Epstein Arrested for Sex Trafficking
Billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein was arrested for allegedly sex trafficking dozens of minors in New York and Florida between 2002 and 2005, and will appear in court in New York on Monday, according to three law enforcement sources.
Hva visste kompisene Bill Clinton og Donald Trump?
Billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein was arrested for allegedly sex trafficking dozens of minors in New York and Florida between 2002 and 2005, and will appear in court in New York on Monday, according to three law enforcement sources.
Hva visste kompisene Bill Clinton og Donald Trump?
Jeg tror Change14 har eksklusiv rett til å poste eventyr fortellingene fra whatdoesitmean.
At siden også inneholder virus er ingen overraskelse.
At siden også inneholder virus er ingen overraskelse.
Redigert 10.07.2019 kl 21:28
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10.07.2019 kl 21:33
Tull, har fulgt med på den journalen nå og da i over et år og aldri merket antydning av noe virus!! (På smartphone, android).
“I was told Epstein ‘belonged to intelligence’ and to leave it alone,” he told his interviewers in the Trump transition, who evidently thought that was a sufficient answer and went ahead and hired Acosta.
En journalist fra AP spurte Acosta i dag om dette:
10.07.2019 kl 22:36
"At siden også inneholder virus er ingen overraskelse."
Ja var det virus? Eller tok du bare det for god fisk fordi det passet deg å si det.
Ja var det virus? Eller tok du bare det for god fisk fordi det passet deg å si det.
Vet du ikke at dette bare er en tulleside hvor de tar saker som er i media og dikter i fri fantasi rundt dette temaet?
10.07.2019 kl 22:46
Nei. det viste jeg ikke. Vet bare at det er noen tullebukker her:) Men bare noen.
10.07.2019 kl 22:48
Kvinnen, Ghislaine Maxwell som hjalp ham med 'virksomheten' er datter av (antatt Mossad-tilknyttede) Robert Maxwell - som ble gitt statsbegravelse i Jerusalem med alle lederne for Israel tilstede, inkl tidligere Mossad toppledere der statsminister Shamir uttalte 'han har gjort mer for oss enn noen aner'.
Redigert 10.07.2019 kl 22:50
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Har aldri merket noe virus fra denne siden jeg heller.
10.07.2019 kl 23:10
Er Bill Clinton fri enda ?
Når vil Norge kreve støtten til. Clinton foundation tilbakebetalt ?
Når vil Norge kreve støtten til. Clinton foundation tilbakebetalt ?
Redigert 10.07.2019 kl 23:10
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Du skal ikke se bort i fra at noen har vært med på moroa.
Merkelig at "dere" alltid finner en kobling med Israel og Mossad. Hva har farens Israel kobling med dette å gjøre? Tror du Mossad/Israel tvang Epstein til å kose seg med småjenter?
CIA Robert Steele: Epstein Mossad Connection Now Has Legs, The BIG Take-down by Trump, Clinton in the Cross-Hairs: Capt. Dave Bertrand, Ret. +Video
Wednesday, July 10, 2019 14:13
Message from former CIA Robert David Steele:
I remain of the view that Jeffrey Epstein is a Mossad clandestine operations officer, assisted by Mossad clandestine operations officer Ghislaine Maxwell, and that their mission is to do precisely what they have been doing: entrap US politicians, judges, celebrities, prosecutors, and corporate leaders with rigged “no name” hotels and the mult-cavern “Lolita Island” where anything goes and the Mossad gets it all on video — grown people doing bad things to small children.
My sources suggest that Vicky Ward has it wrong, Epstein is not a grifter that made it big on crime, that is a cover story. I believe he was given a billion dollar line of credit by a real Zionist billionaire, and has always been “on the job.”
Alert readers will recall that Ghislaine Maxwell is the daugher of Robert Mazell, one of Israel’s most famous super-spies, and the man who single-handedly opened all doors for Israel’s promulgation of PROMIS, the first major “hack” of many Western governments by Israel.
I further believe that because Epstein has been “on the job” that both the CIA and the FBI have been associated with this “job” and sharing the take. It is more important to them to be able to blackmail as many people as possible to keep their budgets growing, than it is to stop traitors, pedophiles, and white collar criminals.
