QEC - Bjorn Inge Tonnessen it might happen!
This deserves its own thread and is possibly the explanation for the increased share volume lately
This is interesting! Watch it!
Quotes: "There's an opening"; "There are signs" ; "The Quebec government.... it could actually happen"
Canada should provide LNG to Europe: expert explains why | Power Play with Vassy Kapelos
CTV News
10. feb.
Bjorn Inge Tonnessen with Questerre Energy says that Canada could play a vital role in providing natural gas resources to Europe.
This is interesting! Watch it!
Quotes: "There's an opening"; "There are signs" ; "The Quebec government.... it could actually happen"
Canada should provide LNG to Europe: expert explains why | Power Play with Vassy Kapelos
CTV News
10. feb.
Bjorn Inge Tonnessen with Questerre Energy says that Canada could play a vital role in providing natural gas resources to Europe.
15.02.2023 kl 10:11
Nei her snakker vi ikke om pump&dump, oppgangen hat SÅVIDT startet tror jeg. Gjentar meg selv, men hvem bortsett fra roboter (som også prøver å skremme ut selgere) ønsker å selge her her nede, og sitte uten QEC aksjer når vi venter tidenes beste Q4 rapport samt snarlig avklaring erstatning? Blir det også nå endring Bill21 som tillater utvinning ser vi 2 sifret kurs på 20-30 tallet over natta. QEC forsvarer alene uten Québec eller erstatning kurs 4-7, Q4 og guiding økt produksjon fom 2023 vil snart også bekrefte det.
15.02.2023 kl 10:39
Fint å konsolidere i disse nivåene og få ned RSI. Så fortsetter oppgangen framover.
15.02.2023 kl 11:14
Spot on. Galskap som investor å sitte uten QEC nå. Historien viser at kursen har gått ikke mindre enn 2 ganger fra 1-2kr pr aksje ogt rett i 30kr pr aksje på få dager. Og jeg gjentar meg selv, da hadde selskapet kun 25% kontra 100% av Lowlands i dag.
15.02.2023 kl 11:15
Ojojoj, her rører det seg i politikken, dette er ganske stort, first nation pusher på og har med seg folk fra politikken, er fremmet et nytt forslag som skal gjøre at minoriteter får kontroll på sine naturressurser og kan utvinne disse. Tatt fra XI: https://energynow.ca/2023/02/new-era-for-natural-resources-and-reconciliation-josiah-haynes-resource-works/?amp
2 dager gammel artikkel
Ser ut som det har kommet et nytt forslag til inntektsdeling kan transformere Canadas forhold til urfolk og låse opp naturressursutvikling. Josiah Haynes utforsker.
2 dager gammel artikkel
Ser ut som det har kommet et nytt forslag til inntektsdeling kan transformere Canadas forhold til urfolk og låse opp naturressursutvikling. Josiah Haynes utforsker.
15.02.2023 kl 11:41
Nordnet opererer med 28/2... Mens QECs hjemmeside skriver: March 23, 2023 - 2022 Year-End Financial Statements and MD&A
Redigert 15.02.2023 kl 11:44
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15.02.2023 kl 12:09
Det ble sent et brev til Trudeau den 19 sep. fra oljeselskapene i Canada, har ikke sett noe response. Det forundrer meg at ikke oljeselskapene kommer med en business case og presenterer det til Trudeau og Legault
MC Axel
15.02.2023 kl 12:29
I believe I posted the same or a similar article on this news/topic two days ago. It will have a huge impact on the QEC opportunities in Quebec due to the involvement of the natives in the QEC projects!
I believe I posted the same or a similar article on this news/topic two days ago. It will have a huge impact on the QEC opportunities in Quebec due to the involvement of the natives in the QEC projects!
Redigert 15.02.2023 kl 12:30
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15.02.2023 kl 16:04
Fortsatt noen som velger å selge "gullbilletten" for litt over 2kr. Kan bli kraftig vonanger og blåmandag, med hue under armen. Men, hver sitt valg.
