Hegnar Qline

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Q 20.08.2018 kl 09:05 13788

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 380986 No.2674220
Aug 19 2018 23:16:39 (EST)
Anonymous ID: 3d03ff No.2674099
Aug 19 2018 23:05:47 (EST)

Jeff Sessions ‏@AGJefffSessions
#DrainTheSwamp #AmericaFirst @POTUS 1/2
23:47 - 17. aug. 2018

(Sessions tweet med video 1:38 min, link i Q-drop, NB! hashtags Session bruker!) ???
Redigert 20.08.2018 kl 21:39 Du må logge inn for å svare
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23.08.2018 kl 21:25 3257

Stormy er en del av planen. Trust it. Q kan kjøre loop de loop med et ubemannet fly, selvsagt lar han ikke Trump besudle en frisk pornoskuespillerinne uten at han har en plan for det.
Redigert 23.08.2018 kl 21:26 Du må logge inn for å svare
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24.08.2018 kl 00:03 3207

(Video) Tuesday was a lucky day for Imran Awan, the former IT administrator for Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, D-Fla. A federal judge sentenced him to three months of supervised release and no fine for one count of bank fraud – sparing him any jail time.

Awan could have faced much more serious charges and a long prison sentence if he had been tried and convicted on accusations that he ran a spy ring inside Congress and stole congressional computer equipment. Yet stunningly, Awan was not charged with those crimes. Instead, federal prosecutors ignored their own compelling evidence implicating him in the spy ring and exonerated him.

This is what happens when the establishment and the mainstream media collude to cover up a Democratic scandal.

Awan, who pleaded guilty last month to a single charge of making a false statement to obtain a home equity loan, could have been sentenced to up to six months in jail on that plea at his sentencing Tuesday.

Just read the FBI affidavit used to indict Awan and you’ll plainly see that even a prosecutor working on his or her first case wouldn’t have had any trouble getting a conviction for bank fraud against him. However, the Justice Department opted to plea the charges against Awan down to one count of making a false statement on a home equity loan application – a crime that that allowed Awan to wire $283,000 to Pakistan.

In return for that sweetheart plea deal, the Justice Department got a cover-up.

The more than 40 members of the US. House of Representatives – all Democrats – who employed Awan and members of his family and associates to handle IT work now won’t have to explain anything in court. Their staffers – even the ones in offices where so much official equipment went missing, including some that showed up in one of Awan’s rental properties – won’t have to testify either.

Now no one will have to explain why Awan and his crew were paid over $4 million by those members of Congress and why so much has been done to hush this up.

Slettet bruker
24.08.2018 kl 11:01 3159

Don't let impatience and fear eat into your motivation when MSM is rigged to do just that - Trust The Plan - Trust in God!

Lori Colley 23. aug. 2018 - Q Review: God Wins! Plus 6 Reasons Trump won't be Impeached - 26 min:


Six reasons Trump will not be impeached, plus a powerful testimony by millennial Chelsea Brown. I'll also outline the enemy's strategy of fear, impatience and resignation. This is no time to give in, it's time to occupy until we have victory!
Slettet bruker
24.08.2018 kl 11:10 3154

Clue (eller qlue som vi sier):

Mueller cannot drop the Trump investigation and continue to gather information on the deep state, that would be illegal.
Sessions is being helped by 470 federal judges with Access to everything that is gathered. These men are very busy!
Slettet bruker
24.08.2018 kl 12:57 3139

11:10 - Blessed To Teach forklarer dette i detalj - venstresiden MÅ tro at Mueller og Sessions er imot Trump for å godta arbeidet deres når DS skal tas ned gjennom rettsavgjørelser. Must see:

Slettet bruker
24.08.2018 kl 13:40 3126

August 23, 2018 by Neon Revolt

Just a quick preface before we begin: What follows is often disjointed, and I do get very frustrated at one point – but I think there are some really important nuggets here, and there is a lot of intrigue – so as always, I will do my best to present my best understanding to you now.

