APCL..NĂŠrliggende fusjon og forlik
VI fikk en strÄlene og informativ oppdatering fra Apcl og styreleder i det nye selskapet sÞndag.
30/06-2019 15:25:13: (APCL.OAX) Petronor E&P Transaction Update.. Fusjonen er et faktum i henhold til melding, i tillegg uttaler og formulerer styreleder(i det nye selskapet) seg pÄ en slik mÄte at det vil komme kursdrivende melding(r) , sÄ fort fusjonen blir klar i August, er det mulig formulere seg pÄ en annen mÄte, uten Ä fortelle markedet at ett forlik blir publisert sÄ fort fusjonen bli ferdig? Jeg har fulgt selskapet lenge og mener det er en rÞd trÄd i denne prosessen med myndighetene , lisensene ICSID, Rop, Total og tilslutt Apcl og Petronor, med det som bakteppe mener jeg at et forlik kommer nÄ i sommer. Er selvsakt min personlige tolkning og ingen fasit..
God sommer til alle
30/06-2019 15:25:13: (APCL.OAX) Petronor E&P Transaction Update.. Fusjonen er et faktum i henhold til melding, i tillegg uttaler og formulerer styreleder(i det nye selskapet) seg pÄ en slik mÄte at det vil komme kursdrivende melding(r) , sÄ fort fusjonen blir klar i August, er det mulig formulere seg pÄ en annen mÄte, uten Ä fortelle markedet at ett forlik blir publisert sÄ fort fusjonen bli ferdig? Jeg har fulgt selskapet lenge og mener det er en rÞd trÄd i denne prosessen med myndighetene , lisensene ICSID, Rop, Total og tilslutt Apcl og Petronor, med det som bakteppe mener jeg at et forlik kommer nÄ i sommer. Er selvsakt min personlige tolkning og ingen fasit..
God sommer til alle
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:50
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25.07.2019 kl 15:21
Nesten sĂ„ en vurderer Ă„ snitte seg litt opp,He.. He!Tror det blir veldig god fortjeneste Ă„ plukke under 1.2!Begynte jo sommerkjĂžpet i god tid og fikk ekstra aksjer pĂ„ 0.84 og 0.89.Men frister litt Ă„ ta noe mer,selv om kursen er endel hĂžyere nĂ„.Kan liksom ikke forestille meg at petronor gjĂžr dette,uten Ă„ ha forsikret seg om noen av lisensene.Spesielt nĂ„r vi kjenner til forholdet deres til Senegal og Gambia.Nei,fĂ„r se om en fĂ„r skrapet sammen noen kroner fĂžr helgenđ
Redigert 25.07.2019 kl 15:22
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Hvilke mÄter kan samarbeid/eierskap mellom Adoc og Petronor kan man forvente i fremtiden ?. Kan det vÊre at de har tilnÊrminger til hverandre som vil vÊre bÊrende for begge parter? Kongefamilien er vel representert pÄ eiersiden i begge selskapene ? Det ligger kanskje mer Ä lurer rundt hjÞrnene enn hva man tror !
Og ikke minst: Ta en titt pÄ chartene for Apcl. BÄde dag/uke/mnd/Är. Kan det bli bedre utviklong (fÞr det blir et loddrett strek opp) ?
Jeg er glad jeg kan vÊre med pÄ dette !! Utsiktene er storatede. : )
Og ikke minst: Ta en titt pÄ chartene for Apcl. BÄde dag/uke/mnd/Är. Kan det bli bedre utviklong (fÞr det blir et loddrett strek opp) ?
Jeg er glad jeg kan vÊre med pÄ dette !! Utsiktene er storatede. : )
25.07.2019 kl 15:51
BĂžrsrelatert,sĂ„ er vel papirer fra ose som drĂžyer dađFerie skal de vel ogsĂ„ ha,He.. he
25.07.2019 kl 16:06
Lurt Ă„ selge nĂ„,3-4 bĂžrsdager igjen fĂžr vi gĂ„r inn i augustđHvor vi kan fĂ„ oppfylt de stĂžrste triggerene pĂ„ lange tider.
Om jeg husker rett sÄ fÄr ledelsen i gamle APCL en god dose aksjer om vi fÄr til en avtale fÞr nyttÄr.
Tror nok de ikke ligger pÄ latsiden
Tror nok de ikke ligger pÄ latsiden
25.07.2019 kl 20:02
ADNOC og Abu Dhabi er partner med bÄde BP og Total, samt at de har lagt Senegal og Gambia for sine fÞtter. Det har nÄ vÊrt sÄ mye pÄ kryss og tvers at noe mÄ henge sammen. MÞter og avtaler i fleng. Trolig fÄr vi fasit i lÞpet av sensommeren. Det er litt av et bakapparat vi fÄr med Abu Dhabi i ryggen. PetroNor blir meget solid, med god produksjon, veldig bra Þkonomi og mange triggere som vil Þke dagens kurs betraktelig. Deriblant nesten produksjonsdobling pÄ det vi allerede har. Jeg gleder meg til denne fusjonen!
