Shearwater IPO 2025
Etter en fantastisk reise i GC Rieber shipping som endte med tildeling av utbytteaksjer i Shearwater og en fin utgang på kr 8,80,- er jeg klar for neste reise.
Shearwater skal på børs i Q1 eller Q2 2025og jeg forventer nok et fantastisk reise på børsen. Vi vil helt sikkert oppleve en splitt før børsnotering. Gleder meg stort.
Shearwater skal på børs i Q1 eller Q2 2025og jeg forventer nok et fantastisk reise på børsen. Vi vil helt sikkert oppleve en splitt før børsnotering. Gleder meg stort.
Redigert 24.05.2024 kl 19:25
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16.11.2023 kl 15:33
Når rep emisjonen i Argeo uteblir og kursen øker vil Shearwater bli et enda bedre case. Sitter foreløpig med 175 000 aksjer i Argeo. Shearwater, Argeo, Nykode og Ultimovacs vil være sikre bet mot 2025 i norske aksjer.
Redigert 16.11.2023 kl 16:31
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18.11.2023 kl 10:06
Er jeg den eneste som ikke aksepterte tilbudet til Rasmussen gruppen og som fortsatt sitter med aksjer i Shearwater?
19.11.2023 kl 10:58
Rasmussen gruppen er største aksjonær i Shearwater og en av de største aksjonærene i Nykode. De vet hva de gjør så jeg er trygg på at Nykode vil bli enda bedre en GC Rieber ble for meg med tanke på utbytteaksjer i Shearwater.
19.11.2023 kl 23:45
Jeg solgte ikke til den tulle-prisen. Hadde egentlig forventet at det kom et høyere bud. Noen som vet hvor mange som aksepterte?
20.11.2023 kl 18:03
rikdom skrev Har idag kjøpt 27 900 aksjer i Nykode
En god start som Nykode aksjonær.
Kjøpte aksjene 17.11.23 og opp 6,95% allerede.
Kjøpte aksjene 17.11.23 og opp 6,95% allerede.
Redigert 20.11.2023 kl 18:16
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22.11.2023 kl 08:21
Petrobras and Shearwater have entered into a collaborative technology agreement aimed at reshaping seismic exploration and field developments in Brazil
Petrobras and Shearwater have entered into a collaborative technology agreement aimed at reshaping seismic exploration and field developments in Brazil. The multi-year strategic partnership is set to evolve the seismic industry to new levels of performance.
Petrobras and Shearwater have entered into a collaborative technology agreement aimed at reshaping seismic exploration and field developments in Brazil
Petrobras and Shearwater have entered into a collaborative technology agreement aimed at reshaping seismic exploration and field developments in Brazil. The multi-year strategic partnership is set to evolve the seismic industry to new levels of performance.
Redigert 22.11.2023 kl 08:21
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25.12.2023 kl 11:45
Nå får vi snart vite hva Shearwater aksjene virkelig er verdt.
Vil 1 aksje være verdt over eller under kr 100 000,-?
Vil 1 aksje være verdt over eller under kr 100 000,-?
Redigert 25.12.2023 kl 17:20
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30.12.2023 kl 15:24
Shearwater og Argeo vil etter mitt syn få en fantastisk utvikling i 2024.
31.12.2023 kl 17:40
TGS er toppvalg for 2024 blant de børsnoterte seismikkselskapene. Jeg er sikker på at Shearwater og Argeo vil gjøre det enda bedre.🍾🍾🍾
Redigert 31.12.2023 kl 17:41
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31.12.2023 kl 18:23
Prøver fortsatt å febrilsk holde denne tråden i live? Hva er vits? Kan du ikke vente til Shearwater er på børs?
31.12.2023 kl 18:56
Antar du har rett. Det er jo få forunt å ha aksjer i Shearwater.
Redigert 31.12.2023 kl 20:46
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11.03.2024 kl 13:12
Roadshow skal være ferdig 12.3.24.
Strålende nyheter idag.
Seismikkgigant jakter 3 milliarder
Børskandidaten Shearwater jakter over 3 milliarder kroner i obligasjonsmarkedet. DNB Markets tror seismikkselskapet skal pøse ut utbytter til aksjonærene de neste årene.
Publisert 11. mars 2024 kl. 11.07
PÅ PENGEJAKT: Konsernsjef Irene Waage Basili i Shearwater skal hente penger for å refinansiere gjeld.