This is often tough stuff we’re dealing with here: Satanic Ritual abuse, human trafficking, human sacrifice, cannibalism, etc. Last delay was compounded by how much original research I had to compile here to make sense of these very cryptic drops. I’ve got stuff here you literally won’t read anywhere else, because no one else has dug up what I have. With that in mind, get ready, because we’re about to go deep:

The background to all of this, the event that prompted SkullAndBonesAnon to start his drops, was the moving of 1 ton, bronze Baphomet Statue to Little Rock, Arkansas: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2018/08/17/satanic-temple-brings-baphomet-statue-to-arkansas-for-rally.html
"LITTLE ROCK, Ark. – The Satanic Temple temporarily placed a bronze statue of a goat-headed, winged creature called Baphomet at the Arkansas State Capitol during a rally to call for the removal of a Ten Commandments monument already mounted on Capitol grounds.
About 150 Satanists, atheists and Christians attended the First Amendment rally Thursday. The Satanic Temple says the Ten Commandments monument violates constitutional freedom of religion rights and that the installation of their 7 ½-foot-tall (2.3-meter-tall) statue showing the 14th century idol seated and accompanied by smiling children would demonstrate religious tolerance."

SKBAnon is hard to follow – especially as these are subject in which I am not as well versed as others… but I’ll try to organize what I can glean from the above posts.
- There’s a Skull & Bones Affiliated organization that is being exposed. (Possibly related to that DOJ plane the other day?)
- This S&B Organization is connected to the Clinton Foundation in some way.
- It runs as a non-profit.
- Moving the Baphomet statue there is a distraction to direct attention away from what is happening to this organization right now.
- And Mena (Arkansas) shutting down.

SKBAnon’s main contention is that this area around Little Rock is a major hub for Cabal-affiliated activity, and one group in particular is in the process of being exposed.


"Few reporters covering Clinton in the 1992 campaign missed hearing at least something about Mena. But it was obviously a serious and demanding subject - the specter of vast drug smuggling with C.l.A. involvement - and none of the major media pursued it."

Barry Seal – gunrunner, drug trafficker, and covert C.I.A. operative extraordinaire – is hardly a familiar name in American politics. But nine years after he was murdered in a hail of bullets by Medellin cartel hit men outside a Salvation Army shelter in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, he has come back to haunt the reputations of three American presidents.

SKBAnon confirms, at the very least, that this organization he’s describing is involved in human trafficking, and gives what looks like a trafficking route

Slettet bruker
24.08.2018 kl 13:53 3116

Skull & bones er old school konspiranoia.
Slettet bruker
24.08.2018 kl 15:19 3091

Hva vet du om det??? Enten underbygger du dine påstander, eller så spammer du tråden (noe Admin ikke liker)!
Slettet bruker
24.08.2018 kl 15:50 3081

X22 Report 23. aug. 2018 - What You Are Witnessing Is A Mirror Image Of What Is To Come - (25 min):


What they are building right now is sessions making a point that DOJ is politically indepent, i.e. Trump is not in a position to bend the DOJ! This is an important point to make, so that there can be no accusations of something like that later on.

The Plan was implementet a long time ago, even before Trump was even asked to run for president, otherwise Trump wouldn't be president!
Slettet bruker
24.08.2018 kl 16:44 3071

Å så skumle skull & bones har vært en del av de fleste illuminati-type konspiranoiateorier siden Bush sr. Det går på repeat.
Slettet bruker
24.08.2018 kl 16:47 3067

Du mener at DU går på repeat, spammer'n!
Slettet bruker
24.08.2018 kl 17:26 3057

X22 Report 23. aug. 2018 rapporten er veldig interessant !
Det er synd at vi ikke har en transkribsjon for videre analyse og dokumentasjon.

