Termination of share purchase agreement..
13/04-2018 17:53:10: (BERGEN) Bergen Group ASA: termination of share purchase agreement with VITEK AS
Reference is made to a stock exchange announcement disclosed 28 February 2018,
informing about Bergen Group ASA (Buyer) and Tertnes Holding (Seller) having
entered into a Share Purchase Agreement (SPA) for the acquisition of the company
Vitek AS and its wholly-owned subsidiary Vitek Miljø AS.
The parties have not reached the necessary agreement on elements deemed
necessary in order to finalize a transaction acceptable for both parties. It is
therefore decided to terminate the SPA.
CEO Torgeir Nærø in Bergen Group ASA regrets that the parties failed to achieve
the goal of a transaction.
"Bergen Group recognizes VITEK as a company with a strong position in a
future-oriented market with large potential for further profitable growth. We
still see potential synergies that may be relevant for market based
collaboration, "says Nærø.
Bergen Group ASA is a Norwegian industrial group based in western part of
Norway, and a well-established supplier of products and services to the areas of
Energy & Industry, Maritime, Defense and Access Technology. The Group has
adopted a dedicated growth strategy comprising both organic and structural
measures. Currently, the Group is in process of expanding its footprint in the
aquaculture activities. As a part of this, the Group recently entered into a
sale purchase agreement with Backe Bergen AS about acquisition of integrated
feed barge production and dry dock capacity located at Stamsneset at
Grimstadfjorden in Bergen. For further information: www.newsweb.no and
CEO Torgeir Nærø, Bergen Group ASA, telephone +47 47 922 00 778
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 19:32
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For en gjeng amatører som sitter i ledelsen i bergen. Det er nesten så jeg skjems.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 19:32
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15.04.2018 kl 22:23
Godt man er ute av denne elendigheten og komt seg inn i noe mer spennende..
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 19:32
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16.04.2018 kl 08:23
Da er det ingen utvanning og rett opp igjen.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 19:32
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Syns det er greit at man kutter ut handelen når ting prises ut av rammene man hadde. Man skal ikke på død å liv vokse. Olje næringen vokser videre, samme med vindmølleparkene der ute i havgapet. Kontrakten med ferjeselskapet har begynt å rulle, og ny dokk med omsetning er anskaffet.
Ting ruller videre.
Ting ruller videre.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 19:32
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