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Anbefaler kjøp av DNO

Meglerhus oppgraderer DNO-aksjen til kjøp. 

Publisert 10. feb. 2017
Oppdatert 10. feb. 2017
Lesetid: 1 minutt
Artikkellengde er 1 ord
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In this May 31, 2009 file photo, an employee works at Tawke oil fields in the semiautonomous Kurdish region in northern Iraq. Iraq's Kurds pushed the central government on Tuesday to recognize oil contracts they signed with international companies by insisting the self-ruled region will not resume exports until Baghdad recognizes the deals. (AP Photo/Hadi Mizban, File)
In this May 31, 2009 file photo, an employee works at Tawke oil fields in the semiautonomous Kurdish region in northern Iraq. Iraq's Kurds pushed the central government on Tuesday to recognize oil contracts they signed with international companies by insisting the self-ruled region will not resume exports until Baghdad recognizes the deals. (AP Photo/Hadi Mizban, File)

Nordea Markets oppgraderer anbefalingen på DNO fra hold til kjøp, melder TDN Finans og viser til Bloomberg.Kursmålet på 9,50 kroner endres ikke.Torsdag endte DNO på 8,15 kroner. Den potensielle oppsiden er dermed på rundt 17 prosent.DNO steg 41 prosent i fjor, men er så langt i år ned fire prosent.