Lanny Davis's entire propaganda story about Cohen is now falling apart.
They drafted the plea deal back before April,
this was all in the works to be released at the exact same time as Manafort ruling.

FEC says that Trump did not violate election laws
but if we flashback to 2016 the FEC reported that they did.
Everything that we are seeing, everything that is going on is to setup the deep state.

Human trafficking arrests are way up.

Russia reports that the UN secretly did not allow Syria to rebuild their economy and country.
Russia calls on the US to remove itself from Syria.
The Patriots are draining the swamp
but there is a lot more work ahead
because the deep state is deep into government, the judicial system, other countries.

Redigert 24.08.2018 kl 17:30 Du må logge inn for å svare
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24.08.2018 kl 18:17 3024

No Name annonserer at han vil dø i offentligheten for å unngå rettergang.

Slettet bruker
24.08.2018 kl 18:28 3018

Får vi enda en ti-års "Danse med Døden" i full offentlighet IGJEN?

Rykter vil ha det til at No-name prøver å unngå straffeforfølgelse med sin påståtte kreftdiagnose. Noe med hans aktivitetsnivå kan vel tyde på at ryktene kan ha noe i seg. Statistisk skal vel den feige "krigshelten" uansett dø om en ti års tid...
Slettet bruker
24.08.2018 kl 19:14 2996

Havfruen 13:30
Ang. Clinton foundation registrert i LITTLE ROCK, AR.

Is this Clinton Foundation in some way. connected to S&B Organization ?

Bill Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation
ADDRESS: 1200 PRESIDENT CLINTON AVE, 72201-1749, Little Rock, Arkansas
TAX PERIOD 12/2016. Altså for hele 2016.
ASSET AMOUNT $335,481,447.00
INCOME AMOUNT $77,390,585.00
The Clinton Presidential Center was opened in Little Rock, Arkansas in his honor on December 5, 2001.
Everyone knows that Clinton was born in Hope, but he spent a lot of his Arkansas time in Little Rock
Hillary joined the Rose Law Firm in Little Rock and, in 1977
The Clinton's lived in a few houses in downtown Little Rock throughout the years. The first was at 5419 L Street, which they lived in from 1977 to 1979. They then moved to 816 Midland Street in Hillcrest.

SIDE 61 i lista over org. reg. i Little-Rock Arkansas.

Dersom nettelseren "ikke finner" http://501c3lookup.org så legg "http://501c3lookup.org" inn i søkemaskinen og klikk på linken som kommer.
Jeg har prblemer med direkte tigang til diverse nettsteder. Jeg tror det skyldes en økende grad av "sensurering" og "skjerming".

Ellers .
Side 85 --> Daughters Of Isis Of North & South America 39 Mohammed Court
Tenke seg til en "FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF WHITE PEOPLE". Snakker meg om rasisme!! Alt er så inn i helvete skrudd!
Redigert 24.08.2018 kl 20:37 Du må logge inn for å svare
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24.08.2018 kl 20:15 2972

Skremmende interessant, Sult! Jeg forstår DOJ behøver tid for å grave seg ned i all denne materien!

Libtardsa på sin side begriper mindre av hva som foregår. Fnis fnis og thi hi hi:

"Høyskolelektor Ketil Raknes mener de siste vendingene kan gå utover den sittende justisministeren Jeff Sessions. Dette skyldes at Robert Mueller, som leder etterforskningen mot Trump, er Justisdepartementets spesialetterforsker.
Trump har gjentatte ganger kritisert Sessions for måten han driver Justisdepartementet, og Sessions har stort sett avstått fra å imøtegå kritikken. Da Trump nok en gang rettet kritikk mot Sessions under et intervju med Fox News tidligere denne uken tok imidlertid justisministeren til motmæle.
I natt avviste han kontant presidentens beskyldninger om at han ikke har kontroll over justisdepartementet. Han understreket også at han ikke ville la politiske hensyn styre etterforskninger. Raknes tror Sessions etter dette lever farlig."


