RECSI uke 17
Vi avsluttet uke 16 med børsen i rødt (-1,66%) og REC ned -2,13%. Uke 16 var likevel «grønn» totalt sett, og REC la på seg en krone fra usle 14,60 ved ukestart... Vi endte på 15,62. Etter stengetid kom det melding fra Hanwha som bekreftet deres planer for gjenåpning av Moses Lake 2023. (Dette er det flere tråder på). Nå er vi 1 uke unna EGM (2. mai) hvor nytt styre skal velges.
Oppfordrer igjen til en hyggelig tone og ønsker alle lykke til!
Oppfordrer igjen til en hyggelig tone og ønsker alle lykke til!
Redigert 25.04.2022 kl 07:29
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Ja det gikk vel ca 16k aksjer på LOD idag
28.04.2022 kl 12:07
09:47:48 14,5500 1 000
09:47:48 14,5500 2 000
09:47:48 14,5500 1 000
09:47:48 14,5500 1 000
09:47:48 14,5500 1 000
09:47:48 14,5500 1 000
09:47:48 14,5550 1 750
09:47:48 14,5500 1 000
09:47:48 14,5500 3 904
09:47:48 14,5500 1 000
09:47:48 14,5500 1 680
09:47:48 14,5500 2 000
09:47:48 14,5500 1 000
09:47:48 14,5500 1 000
09:47:48 14,5500 1 000
09:47:48 14,5500 1 000
09:47:48 14,5550 1 750
09:47:48 14,5500 1 000
09:47:48 14,5500 3 904
09:47:48 14,5500 1 000
09:47:48 14,5500 1 680
Merkelig stille på trading tråden i dag. Er vel for tidlig å kommentere dagens handler, enklere når kursen går ned.
Du må vente til slutten av dagen før de kommer med fasit for dagens handler. Da er det nok ikke måte på hvor mange som kjøpte seg inn på 14.6 og ut på HOD:)
Og så slår de seg på brystet og ønsker lykke til i morgen. Nye lodd og nye handler.
Edit: Noen, eller en av dem, feirer med fottur på Granca!
Og så slår de seg på brystet og ønsker lykke til i morgen. Nye lodd og nye handler.
Edit: Noen, eller en av dem, feirer med fottur på Granca!
Redigert 28.04.2022 kl 12:42
Du må logge inn for å svare
28.04.2022 kl 12:50
Godt over 200 mill. i omsetning i går, og kanskje nesten like mykje i dag. I går ned over 5 prosent, i dag opp så langt! Vanskelig å forstå reaksjonane opp og ned frå dag til dag, men den korte forklaringa er vel short og daytrading, og at kursen vil svinga så pass mykje til short er heilt borte? Og det skjer kanskje ikkje før i 2024, når Rec sannsynligvis har stabile og gode inntekter som gir overskudd.
28.04.2022 kl 12:54
Nå ligger vi vel å stanger mot sluttkurs fredag før børsmeldnigen som kom fredag kveld
Blir spennde å se om det kommer et brudd opp på 15.6 i dag.
Jeg ser også at det går et rykte om en pressebrife på tirsdag på dette forumet, hadde jo vært ok å fått en bekreftelse på dette fra seskapen også ;)
Ha en fin torsdag
Blir spennde å se om det kommer et brudd opp på 15.6 i dag.
Jeg ser også at det går et rykte om en pressebrife på tirsdag på dette forumet, hadde jo vært ok å fått en bekreftelse på dette fra seskapen også ;)
Ha en fin torsdag
28.04.2022 kl 12:58
Hvor har du sett at det skal være en pressebrief på tirsdag? Kan ikke huske å ha fått med meg dette enda.......
28.04.2022 kl 13:06
Trur Null viser til ein journalist som skal ha fått opplyst at det vil komma ei børsmelding tirsdag. Er det SørlieInvest som har gått ut med dette?
Går rykter om pressebrief i forbindelse med hvem som har kjøpt nabotomten, 3. mai, altså dagen etter nytt styre er stemt inn i RECSI
Sørlieinvest ja.
