MFA Access Microsoft, Apple and Google
G+D StarSign Key Fob - FIDO2 Security Key
Giesecke+Devrients biometrischer FIDO2 KeyFob
- Nutzung auf verschiedenen Plattformen mit Bluetooth 5, USB und NFC (ISO 14443)
- Fingerabdruck-Biometrie (8x8 mm kapazitiver Sensor) mit schneller Erfassung
- Android und iOS Companion Apps
- IP55
- Hohe Sicherheit und starke Kryptografie basierend auf Smartcard-Chip, FIDO2, FIDO U2F
- kompakte abgerundete Form (43 x 43 x 14 mm, 20 gr)
- Einfache und sichere Authentifizierung für Zugriff, Genehmigungen, Zahlungen und mehr
- Bequeme Benutzerüberprüfung durch einfaches Berühren
G+D StarSign Key Fob - FIDO2 Security Key
Giesecke+Devrients biometrischer FIDO2 KeyFob
- Nutzung auf verschiedenen Plattformen mit Bluetooth 5, USB und NFC (ISO 14443)
- Fingerabdruck-Biometrie (8x8 mm kapazitiver Sensor) mit schneller Erfassung
- Android und iOS Companion Apps
- IP55
- Hohe Sicherheit und starke Kryptografie basierend auf Smartcard-Chip, FIDO2, FIDO U2F
- kompakte abgerundete Form (43 x 43 x 14 mm, 20 gr)
- Einfache und sichere Authentifizierung für Zugriff, Genehmigungen, Zahlungen und mehr
- Bequeme Benutzerüberprüfung durch einfaches Berühren
Redigert 18.04.2024 kl 19:22
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21.07.2023 kl 23:47
Jeg merker meg at du skriver utrolig mange innlegg. Uten at jeg er imponert, Hva er agendaen din
Jeg merker meg at du skriver utrolig mange innlegg. Uten at jeg er imponert, Hva er agendaen din
Redigert 21.07.2023 kl 23:48
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22.07.2023 kl 06:22
8*8 betyr vel FPC sensor? Har ikke sett en Idex sensor med gull ramme og 8x8mm.
22.07.2023 kl 07:49
Det inntrykket har jeg også. Jeg saver info om hvor Idex er i løypa i forhold til å tjene penger. Det hjelper lite med fansie kort som ingen vil ha. selskapet burde melde til markedet hvor de står. De ikke verdens beste rykte blant aksjonærene.
22.07.2023 kl 07:50
Codex63 skrev Han er en eneste stor hauser og bløffmaker.
Tyvärr jag kan inte hjälpa om de inte fattar vad jag skrev .
Zwipe, HID , Civix ,Enqura, Enfuse, Sentry , Authentrend, eSignum, oneWave, Oloid , går mot samma lösning MFA med Biometrc lösning
G-D samarbetar med Zwipe om IOT
Building access
🖥️ Secure access to protected files and systems
💸 Secure payments authentication
📝 Digital signatures
This is where our StarSign Key Fob comes in: Designed as a contactless biometric FIDO security key, the Key Fob combines passwordless authentication with physical and digital access control applications and a multi-channel interface.
Serving diverse enterprise use cases is made possible in no small part by our partner Intercede's trusted credential management system and CRYPTAS' experience in providing strong authentication to protect mission-critical systems and data.
In short, we're talking about a pocket-sized jack-of-all-trades that puts digital and physical security in the palm of your hand and covers a wide range of critical use cases in enterprise environments:
🏢 Building access
🖥️ Secure access to protected files and systems
💸 Secure payments authentication
📝 Digital signatures
➕ and much more...
Zwipe, HID , Civix ,Enqura, Enfuse, Sentry , Authentrend, eSignum, oneWave, Oloid , går mot samma lösning MFA med Biometrc lösning
G-D samarbetar med Zwipe om IOT
Building access
🖥️ Secure access to protected files and systems
💸 Secure payments authentication
📝 Digital signatures
This is where our StarSign Key Fob comes in: Designed as a contactless biometric FIDO security key, the Key Fob combines passwordless authentication with physical and digital access control applications and a multi-channel interface.