For raddissene her på HQ forklarer jeg:
1) Trump føler på utålmodighet i befolkningen om at sumpen skal ryddes, og han setter derfor ord på folks følelser overfor Sessions slik at Sessions får anledning til å svare på folks bekymringer.
2) Og Sessions svarer. Ikke bare har han full kontroll. Han forsikrer også at alt foregår på korrekt vis.

Ganske utrolig at løgnmedia og venstresiden er så opphengt i hat-problematikk at de ikke klarer å renske vekk dramaturgien og lytte til hva som faktisk blir sagt og hva det som sies betyr... ???
Redigert 24.08.2018 kl 20:26 Du må logge inn for å svare
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24.08.2018 kl 20:39 2962

"Anders Magnus og Tove Bjørgaas er NRKs ansikter i USA. Magnus er ikke like ideologisk som Bjørgaas, men han leverer varen når han må. Det kler ham ikke, og ødelegger hans ettermæle.

Mediene burde interessere seg for hva som skjer når kundene går sin vei. De fleste bryter ikke opp fordi de tiltrekkes av ekkokamre eller fake news. Nei, det har å gjøre med hvordan tillitssamfunnet går i oppløsning. Det er en prosess, og de fleste oppdager det ikke før endringene er så store at det er umulig å ignorere dem.

Utgangspunktet er at det skjer et drama i USA som er hypnotiserende hvis man først får øynene opp for det.

Dette dramaet er fullstendig fraværende i norske medier. Det finnes ikke. Hakkingen på Trump er det eneste de sitter igjen med. Norske medier velger ideologien. De oppfører seg alle som om de tilhører venstresiden. NRK trenger ikke anstrenge seg. De har alltid vært der. NRK er blitt pinlig. Statskringkasteren har 1700 journalister, men klarer ikke dekke amerikansk politikk på en måte som fortjener navnet. Det står ikke på ressurser, men på vilje.

USA er delt i to. Men vi hører bare en moralistisk fortelling på vegne av den ene parten. Det er ikke mulig å forstå den andre siden hvis man støtter seg på norske medier."

Slettet bruker
24.08.2018 kl 20:44 2959

"Denne situasjonen er ganske alvorlig for en liten nasjon som Norge. Den norske ambassadøren i Washington, Kåre R. Aas, holdt et foredrag under Arendalsuka hvor han sa noe som indirekte var en drepende kritikk av medienes USA-dekning: Trump er populær, og han vil sannsynligvis bli gjenvalgt. Det er noe «vi» må forberede oss på. Hva gjør norske medier for å «foreberede» oss?

Hvis man leser og hører norske medier, er dette perspektivet ubegripelig. Hvis noe blir for fjernt fra premissene for norsk journalistikk, blir budskapet ignorert. Norske medier blir avhengig av at brukerne forblir idioter hvis de skal holde på sitt publikum. Dét er en farlig strategi."
Slettet bruker
24.08.2018 kl 20:48 2956

USA byr på det uimotståelige: et drama større enn noen fiksjon. Med litt anstrengelse kan man følge de politiske showene som dekker det, fra begge sider. Det er det som er så kjedelig med CNN og de andre liberale mediene: De er blitt propagandakanaler."
Slettet bruker
24.08.2018 kl 21:03 3411

Valget til Rep. hus og Kongressen tirsdag 6. november vil bli ei rød bølge.
Etter valget vil da POTUS ha frie hender. Og da...!

POTUS 2016: A crossroad in the history of our civilisation !

Jeg blir aldri lei av denne vieeoen:
This Video Got Donald Trump Elected

Donald J. Trump har en helt ekstraordinær monumental karakter.
Og dette bildet er helt spesielt for meg. https://image.ibb.co/nJcbF9/Good_vs_Evil.jpg
Bildet viser Guds vrede gjennom Donald Trump, og Guds godhet gjennom Melania Trump.
Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump
...Additionally, because of our much tougher Trading stance with China,
I do not believe they are helping with the process of denuclearization as they once were
(despite the UN Sanctions which are in place)...