25.07.2019 kl 20:24
Automatisk teknisk analyse. Kort sikt, 25. jul 2019
African Petroleum Corporation har brutt opp gjennom taket pÄ den stigende trendkanalen pÄ kort sikt. Dette signaliserer enda sterkere stigningstakt, men den sterke oppgangen kan gi reaksjoner tilbake pÄ kort sikt. Aksjen har stÞtte ved cirka 0.95 kroner og motstand ved cirka 1.22 kroner. Positiv volumbalanse styrker aksjen pÄ kort sikt. RSI er over 70 etter en god kursoppgang de siste ukene. Aksjen har et sterkt positivt momentum og videre oppgang indikeres. RSI-kurven viser en stigende trend, noe som understÞtter det positive trendbildet. Aksjen anses samlet sett teknisk positiv pÄ kort sikt.
Anbefaling en til seks ukers sikt: KjĂžp
African Petroleum Corporation har brutt opp gjennom taket pÄ den stigende trendkanalen pÄ kort sikt. Dette signaliserer enda sterkere stigningstakt, men den sterke oppgangen kan gi reaksjoner tilbake pÄ kort sikt. Aksjen har stÞtte ved cirka 0.95 kroner og motstand ved cirka 1.22 kroner. Positiv volumbalanse styrker aksjen pÄ kort sikt. RSI er over 70 etter en god kursoppgang de siste ukene. Aksjen har et sterkt positivt momentum og videre oppgang indikeres. RSI-kurven viser en stigende trend, noe som understÞtter det positive trendbildet. Aksjen anses samlet sett teknisk positiv pÄ kort sikt.
Anbefaling en til seks ukers sikt: KjĂžp
25.07.2019 kl 21:24
Er nok mange som har satt seg inn i dette caset,som gleder seg veldig til fusjonenđIngen tvil om at dette blir meget bra,apcl hopper 10 Ă„r frem i tid eller en evighet.Produksjon som gir overskudd,mange muligheter til vekst,sterke eiere osv.Mange smĂ„ oljemygger kommer aldri hit vi er nĂ„.De driver med underskudd vĂŠrt eneste Ă„r,kommer aldri i pluss,store lĂ„n eller uendelige emisjonerđVi har fĂ„tt en perfekt match i petronor!Og i tillegg er jeg 100% sikker pĂ„ at de ordner lĂžsninger i Senegal og Gambia.De har jo akkurat de kontaktene som trengs,og det er vel derfor de ogsĂ„ har valgt oss som partner.Fordi de vil vokse i Afrika,vi har lisensene og de har nĂžkkelen til lĂžsning.Tipper denne tekniske motstanden pĂ„ 1.22 ryker rimelig snart,for her skal vi mye hĂžyere.Forventningene til positive nyheter etter fusjonsmelding er sĂ„pass stor,og sjansen for dette er ogsĂ„ sĂ„ stor,at her tror jeg vi blĂ„ser greit forbi 1.3 omrĂ„det,nĂ„r fusjonen bekreftes!Markedet begynner vel Ă„ prise inn et forlik snartđOg da skal vi over 2kr i fĂžrste omgang,sĂ„ fĂ„r vi se om vi fĂ„r 2 forlik,men selv med bare ett gir dette et stort kurshopp.Og ett forlik burde vĂŠre bankers,ellers har petronor gjort en utrolig dĂ„rlig jobb og megatabbe med Ă„ fusjonere med apcl.Men sĂ„ dĂ„rlig forarbeid har neppe petronor gjort.
Redigert 25.07.2019 kl 21:25
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Africa has witnessed a flurry of interest in its exploration upstream arenas from Qatar and the United Arab Emirates in recent months.
Qatar has exposure onshore Nigeriaâs Niger Delta and off Ghana via the acquisition of Heritage Oil by Al-Miqab Capital, a private investment vehicle of Qatarâs Sheikh Hamad Bin Jassim Bin Jabor Al Thani, a former chief executive of the Qatar Investment Authority.
Dubaiâs fledgling ADM Energy last month acquired London-listed MX Oil, securing acreage in the Benin Embayment while Norwayâs PetroNor, 50% owned by Abu Dhabiâs National Holding, merged with African Petroleum, thereby securing acreage in the Senegambian deep.
Qatar has exposure onshore Nigeriaâs Niger Delta and off Ghana via the acquisition of Heritage Oil by Al-Miqab Capital, a private investment vehicle of Qatarâs Sheikh Hamad Bin Jassim Bin Jabor Al Thani, a former chief executive of the Qatar Investment Authority.
