Kjøpsanbefalning fra SB1
For Seacrest, the single most important aspect in the short-term is ramp-up of production in line with the guidance provided in relation to the IPO. With the reduced production guidance presented in the Q3 report (down 7% for 2023, increased risk for 2024), we are starting to see some cracks to that growth path in the medium-term. With lowered estimates, we also see some downside risk to our NOK 22/share target price. On the positive side was the fact the Q3 earnings were roughly as expected and that the share in our view is attractively valued 2025-26 P/E of ~4x and ~2x (before any potential long-term negative estimate changes).
Ticker SEAPT
Anbefaling Kjøp
Kursmål 22,00
Dato 21.11.2023
Anbefaling Kjøp
Kursmål 22,00
Dato 21.11.2023
Seacrest Petroleo hit a major milestone in September, reaching 10 000 boepd of
production, and average production rose to 9 204 boepd in the third quarter.
production, and average production rose to 9 204 boepd in the third quarter.
Third quarter highlights:
• Continued production growth and profitability improvements, EBITDA of USD 9.7
• Commencement of infill drilling programme with very encouraging results so far
• Well reliability and productivity continued to improve
• Safe operations with no serious HSE incidents
• Reducing FY’23 production guidance due to external events in the fourth
Seacrest Petroleo’s oil and gas equivalent production was 9 204 boepd in the
third quarter, an increase of 5% from the second quarter of 2023. The Company
had a realised oil price of USD 79.2/bbl, an increase of 15% sequentially.
• Continued production growth and profitability improvements, EBITDA of USD 9.7
• Commencement of infill drilling programme with very encouraging results so far
• Well reliability and productivity continued to improve
• Safe operations with no serious HSE incidents
• Reducing FY’23 production guidance due to external events in the fourth
Seacrest Petroleo’s oil and gas equivalent production was 9 204 boepd in the
third quarter, an increase of 5% from the second quarter of 2023. The Company
had a realised oil price of USD 79.2/bbl, an increase of 15% sequentially.
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil/Hamilton, Bermuda, 23 November 2023: Seacrest Petroleo
Bermuda Limited ("Seacrest Petroleo" or the "Company") hereby calls for its
annual general meeting to be held on Wednesday, 20 December 2023 at 11:00 am
Atlantic Standard Time (16:00 CET) at 1st Floor, Victoria Place, 31 Victoria
Street, Hamilton HM 10, Bermuda. Shareholders may attend the meeting in person,
or participate electronically.
Bermuda Limited ("Seacrest Petroleo" or the "Company") hereby calls for its
annual general meeting to be held on Wednesday, 20 December 2023 at 11:00 am
Atlantic Standard Time (16:00 CET) at 1st Floor, Victoria Place, 31 Victoria
Street, Hamilton HM 10, Bermuda. Shareholders may attend the meeting in person,
or participate electronically.
An offtake that commenced on 20 November allowed the Company to ramp production
back up to normal levels. Seacrest Petroleo's net production of oil and natural
gas as of yesterday had already reached 8,279 boepd (7,503 bopd oil), marking a
substantial recovery from the managed reduction.
back up to normal levels. Seacrest Petroleo's net production of oil and natural
gas as of yesterday had already reached 8,279 boepd (7,503 bopd oil), marking a
substantial recovery from the managed reduction.
abg sundal collier med kursmål 20kr aksjen ved 85kr fat olje.
"We are delighted to announce these drilling log results for the first well in
the Inhambu field. This puts us in a position to continue the drilling campaign
of 300 wells, aiming for a production target of more than 21,000 bbl/d in the
next two years", said the CEO of Seacrest Petroleo, Michael Stewart.
04.12.2023 07:00:00: Seacrest Petroleo Bermuda Limited: Production recovery running well ahead of guidance assumptions and full oil offtake completed
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil/Hamilton, Bermuda, 4 December 2023: Seacrest Petroleo
Bermuda Limited ("Seacrest Petroleo" or the "Company") today provides an update
on production and offtakes.