Serving diverse enterprise use cases is made possible in no small part by our partner Intercede's trusted credential management system and CRYPTAS' experience in providing strong authentication to protect mission-critical systems and data.
In short, we're talking about a pocket-sized jack-of-all-trades that puts digital and physical security in the palm of your hand and covers a wide range of critical use cases in enterprise environments:
🏢 Building access
🖥️ Secure access to protected files and systems
💸 Secure payments authentication
📝 Digital signatures
➕ and much more...
Redigert 22.07.2023 kl 07:51
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22.07.2023 kl 08:51
Hvem er det som sier dette? Er det noen i Idex? En link hadde vært fint poki
22.07.2023 kl 09:10
Kun poki som sier dette og han tar feil som han ofte gjør.
Zwipe hadde sammarbeid med G+D i 2019:
Legg merke til rammen på det kortet, dette er en FPC sensor.
Key fob'en Poki nevner har 8x8 mm sensor og gull ramme. Idex lager sensorer på 9,5x9,5mm uten gull ramme.
Selvsagt er det mulig at Idex har lansert en ny sensor uten å si noe om dette, men mest sannsynlig er det ikke Idex i fob'en.
Zwipe hadde sammarbeid med G+D i 2019:
Legg merke til rammen på det kortet, dette er en FPC sensor.
Key fob'en Poki nevner har 8x8 mm sensor og gull ramme. Idex lager sensorer på 9,5x9,5mm uten gull ramme.
Selvsagt er det mulig at Idex har lansert en ny sensor uten å si noe om dette, men mest sannsynlig er det ikke Idex i fob'en.
22.07.2023 kl 09:14
Från nån vecka tillbaka
Från nån vecka tillbaka
Redigert 22.07.2023 kl 09:17
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22.07.2023 kl 09:45
Tryck på länken
Och titta på andra bilden då det visar multi applikation funktioner den levereras med EU krav PSD2 requirements.
Secure Mail
Secure Physical access
Secure Access to Servers
Secure Payment
Secure signature documents
Signature signing
Secure Workstation Access login
Secure website access
Och titta på andra bilden då det visar multi applikation funktioner den levereras med EU krav PSD2 requirements.
Secure Mail
Secure Physical access
Secure Access to Servers
Secure Payment
Secure signature documents
Signature signing
Secure Workstation Access login
Secure website access
22.07.2023 kl 09:54
Stemmer det.
Og bilde av en fob med sensor som mest sannsynlig er FPC.
Men for et batteri-drevet produkt med denne fysiske størrelsen finnes det mange sensorer på markedet som kan brukes.
Og bilde av en fob med sensor som mest sannsynlig er FPC.
Men for et batteri-drevet produkt med denne fysiske størrelsen finnes det mange sensorer på markedet som kan brukes.
22.07.2023 kl 10:00
Mener du EU krav PSD2 betyr Idex sensor?
Forklar gjerne hvorfor du mener dette er en Idex sensor eller på noen måte relevant for oss og dette forumet.
Fakta er at dette er en 8x8mm sensor som Idex ikke leverer.
Mener du EU krav PSD2 betyr Idex sensor?
Forklar gjerne hvorfor du mener dette er en Idex sensor eller på noen måte relevant for oss og dette forumet.
Fakta er at dette er en 8x8mm sensor som Idex ikke leverer.
22.07.2023 kl 10:41
Tvilsomt at Idex vil lage en mindre sensor enn 9.5x9.5.
En 8 x 8 Idex sensor vil ha mindre halvparten så mange "bildepunkter" som det en 8 x 8 single chip Si sensor har.
En 8 x 8 Idex sensor vil ha mindre halvparten så mange "bildepunkter" som det en 8 x 8 single chip Si sensor har.
22.07.2023 kl 11:51
Vissa kanske inte vet IDEX leverade till BIO-Key sensor storlek 7,8 * 7,8 och de har kommit med MFA nu
Och IBB Identity Bound Biometrics
Nedan sensor 7,8 * 7,8 IDEX
Och IBB Identity Bound Biometrics
Nedan sensor 7,8 * 7,8 IDEX
Redigert 22.07.2023 kl 12:35
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22.07.2023 kl 13:32
BioKey avtalen er fra 2014 og de lager sensorene på lisens fra Idex. De kan ikke sammenlignes med dagens sensorer som Idex sier kan gjøres mindre eller større.
