Vi får nesten daglig mail om at vi har vunnet i et eller annet lotteri vi aldri har hørt om og garantert ikke har vært med i. Vi kaster dem fortløpende.Det samme gjelder denne, som vi har fått av en leser i dag. Det er det som Økokrim kaller lotterisvindel. Les mer om det her . Og her finner du en oppdatert liste over forsøk på lotterisvindel , utarbeidet av londonpolitiet.Slike mail er ofte et første forsøk på å etablere en kontakt som senere kan ende opp i at man får fisket opp tilstrekkelig personinformasjon (herav begrepet "Phising") til at det kan benyttes i en eller annen svindel.Så det beste tipset vi her kan gi. Kast det.FROM: THE DESK OF THE MANAGING DIRECTOR INTERNATIONAL PROMOTIONS/PRIZE AWARDS DEPARTMENT GORDO EL PRIMITIVA LOTTERY INTERNATIONAL REF Nº: BSM/412/55483 BATCH Nº:2231/449/CFC RE: AWARD NOTIFICATION/ FINAL NOTICE We are pleased to inform you of the result of the GORDO EL PRIMITIVA LOTTERY INTERNATIONAL PROGRAM which was held on the 10th May, 2005. Due to mix up of names, the results were finally released on 13th May 2005. Your email address is attached to a ticket number 550-094-752-278 with serial number -XCP/S/SL/NO.-244600 drew the lucky numbers80-71-75-28-99 which consequently won the lottery in the 2nd category. You have therefore been approved for a lump sum payout of 950.000:00 Euros (Nine Hundred And Fifty Thousand Euros) in cash credited to the file reference number: BSM/412/55483 .This is from a total cash price of 19.500.000:00EUROS(Ninteen Million Five Hundred Thousand EUROS) shared among twenty (20) international winners in this grand category. CONGRATULATIONS!!! Your winning prize of 950.000:00 (Nine Hundred And Fifty Thousand Euros Only) is now deposited in a suspense account with our paying office and insured to its real value. Due to the mix up of some numbers and names, we advice that you keep this award from public notice until your claims has been processed and your money remitted to your nominated bank account as this is part of our security protocol to avoid double claiming or unwarranted taking advantage of this program by the general public. All participants were selected through a computer ballot system drawn from 2,500,000:00 names and E-mail addresses from Asia, Australia, New Zealand, Europe and North America as part of our international promotions program which we conduct thrice every year. We hope that with part of your prize,you will part-take in our (end of years) high stake promotions agenda of E1,7 BILLION international lottery. To claim your Prize, you are advice to contact the Claim Department of PROSEGURE SEGURITY COMPANY SL with your Full Name , Home and Office Tel & Fax Number, Mobile Phone Number and also Home & Office Address for the processing of your claims along with your Ref & Batch No and also your copy of your indentification.