15.02.2023 kl 17:23
For spesielt interesserte :
X-43 scramjet
15.02.2023 kl 17:47
Sitter godt på QEC aksjene. Vanskelig å løpe etter hvis det kommer nyheter som kan sende aksjen til himmels. Det kan fort bli god stemning den dagen
15.02.2023 kl 18:51
Tak for info
Redigert 15.02.2023 kl 18:52
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X-43 scramjet
15.02.2023 kl 19:08
Takknemlig for at vi har fått troen på Questerre Energy etter lang tid i dvale, en gavepakke 2 kr aksjen nå
MC Axel
15.02.2023 kl 20:24
We can see that the First Nations are tired of being cheated and are uniting. Good for us that QEC has good relations with the First Nations in Quebec. The pressure is mounting on the politicians
FortisBC, LNG Canada join First Nations LNG Alliance – Vancouver Is Awesome
by ahnationtalk on February 15, 2023
Canadian LNG Alliance loses two key members to First Nations LNG group
LNG Canada and FortisBC will officially join the First Nations LNG Alliance, now that the Canadian LNG Alliance appears to be in the process of being dissolved.
The FNLNGA says it will now “spearhead” LNG development in B.C.
The Canadian LNG Alliance grew out of the BC LNG Alliance, which was formed as an industry advocacy group in 2014. It originally represented six LNG projects in B.C., four of which have been abandoned.
In December, former Canadian LNG Alliance CEO Bryan Cox quit to take a job with Petronas Canada, and has not been replaced. Former spokespersons for the Canadian LNG Alliance could not be reached to speak to the alliance’s status.
FortisBC, LNG Canada join First Nations LNG Alliance – Vancouver Is Awesome
by ahnationtalk on February 15, 2023
Canadian LNG Alliance loses two key members to First Nations LNG group
LNG Canada and FortisBC will officially join the First Nations LNG Alliance, now that the Canadian LNG Alliance appears to be in the process of being dissolved.
The FNLNGA says it will now “spearhead” LNG development in B.C.
The Canadian LNG Alliance grew out of the BC LNG Alliance, which was formed as an industry advocacy group in 2014. It originally represented six LNG projects in B.C., four of which have been abandoned.
In December, former Canadian LNG Alliance CEO Bryan Cox quit to take a job with Petronas Canada, and has not been replaced. Former spokespersons for the Canadian LNG Alliance could not be reached to speak to the alliance’s status.
15.02.2023 kl 20:36
Det er sjette gangen denne "nyheten" blir presentert på forskjellige tråder! Kan det ikke holde med én gang?
MC Axel
16.02.2023 kl 08:58
And this may be one of the reasons why Canada and Quebec will reconsider its stance on LNG and what Tonnessen means when he says that they are experiencing a change of attitude among Quebec politicians,
MC Axel
I går kl 23:53
Very interesting!
and Canada is the center point, and the other countries seem to expect that they will also help with LNG. The pressure is mounting
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"Ministers from around 40 countries meet to discuss the current gas crisis and collaborative actions on global energy security and the clean energy transition
15 February 2023"
The meeting was chaired by Canadian Minister Jonathan Wilkinson
"Minister Wilkinson said: “Russia's invasion of Ukraine – almost a year ago – has ushered in what the IEA has described 'the First Global Energy Crisis', and today we met in solidarity to send a clear message to the world: we remain dedicated to concrete, collaborative action in order to enhance energy security and achieve our climate commitments.”"
"the reality is that winter 2023-2024 is likely to be the real test"
"The concrete steps we agreed on today, as well as the solidarity we demonstrated, gives me growing confidence that we will be ready to face the next wave of the crisis"
Redigert i dag kl 00:39
MC Axel
I går kl 23:53
Very interesting!
and Canada is the center point, and the other countries seem to expect that they will also help with LNG. The pressure is mounting
Create a free IEA account
"Ministers from around 40 countries meet to discuss the current gas crisis and collaborative actions on global energy security and the clean energy transition
15 February 2023"
The meeting was chaired by Canadian Minister Jonathan Wilkinson
"Minister Wilkinson said: “Russia's invasion of Ukraine – almost a year ago – has ushered in what the IEA has described 'the First Global Energy Crisis', and today we met in solidarity to send a clear message to the world: we remain dedicated to concrete, collaborative action in order to enhance energy security and achieve our climate commitments.”"
