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GENT 15.12.2019 kl 21:23 3910

Den nye biotek vinneren?
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 17:48 Du må logge inn for å svare
16.12.2019 kl 08:39 3800

Begrunnelsen: Gent har et vanvittig potensial og er fullfinansiert, De utvikler og selger ulike diagnostiske tester, GCAL- testen er ferdig utviklet og kan bli en utrolig joker,
16.12.2019 kl 08:46 3770

Jeg har 15000 aksjer der :)
16.12.2019 kl 09:45 3732

Det hjalp visst ikke stort. Litt ned i dag.
17.12.2019 kl 09:16 3609

Det blir spennede med Gentian, la oss håpe det blir litt fart i aksjen.
Stig Myrset skrev følgende i Finansavisen og på sin egen Fb profil sitat;

« Ny biotech-vinner?
Biotech er kanskje børsens mest populære bransje akkurat nå, og dette gjør det lettere for Gentian Diagnostics å bli oppdaget. Selskapet har et vanvittig potensial og er fullfinansiert.
Gentian utvikler og selger ulike diagnostiske tester. GCAL-testen er ferdig utviklet og kan bli en utrolig joker. Denne markøren har potensial til å erstatte CRP selv om det vil ta tid å utvikle et nytt marked. Hovedproduktet under utvikling er proBNP, verdens største diagnostikk-markør målt i kroner, og der vet vi at det ikke lengre er teknologirisiko.
• Okeanis
• Infront
• Crayon
• Seabird*
• Komplett Bank
• Gentian
Inn: Gentian
Ut: Vistin»
Gull i pungen
20.12.2019 kl 15:05 3460

Gentian Diagnostics AS – Primary insider notification

(Oslo, Norway, December 19, 2019) A closely related party to Runar Vatne, which is a Board Member and primary insider of Gentian Diagnostics AS, has today bought 2,000 shares in Gentian Diagnostics AS at price of NOK 54.926 per share.

Following the share purchase, Runar Vatne and closely related parties indirectly hold 2,232,224 shares in Gentian Diagnostics AS, corresponding to 14.5% of the outstanding shares.
Slettet bruker
20.12.2019 kl 16:51 3415

Ser ut at selgersiden trekker stigen oppover,her er det ikke mange aksjer til salgs.TRANGT.
21.12.2019 kl 11:11 3328

Gentian has been granted a funding of 14M NOK for the project “Development of a rapid, affordable, high-throughput cardiac test” from the Research Council of Norway.
Slettet bruker
21.12.2019 kl 23:52 3203

Er det noen som vet om GENT har en plan om å pelle seg over til Oslo Axess eller Oslo Børs..?
Gull i pungen
23.12.2019 kl 11:21 3010

– Merkur fungerer bra for vår del med tanke på å hente inn kapital, sier Gentians finansdirektør Njaal Kind til E24.

Kind holder kortene tett til brystet når E24 spør om fremtidige noteringer. «Ethvert selskap vurderer noteringen sin til enhver tid,» sier han.

– Gentian kunne vel notert seg på større børser hvis vi ville, sier Kind.

– Vi har en spredning blant investorer som tilfredsstiller kravene. Vi kunne altså omdannet selskapet til et ASA, men ville samtidig fått en større administrativ byrde på et mer formelt, regulert marked. Som et lite selskap, som definitivt har fremtiden foran oss, gir det mening med en litt enklere livsstil for å holde kostnadene nede. Mer konkret enn det kan jeg ikke være.
Slettet bruker
23.12.2019 kl 12:03 2988

Ok ok, takk..:-)
Slettet bruker
23.12.2019 kl 13:18 2944

Gentian D fra 47 til 64!!! hønsa i MOSS,fabian2,trangt i porten
04.02.2020 kl 15:51 2613

Skulle tro Gcal vil være en svært interessant test for Corona, dvs skille virus sykdom og ordinær bakteriell infeksjon raskere/bedre enn eksisterende tester.... Markedspotensial enormt
Crash Bandikot
27.03.2020 kl 09:09 2371

Calprotectin, a promising biomarker for prediction of severe events in sepsis
Moss 27.03.2019

Gentian Diagnostics AS is pleased to announce that the results from a study conducted in collaboration with Karolinska University Hospital are published in Critical Care 2020, Meeting Abstracts from the 40th International Symposium on Intensive Care & Emergency Medicine. The results indicate that calprotectin in plasma is a useful biomarker in prediction of severe events in septic patients and with better performance than other conventional biomarkers.

Prediction of severe events in clinical sepsis is challenging and of great importance for correct treatment and care for the affected patients. The aim of the study was to investigate performance of calprotectin in prediction of early severe events in septic patients and to compare it to the performance of the routine biomarkers, procalcitonin and C-reactive protein (CRP) The study was performed in patients with suspected sepsis at Emergency Department at Karolinska University Hospital.

In the prospective study, blood samples were collected from consecutive patients who triggered a sepsis alert in the emergency department at Karolinska Hospital Huddinge. CRP, procalcitonin, neutrophils, and lymphocytes were analysed according to routine practice. Calprotectin was analysed using a specific particle enhanced turbidimetric assay (GCAL®, Gentian Diagnostics AS). The composite endpoint, which was termed a severe event, was defined as death, admission to the intensive care unit (ICU) or high dependency unit (HDU) within 48 hours from arrival.
The study included 367 patients with written informed consent, of whom 335 were considered to have an infection (defined as an obtained blood culture and subsequent antibiotic therapy for at least 4 days or until discharge or death), and 32 had no infection. 74 patients (22%) with infection developed a severe event.

Analysis of the area under the receiver-operating characteristic (ROC) curve for prediction of severe events showed superiority for p-calprotectin, compared with procalcitonin and neutrophil-lymphocyte-ratio, both regarding all sepsis alert cases and regarding the patients with an infection. In addition, there was a trend toward superior performance compared to CRP.

Results from this study show that in patients with sepsis, the level of p-calprotectin was significantly higher in those who subsequently developed severe events. P-calprotectin was superior to traditional biomarkers for prediction of severe events in clinical sepsis.

For further information, please contact:

Hilja Ibert

CEO, Gentian Diagnostics


Cell Phone: +47 919 05 242

Njaal Kind

CFO, Gentian Diagnostics


Cell Phone. +47 919 06 525
21.04.2020 kl 19:44 2216

Stig Myrseth var intervjuet på Hegnar nyhetene kl 15:30 i dag. Han har tro på Gentian.