NTI vil gå himmelhøyt fram inn i 2024 + 20kr i 2024

NTI 20.12.2023 kl 15:07 2067

Skal levere til Airbus.

Må gratulere

Redigert 19.04.2024 kl 12:04 Du må logge inn for å svare
20.12.2023 kl 15:16 2051

20.12.2023 kl 15:18 2044

Oslo, Norway, 20 December 2023: In connection with the listing of Norsk Titanium
AS (the "Company") on Euronext Growth Oslo, shareholders, individually, entered
into a share lending agreement with NTi Holding AS ("NTi Holding") whereby their
respective shares in the Company have been held on a separate Euronext VPS
account in the name of NTi Holding AS. A total of 17,000 shares have now been
redelivered upon the sole discretion and instruction by two individual
shareholders to their respective accounts with Royal Bank of Canada New York.

NTi Holding is not the beneficial owner of the shares and the transfer of shares
does not represent a sale of shares by NTi Holding. NTi Holding will
consequently neither increase nor decrease its ownership to shares in Norsk
Titanium as a result of the redelivery. NTi Holding is a legal person closely
associated with John Andersen, who is the chairman of the board of Norsk

Attached is the notification of the transaction in accordance with the Market
Abuse Regulation Article 19.
20.12.2023 kl 15:59 2011

Rally inn i Januar 2024.

20.12.2023 kl 16:09 1978

Nesten ikke aksjer å få tak i nå.
20.12.2023 kl 19:49 1914

Du får tagge med ticket...

Samstundes, kva begrunnelse har du for 20kr ila 2024?

Du har vell sett meldingane og prognosene det siste året? Det skal opp, det er det ingen tvil om. Solid fundament over mange mange år med utspring frå NTNU/Sintef.

MEN dei har konkurranse! Og utvidelsar vil koste = emisjon, med emisjon kjem redusert i aksjepris.

Det som er interessant er når inntektene kjem ila 2025/2026, kor mykje sitter ein igjen med i utbytte + P/E
20.12.2023 kl 20:03 1886

les nyheter:
Premium Aerotec in Varel Germany, an Airbus subsidiary, has placed an order for an initial structural part, and Norsk Titanium is currently completing delivery of the first order. The first additively manufactured preforms delivered by Norsk have been machined, qualified and installed into an A350 assembly.


NTI: Norsk Titanium progressing towards commercial expansion with Airbus
Regulatory press release
2023-02-02 07:30

Norsk Titanium continues progress towards expansion in the commercial aerospace
market. The company is awaiting final qualification approval of its RPD®
technology for serial production of titanium parts for delivery to tier-one
suppliers of Airbus, which is expected in the first half 2023.

President and CEO Michael Canario will be hosting meetings today with investors
in Oslo, as Norsk Titanium continues to evaluate strategic opportunities to
secure additional long-term funding while the company begins to ramp up
production during the first half of 2023.

"We are very pleased with our progress with Airbus. Upon final qualification
approval of our technology, we could quickly expand our backlog with serial
production of parts under multi-year contracts. The building of a backlog with
Airbus and other commercial aerospace customers will represent significant
de-risking of our business plans," says Canario.

Upon successful final qualification, Norsk Titanium will supply up to a total of
300 parts across two part numbers to Airbus' A350 program. In addition, there
are ongoing discussions to initiate serial production in 2023 of two similar
sized parts and one larger part on the same aircraft program.

Hittech, a critical supplier to the semiconductor industry, recently awarded the
company an order for serial production of ASML carrier trays. This is another
significant milestone supporting Norsk Titanium's long-term vision of innovating
the future of metal alloy manufacturing, and the transition from a strong
technology position into large commercial opportunities across the commercial
aerospace, industrial and defense industries.

The company reiterates its previously indicated revenue target of USD 150
million in 2026, with a capacity utilization of approximately 50% of existing
production facilities. The scope of the contract with Hittech and the potential
orders from Airbus tier-one suppliers indicate a revenue level of USD 7-15
million for this year, with the timing of the ramp up of production explaining
the deviation from the previously indicated target of USD 15 million for 2023.
Please find enclosed an updated corporate presentation which will be used in
today's investor meetings.

For more information, please contact:

Michael Canario, President and CEO of Norsk Titanium
Email: Michael.Canario@norsktitanium.com
Tel: +1 518 324 4010
Redigert 20.12.2023 kl 20:09 Du må logge inn for å svare
21.12.2023 kl 06:14 1779

Fly og Forsvaret masseproduksjon nå.

Airbus leveranser, denne vil fly.

Ser fort 10 til 20 nå.
21.12.2023 kl 08:21 1728

Ser vi 4-5-6 i dag?
Redigert 21.12.2023 kl 08:51 Du må logge inn for å svare
21.12.2023 kl 09:12 1686

Nyttårs raketten no1.
21.12.2023 kl 09:43 1656

Etter gårsdagens oppgang, så er det helt naturlig at flere vil sikre gevinst nå før jul, men denne blir det spennende å følge utover det nye året.
Gratulerer til dere som var inne før gårsdagen, selv sov jeg i timen og kjøpte ikke når jeg så nyheten kom ut.
Tar inn noen når kursen føles rett og ser hvor det bærer.
21.12.2023 kl 09:54 1638

Enig, gleder meg til neste år.
Føre var
21.12.2023 kl 10:07 1617

Noen kjøper vel for å ha de liggende en stund:)
21.12.2023 kl 10:30 1594

Kjøpersiden vokser, tipper vi ser 4
16.01.2024 kl 11:14 1227

Norsk Titanium New Investor Presentation

Just released:

19.04.2024 kl 11:47 980

Rally mot 2-5

AKOB HATTELAND HOLDING AS NY 704.693 kjøper seg inn.
Redigert 19.04.2024 kl 11:49 Du må logge inn for å svare
19.04.2024 kl 11:56 969

Slettet bruker
19.04.2024 kl 14:35 887

Største eier har økt daglig denne uken. Skal fort til 3,5-4kr
19.04.2024 kl 14:56 868

Mye gode nyheter i det siste, spent på q4 neste onsdag