"the reality is that winter 2023-2024 is likely to be the real test"
"The concrete steps we agreed on today, as well as the solidarity we demonstrated, gives me growing confidence that we will be ready to face the next wave of the crisis"
Redigert i dag kl 00:39
16.02.2023 kl 09:01
Er du NØDT til å legge ut alle forskjellige nyheter på absolutt alle tråder????
Skyttergravskrig nå.
Kjøperne og selgerne ligger stille og plaffer løs på hverandre, fronten beveger seg ikke.
Tror det bygger seg opp til et angrep snart, usikkert hvilken side som vil avansere?
Kjøperne og selgerne ligger stille og plaffer løs på hverandre, fronten beveger seg ikke.
Tror det bygger seg opp til et angrep snart, usikkert hvilken side som vil avansere?
16.02.2023 kl 09:26
Nei, nå holder daytraderne på å laste opp rundt 2,10. Så skal det opp til 2,20. Ender omtrent på 2,15 - et mitt tips. Dersom ikke olja fortsetter oppover, da.
16.02.2023 kl 09:51
Utålmodighet er en aksjonærs største fiende.
Når Tønnessen sier det er bevegelse i samtalene så er det ikke noe han finner på. Men selvsagt så må alle gjøre sine valg og det er ulike grunner for å selge, men er grunnen fordi "ting tar tid" så kan det fort bli tidenes feilvurdering.
Når Tønnessen sier det er bevegelse i samtalene så er det ikke noe han finner på. Men selvsagt så må alle gjøre sine valg og det er ulike grunner for å selge, men er grunnen fordi "ting tar tid" så kan det fort bli tidenes feilvurdering.
Redigert 16.02.2023 kl 09:52
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16.02.2023 kl 10:35
Har hatt rett halvveis. Men muligens skal vi videre oppover. I så fall bør vi i første omgang over 2,23-2,25. Så får vi se derfra. :-)
En anden men ikke uvæsenlig detalje er, at QEC nu nærmer sig en Market Cap på en 1 milliard NOK, hvorefter det kan åbne op for, at nogle større aktører kan/må købe op i selskabet............nævner det bare :-)
Føre var
16.02.2023 kl 10:59
"I’m sorry to say it, but even more responsibility rests on your shoulders: The world is in a global energy crisis, primarily a shortage of natural gas (If you don’t want to take my word for it, how about this guy: “The world is having an energy crisis,” Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida said. “We also want to have a closer relationship with Canada in the area of energy.”).
For the past several years – predating Putin’s war – natural gas has been in critically short supply, to the detriment of both wealthy countries (Japan and Germany have come to Canada seeking LNG) and poor developing ones (Bangladesh’s critical textile industry, responsible for 90 percent of exports, is operating at one-third capacity solely because poorer nations are outbid for LNG by richer ones).
"The people that Canadians have voted into office refuse to come to their aid, on the grounds that decarbonization is a priority. When Germany, Japan, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and any other gas importer lines up to say those priorities are incorrect and inhumane, we should listen.
"Canada could be charging to the rescue of desperately poor nations by ramping up LNG exports with the same enthusiasm that saw Germany construct an LNG terminal in 5 months (normally a multi-year process). We COULD be doing that here. We could be exporting massive amounts of clean burning fuel to prevent poor nations from reverting back to coal."
"For the rest of you, the free thinkers, please know that the second and third order consequences of a global natural gas shortage are far beyond what you (or I) can imagine. What does it mean to Germany if there is a “wave of shutdowns amidst mid-sized companies” and behemoths like BASF announce that they will be “permanently downsizing operations in Europe” due to high energy prices/lack of LNG? What does it mean to poor countries like Bangladesh, where it’s main industry is operating at one-third of productive capacity? That’s the scary part – what sort of social safety net do Bangladeshis have, and many countries like theirs?