Bill Binney and I, simply accessing the 99% of the NSA database that has not been processed, could nail almost every traitor, pedophile, compromised judge, and white collar criminal within 90 days using Thin Thread. We told Jefferson Sessions, then AG, how to do this. Of course our mail to him (and to Donalf Trump) could have been intercepted by the various traitors that so easily gain access to the upper ranks precisely because they have CIA, FBI, Freemason, Knights of Malta, and other forms of sponsorship.
The fact that the FBI broke down Epstein’s door is somewhat significant. It suggests that the old deal is off the table and our President may be about to begin a scorched earth campaign to drain the swamp. I pray this be so.
We do not lack for the knowledge of who all these evil people are. We lack — or have lacked up to today — the integrity to do our jobs and serve the public.
If President Donald Trump follows through on this — and then throws in 9/11 disclosure and an end to our support for Zionist Israel and its unregistered agents bribing and blackmailing everyone of consequence (AIPAC and ADL), then he will in all probability be re-elected in a landslide, at the same time that the Democrats lose the House and 27 states flusher their Governors and state legislators out for making it a felony to speak freely about the need to boycott Zionist genocidal apartheid criminal invented state Israel.
Whatever the President’s intent, American disgust over pedophilia, transgenderism, political correctness, legalizes lies, and foreign wars is now at “Peak Disgust.” Hear us, Mr. President — we want heads to roll — many heads.
Exclusive: @DeutscheBank had an extensive relationship with Jeffrey Epstein, lending him money and providing trading services — up until May 2019, when the bank cut him off.
Det er forståelig at Merkel skjelver som et aspeløv av omfanget av hele denne enorme saken.
Det er forståelig at Merkel skjelver som et aspeløv av omfanget av hele denne enorme saken.
Redigert 11.07.2019 kl 09:28
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Fox News is apparently incapable of asking Jeffrey Epstein’s lawyers about Jeffrey Epstein.
As The Daily Beast reported earlier this year, high-profile attorney Alan Dershowitz, who helped negotiate a secretive deal for the billionaire pedophile to avoid federal prosecution, has appeared on Fox News more than 70 times since news of that 2008 deal broke. Not once was he asked about Epstein or the plea deal a judge recently declared unconstitutional.
But Dershowitz isn’t the only member of Epstein’s legal team who has repeatedly gotten a pass from Fox News: famed prosecutor Kenneth Starr, who also helped negotiate the illegal Epstein deal, is a paid Fox News contributor who makes regular appearances across the network.
In the nearly nine months since the Miami Herald revealed that Epstein’s legal team pressured then-U.S. attorney Alexander Acosta (now Trump’s labor secretary) into accepting a shockingly lenient deal, Fox News has interviewed Starr at least 59 times. But not a single host at the network has asked Starr about Epstein, Dershowitz, or their involvement in negotiating the plea.
As The Daily Beast reported earlier this year, high-profile attorney Alan Dershowitz, who helped negotiate a secretive deal for the billionaire pedophile to avoid federal prosecution, has appeared on Fox News more than 70 times since news of that 2008 deal broke. Not once was he asked about Epstein or the plea deal a judge recently declared unconstitutional.
But Dershowitz isn’t the only member of Epstein’s legal team who has repeatedly gotten a pass from Fox News: famed prosecutor Kenneth Starr, who also helped negotiate the illegal Epstein deal, is a paid Fox News contributor who makes regular appearances across the network.
In the nearly nine months since the Miami Herald revealed that Epstein’s legal team pressured then-U.S. attorney Alexander Acosta (now Trump’s labor secretary) into accepting a shockingly lenient deal, Fox News has interviewed Starr at least 59 times. But not a single host at the network has asked Starr about Epstein, Dershowitz, or their involvement in negotiating the plea.
Clinton fløy til Norge med overgrepssiktet milliardær
Mangemilliardær Jeffrey Epstein, som er siktet for grov menneskehandel med blant annet mindreårige, hadde med Bill Clinton til Norge på sitt privatfly i november 2003. Den tidligere presidenten kom til Oslo for å promotere sin veldedige organisasjon, The Clinton Foundation.
