End the volatility ! NEL equipment are safe ! Up trend continue

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NEL 17.06.2019 kl 11:54 1688

NEL equipment hold the hydrogen inside without explode !!!!! The robust of materials and quality says a lot about NEL it is one of the must experiences a secury hydrogen companies... Price volatility is over since the hedges has oversold and got the profits from the people that sold under panic and speculations... But now we back to the Uptrend and that is the most important while renew the operations... the competition are wild in this growing market, so let's give a hand to this wonderful Norwegian company....
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17.06.2019 kl 12:24 1636

NEL need that the specialist identify the ignition source to continue working... NEL should continue working with the delivery orders the entire world need more hydrogen stations and projects ! Demand is growing fast....
17.06.2019 kl 16:14 1325

I an not certain. After all, NEL designed this fuel sitation. They have an undisputed responsibility. Of course this worries investors. Besides, there are several competitors out there. I don't think the stock price will increase above 6 krones any time soon. 4 krones, however, seems more appropriate. Sorry gyus.
Redigert 17.06.2019 kl 16:16 Du må logge inn for å svare
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17.06.2019 kl 16:25 1279

How you believe on that ? See 6 Kr is a price when NEL didn't have money and no contracts, only projets... Now NEL is completely different has Nikola contract with a a lot Hydrogen sutidors to instal all around US, NEL is a growing company in a bullish market... NEL has no debts, this is very important since most of the company are around bankruptcy due huge loan, NEL has cash for cover the Hydrogen demand that is growing faster.... Japan, South Korea and China own the Hydrogen cars, Toyota, hyundai... The same Japan and Korea presidents support this new technology... So of course is not doubt on that the price will go over 10 kr as soon Norwegian stop with the panic... Germans are buying all the shares that Norwegian sell, me too !
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17.06.2019 kl 16:28 1265

Syntes det er greit (og riktig) at NEL først må hoste opp noen (store) konkrete ordrer før kursen skal stige til tidligere høyder.
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17.06.2019 kl 16:39 1202

Tibby but apart of if NEL will be profitable or not, we have to understand all the sequences that bring the NEL price from 9 to 5 Kr in around two weeks... The price was skyrocket day to day in the same trend as the hydrogen market is growing... Start a will manipulation from media and another banks yellows that didn't participate in the rally... they manage to reduce the price around 15% after that 2 treacherous investors combine to sell 117.000.000 of shares in the same day ! That was a unfair speculative practice but they managed to do it without control or regulations... So another 30 % drop, the strange situation with the explosion that was the last drop that from the cup... So it was around 55% drop made by manipulation, treacherous investors, media and a incident that NEL equipment was not the cause of the incident... So really you thing is still expensive this kind of company for only 6 Kr 0.7 $ per share when everybody knows this will be around 200 Kr in 2022 - 2024 ? The stock start again in a UP trend my recommendation is to buy at this price before the news... The Sandvika is a closed case we have to focus in Nikola, korea, and Norway as well...