Shearwater ble etablert av Rasmussengruppen og GC Rieber Shipping i 2016, og består i dag av 23 skip innen tauet seismikk.
Nå ønsker Shearwater å utstede et senior sikret obligasjonslån på 300 millioner dollar, tilsvarende i overkant av 3,1 milliarder kroner.
I tillegg ønsker selskapet å ta opp et nytt banklån på 300 millioner dollar, som skal nedbetales med 50 millioner dollar årlig. Pengene skal brukes til å refinansiere eksisterende gjeld på 596 millioner dollar, samt styrke kontantbeholdningen med 4 millioner dollar.
Den nye strukturen vil også omfatte en rullerende kredittfasilitet på 50 millioner dollar, samt 50 millioner dollar i ytelsesgaranti, begge med høyere prioritet enn obligasjonene.
Siden transaksjonen er pågående med roadshows frem til 12. mars, er det ikke blitt satt noen rente på lånet enda, men kilder antyder over 10 prosent. DNB Markets, Pareto Securities og SpareBank 1 Markets er engasjert som tilretteleggere.
I 2023 omsatte Shearwater for 927 millioner dollar, opp fra 726 millioner dollar i 2022. Driftsresultatet før av- og nedskrivninger (EBITDA) endte på 248 millioner dollar, mot 197 millioner dollar året før.
I år estimerer DNB Markets en omsetning på 868 millioner dollar med en tilhørende EBITDA på 246 millioner dollar.
«Premier marine seismic player», skriver kredittanalytiker Shawn Courcelles i DNB Markets i en tilretteleggeranalyse.
Han argumenterer for at Shearwater er godt posisjonert i en konsolidert sektor hvor det er ventet en etterspørselsøkning.
Fra 2020 frem til tredje kvartal i 2023 genererte Shearwater hele 43 prosent av bransjens samlede kontantstrøm.
Ved utgangen av 2023 hadde Shearwater en ordrebok på 575 millioner dollar med en betydelig oppside.
Strålende nyheter idag.
Seismikkgigant jakter 3 milliarder
Børskandidaten Shearwater jakter over 3 milliarder kroner i obligasjonsmarkedet. DNB Markets tror seismikkselskapet skal pøse ut utbytter til aksjonærene de neste årene.
Publisert 11. mars 2024 kl. 11.07
PÅ PENGEJAKT: Konsernsjef Irene Waage Basili i Shearwater skal hente penger for å refinansiere gjeld.
Shearwater ble etablert av Rasmussengruppen og GC Rieber Shipping i 2016, og består i dag av 23 skip innen tauet seismikk.
Nå ønsker Shearwater å utstede et senior sikret obligasjonslån på 300 millioner dollar, tilsvarende i overkant av 3,1 milliarder kroner.
I tillegg ønsker selskapet å ta opp et nytt banklån på 300 millioner dollar, som skal nedbetales med 50 millioner dollar årlig. Pengene skal brukes til å refinansiere eksisterende gjeld på 596 millioner dollar, samt styrke kontantbeholdningen med 4 millioner dollar.
Den nye strukturen vil også omfatte en rullerende kredittfasilitet på 50 millioner dollar, samt 50 millioner dollar i ytelsesgaranti, begge med høyere prioritet enn obligasjonene.
Siden transaksjonen er pågående med roadshows frem til 12. mars, er det ikke blitt satt noen rente på lånet enda, men kilder antyder over 10 prosent. DNB Markets, Pareto Securities og SpareBank 1 Markets er engasjert som tilretteleggere.
I 2023 omsatte Shearwater for 927 millioner dollar, opp fra 726 millioner dollar i 2022. Driftsresultatet før av- og nedskrivninger (EBITDA) endte på 248 millioner dollar, mot 197 millioner dollar året før.
I år estimerer DNB Markets en omsetning på 868 millioner dollar med en tilhørende EBITDA på 246 millioner dollar.
«Premier marine seismic player», skriver kredittanalytiker Shawn Courcelles i DNB Markets i en tilretteleggeranalyse.
Han argumenterer for at Shearwater er godt posisjonert i en konsolidert sektor hvor det er ventet en etterspørselsøkning.
Fra 2020 frem til tredje kvartal i 2023 genererte Shearwater hele 43 prosent av bransjens samlede kontantstrøm.
Ved utgangen av 2023 hadde Shearwater en ordrebok på 575 millioner dollar med en betydelig oppside.
12.03.2024 kl 10:33
Enda en god nyhet.
