APCL - suggesting a deal may be in the offing - APCL
Senegal sets out on path towards new bid round
Country prepares a foundation that could lead to licensing offer before proposed legislative reforms
Barry Morgan
2 Aug 2018 22:00
Senegal may be preparing the ground for a licensing exercise before the passage of proposed legislative reforms, despite ongoing controversy over whether commitments have been met on several licences and litigation directly affecting the flagship SNE development.
A comprehensive list of active titles to licences onshore and off Senegal, valid as of 31 December last year, has surfaced on Senegal’s Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) website, indicating Total’s controversial acquisition of the Rufisque Deep and its reconnaissance deal for the ultra-deep.
Perhaps more importantly, the list deletes Tender Oil & Gas, owned by jailed Romanian magnate Ovidiu Tender, from title claimed for the Saloum and the Casamance onshore permits.
The publication follows hard on the heels of a map released by Senegal’s EITI that confirmed the deletion of Elenilto claims to the Casamance shallow waters, as well as onshore claims by T5 Oil & Gas and Nigeria’s A-Z Petroleum to Palaeozoic basin blocks Louga and Djourbel, respectively.
T5, which is currently seeking a dual flotation in Dublin and London, appears to still claim a 90% operating stake in the Louga basin, ratified six years ago, telling shareholders it has agreed and expects to secure a new production sharing contract on similar terms to the original.
This is despite state-owned Petrosen confirming to Upstream last week that the licence has been revoked “for failure to comply with drilling commitments”.
T5 did not respond to requests for comment. The smaller players are loath to walk away as potential farm-in partners have been lined up and the respective joint operating agreements allow for the right to negotiate.
Upstream understands from one senior executive that Elenilto has “restarted talks to allow it to resume exploration of Senegal South Shallows rather than litigate as others have done”.
The list also restores African Petroleum’s title to the Casamance Deep, suggesting a deal may be in the offing over the Oslo-listed explorer’s decision to reserve its rights over the deep-water Rufisque acreage. Both licences are currently in arbitration.
Neither is Australia’s Far Ltd backing down on its claim to rights of first refusal to the 35% equity held by ConocoPhillips in the Rufisque-Sangomar-Sangomar Deep (RSSD) block hosting the SNE field, now targeting a final investment decision in mid-2019 and first oil between 2021 and 2023, according to Far’s second-quarter results this week.
Partners until recently had predicted the final investment decision on SNE, today still operated by Cairn Energy, would be taken before the end of the year.
However, co-venturer Woodside Petroleum needs to be sure of title before its board approves a $2 billion deep-water development.
The International Chamber of Commerce arbitration initiated by Far in June last year to seek pre-emptive rights to the purported sale of equity to Woodside now requires parties to settle terms of reference and co-ordinate procedural documents.
“The procedural timetable is being finalised (and) indications are that a final hearing in the arbitration is unlikely to occur before the second half of 2019,” according to Far.
Farther north, border issues have held up the BP and Kosmos Energy-operated Greater Tortue gas development as both Senegal and Mauritania ratchet up their power play. However, BP signalled progress this week following meetings between the company and the governments of both countries.
Meanwhile, the country manager of one regionally active operator told Upstream that Shell’s decision last month to help Chariot Oil & Gas out of financially troubled waters on Mauritanian Block C19 “offers an object lesson in how a sovereign can move things along without undue upset”.
Meanwhile, international arbitration expert Betto Seraglini has been called in to support African Petroleum in Senegal, while President Macky Sall this summer hosted China’s President Xi Jinping and separately Eni chief executive Claudio Descalzi. He also visited Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow to discuss oil and gas development.
Sall has promised a draft petroleum code by September, around the time that TGS and GeoPartners aim to deliver interpretation of seismic shot back in March, but that leaves little time for parliamentary debate before presidential elections in February.
Country prepares a foundation that could lead to licensing offer before proposed legislative reforms
Barry Morgan
2 Aug 2018 22:00
Senegal may be preparing the ground for a licensing exercise before the passage of proposed legislative reforms, despite ongoing controversy over whether commitments have been met on several licences and litigation directly affecting the flagship SNE development.
A comprehensive list of active titles to licences onshore and off Senegal, valid as of 31 December last year, has surfaced on Senegal’s Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) website, indicating Total’s controversial acquisition of the Rufisque Deep and its reconnaissance deal for the ultra-deep.
Perhaps more importantly, the list deletes Tender Oil & Gas, owned by jailed Romanian magnate Ovidiu Tender, from title claimed for the Saloum and the Casamance onshore permits.
The publication follows hard on the heels of a map released by Senegal’s EITI that confirmed the deletion of Elenilto claims to the Casamance shallow waters, as well as onshore claims by T5 Oil & Gas and Nigeria’s A-Z Petroleum to Palaeozoic basin blocks Louga and Djourbel, respectively.
