QEC - total claim between $3 billion to $5 billion

MC Axel
QEC 29.11.2022 kl 12:22 79022

Judging by this, the total claim from the oil and gas industry in Quebec will be between 3 - 5 billion dollars and Questerre Energy is probably the largest compensation recipients (the $3 billion to $5 billion floated by the province’s energy association).

I expect that a settlement will give Questerre Energy billions of NOK in the coffers

Utica Resources believes this is not enough and wants higher compensation from the government

Article from 2021

Quebec killed Utica Resource's business plan — now the company wants billions of dollars in compensation

Martin Patriquin: Burning fossil fuels has a cost. Keeping them in the ground also has a price

Author of the article:

"The Logic

Martin Patriquin

Publishing date:

Nov 29, 2021"

"So LĂ©vesque wants compensation for Utica and the other nine licence-holding companies in the province. The starting bid: “significantly more” than the $3 billion to $5 billion floated by the province’s energy association, LĂ©vesque told me the other day."


More than half Quebecers in favour of developing its oil resources

Arthur C. Green Nov 23, 2022

CEO of Utica Resources Mario Levesque said, "These numbers show what people are telling me all day long."

Redigert 29.11.2022 kl 12:30 Du mÄ logge inn for Ä svare
Peter Sellers
19.01.2023 kl 12:41 5526

@1013, ja det er vel pÄ tide at erstatningskravet kommer opp asap iom at det ser rimelig hÄplÞst ut med tanke pÄ utvinning i Quebec!! La oss hÄpe dette er rett rundt hjÞrne!!
19.01.2023 kl 12:18 5574

God og velfundert analyse av stÄa. Er rimelig klar pÄ at en eventuell erstatning vil gi flere kroner pÄ kursen. Og i tillegg har vi dagens og framtidig produksjonsÞkning som alene burde gi stÞrre oppside fra dagens kurs. Kan bli morsomt Ä vÊre invistert i QEC i 2023. Forventer som sagt snarlig melding om erstatningskrav. Spennende.
19.01.2023 kl 11:23 5691

Mye fin jus det der..NĂ„r det kommer til ekspropriering og "samfunnets beste" er det vanskelig Ă„ fastsette en verdi.
Tror nok at en endelig avgjĂžrelse vil dra langt ut i tid..
Det jeg imidlertidig tror er at QEC vil fÄ dekket inn minimum utgiftene/investerings kostnadene pÄ rundt 22 brÞnner i lowlands.
Mulig dette utgjĂžr 10-15 mill Cad pr brĂžnn , mot at de avslutter brĂžnnene permanent
IsÄfall ligger det 220 - 350 mill Cad / 1,7 - 2,5 mrd i potten noe som tilsv 4-6 kr aksjen
I hvilken grad verdiene under bakken - gidder jeg ikke ta stilling til : forelÞpig fÄr fin jussen ta seg av dette
Noe annet som kan pÄvirke erstatningen er hva QEC betalte for Repsols andel i Lowlands, i sin tid

Med mitt kursmÄl pÄ 4-7 kr pÄ dagens produksjon og forventninger sammen med erstatning mener jeg aksjen bÞr ha potensiale pÄ 8- 13 kr... i lÞpet av en par Är.
Nesten en 10 dobling fra dagens kurser...
Risk / reward er derfor meget positiv og anser QEC for Ă„ ha ett godt fremtidig potensiale...
Har allikavel ett hÄp om at LNG kan bli eksportert ogsÄ fra Quebec - det er der den virkelige gevinsten ligger

Redigert 19.01.2023 kl 11:49 Du mÄ logge inn for Ä svare
19.01.2023 kl 11:18 5696

Dette blir bra đŸ‘đŸ€‘
19.01.2023 kl 11:10 5672

Mitt tips er i stĂžrrelsesorden 10-20 milliarder USD...
19.01.2023 kl 10:11 5765

Mit gĂŠt er at de kommer til at krĂŠve imellem 3-9 milliarder CAD.

HĂ„ber snart tallene kommer.
Slettet bruker
19.01.2023 kl 09:04 5846

Mindre kan vel ogsÄ gÞre det :-)......10-15 NOK
19.01.2023 kl 08:46 5865

Blir spennende Ä se belÞpet, samt endelig fÄ pÄ bordet kravet. Vi snakker uansett her ikke om smÄpenger, selv om jeg ikke tror kravet blir pÄ kr 20-40 pr aksje som Jason antydet.
19.01.2023 kl 08:41 5851

Det nÊrmer seg ogsÄ bÞrsmelding relatert til kravet pÄ erstatning:

"Our legal claim is that by enacting Bill 21 and revoking our exploration licenses, with no meaningful compensation, the province has been ‘unjustly enriched’ by the value of our discovery. As we have previously noted, the discovery once made, cannot be undiscovered and it has tremendous value to whoever owns it. Our expert witness is working to quantify the value of this discovery and our resulting damages. This should be finalized early in the new year and submitted with our revised pleadings to the Superior Court."