Mangemilliardær Jeffrey Epstein, som er siktet for grov menneskehandel med blant annet mindreårige, hadde med Bill Clinton til Norge på sitt privatfly i november 2003. Den tidligere presidenten kom til Oslo for å promotere sin veldedige organisasjon, The Clinton Foundation.
Godfather Politics: - The Jeffery Epstein Story Is But The Tip Of The Iceberg.. That Rabbit Hole Will Morph Into A Vast Network Of Dens...
Hold On to Your Hat & Buckle Up!
Dear Reader, be warned that this article is going to take you down a deep rabbit hole you may not be able to fully extricate yourself from, once you go down it. Some of the discussion will be quite disturbing to many. Some revelations will be hard to swallow, and many readers may not be able to accept these revelations as true right away. Followers of Q are likely already familiar with much of the information contained in this article, but most have maintained silence on the matter; this is due to the following of reasons: 1) the subject matter is difficult to present without invoking a certain level of discomfort; and 2) much of this information will strain credulity with most people. However, now that Jeffrey Epstein has been arrested, the facts presented in this article will begin to appear in the news. This is a preview of news to come. The Epstein case will have the effect of a snowball rolling downhill, until it becomes a full-blown avalanche!
Q has claimed that once the Great Awakening has run its course, regarding the Satanic acts of members of Hollywood and DC elites, these Deep State criminals will no longer feel safe in public. “The streets will not be safe for them,” says Q. This is because their crimes are so heinous, so difficult to accept! The same may go for those in the fake news media who are complicit in protecting these evil people; the coming onslaught of documentation will show the fake news to be the “enemy of the people,” as Trump has said all along. So, proceed cautiously in the reading of this article. Do not click on links that warn of graphic descriptions, unless the choice to do so is made with eyes open to the possibility of feeling disturbed by the information you might encounter.
11.07.2019 kl 22:44
Pedo airlines til oslo for å hente penger , ja tipper de fikk nedlesset fly tilbake...
Epstein Begs Judge For House Arrest At $77 Million, 21K Sqft Mansion With 'Artificial Eyeball Wall'
Jeffrey Epstein's attorneys have informed Judge Richard M. Berman that their client wants out of his 100 sqft holding cell at the Metropolitan Correctional Center (MCC) in lower Manhattan he's been in since his arrest last Saturday at Teterboro airport.
Instead, the registered sex-offender and self-admitted pedophile would agree to house arrest at his palacial 21,000 sqft, $77 million 1930s Manhattan mansion where investigators found a cache of child porn.
Epstein will also agree to wear a GPS monitoring device, install surveillance cameras inside and out (as if he doesn't have any?), and deregister his cars and aircraft if released on bail "in an amount set by the court after reviewing additional information regarding Mr. Epstein's finances," according to the Daily Mail.
Epstein Sold 'Lolita Express' Weeks Before Arrest: Court Document
Det skjer jo noe:
Acosta går av som arbeidsminister
R. Kelly pågrepet for menneskehandel
Former Clinton State Department Official Sentenced For Up To 40 Months In Prison For Conspiring With Chinese Agents
Acosta går av som arbeidsminister
R. Kelly pågrepet for menneskehandel
Former Clinton State Department Official Sentenced For Up To 40 Months In Prison For Conspiring With Chinese Agents
"Acosta går av som arbeidsminister"
Som spådd, og Trump fortsetter å forsvare han etter at han sa opp.
“I do not think it is right or fair to have me as the focus,” Acosta said, standing at Trump’s side, adding, “I thought the right thing was to step aside.”
The president, still showing his support, told reporters, “I said you don’t have to do this.”
Når vil FOX begynne å stille sine faste gjester, Kenneth Starr og Derhowitz, kritiske spørsmål om deres involvering i saken?
Som spådd, og Trump fortsetter å forsvare han etter at han sa opp.
“I do not think it is right or fair to have me as the focus,” Acosta said, standing at Trump’s side, adding, “I thought the right thing was to step aside.”
The president, still showing his support, told reporters, “I said you don’t have to do this.”