T5, which is currently seeking a dual flotation in Dublin and London, appears to still claim a 90% operating stake in the Louga basin, ratified six years ago, telling shareholders it has agreed and expects to secure a new production sharing contract on similar terms to the original.
This is despite state-owned Petrosen confirming to Upstream last week that the licence has been revoked “for failure to comply with drilling commitments”.
T5 did not respond to requests for comment. The smaller players are loath to walk away as potential farm-in partners have been lined up and the respective joint operating agreements allow for the right to negotiate.
Upstream understands from one senior executive that Elenilto has “restarted talks to allow it to resume exploration of Senegal South Shallows rather than litigate as others have done”.
The list also restores African Petroleum’s title to the Casamance Deep, suggesting a deal may be in the offing over the Oslo-listed explorer’s decision to reserve its rights over the deep-water Rufisque acreage. Both licences are currently in arbitration.
Neither is Australia’s Far Ltd backing down on its claim to rights of first refusal to the 35% equity held by ConocoPhillips in the Rufisque-Sangomar-Sangomar Deep (RSSD) block hosting the SNE field, now targeting a final investment decision in mid-2019 and first oil between 2021 and 2023, according to Far’s second-quarter results this week.
Partners until recently had predicted the final investment decision on SNE, today still operated by Cairn Energy, would be taken before the end of the year.
However, co-venturer Woodside Petroleum needs to be sure of title before its board approves a $2 billion deep-water development.
The International Chamber of Commerce arbitration initiated by Far in June last year to seek pre-emptive rights to the purported sale of equity to Woodside now requires parties to settle terms of reference and co-ordinate procedural documents.
“The procedural timetable is being finalised (and) indications are that a final hearing in the arbitration is unlikely to occur before the second half of 2019,” according to Far.
Farther north, border issues have held up the BP and Kosmos Energy-operated Greater Tortue gas development as both Senegal and Mauritania ratchet up their power play. However, BP signalled progress this week following meetings between the company and the governments of both countries.
Meanwhile, the country manager of one regionally active operator told Upstream that Shell’s decision last month to help Chariot Oil & Gas out of financially troubled waters on Mauritanian Block C19 “offers an object lesson in how a sovereign can move things along without undue upset”.
Meanwhile, international arbitration expert Betto Seraglini has been called in to support African Petroleum in Senegal, while President Macky Sall this summer hosted China’s President Xi Jinping and separately Eni chief executive Claudio Descalzi. He also visited Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow to discuss oil and gas development.
Sall has promised a draft petroleum code by September, around the time that TGS and GeoPartners aim to deliver interpretation of seismic shot back in March, but that leaves little time for parliamentary debate before presidential elections in February.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 09:30
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13.08.2018 kl 22:46
det du sier henger jo ikke helt sammen. Den eneste måten Total kan vite dette på, og forsikre Petronas at de beholder sine 90% på ROP, er om Senegal allerede har godtatt en deal med APCL, og at voldgiften droppes. Da ville APCL ha meldt det.
Det gir ingen mening i at Petronas melder om en farmout med Total, om det avhenger av en enighet mellom APCL og Senegal som ennå ikke har skjedd. Jeg sier jo ikke at det ikke kan skje, men rekkefølgen her blir jo feil.
EDIT Det kunne jo ha vært en farmout betinget av at APCL og Senegal og/eller Total kommer til enighet og voldgiften droppes, men da hadde Petronas sikkert sagt dette i pressemeldingen.
EDIT2 Den eneste grunnen til at voldgiftsretten ville stoppe Total fra å bore på ROP, er om APCL går til en emergency arbitration om akkurat det inntil utfallet av voldgiftssaken er avgjort og at de vinner den saken (og at Senegal faktisk bøyer seg for det, men det er en helt annen sak). Voldgiftsretten vil ikke ta stilling til om Total kan bore eller ikke, dersom APCL ikke ber dem om å se på dette (som en ny, hurtigbehandlet sak).
det du sier henger jo ikke helt sammen. Den eneste måten Total kan vite dette på, og forsikre Petronas at de beholder sine 90% på ROP, er om Senegal allerede har godtatt en deal med APCL, og at voldgiften droppes. Da ville APCL ha meldt det.
Det gir ingen mening i at Petronas melder om en farmout med Total, om det avhenger av en enighet mellom APCL og Senegal som ennå ikke har skjedd. Jeg sier jo ikke at det ikke kan skje, men rekkefølgen her blir jo feil.
EDIT Det kunne jo ha vært en farmout betinget av at APCL og Senegal og/eller Total kommer til enighet og voldgiften droppes, men da hadde Petronas sikkert sagt dette i pressemeldingen.
EDIT2 Den eneste grunnen til at voldgiftsretten ville stoppe Total fra å bore på ROP, er om APCL går til en emergency arbitration om akkurat det inntil utfallet av voldgiftssaken er avgjort og at de vinner den saken (og at Senegal faktisk bøyer seg for det, men det er en helt annen sak). Voldgiftsretten vil ikke ta stilling til om Total kan bore eller ikke, dersom APCL ikke ber dem om å se på dette (som en ny, hurtigbehandlet sak).