A global natural gas shortage will mean immense human misery, and the burning of much more coal. The human and environmental toll is hard to imagine."
ikke så mange her inne som er uenig med denne karen kanskje:)
Nå får vi se om Quebeqoisene har empati med resten av verden da, det er vel det han vil trigge:) Behovet for LNG er stort både til øst og vest for Canada.
"I’m sorry to say it, but even more responsibility rests on your shoulders: The world is in a global energy crisis, primarily a shortage of natural gas (If you don’t want to take my word for it, how about this guy: “The world is having an energy crisis,” Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida said. “We also want to have a closer relationship with Canada in the area of energy.”).
For the past several years – predating Putin’s war – natural gas has been in critically short supply, to the detriment of both wealthy countries (Japan and Germany have come to Canada seeking LNG) and poor developing ones (Bangladesh’s critical textile industry, responsible for 90 percent of exports, is operating at one-third capacity solely because poorer nations are outbid for LNG by richer ones).
"The people that Canadians have voted into office refuse to come to their aid, on the grounds that decarbonization is a priority. When Germany, Japan, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and any other gas importer lines up to say those priorities are incorrect and inhumane, we should listen.
"Canada could be charging to the rescue of desperately poor nations by ramping up LNG exports with the same enthusiasm that saw Germany construct an LNG terminal in 5 months (normally a multi-year process). We COULD be doing that here. We could be exporting massive amounts of clean burning fuel to prevent poor nations from reverting back to coal."
"For the rest of you, the free thinkers, please know that the second and third order consequences of a global natural gas shortage are far beyond what you (or I) can imagine. What does it mean to Germany if there is a “wave of shutdowns amidst mid-sized companies” and behemoths like BASF announce that they will be “permanently downsizing operations in Europe” due to high energy prices/lack of LNG? What does it mean to poor countries like Bangladesh, where it’s main industry is operating at one-third of productive capacity? That’s the scary part – what sort of social safety net do Bangladeshis have, and many countries like theirs?
A global natural gas shortage will mean immense human misery, and the burning of much more coal. The human and environmental toll is hard to imagine."
ikke så mange her inne som er uenig med denne karen kanskje:)
Nå får vi se om Quebeqoisene har empati med resten av verden da, det er vel det han vil trigge:) Behovet for LNG er stort både til øst og vest for Canada.
Redigert 16.02.2023 kl 11:07
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16.02.2023 kl 11:11
Ikke at forglemme, at quebec har shortage på gas og de kunne samtidig være selvforsynende, istedet for at skulle importere
Redigert 16.02.2023 kl 11:12
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Meget interssant artikel, som igen igen peger i retning af udvinding i Quebec.
Jeg har sjældent været så glad for mine mange aktier i QEC :-)
Jeg har sjældent været så glad for mine mange aktier i QEC :-)
Redigert 16.02.2023 kl 11:33
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16.02.2023 kl 11:47
Det er jo kun et leserbrev, da... Lite å si for endring av loven. Men det peker nå i samme retning som andre ting.
MC Axel
16.02.2023 kl 11:54
Good article👍
and the fact that Canada has hosted an energy meeting with 40 participating countries says a lot about the energy crisis on the market and that they have promised and committed to help!
The door is ajar says Tonnessen
Canada the host nation!
and the fact that Canada has hosted an energy meeting with 40 participating countries says a lot about the energy crisis on the market and that they have promised and committed to help!
The door is ajar says Tonnessen
Canada the host nation!
Redigert 16.02.2023 kl 12:16
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16.02.2023 kl 12:03
Artikkelen er fra 17.januar, og et er et leserbrev (altså SYNSING)! Hvorfor må det hauses med gammelt oppkok? QEC klarer utmerket å klatre høyere uten sånne vissvass-synsinger!
Føre var
16.02.2023 kl 12:13
Synsing, det er vel det vi alle driver med, du, jeg, han, politikere både her hjemme og i Quebec og resten av Canada og verden. Vi ser alle att det er ett leserbrev, altså en velgers mening.
Han appellerer til velgerene i Canada, med sin mening igjennom ett leserbrev omtrent som vi driver med:)
Han hausser ikke Qec om det er det du tror?