Sørlie som refererte til selgeren av tomta. Selger hadde tegnet en klausul om Ikke å røpe kjøper, men skrev også at han mente de skulle offentliggjøre det 3. mai,
Redigert 28.04.2022 kl 13:08
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28.04.2022 kl 13:14
Her er link til Sørlie’s opslag (:
28.04.2022 kl 13:15
Takk for linken - den hadde jeg fått med meg (press release), men det er ikke det samme som en pressebrief. Uansett spennende tider, og mye info som ser ut til å komme i nær fremtid.
28.04.2022 kl 13:26
min fejl. ser også nu, at du allerede har svaret på sørlies opslag (:
Betyr ikke at det er REC som holder Press Release. Er kjøper av bygget som kommer til å holde Press Release
Det stemmer, Sørlie.
Vi må ha et øye på HS sine sider den 03.05:
Vi må ha et øye på HS sine sider den 03.05:
28.04.2022 kl 14:00
Stort volum blir solgt, og kjøpt, rundt kr. 15.50. Litt merkelig det er mulig å få kjøpt så store volumer til denne prisen. I morgen og på mandag får vi vite hvem denne storselgeren er. Og hvem som kjøper. Volumene blir tatt på høyre siden i boken, så alt dette er ikke short handel?
One of the leading solar power developers in the Nordics has chosen Qcells’ low carbon certified (CfP) solar modules to be installed at what will become one of the largest rooftop PV arrays in the Nordics.
Qcells, known as a globally successful full-service provider of clean energy solutions in the areas of solar systems, solar power plants, energy storage and electricity contracts, has signed a deal with Soltech Energy Solutions – a Swedish-headquartered solar power specialist – to supply its CfP-certified solar modules made with sustainably produced ingots and wafers from Norway and low-carbon polysilicon from Germany and the USA, for the installation, which will cover 38,000 square meters.
The customer, Coop Sverige AB, is a renowned supermarket chain with branches across Europe. The 6.1 MW solar system will be installed at Coop’s new fully automated goods terminal in the city of Eskilstuna, near Stockholm, Sweden. Half of the terminal’s electricity needs will be met by the solar array, which is expected to be finalised by the turn of the year 2022/2023.
For Coop, which prides itself on being Sweden’s most sustainable brand (according to the Sustainable Brand Index 2021), the solar installation from Soltech represents a double positive for its carbon footprint. By using CfP-certified modules from Qcells, half of the site’s high electricity consumption is met not only by solar power, but by panels produced in a clean, low-carbon manner.
For Qcells, this installation is testament to the company’s efforts to boost solar uptake across Europe, while also increasing the share of low-carbon products in its portfolio. The selected NorSun solar modules, the Q.PEAK DUO L-G6 425Wp, have carbon emissions of 386 kgCO₂/kW according to the Certisolis CfP certificate (calculation in line with the officially recognized CRE4 methodology), and are among the cleanest solar modules available on the market.
Not only are Qcells’ Q.PEAK DUO L-G6 modules produced using low-carbon materials, but are made with components sourced from a supply chain that is transparent and ethically sustainable thanks to the company’s partnership with NorSun – a Norwegian provider of low-carbon ingots and wafers.
Qcells’ work with NorSun in Sweden is only one strand of the company’s ongoing efforts to source lower-carbon components for its products.
Recently, Hanwha Solutions, the parent company of Qcells, became the largest shareholder in REC Silicon in the US. This move has helped Qcells to secure a stable supply chain of low-carbon polysilicon, which is produced using hydropower-based clean energy from REC Silicon’s facilities.
By integrating these facilities into its production capacities, Qcells ensures that all materials sourced for the manufacture of its cells and modules are fully traceable and sustainable. The strategic investment is part of Qcells’ new mission and ethos to deliver Completely Clean Energy for a greener tomorrow.
Selected Qcells modules have already achieved CfP-certification in France and Korea, and the range of modules that meet low-carbon standards is continuously increasing.
Albert Bergström, Head of Scandinavia sales at Qcells, said: “Qcells is proud to be working with Soltech and Coop on this flagship project. For one of Sweden’s largest food retailers to not only embrace solar, but to specifically request low-carbon certified solar modules produced using clean, traceable materials from Qcells, is a majorly positive signal for Scandinavia’s renewable energy landscape. We hope that this installation will inspire many other companies to seek energy security and carbon emission reduction solutions in the form of solar modules from Qcells.”