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 00:50
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13.08.2018 kl 23:08
Meldning kommer når deal er signed - ikke för...
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 00:50
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13.08.2018 kl 23:12
"det du sier henger jo ikke helt sammen. Den eneste måten Total kan vite dette på, og forsikre Petronas at de beholder sine 90% på ROP, er om Senegal allerede har godtatt en deal med APCL, og at voldgiften droppes. Da ville APCL ha meldt det. "
Har ikke sagt at Senegal ALLEREDE har godtatt en deal med apcl og at voldgiften droppes:)Men det kan fort bli en realitet nå.Det er vel VELDIG sannsynlig at TOTAL har en viss kommunikasjon med Senegal om denne saken.Og de har nok garantert fått innblikk i hvilken retning Senegal vil ta i denne saken,noe annet ville vært rart,Så TOTAL har nok en del info om hvordan ståa er:)
Eller hva tror du?Vi snakker Afrika her,TOTAL har garantert innflytelse
Har ikke sagt at Senegal ALLEREDE har godtatt en deal med apcl og at voldgiften droppes:)Men det kan fort bli en realitet nå.Det er vel VELDIG sannsynlig at TOTAL har en viss kommunikasjon med Senegal om denne saken.Og de har nok garantert fått innblikk i hvilken retning Senegal vil ta i denne saken,noe annet ville vært rart,Så TOTAL har nok en del info om hvordan ståa er:)
Eller hva tror du?Vi snakker Afrika her,TOTAL har garantert innflytelse
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 00:50
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13.08.2018 kl 23:13
Turbon skrev Meldning kommer når deal er signed - ikke för...
Ja her vil de nok ikke melde noe før de har alt klart.
Er vell størst sannsynlighet for ett forlik. Men hvor bra det blir er en annen sak..
Er vell størst sannsynlighet for ett forlik. Men hvor bra det blir er en annen sak..
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 00:50
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13.08.2018 kl 23:14
@thief: Absolut!
@Hostesaft: Vent og se med eller utan aksjer.
@Hostesaft: Vent og se med eller utan aksjer.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 00:50
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Helt enig med deg @fremogtilbake. Det eneste scenarioet jeg kan se for meg at thief sin teori stemmer er dersom APCL har fått SOSP og forhandler om å få over 5% men under 10% av ROP i forhandlingene. Da vet Senegal at i et "worst case scenario" vil Petrosen måtte gi ifra seg hele sin andel til APCL, noe de kan leve med (worst case). Deretter har Petrosen rett under original PSC til å øke eierskap med 10 nye prosenter. Da legger jeg BM sin artikkel som grunnlag til spekulasjonene mine, men: dette er kun synsing
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 00:50
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13.08.2018 kl 23:29
Tenker meg mer at det blir en pengetransaktion dersom det er udesluket at nåen taper ansikte i case.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 00:50
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13.08.2018 kl 23:36
Tuja, vi får se, jeg har aksjer med snitt 1,04 ,men ikke så mange denne gangen. Formasjonen ser for meg ut som at vi skal en runde ned til som nevnt tidligere.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 00:50
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13.08.2018 kl 23:58
Jeg venter med aksjer. Min mening er at aksjen ligger brakk og ett hvert forlik vil bli tolket som positivt.iforhold til dagens kurs men vi får bare vente å se
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 00:50
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Så spennende dager en er inne i. Melding vedr rettsprosessen med Gambia må nå være rett rundt hjørnet? Og Senegal kan dunke inn positivt nytt «når som helst»
Tror aksjonærene i APCL vil få sin belønning mangfoldig i løpet av maks 1-2 mnd.
Tror aksjonærene i APCL vil få sin belønning mangfoldig i løpet av maks 1-2 mnd.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 00:50
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15.08.2018 kl 12:40
Hvor lenge har du trodd det?
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 00:50
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15.08.2018 kl 15:26
Litt på siden, men Woodside har nå i dag sagt at Fan South (som man håpet ble til Alhamdullillah i A1 på Gambisk side) ikke ga de resultatene de håpet (da hadde de også presentert FS-1 på en helt anneN måte enn de har gjort). Det vil nok med andre ord bety at Alhamdulillah prospektet kan glemmes, og er kanskje grunnen til at Cairn trakk seg fra HoT med APCL (rent bortsett fra at det kan jo også ha vært lisensproblemene)
Fra Peter Coleman, CEO for Woodside; You may recall we made the discovery and then we drilled a well quite some distance south of FAN. That well was unsuccessful, but it did not delineate or appraise the FAN discovery itself.
Fra Peter Coleman, CEO for Woodside; You may recall we made the discovery and then we drilled a well quite some distance south of FAN. That well was unsuccessful, but it did not delineate or appraise the FAN discovery itself.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 00:50
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