"Our expert witness is working to quantify the value of this discovery and our resulting damages. This should be finalized early in the new year and submitted with our revised pleadings to the Superior Court."
MC Axel
19.01.2023 kl 00:44 6073

January 18, 202310:52 PM GMTLast Updated 41 min agoBritish Columbia reaches deal with First Nations in Canada's Montney shale play

By Nia Williams

Interesting reading. Has nothing to do with Quebec, but mentions First Nations, which is relevant when we talk about Questerre energy


And here:

07.01.2023 kl 11:45 7032

Dersom denne spÄdommen slÄr inn, er det bare Ä laste pÄ dagens tilbudspris:


Crude oil prices could exceed $140 per barrel yet this year if China’s economy fully reopens, hedge fund manager Pierre Andurand said on Friday.

Andurand sees the possibility of crude oil demand growing by more than 4 million barrels per day this year—a 4% increase over last year. This far exceeds crude demand growth set out for 2023 by other oil market forecasters.

“I think oil will go upwards of $140 a barrel once Asia fully reopens, assuming there will be no more lockdowns, Andurand said, adding that the “market is underestimating the scale of the demand boost that it will bring.”

Andurand’s forecast goes against the trend that crude oil prices set so far this year. During the first week of the year, crude oil prices tumbled by 9% in the first two trading days in what was the worst start to a year since 1991.

Last week, Andurand said in a tweet that oil demand could increase between 3 and 4 million bpd this year, aided by the switch from oil to gas.

China’s reopening has been on the oil industry’s radar ever since it employed its zero-covid policies and locked down much of its economy. China only recently made significant changes to its covid policies, abandoning its strict measures in favor of relaxed testing requirements and travel restrictions. But China’s reopening has been plagued with a new wave of Covid, spooking many oil bulls off what would be their rejoicing at what should be a significant bump in demand.

Andurand did say last week that oil demand will be limited somewhat by a growth in the EV sector, as EVs have the potential to displace 600,000 bpd of oil demand.
Peter Sellers
05.01.2023 kl 10:25 7474

@MCA, se igjen pÄ volumet det var omsatt 10.884 aksjer! Qec er helt uavhengig i Toronto vs OB den er registret begge plasser men helt uavhengig av hverandre....noen norske selskap er reg bÄde pÄ Wall Street og pÄ OB, i USA kan aksjen vÊre langt hÞyere priset enn her hjemme eller motsatt.
05.01.2023 kl 10:19 7432

Olja nĂŠrmer seg 80 usd igjen. Bunnet ut for denne gang?
05.01.2023 kl 09:41 7500

Bare Ă„ laste med begge hender:

- UBS: Expect Crude Oil Prices To Rise To $110/BBL This Year
- In 2023, Expect Oil Demand To Rise By 1.6 MPBD, With Demand, Exceeding The Record Of 103 MPBD In H2 23
- Expect Brent To Rise To $110/BBL And WTI To $107/BBL In 2023
- 2023 Oil Demand Will Be Driven By Asia #OOTT

— LiveSquawk (@LiveSquawk) January 5, 2023
MC Axel
05.01.2023 kl 09:36 7378

Why is QEC 1,72 NOK in Toronto? and only 1,56 NOK in Oslo?

QEC: CN Toronto

Questerre Energy Corp


0.23 CAD

+0.01 +4.55%



13.12.2022 kl 12:37 8815

Do you know the expression; hakk in the record?
Thats a good wending nicht wahr?

Pumped and dumpes since 70 ears, not worth the crown as they say, will be under inden sommerens sluuuuuud
13.12.2022 kl 01:23 9134

Do you know the saying;
«Opp som en hjort - ned som en lort»

Do you know what pump&dump is ?
(Explaining the sudden and unexpected higher vulume)
Redigert 13.12.2022 kl 12:05 Du mÄ logge inn for Ä svare
MC Axel
13.12.2022 kl 01:08 9009

Natural Gas Prices Surge 10% On Cold Temperatures

By Alex Kimani - Dec 12, 2022, 10:00 AM CST

U.S. natural gas futures have extended their rally,  jumping nearly 10% on Monday’s session following forecasts for much colder weather as well as higher heating demand through late December than previously expected. 

MC Axel
06.12.2022 kl 12:55 9724

Perhaps this is one of the reasons! "After years of promise and false starts"!