Shearwater Awarded Seismic Survey for UK Carbon Capture and Storage Project
Bergen, Norway 12 March 2024
Shearwater Geoservices Holding AS (Shearwater) has been awarded a contract for advancing Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) capabilities in the United Kingdom by Spirit Energy. The project in the Morecambe Bay area confirms Shearwater's position as a leading provider of CCS enabling geophysical data.
The six-week operation is scheduled for the summer of 2024 and will be Shearwater’s fifth CCS survey in the last two years. It relates to Spirit Energy’s recent carbon storage license award by the UK’s North Sea Transition Authority (NSTA). The license is a key step forward in transforming the North and South Morecambe gas fields into permanent, safe, and secure carbon storage, supporting the United Kingdom’s Net Zero ambition to capture and store over 50 million tonnes of CO2 per year by 2035.
Tanya Herwanger, SVP Strategy and New Markets of Shearwater, says: "We are proud to support Spirit Energy on the Morecambe CCS hub. By applying our innovative data collection and imaging technology to help operators gain a better understanding of their storage sites we support deployment of CCS at scale. CCS has been identified as a key mitigation measure for climate change but deployment at scale remains the challenge. We are leveraging our expertise and our marine seismic technology to meet this challenge in order to build a more sustainable future."
Shearwater Awarded Seismic Survey for UK Carbon Capture and Storage Project
Bergen, Norway 12 March 2024
Shearwater Geoservices Holding AS (Shearwater) has been awarded a contract for advancing Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) capabilities in the United Kingdom by Spirit Energy. The project in the Morecambe Bay area confirms Shearwater's position as a leading provider of CCS enabling geophysical data.
The six-week operation is scheduled for the summer of 2024 and will be Shearwater’s fifth CCS survey in the last two years. It relates to Spirit Energy’s recent carbon storage license award by the UK’s North Sea Transition Authority (NSTA). The license is a key step forward in transforming the North and South Morecambe gas fields into permanent, safe, and secure carbon storage, supporting the United Kingdom’s Net Zero ambition to capture and store over 50 million tonnes of CO2 per year by 2035.
Tanya Herwanger, SVP Strategy and New Markets of Shearwater, says: "We are proud to support Spirit Energy on the Morecambe CCS hub. By applying our innovative data collection and imaging technology to help operators gain a better understanding of their storage sites we support deployment of CCS at scale. CCS has been identified as a key mitigation measure for climate change but deployment at scale remains the challenge. We are leveraging our expertise and our marine seismic technology to meet this challenge in order to build a more sustainable future."
13.03.2024 kl 11:18
Og de gode nyhetene fortsetter å strømme inn.
Monitoring success: Shearwater supports production optimisation through award of two 4D seismic projects by Equinor
Bergen, Norway 13 March 2024
Shearwater GeoServices Holding AS (“Shearwater”) is pleased to announce the award of two 4D monitoring projects by Equinor for the Mariner field in the UK North Sea and the Heidrun field in the Norwegian Sea, Norway.
Shearwater will deploy its state-of-the-art Isometrix technology for both surveys, applying 4D seismic monitoring to detect reservoir dynamics over time, for optimising reservoir management and enhancing production efficiency. This will be the fourth Isometrix deployment for Mariner, complementing previous monitor surveys in 2020 and 2022, and the third for Heidrun, following surveys in 2018 and 2021.
The surveys are expected to take two months and will be carried out by the SW Amundsen and an undershoot vessel. The award demonstrates Shearwater’s capability in delivering high-quality, insightful data, supporting Equinor’s vision for sustainable reservoir utilization.
Monitoring success: Shearwater supports production optimisation through award of two 4D seismic projects by Equinor
Bergen, Norway 13 March 2024
Shearwater GeoServices Holding AS (“Shearwater”) is pleased to announce the award of two 4D monitoring projects by Equinor for the Mariner field in the UK North Sea and the Heidrun field in the Norwegian Sea, Norway.
Shearwater will deploy its state-of-the-art Isometrix technology for both surveys, applying 4D seismic monitoring to detect reservoir dynamics over time, for optimising reservoir management and enhancing production efficiency. This will be the fourth Isometrix deployment for Mariner, complementing previous monitor surveys in 2020 and 2022, and the third for Heidrun, following surveys in 2018 and 2021.
The surveys are expected to take two months and will be carried out by the SW Amundsen and an undershoot vessel. The award demonstrates Shearwater’s capability in delivering high-quality, insightful data, supporting Equinor’s vision for sustainable reservoir utilization.