Soltech Energy Solutions Key Account Manager Jesper Ståhlberg added: “The use of low-carbon-certified solar modules is not government policy in Sweden, so it is heartening to see one of the nation’s most respected brands proactively go above and beyond for the sake of the climate. Soltech is proud to have been entrusted to construct and build this installation, and thanks Qcells for its continued technical excellence and commitment to providing products that meet our customers’ needs.”
Carsten Rohr, CCO of NorSun, commented: “Key to achieving full sustainability, energy security and ethical transparency in the solar energy industry are projects such as this, which bring together a number of Scandinavia’s most active companies in the clean energy space, alongside Qcells.
“NorSun is delighted to help Qcells, Soltech and Coop realize this project with solar modules that boast a certified low carbon footprint, and hopes that this rooftop installation, once complete, can act as a beacon of inspiration for other companies across Sweden and the rest of Europe.”
Qcells, known as a globally successful full-service provider of clean energy solutions in the areas of solar systems, solar power plants, energy storage and electricity contracts, has signed a deal with Soltech Energy Solutions – a Swedish-headquartered solar power specialist – to supply its CfP-certified solar modules made with sustainably produced ingots and wafers from Norway and low-carbon polysilicon from Germany and the USA, for the installation, which will cover 38,000 square meters.
The customer, Coop Sverige AB, is a renowned supermarket chain with branches across Europe. The 6.1 MW solar system will be installed at Coop’s new fully automated goods terminal in the city of Eskilstuna, near Stockholm, Sweden. Half of the terminal’s electricity needs will be met by the solar array, which is expected to be finalised by the turn of the year 2022/2023.
For Coop, which prides itself on being Sweden’s most sustainable brand (according to the Sustainable Brand Index 2021), the solar installation from Soltech represents a double positive for its carbon footprint. By using CfP-certified modules from Qcells, half of the site’s high electricity consumption is met not only by solar power, but by panels produced in a clean, low-carbon manner.
For Qcells, this installation is testament to the company’s efforts to boost solar uptake across Europe, while also increasing the share of low-carbon products in its portfolio. The selected NorSun solar modules, the Q.PEAK DUO L-G6 425Wp, have carbon emissions of 386 kgCO₂/kW according to the Certisolis CfP certificate (calculation in line with the officially recognized CRE4 methodology), and are among the cleanest solar modules available on the market.
Not only are Qcells’ Q.PEAK DUO L-G6 modules produced using low-carbon materials, but are made with components sourced from a supply chain that is transparent and ethically sustainable thanks to the company’s partnership with NorSun – a Norwegian provider of low-carbon ingots and wafers.
Qcells’ work with NorSun in Sweden is only one strand of the company’s ongoing efforts to source lower-carbon components for its products.
Recently, Hanwha Solutions, the parent company of Qcells, became the largest shareholder in REC Silicon in the US. This move has helped Qcells to secure a stable supply chain of low-carbon polysilicon, which is produced using hydropower-based clean energy from REC Silicon’s facilities.
By integrating these facilities into its production capacities, Qcells ensures that all materials sourced for the manufacture of its cells and modules are fully traceable and sustainable. The strategic investment is part of Qcells’ new mission and ethos to deliver Completely Clean Energy for a greener tomorrow.
Selected Qcells modules have already achieved CfP-certification in France and Korea, and the range of modules that meet low-carbon standards is continuously increasing.
Albert Bergström, Head of Scandinavia sales at Qcells, said: “Qcells is proud to be working with Soltech and Coop on this flagship project. For one of Sweden’s largest food retailers to not only embrace solar, but to specifically request low-carbon certified solar modules produced using clean, traceable materials from Qcells, is a majorly positive signal for Scandinavia’s renewable energy landscape. We hope that this installation will inspire many other companies to seek energy security and carbon emission reduction solutions in the form of solar modules from Qcells.”
Soltech Energy Solutions Key Account Manager Jesper Ståhlberg added: “The use of low-carbon-certified solar modules is not government policy in Sweden, so it is heartening to see one of the nation’s most respected brands proactively go above and beyond for the sake of the climate. Soltech is proud to have been entrusted to construct and build this installation, and thanks Qcells for its continued technical excellence and commitment to providing products that meet our customers’ needs.”
Carsten Rohr, CCO of NorSun, commented: “Key to achieving full sustainability, energy security and ethical transparency in the solar energy industry are projects such as this, which bring together a number of Scandinavia’s most active companies in the clean energy space, alongside Qcells.