Dubaiâs fledgling ADM Energy last month acquired London-listed MX Oil, securing acreage in the Benin Embayment while Norwayâs PetroNor, 50% owned by Abu Dhabiâs National Holding, merged with African Petroleum, thereby securing acreage in the Senegambian deep.
26.07.2019 kl 00:55
"Norwayâs PetroNor, 50% owned by Abu Dhabiâs National Holding, merged with African Petroleum, thereby SECURING acreage in the Senegambian deep."
Hmm,noen som vet litt mer enn andre,kan ikke se vi er sikret noe enda,men det kommer velđ
Hmm,noen som vet litt mer enn andre,kan ikke se vi er sikret noe enda,men det kommer velđ
26.07.2019 kl 09:07
Galskap at vi ligger nÊrme krona nÄr vi ser hvilket selskap APCL blir med Petronor, er min mening
26.07.2019 kl 09:14
Ekstremt mye som "passser sammen" nÄ. Blir meget forundret om det ikke allerede er bestemt og oppgjort fordelingen av bÄde lisenser i Gambia og Senegal, der Petronor blir en viktig del av konstelasjonen. Bare Ä glede seg. Men fÞrst mÄ fusjonen signeres.
26.07.2019 kl 09:23
Ja,burde vel opp et nivĂ„ nĂ„.Neste uke gĂ„r vi inn i den mest spennende mĂ„neden pĂ„ lengeđFusjonsmelding burde lĂžfte oss endel,samtidig som flere gode nyheter kan komme rimelig kjapt!Ingen tvil om at Abu dhabi har det som skal til for Ă„ sende petronor til "himmels"!
26.07.2019 kl 09:28
Bare rolig, alt til sin tid :-)
Vi avsluttet forrige uke pÄ 1,072 og ligger an til Ä avslutte en plass i intervallet 1,1-1,2 uka her. Tar vi kursen p.t sÄ er vi over 6% opp denne uken ogsÄ :-)
Alt ligger til rette for at APCL/Petronor skal bli en pengemaskin pÄ sikt, men om kursen er 1kr eller 2kr akkurat i Juli er ikke sÄ nÞye! Penger blir det til de tÄlmodige her uansett, men bare la fingrene holdes unna salgsknappen noen uker til...
Kommer pÄ en eller annen tidligere i mai/juni (mulig det var Aldara) som skrev i "frustrasjon": MÄ da gÄ an Ä holde pÄ aksjene sine i noen uker til.
De som hÞrte pÄ det rÄdet, har tjent noen kroner hittil :-) Og slik ser det ut til at det vil vÊre fremover ogsÄ!
Vi avsluttet forrige uke pÄ 1,072 og ligger an til Ä avslutte en plass i intervallet 1,1-1,2 uka her. Tar vi kursen p.t sÄ er vi over 6% opp denne uken ogsÄ :-)
Alt ligger til rette for at APCL/Petronor skal bli en pengemaskin pÄ sikt, men om kursen er 1kr eller 2kr akkurat i Juli er ikke sÄ nÞye! Penger blir det til de tÄlmodige her uansett, men bare la fingrene holdes unna salgsknappen noen uker til...
Kommer pÄ en eller annen tidligere i mai/juni (mulig det var Aldara) som skrev i "frustrasjon": MÄ da gÄ an Ä holde pÄ aksjene sine i noen uker til.
De som hÞrte pÄ det rÄdet, har tjent noen kroner hittil :-) Og slik ser det ut til at det vil vÊre fremover ogsÄ!
26.07.2019 kl 09:45
Ja,ingen vil om at det gjelder Ă„ holde pĂ„ aksjene her. Var vel Aldara ja,som var utrolig skuffet over kursen,nĂ„r den gikk ned mot 0.8,pga utsettelse fusjonđOg han mente den skulle mye lenger ned pga ferien.Jeg sa at den ville ligge flatt for sĂ„ Ă„ stige noen uker fĂžr august,hva skjedde??đIkke hĂžrt sĂ„ mye etter det,samme var det med RGTbjĂžrn.Vi har jo ikke startet engang,triggerene kommer jo nĂ„,sĂ„ dette tror jeg blir en flott tid.
Redigert 26.07.2019 kl 09:46
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26.07.2019 kl 09:49
Og kan jo ikke sies ofte nok,at bare petronor i seg selv er mer verdt enn dagens kurs.Produksjonen skal Ăžke sakte men sikkert mot 4000,fra dagens 2650!Da vil aksjen vĂŠre verdt rundt 2kr bare pĂ„ detđSĂ„ er vel ikke akkurat noen stor risk Ă„ kjĂžpe her.