Når vil FOX begynne å stille sine faste gjester, Kenneth Starr og Derhowitz, kritiske spørsmål om deres involvering i saken?
Oh dear, pigeons all coming home to roost!
DailyMail skriver i dag om prins Andrew.
Prins Andrew har litt å slekte på.
Dronning Elisabeth og prins Philip har også en interessant forhistorie.
Som Diana sa: "They're not human".
Dronning Elisabeth og prins Philip har også en interessant forhistorie.
Som Diana sa: "They're not human".
BOOM!! President Trump to Press: "I didn't go to Epstein's island, but you need to find out who did"
If you don't want to watch the whole thing, you can hear him tell the press to start looking into who went to Epstein's island starting at 11:46.
« I have studied the flight logs....was actually surprised how few TIST flights there were comparatively. One of the most interesting bits was the flights of Epstein / Clinton / Spacy to "africa" kek really Morocco and Tangiers, followed by a flight to Indonesia...then back to the ranch. Epstein was alone on the flights to the ranch after returning from Indonesia etc...with FEMALES (no names) that went to the Ranch.
That's where the bodies are. Not saying the Island is inconsequential, but noting how ENTY (crazy days and nights blog) has gone bat out of hell posting about Epstein this past week, I am remembering his RANCH blinds over the years, and my guess is that is Zorro Ranch and that's where the bodies are. Basically the island was too public..anyone can fly a drone over, pull up in a boat, spy on comings and goings very easily...records from the airports / customs (boats have to register there upon arrival with passenger lists, just like private planes)..the Ranch would have been far more seclude and difficult to spy on, plus there would be no records of comings and goings, especially domestically. There is a small air strip and helio pad. Finding out who went there is going to be next to impossible.
That is why so much (((attention))) is being aimed at the island by certain (((FACTIONS))) they really do not want people talking about the NY house or the ranch. Also there is a massive effort to try to get people to forget the flight logs and focus on the black book...and I have not seen ONE person talking about where the plane traveled by using the airport codes. There seems to be an assumption being pushed that the plane only flew to the Island.
Wonder why that is?»
That's where the bodies are. Not saying the Island is inconsequential, but noting how ENTY (crazy days and nights blog) has gone bat out of hell posting about Epstein this past week, I am remembering his RANCH blinds over the years, and my guess is that is Zorro Ranch and that's where the bodies are. Basically the island was too public..anyone can fly a drone over, pull up in a boat, spy on comings and goings very easily...records from the airports / customs (boats have to register there upon arrival with passenger lists, just like private planes)..the Ranch would have been far more seclude and difficult to spy on, plus there would be no records of comings and goings, especially domestically. There is a small air strip and helio pad. Finding out who went there is going to be next to impossible.
That is why so much (((attention))) is being aimed at the island by certain (((FACTIONS))) they really do not want people talking about the NY house or the ranch. Also there is a massive effort to try to get people to forget the flight logs and focus on the black book...and I have not seen ONE person talking about where the plane traveled by using the airport codes. There seems to be an assumption being pushed that the plane only flew to the Island.
Wonder why that is?»
« - I thought Qanon was a hoax. I was asleep. I'm just now starting to wake up after the Epstein news came out.»
Dybden på dette kaninhullet er uendelig....
Jeffrey Epstein and Mad Scientists
Jeffrey Epstein and Mad Scientists
Papa kills babies - Secret UK Pedophile ring is being exposed
Sensuren vokser:
It´s true! If I use a proxy server from the UK I can´t view the video. In Germany however I can! WTF. Censorship, YOUTUBE exposed!!
For 1 dag siden
Germany is also under heavy censorship. Wonder I long will this video be up...