Kina bruker NK som forhandlingskort med USA. Kina er egentlig ikke interessert i en avvikling av kjernefysiske våpen i NK.
Kina bryr seg egentlig ikke!

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump
...Secretary Pompeo looks forward to going to North Korea in the near future,
most likely after our Trading relationship with China is resolved.
In the meantime I would like to send my warmest regards and respect to Chairman Kim.
I look forward to seeing him soon!

Trump svarer med å si at NK ikke er et forhandlingskort.
NK er stillt i bero intill handelsavtalen med Kina er på plass.
Derfor har det ikke hensikt for Kina å mase mer om NK og manipulere diktatoren i NK.
Redigert 24.08.2018 kl 21:44 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
24.08.2018 kl 23:43 3396

Vi kan ikke ofte nok se videoen med talen som vant presidentvalget for Trump!

If Trump succeeds to fulfill The Plan to free humanity, he will go down in history as the greatest man who ever lived!

I am so proud to love this President, and I am honored to promote him! God bless his service for humanity and freedom!
Slettet bruker
25.08.2018 kl 00:00 3387

"Tirsdag 21.08. erklærte Michael Cohen seg skyldig i å ha brutt amerikansk valglov. Han hevder å ha blitt instruert av «kandidaten» til å utbetale såkalte «hysj-penger» til Stormy Daniels og Karen McDougal. På Dagsrevyen onsdag meldes det derfor nok en gang at en riksrett mot Donald Trump er nært forestående. Sendingen starter med følgende uttalelse fra Nina Owing: «Det blir spekulert i om presidenten nå er nærmere riksrett».
USA-korrespondent Anders Magnus blir stilt spørsmålet: «Hva skal til for at han blir stilt for riksrett, slik mange nå tar til orde for?» Hvem «mange» er, og hvem det er som «spekulerer», vites ikke.

NRK har ikke stilt seg spørsmålet hva grunnlaget for en riksrett egentlig skal være. Kan det bevises at hensikten med hysj-pengene kun var å beskytte Trumps kandidatur, og ikke hans personlige rykte og ekteskap? I sistnevnte tilfelle har kanskje ikke Trump brutt noen valglov.

Professor i juss ved Harvard, Alan Dershowitz, kaller hele saken for en ikke-sak. Han uttaler at man først må vise at presidenten faktisk har begått en kriminell handling. Om Trump gir flere hundretusen dollar til sin egen kampanje for å betale «hysj-penger» til kvinner som påstår at de har hatt en affære med ham, så er det faktisk ikke en kriminell handling. En kandidat kan bidra så mye han vil til sin egen kampanje.

Dershowitz sier videre at enhver valgkampanje har brutt en eller annen teknisk valglov. Det ender som regel med en bot, ikke riksrett. Obamas kampanje i 2008 fikk en bot på $375 000 for brudd på valglovene.

Demokratenes leder i Kongressen, Nancy Pelosi, har etter Cohens innrømmelser uttalt at en riksrett mot Trump ikke har noen prioritet. En riksrett må basere seg på noe annet.

Det ser ut til at feiringen på Marienlyst inntil videre må avlyses."



Slettet bruker
25.08.2018 kl 00:13 3385

My Boyfriend Reads QAnon Theories. I Still Love Him—But I'm Worried.

The mother of all conspiracy theories disrupts family dynamics and tests loved ones.

While sipping wine and enjoying dinner one chilly evening in February, Kim Holmberg's boyfriend Blake Sohn told her with a straight face that he'd found an online thread claiming to have substantial evidence that Hillary Clinton is a pedophile.

"I was horrified," Holmberg says. "I said, 'That's absolutely insane. Where is this coming from?'"