26.07.2019 kl 09:53
Dagen fullfÞrt fusjon meldes, mÄ jo det vÊre meldepliktig Þyeblikkelig overfor oss aksjonÊrer,dersom avtaler/forlik har blitt avtalt. Noe som ser svÊrt sannsynlig ut.
26.07.2019 kl 09:56
Tror vel ikke det kommer positive nyheter akkurat samtidig som fusjonen meldes. Men tror ikke det drĂžyer lengeđ
26.07.2019 kl 10:13
He..He,burde bli mye mere RGTbjĂžrn,ta potten pĂ„ 1.16 og bli medđBare pĂ„ bekreftelse fusjon,er vi nok et godt steg opp.SĂ„ har vel forventningene steget ganske mye,etter avtaler og mĂžter mellom Abu dhabi og Senegal/Gambia.De har jo et sĂŠrdeles godt forhold.SĂ„ ikke vanskelig Ă„ se for seg forlik her.
26.07.2019 kl 11:15
Det er vel kun ett enkelt spÞrsmÄl som skal til; ville PetroNor gitt bort litt av selskapet til oss uten Ä fÄ noe igjen. Svaret er nei. Alle er i forbund med araberne pÄ flere plan og at noe positivt kommer ut av dette tenker jeg er rimelig sikkert. Hva det blir fÄr vi nok svar pÄ snart.
Redigert 26.07.2019 kl 17:27
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26.07.2019 kl 11:20
Investtech har en fin OHS-formasjon(potensiell), der hÞgre skulder bygges nÄ. Kan passe som hÄnd i hanske ved melding om fusjon etterfÞgt av oppdatering rundt lisensene i G+S.
Utviklingen pÄ chartene er over all forventning. Bygges opp til en vidunderlig stigning, og det innen kort. Enig med de her som pÄpeker at selv uten forlik av noe slag, skulle kursen vÊrt adskillig hÞyere. Og med forlik av noe slag med S og G, vil kursene fly. LÞpe etter ? Tja - - --! : )
26.07.2019 kl 13:36
Ser at Nordnet har kurs 0,29 pr 28.12.2018, har de allerede tatt hĂžyde for warrants i APCL? KjĂžpt selv den dagen til kurs 0,57
26.07.2019 kl 14:19
Hvem prĂžver Ă„ skremme noen til Ă„ selge,ved Ă„ legge ut masse pĂ„ 1.16!đArtig om noen plutselig tok et jafs!Neste uke gĂ„r vi inn i august,endelig!Da vil det skje ting,ventetiden over fĂ„r vi hĂ„pe.
Senegal to Launch Next Oil & Gas Licensing Round in October at Africa Oil & Power 2019
Content provided by
1 hour ago
H.E Macky Sall, President of the Republic of Senegal meets with Africa Oil & Power (https://AfricaOilandPower.com/) CEO Guillaume Doane to discuss Senegalâs next phase of investment; President Sall will receive the Africa Oil Man of the Year award at the AOP 2019 conference; Senegal continues on its efforts to develop its oil, gas and power sectors as a means to boost economic growth.
Exploration hotspot Senegal will launch its next Oil & Gas Licensing Round at the Africa Oil & Power 2019 Conference & Exhibition, to be hosted October 9-11 in Cape Town. The announcement follows the signing today of a cooperation between Africa Oil & Power, Cos-Petrogaz and national oil company, Petrosen on a drive to promote the countryâs next phase of investment.
Last week, H.E Macky Sall, President of the Republic of Senegal met with Africa Oil & Power CEO Guillaume Doane to discuss Senegalâs ambitious plans to bring mega oil and gas projects online and attract new operators in the market. President Sall will receive the prestigious Africa Oil Man of the Year award at the conference on October 9.
âThanks to the tremendous leadership of H.E. President Macky Sall, Senegal is now renowned as a well-established energy market and destination for investment. Through this new drive for investment, we look forward to working with Africa Oil & Power on positioning Senegal for a new era of projects and prosperity,â said Ousmane NâDiaye, Permanent Secretary of COS-Petrogaz.
Senegal has been trailblazing in its efforts to make making energy work for greater economic growth and development and acknowledges the potential and early results presented by the Plan Senegal Emergent initiative (PSE), led by President Sall.
Senegalâs government is determined to #MakeEnergyWork. In large part through its dedicated focus on the oil, gas and power sectors following the discovery of massive hydrocarbons reserves, Senegal is preparing to become a middle-income country by 2035. The government aims to achieve this through the PSE initiative launched in 2014.