"Canadian LNG Moving Forward

Written by Paul Rupp | Dec 5, 2022

After years of promise and false starts, Canadian LNG is finally on track to provide new demand for Canadian producers."

06.12.2022 kl 12:52 9729

Da vil jeg tro at kursen ville gÄtt mye mer. Tror heller dette er en korreksjon fra fallet etter Q3. Dersom det skjer store endringer i Quebec (mot formodning) vil det fÄ MYE stÞrre utslag pÄ kursen.
06.12.2022 kl 12:49 9676

Eh ...javel...? Bare synd hvis kursen gĂ„r i taket....men den kan jo gĂ„ ned igjen sĂ„ lykke til 🙂👍
MC Axel
06.12.2022 kl 12:35 9659

In my world, there is no doubt that something is going on behind the curtains. QEC share trading volume has exploded in the past few days!

We may get a stock market announcement soon!
Slettet bruker
05.12.2022 kl 12:32 10010

MC Axel skrev QEC is very cheap!
Tok litt gevinst idag ... det er ikke forbudt.
QEC er ett intressant selskap sÄ jeg kjÞper meg inn senere ...

Redigert 05.12.2022 kl 12:32 Du mÄ logge inn for Ä svare
05.12.2022 kl 10:45 10327

Fallet i EUs LNG lagrer tiltar , nÄ faller lagrene med over 1 pst /dgn

Stopper Russland siste rest av gass eksporten via ukraina , kan dette bli stygt de kommende 3-4 mnd

05.12.2022 kl 10:23 10433

Hmm denne artikkelen er svÊrt sÄ interessant, kan vÊre verd Ä fÞlge den opp :-)

05.12.2022 kl 10:14 10251

Hmm Er selv 100 pst sikker at Bill21 blir endret , LNG vil eksporteres via Ăžst kysten - Quebec vil " frita " LNG bra bill21
Virker som om Legualt er pÄ gli her.. og innser Quebecs fremtidige energi utfordringer... i sÄfall kan det skje noe positivt mht lowlands

Har tidligere nevnt at det er stor sannsynlighet at QEC blir Ärets jule- og nyttÄrs rakett :-)
Redigert 05.12.2022 kl 10:15 Du mÄ logge inn for Ä svare
Slettet bruker
05.12.2022 kl 10:13 10056

MÄske skal vi have et QEC-julerally :-)............2,10 NOK skal testes snart som nÊvnt i anden trÄd.
05.12.2022 kl 10:09 27723

Tja, hva med avtale om eksport av LNG mellom Canada og EU? Og forandring av skriften i bill21? Kom ivertfall litt volum.
05.12.2022 kl 10:05 27754

Men nÄ ble det ihvertfall fart pÄ OSE. Noen som vil spekulere i Ärsak?
Peter Sellers
05.12.2022 kl 09:45 27874

@MCA, but you "forgot" to add the incredible volum, so there is no reason to pay attention to Toronto for the moment!!
MC Axel
05.12.2022 kl 09:14 27969

It seems to me that there is a lot going on behind the scenes these days regarding LNG from Canada to the Germans. If nothing happens soon, it will be too late and the lawsuits will begin


Questerre up +13.64% in Toronto on Friday

Bloomberg: Business News Daily

Before you change the world. Bloomberg.


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Questerre Energy Corp


0.25 CAD

+0.03 +13.64%


AS OF 12/02/2022 EDT

Redigert 05.12.2022 kl 09:25 Du mÄ logge inn for Ä svare
MC Axel
04.12.2022 kl 16:54 28617

should it not succeed in obtaining a limited extraction agreement, then compensation becomes a serious issue. Then I think we will get a similar settlement as in the Anticosti settlement

"A Superior Court judge was appointed last month to separately manage all the claims related to Bill 21 and a hearing date should be set shortly.”

02.12.2022 kl 19:52 29863

Jeg liker det jeg ser 👀
02.12.2022 kl 19:03 29961

Ingenting er pÄgang utover det nÊrmer seg handlinger i forhold til Bill21, utpÄ nyÄret.
Muligens ser vi veldig tidlig tegn pÄ at quebec og legualt , angrer litt pÄ utformingen av Bill 21 ..
De som var skuffet over q3 har solgt seg ut .. nÄ gjenstÄr kjÞpere som har tro pÄ qec videre prosess...
Holder en knapp pÄ at qec kan bi Ärets jule- og nyttÄrs rakett

"Noe" er pÄgang nÄr omsettningen ti-dobbles fra dagens 4 mill nok
Redigert 02.12.2022 kl 19:05 Du mÄ logge inn for Ä svare