It was coming from QAnon. The conspiracy theory, spread via social media, encompasses a range of pre-existing theories, from Pizzagate, to the belief the DNC arranged the murder of Seth Rich, to the idea of a witchy Hillary Clinton who oversees a coven.

Slettet bruker
25.08.2018 kl 01:07 3373

Enjoy the show!

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: aaefa5 No.11115887
Jan 4 2018 00:54:28 (EST)
What makes a movie GOOD?

GREAT actors?

Donald J. Trump Verifisert @realDonaldTrump
“Department of Justice will not be improperly influenced by political considerations.” Jeff, this is GREAT, what everyone wants, so look into all of the corruption on the “other side” including deleted Emails, Comey lies & leaks, Mueller conflicts, McCabe, Strzok, Page, Ohr......

03:17 - 24. aug. 2018
Redigert 25.08.2018 kl 01:12 Du må logge inn for å svare
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25.08.2018 kl 01:10 3368

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 82d434 No.121690 ?
Dec 19 2017 00:12:02 (EST)
House of cards.
12 deals rejected (today alone).
Panic in DC.
Enjoy the show.
Slettet bruker
25.08.2018 kl 01:17 3364

Coincidence? I don't think so! ?
Slettet bruker
25.08.2018 kl 01:20 3362

[–]americanpatriot33Autists catch the message? - Q 127 points 8 hours ago
If there is one thing Trump does not do, its jump the gun. Everything is calculated, all scenarios planned for. When the hell is the MSM going to realize they have been getting played from day 1? Hopefully never because its been fun watching them makes total asses of themselves time and time again. WWG1WGA!!!

[–]pneuskoolWhere we go one, we go All. - Q 87 points 7 hours ago
Ya I get the feeling that he doesn’t tweet about someone or something unless it’s already been taken care of ahead of time.

[–]Analog1221PATRIOTS UNITE. - Q 74 points 6 hours ago
Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win.
Sun Tzu

[–]Dadman62150Future will PROVE past. - Q 39 points 5 hours ago
The Art of War, Sun Tzu. The Art of the Deal, Donald J Trump; POTUS.
Redigert 25.08.2018 kl 01:23 Du må logge inn for å svare
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25.08.2018 kl 07:40 3327

oneinfinitecreator 2018 will be GLORIOUS! - Q
Q uses the word Great 8 months ago, the President uses the word Great 8 months later - yup definitely ties together.
You're taking a pretty shallow view on this... The point is not that Q and the President both used the word GREAT, it's the context of both of those uses that is interesting.

Q mentions 'GREAT actors' when they are describing the political theatre they were likely preparing for way back in Q drop #372... Q sets the stage by asking us what makes a great movie with the answer GREAT actors.

Over the last week, Jeff Sessions has come under attack from the President in very dramatic fashion. Within both the pro-Trump and pro-Q factions, there has been much back and forth about the loyalty of Sessions. Many threads were created, supported, and even stickied by the Mods here which pushed people to remember that Trump is in control of the people who work for him, and that the attack on Sessions was nothing more than optics to distance Sessions from Trump. If Sessions is seen as a 'good guy' by those who hate the President, what will they do when he drops charges on Democrats and Republicans alike in historic corruption scandal? If Sessions is seen as a puppet of Trump, it will only stoke the fires of unrest and make things even more unstable.

Also remember that Q watches this subreddit and will know what the daily narratives consist of. The fact that we have a somewhat oddly capitalized GREAT in DJT's twitter from today which leads back to Q drop #372 with the same capitalized word and the context fits perfectly with the narrative that was running wild yesterday... it's as Q says - do you believe in coincidences?