05.04.2024 kl 08:17
Shearwater Geoservices Completes USD 700 million Debt Refinancing.
Bergen, Norway 5 April 2024
Shearwater Geoservices Holding AS (Shearwater), the world’s leading marine seismic acquisition company, has successfully completed the refinancing of its long-term secured debt portfolio to strengthen the platform for sustainable value creation.
Shearwater Geoservices AS issued a five-year USD 300 million senior secured first lien bond and executed a new USD 300 million five-year bank term loan with net proceeds used to repay previous secured debt facilities. The bonds rank pari passu with the term loan. Shearwater has also established a USD 50 million revolving credit facility (RCF) and a USD 50 million guarantee facility.
Bergen, Norway 5 April 2024
Shearwater Geoservices Holding AS (Shearwater), the world’s leading marine seismic acquisition company, has successfully completed the refinancing of its long-term secured debt portfolio to strengthen the platform for sustainable value creation.
Shearwater Geoservices AS issued a five-year USD 300 million senior secured first lien bond and executed a new USD 300 million five-year bank term loan with net proceeds used to repay previous secured debt facilities. The bonds rank pari passu with the term loan. Shearwater has also established a USD 50 million revolving credit facility (RCF) and a USD 50 million guarantee facility.
17.04.2024 kl 07:52
Shearwater and Mondaic enter strategic collaboration on full waveform inversion
Bergen, Norway 17 April 2024
Shearwater Geoservices Holding, the world’s leading marine seismic acquisition company, and Mondaic AG, a provider of proprietary software and services for high-resolution 3D imaging, have entered a strategic collaboration for development and use of full waveform inversion solutions to enhance high-resolution subsurface imaging and optimize seismic acquisition surveys.
As part of the agreement, Shearwater has acquired exclusive and perpetual rights for the use and further development for subsurface applications of Mondaic’s wavefield simulation and inversion codes. Furthermore, Shearwater has acquired an equity stake in Mondaic. Full waveform inversion is a key seismic data processing technology that improves visualisation of subsurface structures, enhances reservoir understanding and helps planning and execution of more efficient surveys.
“This is an important partnership, embodying Shearwater’s dedication to creating and implementing cutting-edge technology and software to the benefit of our clients,” said Simon Telfer, SVP Software, Processing, and Imaging at Shearwater. “Holding a leading position as a processing and imaging service provider and further expand the capabilities of our proprietary processing and imaging software Reveal are central components of Shearwater's strategy.”
“We are thrilled to welcome Shearwater as a strategic investor. This partnership will advance Mondaic’s technology across all scales and industries, and it is a significant driver to accelerate our growth,” said the Co-Founders and Directors of Mondaic Michael Afanasiev, Christian Boehm and Lion Krischer. “Shearwater is unique in its vision and application of emerging technologies to the energy transition, and we are extremely excited to work with them and our other partners in this regard.”
An integral part of the seismic processing value chain
Full waveform inversion is an integral part of the seismic processing value chain for subsurface exploration, characterization and monitoring due to its ability to estimate high-resolution subsurface property models in areas of complex geology with limited human user intervention. The technology is also expected to play a strategic role for characterization and monitoring of subsurface carbon storage sites and in site surveys for wind farms.
Both companies are committed to collaborate on the development and use of full waveform inversion going forward. Mondaic will be furthering the application of the jointly developed codes for ultrasonic non-destructive testing, material characterization, medical imaging, and other non-subsurface applications. During 2024, Shearwater’s acoustic finite differences full waveform inversion will be gradually replaced by Mondaic’s elastic spectral elements code that can model subsurface wavefield and waveforms to the highest level of precision.
“Due to its unlimited modelling capabilities, this technology offers a higher level of inversion precision than conventional approaches. It is not only computationally efficient but also scalable, catering to a wide range of needs and complexities,” said Sergio Grion, Chief Geophysicist – Processing Technology at Shearwater.
Shearwater and Mondaic enter strategic collaboration on full waveform inversion
Bergen, Norway 17 April 2024
Shearwater Geoservices Holding, the world’s leading marine seismic acquisition company, and Mondaic AG, a provider of proprietary software and services for high-resolution 3D imaging, have entered a strategic collaboration for development and use of full waveform inversion solutions to enhance high-resolution subsurface imaging and optimize seismic acquisition surveys.