At de støtter MFA ligger i software og elektronikken og har ingenting med sensoren å gjøre.
At de støtter MFA ligger i software og elektronikken og har ingenting med sensoren å gjøre.
22.07.2023 kl 14:40
IDEX SENSOR and it’s ready for mass production now check Alibaba
Sensor size: 8*8*0.35mm
Fingerprint Card for Payment Biometric and Authentication High Secured Access Card
Biometric card Fingerprint Smart Chip Card For Hotel Staff Attendant
Fingerprint Smart Chip Card Biometric Access Card
Sensor size: 8*8*0.35mm
Fingerprint Card for Payment Biometric and Authentication High Secured Access Card
Biometric card Fingerprint Smart Chip Card For Hotel Staff Attendant
Fingerprint Smart Chip Card Biometric Access Card
Redigert 22.07.2023 kl 14:42
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22.07.2023 kl 15:27
Det var en skikkelig vinner, Eagle II fra 2015 eller 2016. Det var den som skulle dominere mobilmarkedet med lavere pris og bedre ytelse. Den solgte nøyaktig 0 i mobilmarkedet, men Biokey kjøpte nok noen 1000 som de fortsatt selger.
22.07.2023 kl 15:51
Tipper mer enn noen 1000. De har oppdatert sidepass til usb c og windows 11, så noe etterspørsel er det for produktet. Ser ut som samme sensor på side pass og side touch. Men jeg antar de får noen til å lage sensorene for dem, tror ikke de har ligget på lager i 10 år.
23.07.2023 kl 03:24
Infineon har en sensor fra den tiden som tilsynelatende produseres fortsatt. Kan det være Eagle II. I Infineon's datablad er sensoren 9.3 x 9.3, men "ASIC" støtter fra 40x40 matrise (under 3 x 3 mm!) til 140x140 (over 9.5 x 9.5). Så det kan muligens være denne chipen, med at alternativt polymer-utlegg. FRR er spec'et til <1% på 9.3 x 9.3, så det er neppe en veldig god ide å redusere størrelsen mye.
Bare, en kuriositet, det betyr ingen ting for vurderingen av Idex idag hva BIOkey bruker av Idex sin "pre mobile" teknologi.
Bare, en kuriositet, det betyr ingen ting for vurderingen av Idex idag hva BIOkey bruker av Idex sin "pre mobile" teknologi.
23.07.2023 kl 15:31
New MFA with IDEX sensor with Zwipe technology from G-D
Identos Tactivo™ mini for iOS
Old stuff men de Samarbetar fortfarande.
Smart Card Reader und Fingerabdruck Sensor (swipe) für iOS Geräte mit Lightning Contact. Mit zusätzlichem USB Kabel (nicht inkludiert) auch auf Android, Windows oder MacOS Geräten als Chipkartenlesegerät einsetzbar.
Identos Tactivo™ mini for iOS
Old stuff men de Samarbetar fortfarande.
Smart Card Reader und Fingerabdruck Sensor (swipe) für iOS Geräte mit Lightning Contact. Mit zusätzlichem USB Kabel (nicht inkludiert) auch auf Android, Windows oder MacOS Geräten als Chipkartenlesegerät einsetzbar.
Redigert 23.07.2023 kl 15:37
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23.07.2023 kl 16:24
En swipe sensor er ikke en Zwipe sensor🙃
Redigert 23.07.2023 kl 16:24
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26.07.2023 kl 14:13
Microsoft move to biometric authentication
26.07.2023 kl 20:48
11675 Kolla videon Sentry fel sensor ersattes med IDEX Zwipe tid linje 0:34 sekunder
Och det finns flera 🚀
Bloomberg B Unit 5 user access to terminal Sentry fel sensor ersattes med IDEX Zwipe tid linje 0:34 sekunder
Och det finns flera 🚀
Bloomberg B Unit 5 user access to terminal
Redigert 27.07.2023 kl 07:54
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26.07.2023 kl 20:50
YNWA250505 skrev Og hva skal Idex bidra med her?