Hva han peker på er vel reelle problemer med det grønne skiftet som klimaforkjemperene i Qebec, resten av Canada og i resten av verden ikke vil ha opp på bordet å snakke om, ikke verre enn det!
Har ingenting med hausing å gjøre:)
Synsing, det er vel det vi alle driver med, du, jeg, han, politikere både her hjemme og i Quebec og resten av Canada og verden. Vi ser alle att det er ett leserbrev, altså en velgers mening.
Han appellerer til velgerene i Canada, med sin mening igjennom ett leserbrev omtrent som vi driver med:)
Han hausser ikke Qec om det er det du tror?
Hva han peker på er vel reelle problemer med det grønne skiftet som klimaforkjemperene i Qebec, resten av Canada og i resten av verden ikke vil ha opp på bordet å snakke om, ikke verre enn det!
Har ingenting med hausing å gjøre:)
16.02.2023 kl 14:17
The Canadian Gas Association (CGA), the voice of Canada’s gaseous fuels industry, launched its Energy for a Secure Future (ESF) on February 15, opening a dialogue it hopes will bring a new vision for the country’s gas energy sector.
Har sagt at 2,30 NOK brydes i denne uke, men så er 2,60 NOK vel bare målet for neste uke :-)..........om ikke andet, så er vi nu laaaaaaaaaangt væk fra 0,50 NOK :-)
MC Axel
16.02.2023 kl 14:39
QEC has a good working relationship with the Quebec First Nation
"support of industry groups like the Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters and the Canadian Chemistry Industry Association, and indigenous organisations, like the Indian Resource Council and the First Nations LNG Alliance."
“The past twelve months have provided new insight into how Canada should think about our energy future,” said Shannon Joseph, formerly a vice president of the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers, who will chair the Council for a Secure Energy Future. “Our natural gas, other gaseous fuels, and the infrastructure that moves them can play a key role in reducing global emissions, advancing reconciliation, supporting our international allies, and creating prosperity at home.”
"support of industry groups like the Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters and the Canadian Chemistry Industry Association, and indigenous organisations, like the Indian Resource Council and the First Nations LNG Alliance."
“The past twelve months have provided new insight into how Canada should think about our energy future,” said Shannon Joseph, formerly a vice president of the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers, who will chair the Council for a Secure Energy Future. “Our natural gas, other gaseous fuels, and the infrastructure that moves them can play a key role in reducing global emissions, advancing reconciliation, supporting our international allies, and creating prosperity at home.”
Peter Sellers
16.02.2023 kl 14:40
googleearth11 skrev Der, ja...
@ge11, hadde vært fint om vi nå kunne klare og etablere oss nå over 2,26 og med en videre oppgang framover, vi må vel også ta høyde for at vi kan få noen små korreksjoner ned, men vi satser nå på at vi skal ytterligere nordover:)))
16.02.2023 kl 15:06
Driver med stort overskudd og er så og si gjeldfrie. Forventninger til q4.
MC Axel
16.02.2023 kl 15:09
elnomi skrev Noe på gang i QEC?
Yes, rumors that the Quebec government may lift the ban
If that happens, then we will see the same as in 2008, when QEC went from 1.80 NOK to +30 NOK in a few days
Many small shareholders became millionaires then
If that happens, then we will see the same as in 2008, when QEC went from 1.80 NOK to +30 NOK in a few days
Many small shareholders became millionaires then
Redigert 16.02.2023 kl 15:15
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16.02.2023 kl 16:10
If Quebec-rumours should affect QEC p.t, we would already have seen 30. If quebec should lift the ban, we will see 100+
Redigert 16.02.2023 kl 16:14
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16.02.2023 kl 16:19
Han bare håper. Leter med lys og lykter etter positive signaler. Overster fullstendig realiteter.
16.02.2023 kl 16:20
Uavhengig av rykter burde vel prisen ligget godt over 4.- basert på produksjon og allerede tilbudt erstatning.
Når man videre ser på hvilket potensiale denne kan ha, dvs. potensiell oppside mot en mindre mulig nedside, er det godt mulig med en kraftfull reisning i morgen.
D e jo freddan. 😊🥂