As part of the agreement, Shearwater has acquired exclusive and perpetual rights for the use and further development for subsurface applications of Mondaic’s wavefield simulation and inversion codes. Furthermore, Shearwater has acquired an equity stake in Mondaic. Full waveform inversion is a key seismic data processing technology that improves visualisation of subsurface structures, enhances reservoir understanding and helps planning and execution of more efficient surveys.
“This is an important partnership, embodying Shearwater’s dedication to creating and implementing cutting-edge technology and software to the benefit of our clients,” said Simon Telfer, SVP Software, Processing, and Imaging at Shearwater. “Holding a leading position as a processing and imaging service provider and further expand the capabilities of our proprietary processing and imaging software Reveal are central components of Shearwater's strategy.”
“We are thrilled to welcome Shearwater as a strategic investor. This partnership will advance Mondaic’s technology across all scales and industries, and it is a significant driver to accelerate our growth,” said the Co-Founders and Directors of Mondaic Michael Afanasiev, Christian Boehm and Lion Krischer. “Shearwater is unique in its vision and application of emerging technologies to the energy transition, and we are extremely excited to work with them and our other partners in this regard.”
An integral part of the seismic processing value chain
Full waveform inversion is an integral part of the seismic processing value chain for subsurface exploration, characterization and monitoring due to its ability to estimate high-resolution subsurface property models in areas of complex geology with limited human user intervention. The technology is also expected to play a strategic role for characterization and monitoring of subsurface carbon storage sites and in site surveys for wind farms.
Both companies are committed to collaborate on the development and use of full waveform inversion going forward. Mondaic will be furthering the application of the jointly developed codes for ultrasonic non-destructive testing, material characterization, medical imaging, and other non-subsurface applications. During 2024, Shearwater’s acoustic finite differences full waveform inversion will be gradually replaced by Mondaic’s elastic spectral elements code that can model subsurface wavefield and waveforms to the highest level of precision.
“Due to its unlimited modelling capabilities, this technology offers a higher level of inversion precision than conventional approaches. It is not only computationally efficient but also scalable, catering to a wide range of needs and complexities,” said Sergio Grion, Chief Geophysicist – Processing Technology at Shearwater.
24.05.2024 kl 19:22
Skal bli utbyttemaskin
Trygve Lauvdal viser til at det totalt nå er 17–18 store, moderne seismikkskip i arbeid i verden, mens snittet i perioden 2016–19 var på 27.
– Vi tror markedet skal tilbake til nivået før 2020, men det går noe tregere enn vi hadde håpet og trodd. Vi venter at etterspørselen vil styrke seg ytterligere, slik at flere skip kommer i drift, sier Rasmussen.
VIKTIG MANN: Investeringsdirektør Trygve Lauvdal i Rasmussengruppen er ansvarlig for investeringen i Shearwater.
Han er fornøyd med at Shearwater i fjor gjennomførte en refinansiering som åpner for at selskapet kan betale utbytte til aksjonærene.
– Dette er en del av forberedelsene som gjøres for å ta seismikkselskapet på børs. Vi ønsker at Shearwater skal kunne lanseres som en utbyttemaskin, sier Rasmussen.
– Hvor stor blir utbyttekapasiteten?
– Hvis aktiviteten kommer tilbake til 2019-nivået, og vi får alle skipene i arbeid, snakker vi om flere hundre millioner dollar pr. år, sier Lauvdal.
Trygve Lauvdal viser til at det totalt nå er 17–18 store, moderne seismikkskip i arbeid i verden, mens snittet i perioden 2016–19 var på 27.
– Vi tror markedet skal tilbake til nivået før 2020, men det går noe tregere enn vi hadde håpet og trodd. Vi venter at etterspørselen vil styrke seg ytterligere, slik at flere skip kommer i drift, sier Rasmussen.
VIKTIG MANN: Investeringsdirektør Trygve Lauvdal i Rasmussengruppen er ansvarlig for investeringen i Shearwater.
Han er fornøyd med at Shearwater i fjor gjennomførte en refinansiering som åpner for at selskapet kan betale utbytte til aksjonærene.
– Dette er en del av forberedelsene som gjøres for å ta seismikkselskapet på børs. Vi ønsker at Shearwater skal kunne lanseres som en utbyttemaskin, sier Rasmussen.
– Hvor stor blir utbyttekapasiteten?
– Hvis aktiviteten kommer tilbake til 2019-nivået, og vi får alle skipene i arbeid, snakker vi om flere hundre millioner dollar pr. år, sier Lauvdal.