Kolla ovan länkar
Redigert 26.07.2023 kl 20:50
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27.07.2023 kl 08:10
Er dette positivt for Idex: "use the fingerprint or face readers in Apple portable devices"?
Den linken du ga angående 1password+Microsoft er negativ for Idex siden den åpner opp for pålogging med mobil fremfor den listen av Idex produkter.
Den linken du ga angående 1password+Microsoft er negativ for Idex siden den åpner opp for pålogging med mobil fremfor den listen av Idex produkter.
27.07.2023 kl 08:11
poki skrev Kolla ovan länkar
Ja hva skal IDEX bidra med som ikke allerede ute i markede. Det er jo en endeløs rekke av selskaper som tilbyr løsninger som identifiserer. POKI. du er på ville veier og en HAUSER. Kom med noe nytt.
27.07.2023 kl 08:41
physical biometric kort / sensor i botten av allt som har högsta säkert nivå.
Sente. Det är därför bla Sentry marknadsför sitt kort som säkrare än en phone lösning. Jag tror tidsfönstret krymper för det påståendet. Telefoners SE blir allt mer säkra. Kort har iofs en kostnadsfördel.
27.07.2023 kl 12:01
Att se är vem bli första med Microsoft SentryCard eller Enqura , OneWave , Zwipe.
27.07.2023 kl 12:20
En telefon kan miste strømmen og alle vil måtte ha et kort uansett hvor bra løsningen på mobil vil bli.
Brukar du gå ut utan att ha tillräcklig laddning i telefonen? Men visst, man kan råka tappa den i en dagvattenbrunn när man kollar börskursen...
27.07.2023 kl 20:47
Guess who partnered with ForgeRock like weeks ago 🙏
Fran Rosch is the CEO of ForgeRock, a global leader in digital identity.
Fran Rosch is the CEO of ForgeRock, a global leader in digital identity.
28.07.2023 kl 06:54
Sentry Enterprises
Sentry Enterprises
In an increasingly abundant and exponentially growing world, we make trusted digital identity possible in an accessible technology for every enterprise, small business, and individual.
Sentry believes in defending every individual's right to own and protect their identity, both in the physical and digital worlds. We value the privacy and security of every person, while balancing the needs of business, government, and an individual’s innate right to self-sovereignty. We do all of this by bringing the very best of ourselves to every challenge with integrity, honesty, and a steadfastness to our core mission.
From those nascent beginnings in physical access, Sentry has evolved into a company with a full stack of hardware, software, and back-end infrastructure combined with vertically integrated manufacturing that is unrivaled in the world. Through our unique capabilities, we are developing the most comprehensive universal digital identity platform in the world – accessible to every enterprise, small business, and individual around the globe.
Our Biometric solution support your existing FIDO2, PIV, TWIC, EV2, HID, Allegion, LEGIC, LEAF solutions as well as virtually any other digital or cryptographic requirement.
For additional information please visit:
Identity Proofing
Sentry Enterprises
Sentry Enterprises
In an increasingly abundant and exponentially growing world, we make trusted digital identity possible in an accessible technology for every enterprise, small business, and individual.
Sentry believes in defending every individual's right to own and protect their identity, both in the physical and digital worlds. We value the privacy and security of every person, while balancing the needs of business, government, and an individual’s innate right to self-sovereignty. We do all of this by bringing the very best of ourselves to every challenge with integrity, honesty, and a steadfastness to our core mission.
From those nascent beginnings in physical access, Sentry has evolved into a company with a full stack of hardware, software, and back-end infrastructure combined with vertically integrated manufacturing that is unrivaled in the world. Through our unique capabilities, we are developing the most comprehensive universal digital identity platform in the world – accessible to every enterprise, small business, and individual around the globe.
Our Biometric solution support your existing FIDO2, PIV, TWIC, EV2, HID, Allegion, LEGIC, LEAF solutions as well as virtually any other digital or cryptographic requirement.