âWith discovery after discovery, Senegal has distinguished itself as one of Africaâs leading exploration frontiers. Another licensing round is certain to draw interest from a wide variety of operators,â said Guillaume Doane. âThanks to the leadership of President Macky Sall, Senegal is a prime example of a country making energy work â creating an enabling environment for business to succeed, attracting huge international investments, while providing capacity for local power generation, industry and downstream development.â
With a vision to create âAn emerging Senegal in 2035, with a cohesive society under the rule of lawâ the PSE looks to the power sector as a catalyst for growth. Senegal today has a power generation capacity of 25 percent â a leap forward from the rolling blackouts the West African nation had been prone to, prior to the implementation of the PSE. Further, Senegal now boasts an electricity rate of 64 percent, well ahead of the rest of West Africa and significantly closer to its target of universal power access by 2025 â which will also include implementation of 15 percent of renewable energy.
Senegal is a hotspot for oil and gas exploration and development. With 8 major oil and gas discoveries since 2014, it is moving closer to becoming a large-scale oil and gas producer.
10 years ago Boko Haram 'detonated': Nigerians crave return to normalcy
Nigeria Air Force promotes officer who returned missing $41,000
AFCON 2019: CAF deserves medal for social media coverage
AFCON 2019: CAF deserves medal for social media coverage
AFCON 2019 teams that got heroes return: Algeria, Senegal, Madagascar et. al.
The country has capitalized on this interest by rapidly bringing the first phase of the Grand Tortue Ahmeyim gas project to final investment decision in December 2018, with Cairn Energyâs SNE oilfield is set to see the same milestone in September this year.
âWith several world-class oil and gas discoveries, Senegal has built an excellent reputation globally in the energy industry. Through a new licensing round and investment drive, we are eager to capitalize on Senegalâs strong track record to attract new operators and exploration,â said Mamadou Faye, Managing Director of Petrosen.
Exploration efforts are also growing in the countryâs offshore, with explorers such as Oranto Petroleum launching exploration campaigns at the St. Louis Shallow Block, building on existing presence in the country since entering the Cayar Shallow Block in 2008.
Senegal has also seen a rise in world-class discoveries, most notably, Woodsideâs FAN oil discovery and the BP-operated Marsouin, Teranga and Yaaker fields which are said to contain up to 50 trillion cubic feet of gas.
Through these and other key projects, the nation has committed itself to using its petroleum revenue to create an environment that will see further growth and development of its local content in its hydrocarbon sector. With this, the it has implemented a strong regulatory and institutional framework and launched the Institut National du PĂ©trole et du Gaz (National Petroleum Institute, INPG) â Senegalâs first-ever school dedicated to oil and gas.
Senegal is primed to emerge as a key player in the oil and natural gas industry, ensuring revenue to the state and employment for its citizens over the long term.
Hosted under the theme #MakeEnergyWork, the AOP 2019 conference and exhibition returns to Cape Town, South Africa at the CTICC1 on 9-11 October, to explore Senegalâs emergence and its petroleum and power strategies. Join the conversation with our powerful lineup of global leaders. Learn more and register now at www.AOP2019.com
Distributed by APO Group on behalf of Africa Oil & Power Conference.
Media Contact:
Senegal to Launch Next Oil & Gas Licensing Round in October at Africa Oil & Power 2019
Content provided by
1 hour ago
H.E Macky Sall, President of the Republic of Senegal meets with Africa Oil & Power (https://AfricaOilandPower.com/) CEO Guillaume Doane to discuss Senegalâs next phase of investment; President Sall will receive the Africa Oil Man of the Year award at the AOP 2019 conference; Senegal continues on its efforts to develop its oil, gas and power sectors as a means to boost economic growth.
Exploration hotspot Senegal will launch its next Oil & Gas Licensing Round at the Africa Oil & Power 2019 Conference & Exhibition, to be hosted October 9-11 in Cape Town. The announcement follows the signing today of a cooperation between Africa Oil & Power, Cos-Petrogaz and national oil company, Petrosen on a drive to promote the countryâs next phase of investment.
Last week, H.E Macky Sall, President of the Republic of Senegal met with Africa Oil & Power CEO Guillaume Doane to discuss Senegalâs ambitious plans to bring mega oil and gas projects online and attract new operators in the market. President Sall will receive the prestigious Africa Oil Man of the Year award at the conference on October 9.
âThanks to the tremendous leadership of H.E. President Macky Sall, Senegal is now renowned as a well-established energy market and destination for investment. Through this new drive for investment, we look forward to working with Africa Oil & Power on positioning Senegal for a new era of projects and prosperity,â said Ousmane NâDiaye, Permanent Secretary of COS-Petrogaz.
Senegal has been trailblazing in its efforts to make making energy work for greater economic growth and development and acknowledges the potential and early results presented by the Plan Senegal Emergent initiative (PSE), led by President Sall.
