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Høyere bud enn Q-Free meldte

Kjøperen av storpost i Q-Free vil gi mer enn det selskapet selv meldte i ettermiddag.

Publisert 15. jan. 2009
Oppdatert 15. des. 2013
Lesetid: 2 minutter
Artikkellengde er 341 ord
Foto: Scanpix / HegnarOnline
Foto: Scanpix / HegnarOnline

I ettermiddag meldte Q-Free at de er blitt gjort kjent med at det er en mulig kjøper av inntil 25 prosent av aksjene i Q-Free i prisområde 9 til 9,5 kroner per aksje. Børspausen i aksjen ble opphevet etter meldingen, og aksjen sluttet opp 26,8 prosent til 9 kroner.Etter børsslutt ble det kjent at budet er er høyere enn som så. Handelsbanken Capital Markets opplyser at de har fått en kjøpsordre fra en foreløpig anonym kjøper om å kjøpe mellom 5,94 og 13,12 millioner aksjer, noe som tilsvarer mellom 11 og 24,3 prosent av selskapet.Kursen som blir tilbudt er 10 kroner.Her er meldingen som ble sendt ut:"Handelsbanken Capital Markets (HMC) has received a purchase order for and is hereby accordingly offering on behalf of a client which currently is unnamed (the Offeror) to acquire in total a minimum of 5,937,383 shares (representing 11.0% of the total share capital) and maximum 13,116,219 (representing 24.3 % of the share capital) shares in Q-Free ASA, a company listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange with ticker QFR (QFR).The price offered is NOK 10.00 per share. The Offeror will compensate sellers on a kroner-by-kroner basis if the Client (or any of its subsidiaries) purchases additional shares in QFR at a higher price within the earliest of (i) 6 months from the date of this announcement and (ii) the expiry of a mandatory takeover offer, if any.The offer to buy shares is conditional upon HMC receiving acceptances for purchase of the minimum number of shares referred to above. Accordingly accepting shareholders will be free of their acceptance if acceptances are not received for the minimum number of shares.The offer to buy shares is in effect immediately and will remain in effect until closed by HMC with no further notice or announcements, however not later than 08:30 on 16 January 2009.If HMC receives offers to sell more than the maximum amount of shares referred to above, HMC may reduce or reject applications at its discretion provided however that shareholders will be ranked according to their time of acceptances."