For additional information please visit:
Identity Proofing
28.07.2023 kl 08:44
12.08.2023 kl 12:51
Biometric Multifactor Authentication
9 partners launching digital authentication solutions based on IDEX technology och det är utan Zwipe och Identity and Access management är
$50 -100 billion market1
and with Zwipe
9 partners launching digital authentication solutions based on IDEX technology och det är utan Zwipe och Identity and Access management är
$50 -100 billion market1
and with Zwipe
15.08.2023 kl 10:00
♥️ ser ut som IDEX har (biometric), strong customer authentication is built på sina alla lösningar 🚀🚀🚀🚀 som Catarina E pratade om.
02.12.2023 kl 17:23
Get ready sky is the limit Composure and Authentech , Enqura , e-Signum and Sentry and OneWave
CompoSecure Designated a Microsoft-Compatible FIDO2 Security Key Vendor for Passwordless Authentication
November 20, 2023
PDF Version
CompoSecure’s Arculus Authenticate hardware keys embed FIDO2 technology in a payment card form factor that seamlessly functions within the Microsoft ecosystem
SOMERSET, N.J., Nov. 20, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- CompoSecure, Inc. (Nasdaq: CMPO), a leader in metal payment cards, security, and authentication solutions, announced today its Arculus Authenticate hardware passkeys received designation as a Microsoft FIDO2 security key vendor. Arculus® Authenticate by CompoSecure is a secure authentication solution. Arculus hardware keys are certified as compatible with the Microsoft ecosystem, offering users a reliable and user-friendly, secure passwordless authentication solution. With over 721 million exposed credentials online in 2022, the need for improved security is mission critical. Arculus provides a more secure option to combat the overreliance on passwords for access and authentication.
“Passwords are a security threat and CompoSecure is at the forefront of providing innovative solutions to the world’s escalating fraud problems,” said Tom D'Eletto, Head of Arculus Product at CompoSecure. “This partnership exemplifies our commitment to making transactions and interactions more secure and user-friendly, driving the future of passwordless authentication.”
CompoSecure’s Arculus seamlessly transforms a metal payment card into a physical security token, enabling users to simply and securely authenticate via NFC (near-field communication) technology by tapping their card to the back of their phone. Additionally, Arculus offers multifunction cards that can act as hardware-bound passkeys and traditional,easy-to-carry physical payment card. Arculus Authenticate solves issues around passwordless customer authentication, high-value transactions, customer support, new device verification, geo-location compliance and card-not-present transactions.
Arculus Authenticate is one of the first security and digital authentication platforms to have obtained approval by Mastercard and Visa to issue payment cards with authentication capabilities. Arculus Authenticate has also been certified by the FIDO Alliance. FIDO2 security keys provide a high level of security by eliminating the need for traditional passwords, reducing the risk of credential theft. Microsoft partners with FIDO2 security key vendors to ensure that security devices work on Windows, the Microsoft Edge browser and online Microsoft accounts.
About CompoSecure
Founded in 2000, CompoSecure (Nasdaq: CMPO) is a technology partner to market leaders, fintechs and consumers enabling trust for millions of people around the globe. The company combines elegance, simplicity and security to deliver exceptional experiences and peace of mind in the physical and digital world. CompoSecure’s innovative payment card technology and metal cards with Arculus security and authentication capabilities deliver unique, premium branded experiences, enable people to access and use their financial and digital assets, and ensure trust at the point of a transaction. For more information, please visit and
CompoSecure Designated a Microsoft-Compatible FIDO2 Security Key Vendor for Passwordless Authentication
November 20, 2023
PDF Version
CompoSecure’s Arculus Authenticate hardware keys embed FIDO2 technology in a payment card form factor that seamlessly functions within the Microsoft ecosystem
SOMERSET, N.J., Nov. 20, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- CompoSecure, Inc. (Nasdaq: CMPO), a leader in metal payment cards, security, and authentication solutions, announced today its Arculus Authenticate hardware passkeys received designation as a Microsoft FIDO2 security key vendor. Arculus® Authenticate by CompoSecure is a secure authentication solution. Arculus hardware keys are certified as compatible with the Microsoft ecosystem, offering users a reliable and user-friendly, secure passwordless authentication solution. With over 721 million exposed credentials online in 2022, the need for improved security is mission critical. Arculus provides a more secure option to combat the overreliance on passwords for access and authentication.
