 2023 🚀 and Türkiye launch Q1 2023 🚀 and UAE launch 2022

launch 2022 planed

Banks in Iraq (IDEX)
Bank in UAE (IDEX)
Bank in UK (IDEX)
Bank in Jordan (IDEX)
Bank in India (IDEX)
Bank in Thailand (IDEX)
Bank in Germany (IDEX)
Bank in France (IDEX)

Launch planned with Tier 1 bank in Japan
Launch with Tier 1 bank in Mexico in progress

IDEX Biometrics launches its first biometric payment card in Turkey
July 26, 2022
01.12.2022 kl 08:44 2207

Nå bøtter det inn godmeldinger på rekke og rad. Kanskje på tide at GSA capital dekker seg inn?
01.12.2022 kl 11:24 2028

Zwipe kund

We are proud to announce that MDP has obtained full certification from Mastercard’s Card Quality Management (#CQM) program. 
From Pre-Press to impeccable smart card production & personalization - our processes are certified by Mastercard’s #CQM since 2013 and confirmed by industry regulators as world-class. At MDP, we are eager to set the bar high – as we continue optimizing our card manufacturing outputs to comply with the most demanding performance & security standards set by Mastercard – reflecting in seamless payment experiences for our customers.
#MDP #CQM #MasterCard #SecureID #CardManufacturing #CardProcessing #Finance #Payments #Egypt #Africa #MENA
01.12.2022 kl 12:23 1925

Vad betyder i praktiken en sådan certifiering?

X-43 scramjet
01.12.2022 kl 12:27 1908

Stand by. IDEX, en potensiell julerakett ligger å lurer i bakgrunnen. Nok en god melding
01.12.2022 kl 13:02 1832

Man kan ikke påstå at oppgangen ikke sikres.
Kursen er nå lavere enn sluttkurs forrige torsdag!
01.12.2022 kl 13:18 1801

Betyr ingenting-raketten tennes på nyåret. 👍👍

01.12.2022 kl 13:26 1774

Enda en gang med store ord og mere blårøyk..bla,bla,bla. At dere aldri lærer. Kommer tilbake når kursen er under 1.
01.12.2022 kl 13:30 1757

Ja vi får da virkelig håpe den kommer.
Tror dog ingenting på at det ikke betyr noe at kursen faller på multiple meldinger!

Gjør som poki idag!
Redigert 01.12.2022 kl 13:43 Du må logge inn for å svare
01.12.2022 kl 14:25 1650

Det må ikke glemme at det fortsatt er noe shorting som holder nede Idex😡
01.12.2022 kl 14:40 1618

Det er kanskje de som tegnet seg i emisjonen som selger. Har tross alt 15% fortjeneste.. Får håpe vi er nær bunnen.
01.12.2022 kl 14:52 1588

Ja, de har gjerne lært seg "gamet". Mange av dem var ganske opplagt gamle travere også?
Det er nok mange som har opptil flere høner å plukke i IDEX. Det har vært mye tap og mange sitter dessverre sikkert solid i urealisert minus.
Motreaksjonen mot dagens fine oppgang på høyt volum var overraskende kraftig.
Vi får håpe noen gjorde en klunk på short eller emisjonssikring da...
GSAs modus indikerer at det dekkes raskt inn. Det er en viss frykt for rask oppgang og brorparten av emisjonblokka fungerer nok som støtte tett på der vi er nå. Kanskje ned mot 1,12-13 etter siste melding?
Selv har jeg potensielt tapt knappe 2k på sirkuset ved å kjøpe litt for høyt. Så det er ikke allverdens krise.
IDEX er jo heller ikke den eneste "masete" aksjen på børsen for tida da.

Dagens laveste er 1,145. Spørs om ikke 1,15 er det nye støttenivået nå.
Får du noe under dette er det nok gunstig!
Redigert 01.12.2022 kl 15:44 Du må logge inn for å svare
05.12.2022 kl 12:38 1179

05/12/22 . Vi besøkte den største bankkortfabrikken i Europa HEMMELIG Med base i Vitré produserer selskapet Idemia mer enn 50 % av bankkortene som brukes i Europa, Her bytter tre team på å jobbe 24 timer i døgnet, 7 dager i uken og utsteder 400 til 450.000 bankkort hver dag. « Ti til 20 pansrede kjøretøy drar hver dag for å bli transportert til et tilpasningssenter ' hvor de dyrebare navnene og numrene vil bli skrevet inn. «Loven forbyr oss å gjøre alt på samme sted.