Production continues to recover rapidly and as of 2 December has already reached
99% of early November levels. The pace at which the Company has restored
production materially exceeds the assumptions underlying the existing
7,400-7,600 bopd FY23 guidance.
The Company completed a full offtake of a crude oil cargo on Wednesday, 29
November. With the offtake of this cargo and another offtake scheduled for this
week, storage capacity and terminal operations have returned to normal.
Michael Stewart, Seacrest Petroleo CEO, said "We are very happy to report that
our production recovery has exceeded our earlier expectations. We have proven
our organizational and technical abilities to overcome challenges while managing
risk and are looking forward to further growing production through our ongoing
infill drilling program."
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil/Hamilton, Bermuda, 4 December 2023: Seacrest Petroleo
Bermuda Limited ("Seacrest Petroleo" or the "Company") today provides an update
on production and offtakes.
Production continues to recover rapidly and as of 2 December has already reached
99% of early November levels. The pace at which the Company has restored
production materially exceeds the assumptions underlying the existing
7,400-7,600 bopd FY23 guidance.
The Company completed a full offtake of a crude oil cargo on Wednesday, 29
November. With the offtake of this cargo and another offtake scheduled for this
week, storage capacity and terminal operations have returned to normal.
Michael Stewart, Seacrest Petroleo CEO, said "We are very happy to report that
our production recovery has exceeded our earlier expectations. We have proven
our organizational and technical abilities to overcome challenges while managing
risk and are looking forward to further growing production through our ongoing
infill drilling program."
27.02.2024 kl 15:29
Hmmmmm. Dårlig guiding i kvartrappen, må jeg si..... ser Pareto og flere er på tur til å nedgradere en del,her.. Hvor langt ned skal denne nå?Noen som har peiling?
27.06.2024 kl 11:20
Oslo (Infront TDN Direkt): ABG Sundal Collier gjør enkelte kursmålsjusteringer på E&P-selskaper, etter nye forutsetninger for olje- og gasspriser.
Det fremgår av en rekke rapporter publisert onsdag.
Meglerhuset anslår nå en oljepris på 85 dollar fatet i andre kvartal 2024, mot tidligere 90 dollar. Gassprisforutsetningen høynes til 10,1 dollar pr mmbtu i 2024 (8,7) og 9,5 dollar pr mmbtu i 2025 (8,8).
Aksje Kursmål (tidligere) Anbefaling
Aker BP 365 (365) Kjøp
BlueNord 675 (660) Kjøp
BW Energy 29 (27) Hold
DNO 13 (13) Kjøp
Equinor 290 (285) Salg
Panoro Energy 42 (42) Kjøp
Seacrest Petroleo 5 (8) Kjøp
Vår Energi 47 (46) Kjøp
Det fremgår av en rekke rapporter publisert onsdag.
Meglerhuset anslår nå en oljepris på 85 dollar fatet i andre kvartal 2024, mot tidligere 90 dollar. Gassprisforutsetningen høynes til 10,1 dollar pr mmbtu i 2024 (8,7) og 9,5 dollar pr mmbtu i 2025 (8,8).
Aksje Kursmål (tidligere) Anbefaling
Aker BP 365 (365) Kjøp
BlueNord 675 (660) Kjøp
BW Energy 29 (27) Hold
DNO 13 (13) Kjøp
Equinor 290 (285) Salg
Panoro Energy 42 (42) Kjøp
Seacrest Petroleo 5 (8) Kjøp
Vår Energi 47 (46) Kjøp
« Priser børskandidat til 20 milliarder SpareBank 1 Markets priser nykommeren opp mot 20 milliarder kroner. Meglerhuset mener selskapet har kjøpt oljefelter på perfekt tidspunkt og spår lukrativ aksjonæravkastning.»
Og nå 600 mill mcap
Og nå 600 mill mcap
Redigert 27.06.2024 kl 12:26
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02.12.2024 kl 09:45
Siste kursmål er NOK 5,69 :) Nå 0,20
Redigert 02.12.2024 kl 09:46
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