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Slik går det med tørrbulk-aksjene

Baltic Dry-indeksen starter uken med fall. Golden Ocean faller kraftig.

Publisert 28. jan. 2019
Oppdatert 28. jan. 2019
Lesetid: 1 minutt
Artikkellengde er 1 ord
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FILE -- In this Nov. 30, 2016 file photo, Iraq's Minister of Oil Jabar Ali al-Luaibi speaks to journalists prior to the start of a meeting of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries, OPEC, at their headquarters in Vienna, Austria. Iraq and Algeria said Thursday, May 11, 2017, that they support the extension of oil production cuts by OPEC and non-OPEC producers through the end of the year to try to boost prices. In a joint press conference Thursday in Baghdad by the oil ministers of the two countries, al-Luaibi said "there might be new ideas to be presented" at an OPEC meeting on May 25, without providing further details. (AP Photo/Ronald Zak, File) Ronald Zak
FILE -- In this Nov. 30, 2016 file photo, Iraq's Minister of Oil Jabar Ali al-Luaibi speaks to journalists prior to the start of a meeting of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries, OPEC, at their headquarters in Vienna, Austria. Iraq and Algeria said Thursday, May 11, 2017, that they support the extension of oil production cuts by OPEC and non-OPEC producers through the end of the year to try to boost prices. In a joint press conference Thursday in Baghdad by the oil ministers of the two countries, al-Luaibi said "there might be new ideas to be presented" at an OPEC meeting on May 25, without providing further details. (AP Photo/Ronald Zak, File) Ronald Zak

Baltic Dry-indeksen faller mandag 5,9 prosent til 852 poeng, ifølge TDN Direkt.Panamax bidrar mest til fallet, som er ned hele 8,2 prosent til 5.525. Capesize krymper 5,8 prosent til 12.523, mens Supramax og Handysize faller henholdsvis 4,2 prosent til 5.883 og 2,8 prosent til 5.581.Tørrbulk-aksjerGolden Ocean faller i skrivende stund 11,10 prosent til 45,96 kroner. ABG Sundal Collier nedgraderer anbefalingen på Golden Ocean-aksjen fra kjøp til hold og nedjusterer samtidig samtidig kursmålet fra 95 til 50 kroner. Nedgraderingen skyldes at meglerhuset mener ulykken ved Vales gruve i Brasil kan føre til svakere jernmalmeksport. Anslaget for capesize-ratene nedjusteres til 10.000 og 14.000 dollar per dag for henholdsvis første kvartal og hele 2019, fra tidligere henholdsvis 13.000 og 16.000 dollar per dag.Jinhui Shipping er ned 3,94 prosent til 7,80 kroner, mens Belships er uendret til 4,85 kroner.Songa Bulk stiger 1,01 prosent til 0,50 kroner, og Star Bulk Carriers er ned 9,62 prosent til 70,50 kroner.