“NorSun is delighted to help Qcells, Soltech and Coop realize this project with solar modules that boast a certified low carbon footprint, and hopes that this rooftop installation, once complete, can act as a beacon of inspiration for other companies across Sweden and the rest of Europe.”
Bare hyggelig🙂 Tror dette blir meget bra!!🙂
Ja det er helt utrolig🙂 Syntes også det er spennende at Norsun er involvert her🙂
En av mange kontrakter world wide de kommer til å subbe inn. De får det travelt både qcells og rec
28.04.2022 kl 15:21
Slettet brukerskrev Bare hyggelig🙂 Tror dette blir meget bra!!🙂
Kan det være NorSun som skal inn i nabotomta til Rec og leie hos Hanwha 🤓
Slettet brukerskrev Bare hyggelig🙂 Tror dette blir meget bra!!🙂
Mange kan være involvert her nå at markedet ikke får med seg dette får stå for dem sin regning😊
28.04.2022 kl 15:28
Så nesten ut som om kursen (RT) gjorde et lite byks her..(?) når dette ble postet, men det kan jo ikke stemme for man sier jo at det som skrives her på HO ikke har noen direkte effekt på kursen? Vi får bare vente til pressemeldinger foreligger.
28.04.2022 kl 15:29
Norsun har vel mer enn nok med å få ting til å Rulle i Årdal.
De har vel nesten ikke penger å fabrikken har stått sinde medio mars, det er ventet oppstart igjen nå tidlig i mai etter det jeg vet.
De har vel nesten ikke penger å fabrikken har stått sinde medio mars, det er ventet oppstart igjen nå tidlig i mai etter det jeg vet.
28.04.2022 kl 15:31
Legger hodet på matta jeg nå i dag slutter vi HOD ;)
Og i morgen er det opp igjen pga at ingen vil være ute i helgen,,,,,
Men vi er vel fremdeles under sluttkurs fredag som var 15.62
Og i morgen er det opp igjen pga at ingen vil være ute i helgen,,,,,
Men vi er vel fremdeles under sluttkurs fredag som var 15.62
28.04.2022 kl 15:31
Ikke uventet økte shorten i går:
10 223 143 2,42% 27.04.2022
Og det var våre venner i Voleon som tråkket til:
VOLEON CAPITAL MANAGEMENT LP 7 996 284 1,90% 27.04.2022
SUM 10 223 143 2,42%
10 223 143 2,42% 27.04.2022
Og det var våre venner i Voleon som tråkket til:
VOLEON CAPITAL MANAGEMENT LP 7 996 284 1,90% 27.04.2022
SUM 10 223 143 2,42%
Redigert 28.04.2022 kl 15:33
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28.04.2022 kl 15:45
Ny stilling lyst ut i Moses Lake
REC er fullt i gang med ansettelsene. Åh. Skulle ønske vi kunne spole frem til neste tirsdag. Jeg gleder meg ^^
Ja, til og med såpass fremover at de skal delta på jobbmesse.
Selskapet der jeg jobber, som satser på vekst fremover deltok veldig offensivt på jobbmesse nylig. Tror det henger sammen det greiene der :P Haha
Selskapet der jeg jobber, som satser på vekst fremover deltok veldig offensivt på jobbmesse nylig. Tror det henger sammen det greiene der :P Haha
Redigert 28.04.2022 kl 16:07
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28.04.2022 kl 16:27
Veldig mye volum i sluttauksjonen, og den droppa fra 6% ned til 4,7%, hmm
Washington may get a big battery materials plant
On April 14, Inslee took a meeting with the leadership team of Sila Nanotechnologies, a Bay Area company that’s out there on the bleeding edge of battery technology.
So we reached out to Sila’s PR people, who wouldn’t confirm anything on the record, but offered us an interview provided we agreed to an embargo on running the story until a planned announcement next week.
Washington may get a big battery materials plant
On April 14, Inslee took a meeting with the leadership team of Sila Nanotechnologies, a Bay Area company that’s out there on the bleeding edge of battery technology.
So we reached out to Sila’s PR people, who wouldn’t confirm anything on the record, but offered us an interview provided we agreed to an embargo on running the story until a planned announcement next week.