Accomplish lanserer biometrisk kortløsning fra IDEX Biometrics

IDEX 01.12.2022 kl 09:28 1964

Accomplish Financial lanserer innovativ biometrisk kortløsning fra IDEX Biometrics

Oslo, Norge – 1. desember 2022 – IDEX Biometrics ASA og Accomplish Financial, en leverandør av betalingsløsninger med en sterk portefølje av fintechs og banker over hele Storbritannia, Europa og Nord-Amerika kunngjør at Accomplish Financial vil lansere biometriske betalingskort aktivert av IDEX Biometrics TrustedBio nøkkelferdig løsning, drevet av SLC38-brikken fra Infineon Technologies. Som tidligere kunngjort, forventes disse kortene å nå forbrukere i Q1 2023.

80 % av forbrukerne globalt etterspør biometriske betalingskort, og 62 % er villige til å bytte bank for å få et1. Å gjøre det mulig for banker og fintech å møte økende etterspørsel fra forbrukere er avgjørende. IDEX Biometrics og Accomplish har utviklet en innovativ go-to-market-løsning som vil akselerere lansering av biometriske kort for banker og fintechs.

Catharina Eklof, Chief Commercial Officer i IDEX Biometrics sier "IDEX Biometrics gir smidigere kundebetalingsopplevelser, og Accomplish Financial og IDEX Biometrics deler det samme oppdraget for å gjøre forbrukernes økonomiske liv enklere. Accomplish er en smidig partner, og vi er glade for å i fellesskap akselerere det biometriske betalingsmarkedet i Storbritannia og over hele Europa, og gi banker og fintechs robuste og enkle å gå til markedet-løsninger.»

«Med økende kontaktløse grenser, ber forbrukere om økt sikkerhet samtidig som de opprettholder en sømløs opplevelse; betalingskort må utvikles. IDEX Biometrics-løsningen gir disse fremskrittene samtidig som den opprettholder kompatibilitet med betalingsterminaler globalt og gjør bruken enkel. Accomplish Financial har identifisert at det er en stor mulighet for biometriske betalingskort som kan brukes til å forbedre kundereiser. Kombinert med kortutstedelse og intern prosesseringsekspertise fra Accomplish, fortsetter vi vår trend med å tilby betalingsindustrien de mest innovative produktene, sier Guy Raymond El Khoury, administrerende direktør i Accomplish Financial.
Føre var
01.12.2022 kl 10:11 1888

Her renner det inn med gode meldinger:)

"80 % av forbrukerne globalt etterspør biometriske betalingskort, og 62 % er villige til å bytte bank for å få et1. Å gjøre det mulig for banker og fintech å møte økende etterspørsel fra forbrukere er avgjørende. IDEX Biometrics og Accomplish har utviklet en innovativ go-to-market-løsning som vil akselerere lansering av biometriske kort for banker og fintechs."

Stadig økende!
Go with the flow
Redigert 01.12.2022 kl 10:14 Du må logge inn for å svare
01.12.2022 kl 10:14 1871

Oppgang på uvanlig høyt volum. Over 8MNOK på en time.
Men så kom den velkjente gevinstsikringen igjen.
Vil anta GSA kjører sine intradagsshort som vi har sett av loggene?
De dekker seg gjerne inn med få øre.
Inn på 1,23. Ut på 1,18 fx?
Redigert 01.12.2022 kl 10:18 Du må logge inn for å svare
01.12.2022 kl 10:28 1827

Ikke selg på pullback!
Det hjelper gjerne GSA å dekke inn dagshorten sin!
01.12.2022 kl 10:40 1768

Ikke gjør ditt&datt,gjør som du vil,mye pos her nå👍
01.12.2022 kl 10:43 1753

Hva sier ekspertene her?
"...vil lansere biometriske betalingskort aktivert av IDEX Biometrics TrustedBio nøkkelferdig løsning, drevet av SLC38-brikken fra Infineon Technologies. Som tidligere kunngjort, forventes disse kortene å nå forbrukere i Q1 2023."

Her kan det ikke være snakk om "pilot"?
Litt synd det ikke er noen tallfesting av hverken volum eller inntektsanslag da.
01.12.2022 kl 11:18 1662

Jadda jadda. Mange som har snakket om denne shorten da. Kjøpt mer jeg.
Det blir feil at kursen kun ligger en knapp prosent over sluttkurs forrige torsdag med 2 nye meldinger i etterkant?
Pål stvg
01.12.2022 kl 11:32 1617

Det som er litt interessant her at det er med infenion turnkey løsning. Det betyr at sertifisering ikke kan være langt unna. Tipper vi får flere ordre inn når denne er klar. Har såpass mange design win nå på dette så bør gi penger i kassa snart.
01.12.2022 kl 11:36 1604

Fint! Det høres bra ut. Bare å ta imot på fallende kurs her nå da!
Enten det er shortsalg eller annet!
03.12.2022 kl 17:51 1158

Det känns som Accomplish inblandad på CBDC också :-)

Central Bank Digital Currencies can hold the key to a better international payment system

BY —
On 15 November, a group of major US banks and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York announced they have started to test the use of digital tokens representing digital dollars to improve how central bank money is settled between institutions, in essence testing a wholesale Central bank Digital Currency (CBDC).