I still believe the logic holds up that Jeff Sessions is playing an antagonistic role to Trump because the optics of anything else would be a negative no matter how they spun it. If the DOJ is seen as Trump's puppy dog, then we get extremists hitting the streets. Sessions is playing a neutral role as he should be... when he has charges to drop, then all that might change, but until that happens he's going to do everything he can to convince anti-Trump folk that he's on 'their side'....
Redigert 25.08.2018 kl 07:44 Du må logge inn for å svare
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25.08.2018 kl 08:33 3312

SIMPLY AMAZING ? President Trump EXPLOSIVE Speech in Columbus, Ohio - August 24, 2018
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! UNDERHOLDENDE, MORSOM, INFORMATIV, SAMLENDE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Det er så mye Jævelskap i Sosialismen. Det er SATANS ideologi !!!!!!
Redigert 25.08.2018 kl 08:53 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
25.08.2018 kl 08:53 3310

Det er viktig her å poengtere at bruken av actors og movie retter seg mot optics - altså hva MSM tolker at de ser når de mottar sitt mockingbird narrativ fra CIA kl 04:00 hver natt for å spre ut til alle massemedier som er systematisk kjøpt opp og eid av venstresiden. For slik styrer Deep State den politisk korrekte verdensoppfatningen.

Bak disse optiske rollespillene jobber aktørene seriøst og i tråd med grunnloven. Den som skal rydde i kriminell politisk korrupsjon kan ikke selv gjøre seg skyldig i det de skal anklage andre for - slik Sessions helt riktig hevder at han gjør. POTUS på sin side gjør sitt store offer for å gjøre Amerika fantastisk igjen ved å fremstå (optisk) som uberegnelig, vulgært hissig, og retorisk svak. En nøye forberedt rolle spilt av en dyktig actor. Den som lurer på hvem Trump egentlig er, kan bare bruke 5 min og se selv (har MSM glemt å se denne?):


Slettet bruker
25.08.2018 kl 11:12 3285

MUST READ! Article by Green Beret combat veteran:

Slettet bruker
25.08.2018 kl 11:16 3281

To Know Your Enemy,You Must Become Your Enemy,Appear Weak When You Are Strong - Episode 1647b


Brøhuene i norsk presse sitter og rakker ned på Trump, og har til og med skrevet bok om alle hans løgner. Nyhetskanalen i dag var en eneste stor hetsing av Trump. Samtidig forstår disse brøhuene ingenting om hva som foregår.

Q skrev i november 2017:
Disinformation is real.
Disinformation is necessary.
Redigert 25.08.2018 kl 11:42 Du må logge inn for å svare
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25.08.2018 kl 11:40 3276

Fantastisk interessant X22Rapport, Change! Jeg anbefaler ALLE, både awaken and still sleeping to listen in! (38 min)
Slettet bruker
25.08.2018 kl 12:11 3259

With all the recent mentioning of Sun Tzu, Donald J. Trump wrote "The Art of the Deal", maybe not completely out of the blue? Coincidence?

"Sun Tzu's ability to win victories for his warlord gained him fame and power. To hand down the wisdom he had gained from his years of battles Sun Tzu wrote a book, "The Art of War", that became the classic work on strategy in China. His book, which details a complete philosophy on how to decisively defeat one’s opponent, has given guidance to military theorists and generals throughout the ages. In The Art of War, military readers found a holistic approach to strategy that was powerful and deep–it is truly a masterpiece on strategy. As the former U.S. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Colin Powell said, “I’ve read the Chinese classic The Art of War written by Sun Tzu. Sun Tzu has been studied for hundreds of years. He continues to give inspiration to soldiers and politicians. So every American soldier in the army knows of his works. We require our soldiers to read it.”

Today, Sun Tzu’s appeal has extended beyond the military realm into the world of business. Because business by definition deals with competition, Sun Tzu’s principles are ideally suited to competitive business situations. Because business, like warfare, is a contest of wills, dynamic and fast-paced, based on both morale and machines, and deals with the effective and efficient use of scarce resources, many business people across the globe have found value in Sun Tzu’s teachings."