Senegalâs government is determined to #MakeEnergyWork. In large part through its dedicated focus on the oil, gas and power sectors following the discovery of massive hydrocarbons reserves, Senegal is preparing to become a middle-income country by 2035. The government aims to achieve this through the PSE initiative launched in 2014.
âWith discovery after discovery, Senegal has distinguished itself as one of Africaâs leading exploration frontiers. Another licensing round is certain to draw interest from a wide variety of operators,â said Guillaume Doane. âThanks to the leadership of President Macky Sall, Senegal is a prime example of a country making energy work â creating an enabling environment for business to succeed, attracting huge international investments, while providing capacity for local power generation, industry and downstream development.â
With a vision to create âAn emerging Senegal in 2035, with a cohesive society under the rule of lawâ the PSE looks to the power sector as a catalyst for growth. Senegal today has a power generation capacity of 25 percent â a leap forward from the rolling blackouts the West African nation had been prone to, prior to the implementation of the PSE. Further, Senegal now boasts an electricity rate of 64 percent, well ahead of the rest of West Africa and significantly closer to its target of universal power access by 2025 â which will also include implementation of 15 percent of renewable energy.
Senegal is a hotspot for oil and gas exploration and development. With 8 major oil and gas discoveries since 2014, it is moving closer to becoming a large-scale oil and gas producer.
10 years ago Boko Haram 'detonated': Nigerians crave return to normalcy
Nigeria Air Force promotes officer who returned missing $41,000
AFCON 2019: CAF deserves medal for social media coverage
AFCON 2019: CAF deserves medal for social media coverage
AFCON 2019 teams that got heroes return: Algeria, Senegal, Madagascar et. al.
The country has capitalized on this interest by rapidly bringing the first phase of the Grand Tortue Ahmeyim gas project to final investment decision in December 2018, with Cairn Energyâs SNE oilfield is set to see the same milestone in September this year.
âWith several world-class oil and gas discoveries, Senegal has built an excellent reputation globally in the energy industry. Through a new licensing round and investment drive, we are eager to capitalize on Senegalâs strong track record to attract new operators and exploration,â said Mamadou Faye, Managing Director of Petrosen.
Exploration efforts are also growing in the countryâs offshore, with explorers such as Oranto Petroleum launching exploration campaigns at the St. Louis Shallow Block, building on existing presence in the country since entering the Cayar Shallow Block in 2008.
Senegal has also seen a rise in world-class discoveries, most notably, Woodsideâs FAN oil discovery and the BP-operated Marsouin, Teranga and Yaaker fields which are said to contain up to 50 trillion cubic feet of gas.
Through these and other key projects, the nation has committed itself to using its petroleum revenue to create an environment that will see further growth and development of its local content in its hydrocarbon sector. With this, the it has implemented a strong regulatory and institutional framework and launched the Institut National du PĂ©trole et du Gaz (National Petroleum Institute, INPG) â Senegalâs first-ever school dedicated to oil and gas.
Senegal is primed to emerge as a key player in the oil and natural gas industry, ensuring revenue to the state and employment for its citizens over the long term.
Hosted under the theme #MakeEnergyWork, the AOP 2019 conference and exhibition returns to Cape Town, South Africa at the CTICC1 on 9-11 October, to explore Senegalâs emergence and its petroleum and power strategies. Join the conversation with our powerful lineup of global leaders. Learn more and register now at www.AOP2019.com
Distributed by APO Group on behalf of Africa Oil & Power Conference.
Media Contact:
26.07.2019 kl 15:27
Eneste vi fÄr er kjedelige bÞrsdager.... :-) Ingen vil selge noe volum, og ingen vil vÊre fÞrstemann opp pÄ storpostene⊠:-)
26.07.2019 kl 23:24
RGTBJĂRN skrev Hei Vil gratulere dere med fin oppgang, Ingen sure miner her ,
Takk RGTBJĂRN, siste mulighet til billige aksjer tidlig neste ukeđ..