For 1 dag siden
I'm using a VPN right now. Apparently if I try to watch from the UK, the government has blocked it in our country. Crazy shit
For 1 dag siden
Thank God that the Patriots are in control all around the world. Give it time, Europe...its coming soon. Q is a world wide operation. WWG1WGA
For 1 dag siden
They brought the children into a child protection agency and heard what they had to say. They ruled that the children were lying and their mother was filling their head with lies. The children were split up and put in foster type homes. Those who were exposing this evil found where the little girl was but could not locate the little boy, this was a couple years back. The UK judicial system; Judges, lawyers, police, child advocates as well as their equivalent to our child protection agencies are involved in this evil. Their Father is deeply involved. The people you are suppose to trust, like their father, school head mistress, teachers, social workers and those I mentioned above, are the very ones involved in this Satanic Abomination. It was following this case that tore my heart apart and grieved my soul immensely!
For 1 dag siden
Hampstead: Leaked Medical Reports End All Doubt About Sexual Abuse Claims
Sensuren vokser:
It´s true! If I use a proxy server from the UK I can´t view the video. In Germany however I can! WTF. Censorship, YOUTUBE exposed!!
For 1 dag siden
Germany is also under heavy censorship. Wonder I long will this video be up...
For 1 dag siden
I'm using a VPN right now. Apparently if I try to watch from the UK, the government has blocked it in our country. Crazy shit
For 1 dag siden
Thank God that the Patriots are in control all around the world. Give it time, Europe...its coming soon. Q is a world wide operation. WWG1WGA
For 1 dag siden
They brought the children into a child protection agency and heard what they had to say. They ruled that the children were lying and their mother was filling their head with lies. The children were split up and put in foster type homes. Those who were exposing this evil found where the little girl was but could not locate the little boy, this was a couple years back. The UK judicial system; Judges, lawyers, police, child advocates as well as their equivalent to our child protection agencies are involved in this evil. Their Father is deeply involved. The people you are suppose to trust, like their father, school head mistress, teachers, social workers and those I mentioned above, are the very ones involved in this Satanic Abomination. It was following this case that tore my heart apart and grieved my soul immensely!
For 1 dag siden
Hampstead: Leaked Medical Reports End All Doubt About Sexual Abuse Claims
Redigert 14.07.2019 kl 09:47
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14.07.2019 kl 19:00
Her et bilde av tidligere statsminister i Israel Ehud Barak på vei inn til Epsteins leilighet i 2016, knipset av Daily Mail (foto nede i artikkelen). Barak var også general samt tidligere øverste sjef for Israels væpnede styrker! På vei inn til en dømt sex forbryter..
Også 'eventyr', Jabba?
Også 'eventyr', Jabba?
Hvordan få vekk fokuset fra Epstein og Q?
Prøv med at Area 51 vil bli stormet.
Vatican mystery deepens over 15-year-old girl missing since 1983; bones found
The mystery of the decades-old disappearance of the daughter of a Vatican employee took yet another twist with the discovery of two sets of bones under a stone manhole.
FBI Blacks Out New York City During Raid On Clinton Office As Democrat Party Child Sex Empire Crumbles
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
A bombshell new Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that the massive power blackout striking New York City a few hours ago, which left the famous Broadway road in Manhattan without power, was, in fact, caused by a covert operation conducted by elite FBI commandos belonging to their Critical Incident Response Group (CIRG) exploring tunnels located under a building at 1633 Broadway—a building that houses the offices of the Clinton Foundation—three of whose top child sex predator Democrat Party mega-donors, Jeffrey Epstein, Terry Bean and Ed Buck, who constitute what’s now being called “The Democratic Donors' Sex-Creep Club”, are being targeted for destruction by President Donald Trump. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
A bombshell new Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that the massive power blackout striking New York City a few hours ago, which left the famous Broadway road in Manhattan without power, was, in fact, caused by a covert operation conducted by elite FBI commandos belonging to their Critical Incident Response Group (CIRG) exploring tunnels located under a building at 1633 Broadway—a building that houses the offices of the Clinton Foundation—three of whose top child sex predator Democrat Party mega-donors, Jeffrey Epstein, Terry Bean and Ed Buck, who constitute what’s now being called “The Democratic Donors' Sex-Creep Club”, are being targeted for destruction by President Donald Trump. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]
EXCLUSIVE: Married Israeli politician Ehud Barak is seen hiding his face entering Jeffrey Epstein's NYC townhouse as bevy of young beauties were also spotted going into mansion - despite his claim he NEVER socialized with the pedophile and his girls.