Slettet bruker
25.08.2018 kl 14:25 3225

- Havfruen - I dag kl 11:12

"While Q has taken great care to remain anonymous, he (or possibly they) has given enough clues for us to surmise that he is either a member of the Military Intelligence community or NSA. Whichever is his true posting, he has made it painfully clear that he is somehow extremely closely connected to President Trump.

He has proven this through multiple methods: posting pictures from Air Force One or of The President before they’re made public, giving specific details about things President Trump will say or do (sometimes months before they are made public), posting pictures of executive orders before they are made public and even working specific phrases requested by the Anons into some of President Trump’s speeches and Twitter posts for verification.

One of the most amusing is a Twitter picture posted celebrating the electoral college victory on Air Force 1 with President Trump and several staff members. I’ve seen this picture deconstructed in several ways, with one Anon discovering that if you connected the thumbs of each of the people in the picture, it forms a Q."

Min egen morsomme favoritt er før påske da Q ble bedt om å få POTUS til å bekrefte Q med et tåpelig uttrykk, "Tippy top" og ganske riktig, da Trump stod på balkongen med Melania og påskeharen, sa han at Melania holdt WH så fint på stell, "actually in tippy top condition"! ???
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25.08.2018 kl 14:29 3221

"But those are far from the only “proofs” that Q has given us. As I’m finishing this article, it’s just become mainstream information that Huber was appointed by Sessions to convene a grand jury outside of DC to work on prosecuting “The Swamp.” But those of us who have been paying attention to Q have known about that for quite some time.

The recent news that Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook and Jack Dorsey of Twitter lost nearly 20% each on share price was also foretold many months ago by Q, as many of his hints indicate these two and their companies are entirely complicit in the alleged masterpiece of deceit which Q has shone a light on for us."
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25.08.2018 kl 14:33 3218

"What is Q telling us? Ultimately, he is breaking down the cast of characters, methods, locations and missions which make up the leadership of what has been named “The Deep State.”

In the macro sense, it all leads to the same basic premise: the Deep state has existed in our nation for a very long time, comprised of the Senior Executive Service (SES), corrupt politicians, rogue intelligence agents and foreign powers attempting to either usurp power from the US or brainwash our populace to do their bidding.

Q tells us this has gone relatively unchecked for decades, with many of these plots culminating in a string of Manchurian Candidates running for (and several winning) the office of the President of the United States. "
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25.08.2018 kl 14:35 3217

"Connecting the dots with the drops from Q, it does not seem that Barack Obama was the first (he’s not a fan of George W. Bush or John McCain either), but these bad actors were so assured that Hillary Clinton would win the rigged election that they got sloppy and didn’t take enough countermeasures to cover their tracks well.

Why would they do that? “She wasn’t supposed to lose” is a frequent comment in Q’s riddles, indicating they expected so fully that she would win that they didn’t believe any of this would ever come to light as those most complicit were elevated to higher positions of authority and the size of the Deep State grew deeper and stretched further across the globe.

It does seem that the rising divisiveness in our nation was planned, and there was to be a culmination of many plots coming together under the Hillary Clinton presidency. If you’ve noticed the extreme rise of racial division, social justice warriors, corruption and slanted media stories, Q tells us that none of that is a coincidence; it was all planned and has been in the works for a very long time.

Some may have trouble understanding why any group of people would come together for such a nefarious plot, but you have to take a truly open look at who the cast of characters named in the Q drops are: people who owe allegiance to no nation and are megalomaniacs, more concerned with power and money than morals."
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25.08.2018 kl 14:37 3213

"If you’ve ever wondered why George Soros has been a central figure in so many conspiracy theories, a large part of it has to do with his character and what he’s done in the past (proven conspiracy facts, not conspiracy theories).

While there is a vivid debate about the claims that he was a Nazi sympathizer when his home in Hungary was occupied as a child, there is no question about his role in attempting to “break” the Bank of England and destroy the British currency for his own profit. He, like some other successful investors, is very keen at making money from chaos — which may be a key as to why he is linked to many of the social unrest movements in this nation."