28.07.2019 kl 13:17
Ny bĂžrsuke i morgen,og vi kommer nĂŠrmere og nĂŠrmere fusjon đNeste uke gĂ„r vi inn i august,sĂ„ kan faktisk hende vi er petronor ved ukeslutt.Selv om det kanskje er i tidligste laget sĂ„ er det ingen umulighet!Regner med de siste som sitter pĂ„ gjerdet kjĂžper seg inn de fĂžrste dagene av uka,sĂ„ passerer vi 1.2!SĂ„ blir det bare Ă„ sitte til meldingen ramler inn en av dagene.NĂ„r vi endelig blir petronor,det er jo da morroa virkelig begynnerđDa blir vi ett av de mest spennende og solide av de smĂ„ olje/gass-selskapene!Vi har mange triggere,som vil gi store kurshopp,samtidig som vi har sterk Ăžkonomi i bĂ„nn,som eliminerer nedsiden.Et slikt case er det ikke mange av pĂ„ ose.Noen av de andre smĂ„ pĂ„ ose,har kanskje triggere som kan booste kursen like mye som triggerene til petronor.Men i de selskapene,er samtidig nedsiden betydelig,altsĂ„ risikoen er MYE stĂžrre.SĂ„ burde vĂŠre et lett valg,hvis man er glad i store kurshopp,med minst mulig risiko đPen har vel ingen triggere som kan doble kursen over natta,mulig iox og qec har det,men der har vi potensielle store nedsider.SĂ„ regner med flere snart fĂ„r Ăžye pĂ„ petronor.Flere triggere,som kan doble kursen over natta,og etter min mening null nedside.De har bra produksjon,den er Ăžkende,gir store overskudd og petronor har liten gjeld.AltsĂ„ ingen problem med Ăžkonomien,som ikke kan sies om alle de andre.Og ekstern verdivurdering,vurderer verdien som hĂžyere enn dagens kurs!! Og den vil bare Ăžke ettersom produksjonen gĂ„r fra 2650 til 4000 fremoverđSĂ„ nĂ„r endelig fusjonen bekreftes,blir det utrolig spennende Ă„ se hva petronor har jobbet med i alle disse mĂ„nedene.FĂ„r vi nok noen gode meldinger,de har garantert jobbet/hatt samtaler med Senegal og Gambia, som vil komme oss til godeđ
I tillegg til thif's redegjÞrelse, mÄ man ta hÞyde for at flere (ihvertfall de jeg har sett uttalt seg offentlig seg om hÞstsesongen) mener det vil bli et stort oppsving i oljesektoren etter hvert framover. Skulle nÄ Iran og Trump tulle det mer til i MidtÞsten, vil oljeprisen galoppere (og kan bli liggende hÞyt en god stund). Om ikke, sÄ har jo Saudi uttalt at de vil ha en hÞyere pris (men ikke hvor mye) Det skal faktisk ikke sÄ veldig hÞy oljepris til fÞr det gir gode utslag for Petonor.
Dette er et supert bet. ! : )
Dette er et supert bet. ! : )
Se denne, vel har de ikke fÄtt med seg at Timis er ute av APCL, men her kobles Sall sin tur til Abu Dhabi med Barrows tur samme plass. Og det skrives at SOSP ikke er fri, ligger alt klart til fusjon er signert? «this last block (SOSP) is not free contrary to the official information of the authorities»
Video- New shattering revelations about Senegalese oil: Franck Timis would hold other oil wells not known to the general public
Africa Connection | 28/07/2019 at 09:50
Below, Franck Timis; at the top, the association which has just released a report revealing that it would not hold only 2 oil wells in Senegal
According to a survey of a group of Senegalese citizens in Paris, which has officially been focused on the baptismal funds, and led by Aboubakeur Benjelloun, the State of Senegal would hide other oil contracts awarded to Franck Timis who defray the chronicle in Senegal in particular because of its opaque connections with Aliou Sall, the brother of the President.
This is called starting on the hats. Saturday afternoon, the collective of Senegalese citizens in France for the defense and the safeguarding of natural resources held its constituent general assembly. Hardly the elected and installed office, the president of the collective, Aboubakeur Benjelloun, hit hard of entry by revealing to the press a "bomb" relative to the exploitation of the oil in Senegal.
At the end of a well-conducted investigation, Benjelloun and his comrades produced a report stating that Franck Timis has more oil wells in Senegal than he is lent. It would thus be involved in contracts other than those already known to the general public and which relate to the blocks of Rufisque Deep Offshore (ROP) and Senegal Offshore Deep South (SOSP).
Moreover, pushes Benjelloun, this last block (SOSP) is not free contrary to the official information of the authorities; and Franck Timis would still hold a large share.
In its report, the group chaired by Benjelloun, who is preparing a complaint against Aliou Sall in Paris, was able to establish a link between these oil contracts and the first visit of Macky Sall to Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates, mid-March) , after his re-election, and the most recent one of the Crown Prince of the Emirates in Dakar.
Similarly, the latest visit to Abu Dhabi by Gambian President Adama Barrow, whose proximity to Macky Sall is no secret, would be part of the same oil deal, since Franck Timis would hold two wells in the country formerly run by Yaya Jammeh. Watch the video of Benjelloun's revelations.
Thierno DIALLO, Africa Connection
Video- New shattering revelations about Senegalese oil: Franck Timis would hold other oil wells not known to the general public
Africa Connection | 28/07/2019 at 09:50
Below, Franck Timis; at the top, the association which has just released a report revealing that it would not hold only 2 oil wells in Senegal
According to a survey of a group of Senegalese citizens in Paris, which has officially been focused on the baptismal funds, and led by Aboubakeur Benjelloun, the State of Senegal would hide other oil contracts awarded to Franck Timis who defray the chronicle in Senegal in particular because of its opaque connections with Aliou Sall, the brother of the President.