The US has also been developing a programme called Project Hamilton, in which MIT experts will test technical research for a hypothetical retail CBDC in collaboration with the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston and the Bank of England.

On both sides of the Atlantic, research and testing of CBDCs is accelerating. At Accomplish (formerly known as Accomplish Financial), we are excited by the potential of new technologies to change the world for the better. We also understand that national payment systems are crucial to the integrity of the global financial system, making up its constituent parts and providing a strong degree of government-backed stability, which - despite the rise of decentralised finance - most people continue to regard as indispensable to ensuring economic value.

This is why CBDC research is important. Public money plays an anchoring role in the international payments system, however, new forms of contenders for money including cryptocurrencies and stablecoins and becoming an important part of the ecosystem. “We need to build infrastructure that caters for the coexistence of the various forms that money can take and meets the increasing expectations of security, speed and efficiency with compliance at its heart” states Guy Raymond El Khoury, CEO of Accomplish.

CBDCs have the potential to maintain and even augment the anchoring role played by national currencies in this evolving ecosystem, by making traditional forms of money both more efficient and cheaper to use on an international scale.

Globalisation has facilitated the rapid growth of systems for processing non-cash electronic transfers between people located anywhere in the world, and it is safe to say that financial technology has already revolutionised the global economy.

International payments can however still take up to five days to settle in certain cases and come with a associated high costs. For a globalised and connected world, a more advanced international payments system is more important than ever.

CBDCs will be designed to reduce transaction costs and provide near-instant settlement time through the use of distributed ledger technologies. Moreover, the possibility of CBDCs streamlining, what is a currently a significant cost in every payment made, due diligence and KYC is a massive step forward for supporting both consumers and businesses.

Currently, 105 countries (representing over 95 percent of global GDP) are exploring paths towards a Central Bank Digital Currency, while 10 countries have now fully launched a digital currency, a clear signal of their potential promise.

Here in the UK, Project New Era - our private-sector consortium - will soon be piloting a CBDC-like asset which will generate real-time data regarding specific use cases that will be used to make recommendations to the Bank of England and regulators. The goal of the project is to shape a future in which new and existing forms of money can seamlessly co-exist and be moved around conveniently.

Guy Raymond El Khoury, who was instrumental to our role in setting up the consortium, also noted that “the UK is perfectly positioned to run a CBDC pilot and has the correct mix of a dynamic fintech community, technical capabilities and, most importantly, a globally respected regulatory environment that allows innovation to develop”.

CBDCs also have the potential to expand access to financial services to under-banked populations and make it easier to fight financial crime. Other possible benefits include eliminating third party risk from events such as bank failures and even the potential to facilitate fiscal transfers in times of economic crisis - such as pandemics and wars.

It will, however, also be crucial to mitigate against the potential risks. Project New Era will evaluate every potential drawback of a CBDC and seek to ensure that best-in-class infrastructure prioritises key concerns such as privacy and security. There is also an argument to be made that the biggest risk would be to do nothing at all.

Historically, the changing face of currency has always been an evolutionary process. The emergence of digital currencies represents the biggest technological revolution since the advent of the internet, and the crucial next step in the full digital transformation of the global financial system. Exploring best practice through research and pilot projects is about ensuring we maximise the potential of this revolution, in a way that benefits businesses and consumers alike. Changing the world can’t wait.
03.12.2022 kl 18:02 1127

125 Mil users targeting in 2025

tid linje 1.38 IDEX senser


FINTECH Circle and ITN Business launch FinTech For Good

FINTECH Circle partnered with ITN Business to produce FinTech for Good, a digital news-style programme raising awareness of the impact FinTech has on improving and evolving society.

Reltime is on a mission to empower anyone in the world to take back control of their finances. Right now, everything is controlled by the incumbent financial institutions and Reltime wishes to change the status quo.

Reltime's users are able to control their own savings and financial transactions, while earning on their financial assets—anytime, anyplace, anywhere.

It is working to create a new digital payment network that will transform lives and markets by enabling seamless cross-border transactions and expanding access to financial inclusion to millions of people.

Headquartered in Norway, Reltime offers white-labelled solutions to trusted financial and non-financial partners with the aim of making Web3 "decentralised" finance the new normal for people and businesses worldwide.

Featured in the Reltime section of the film are:

Peter Michel Heilmann, CEO of Reltime
Frode van der Laak, Co-Founder of Reltime
Cornelia Stensby van der Laak, International Relations Officer of Reltime
Milana Bjelogrlic, World Champion Kickboxer and Global Ambassador, Reltime
Redigert 03.12.2022 kl 20:55 Du må logge inn for å svare
03.12.2022 kl 21:10 956

Kansje, det kan være Accomplish eller IDEMIA som skal levere kort senere i piloten til Reserve Bank of India som startet CBDC-pilot
1 desember 2022, men når og hvem som skal levere kortløsningen er ukjent, til å begynne med starter piloten gjennom app på mobiltelefon

Siden India er medlem av G20, er det stor mulighet for det er IDEMIA som skal levere kortløsningen

Bitt and IDEMIA: Winners of the G20 Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) TechSprint 2022
Redigert 04.12.2022 kl 23:50 Du må logge inn for å svare