“Passwords are a security threat and CompoSecure is at the forefront of providing innovative solutions to the world’s escalating fraud problems,” said Tom D'Eletto, Head of Arculus Product at CompoSecure. “This partnership exemplifies our commitment to making transactions and interactions more secure and user-friendly, driving the future of passwordless authentication.”
CompoSecure’s Arculus seamlessly transforms a metal payment card into a physical security token, enabling users to simply and securely authenticate via NFC (near-field communication) technology by tapping their card to the back of their phone. Additionally, Arculus offers multifunction cards that can act as hardware-bound passkeys and traditional,easy-to-carry physical payment card. Arculus Authenticate solves issues around passwordless customer authentication, high-value transactions, customer support, new device verification, geo-location compliance and card-not-present transactions.
Arculus Authenticate is one of the first security and digital authentication platforms to have obtained approval by Mastercard and Visa to issue payment cards with authentication capabilities. Arculus Authenticate has also been certified by the FIDO Alliance. FIDO2 security keys provide a high level of security by eliminating the need for traditional passwords, reducing the risk of credential theft. Microsoft partners with FIDO2 security key vendors to ensure that security devices work on Windows, the Microsoft Edge browser and online Microsoft accounts.
About CompoSecure
Founded in 2000, CompoSecure (Nasdaq: CMPO) is a technology partner to market leaders, fintechs and consumers enabling trust for millions of people around the globe. The company combines elegance, simplicity and security to deliver exceptional experiences and peace of mind in the physical and digital world. CompoSecure’s innovative payment card technology and metal cards with Arculus security and authentication capabilities deliver unique, premium branded experiences, enable people to access and use their financial and digital assets, and ensure trust at the point of a transaction. For more information, please visit and
Redigert 02.12.2023 kl 17:35
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03.12.2023 kl 10:02
Trodde ikke composecure hadde noe med biometri eller idex heller. Bilde nr 3 på denne lenken er dog interessant.
03.12.2023 kl 14:45
- Secure Cortex-M4 processor
- World's most secure fingerprint sensor with FAR 1.5% and FRR 1/500,000
Technical specifications
Height 97.80mm
Width 57.70mm
Thickness 5mm
30 gms
Bluetooth Low Energy 5.0
- 180mAh rechargeable battery
- Full charge within an hour with up to 4-6 weeks of backup
- USB-C port for recharging
Guess the sensor inside ☝️ FPC or IDEX ?
- Secure Cortex-M4 processor
- World's most secure fingerprint sensor with FAR 1.5% and FRR 1/500,000
Technical specifications
Height 97.80mm
Width 57.70mm
Thickness 5mm
30 gms
Bluetooth Low Energy 5.0
- 180mAh rechargeable battery
- Full charge within an hour with up to 4-6 weeks of backup
- USB-C port for recharging
Guess the sensor inside ☝️ FPC or IDEX ?
Redigert 03.12.2023 kl 14:58
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03.12.2023 kl 14:56
Discreet, 2,5 mm thick
Slips into mobile cases and wallets
Separate ARM-Cortex M4 processor
Infineon secure element
IDX3200 fingerprint sensor
Trusted e-ink display
1 Mb Flash
Complies with highest security standards
Simple log in, no password required, no need for updated passwords
Faster log in, immediately with one touch
Always with you, store it together with your phone
Enables single sign on (SSO) with your fingerprint
Works with all FIDO2 certified apps and services, including IAM platforms
User-friendly and decentralized
Open API to work with all endpoint devices
Seamless integration with IT structure
One user per card
Discreet, 2,5 mm thick
Slips into mobile cases and wallets
Separate ARM-Cortex M4 processor
Infineon secure element
IDX3200 fingerprint sensor
Trusted e-ink display
1 Mb Flash
Complies with highest security standards
Simple log in, no password required, no need for updated passwords
Faster log in, immediately with one touch
Always with you, store it together with your phone
Enables single sign on (SSO) with your fingerprint
Works with all FIDO2 certified apps and services, including IAM platforms
User-friendly and decentralized
Open API to work with all endpoint devices
Seamless integration with IT structure
One user per card