This is called starting on the hats. Saturday afternoon, the collective of Senegalese citizens in France for the defense and the safeguarding of natural resources held its constituent general assembly. Hardly the elected and installed office, the president of the collective, Aboubakeur Benjelloun, hit hard of entry by revealing to the press a "bomb" relative to the exploitation of the oil in Senegal.
At the end of a well-conducted investigation, Benjelloun and his comrades produced a report stating that Franck Timis has more oil wells in Senegal than he is lent. It would thus be involved in contracts other than those already known to the general public and which relate to the blocks of Rufisque Deep Offshore (ROP) and Senegal Offshore Deep South (SOSP).
Moreover, pushes Benjelloun, this last block (SOSP) is not free contrary to the official information of the authorities; and Franck Timis would still hold a large share.
In its report, the group chaired by Benjelloun, who is preparing a complaint against Aliou Sall in Paris, was able to establish a link between these oil contracts and the first visit of Macky Sall to Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates, mid-March) , after his re-election, and the most recent one of the Crown Prince of the Emirates in Dakar.
Similarly, the latest visit to Abu Dhabi by Gambian President Adama Barrow, whose proximity to Macky Sall is no secret, would be part of the same oil deal, since Franck Timis would hold two wells in the country formerly run by Yaya Jammeh. Watch the video of Benjelloun's revelations.
Thierno DIALLO, Africa Connection
Her stÄr det at Senegal (bevisst) skjuler at APCL fortsatt har SOSP og at APCL har eierandeler i ROP. Og at de har dokumenter som underbygger det:
Revelations: This contract awarded to Franck Timis that the state would have hidden from Senegalese
By guestuinfo @@ July 28, 2019
The Collectif Citoyens des Senegalais de France, plus the defense and safeguarding of natural resources, held its general assembly today in the 18th arrondissement of Paris, in a packed house, according to guestuinfo sources.
Indeed, its new president Aboubacr BENGELLOUN revealed that Frank Timis held the block of SENEGAL OFFSHORE SOUTH DEEP, (SOSP), through his company, AFRICA PETROLIIEUM LIMITED.
Supporting documents, BENGELLOUN indicated that the Government of Senegal has deliberately failed to clarify this attribution. Because, he says, on the map of available licenses that the state of Senegal has published, the SOSP block is free when it is actually given to TIMIS.
It is this well that was sold for 55 billion CFA francs by TIMIS to the Norwegian company PETRO-NOR, 50% of which is owned by Norwegian private companies and 50% by the UNITED ARAB EMIRATES.
Since this transaction, the company PETRO-NOR, is now called: AFRICA PETROLIUM -PETRO NOR, and is listed on the Norwegian Stock Exchange.
The new president of the CCSFDSRN has also announced that Frank Timis, still him, is shareholder of the block allocated to TOTAL, RUFISQUE OFFSHORE DEPTH (ROP).
He calls on the government of Senegal so that the light is made.
For its part, the vice-president YAYE AMIE DIOP, held a unifying speech calling Senegalese of all kinds to join the collective.
Revelations: This contract awarded to Franck Timis that the state would have hidden from Senegalese
By guestuinfo @@ July 28, 2019
The Collectif Citoyens des Senegalais de France, plus the defense and safeguarding of natural resources, held its general assembly today in the 18th arrondissement of Paris, in a packed house, according to guestuinfo sources.
Indeed, its new president Aboubacr BENGELLOUN revealed that Frank Timis held the block of SENEGAL OFFSHORE SOUTH DEEP, (SOSP), through his company, AFRICA PETROLIIEUM LIMITED.
Supporting documents, BENGELLOUN indicated that the Government of Senegal has deliberately failed to clarify this attribution. Because, he says, on the map of available licenses that the state of Senegal has published, the SOSP block is free when it is actually given to TIMIS.
It is this well that was sold for 55 billion CFA francs by TIMIS to the Norwegian company PETRO-NOR, 50% of which is owned by Norwegian private companies and 50% by the UNITED ARAB EMIRATES.
Since this transaction, the company PETRO-NOR, is now called: AFRICA PETROLIUM -PETRO NOR, and is listed on the Norwegian Stock Exchange.
The new president of the CCSFDSRN has also announced that Frank Timis, still him, is shareholder of the block allocated to TOTAL, RUFISQUE OFFSHORE DEPTH (ROP).
He calls on the government of Senegal so that the light is made.
For its part, the vice-president YAYE AMIE DIOP, held a unifying speech calling Senegalese of all kinds to join the collective.